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Latest revision as of 02:58, 25 December 2018

Leviathan: End Game
Date of Scene: 04 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Talia al Ghul, Molly Millions, Little Blackhawk

Talia al Ghul has posed:
It is a late night in Hell's Kitchen, the street lights casting little puddles of illumination out onto the streets, and the neon glow of signs adding a hue of multiple colors that cut through the darkness, that said it is still rather dark on this stretch of street.

It is not unusual to see service vehicles, delivery vans, and other assorted utility vehicles in these hours when the traffic is lighter in the city streets, and tonight is no different. One garbage truck in particular stands out however, it is moving rather quickly down one of the cross streets, on a path for a trio of moving vans.

The collision is inevitable, a loud *CRASH* of metal on metal rings out through the streets of Clinton as the garbage truck hits the side of the lead moving van, sending it crashing onto its side in a shower of sparks as metal scrapes against pavement, and the van's that were trailing it all slam on their breaks to avoid compounding on the collision.

Molly Millions has posed:
The sound of chaos. It used to be such a frequent tune to Molly that she ignored it unless she was paid to. But here? The sound of twisting metal brings the razorgirl out to check out the cause. Wait. Delivery vans? There's a furrow of her brow. Something about those vans strikes her as... familiar. For all that she shoves her hands in her pockets to appear casual and slows her steps to strolling it's because her attention is flicking up towards the buildings behind her lenses in curiousity.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Elliot is walking along the edge of the road when the cacophony begins. This isn't too far from where the girl grew up. She just, in fact, left her parents' home, now carrying a foil wrapped package of slices of warm iced chocolate cake in a brown plastic shopping bag that is admittedly pocked with small holes.

It's probably not a good idea for a girl to be out this late on her own but Ellie insisted on heading back. So now she's walking the streets in the not-quite-black of the big city after dark, wearing the trademark black tunic, crush cap, pleated knee length skirt, and tall white boots of a Blackhawks pilot. The insignia indicate it to be a miltary outfit of some sort- she's probably the secretary or something. At least she knows the area so she can navigate it safely.

When the collision starts Elliot whirls, blue eyes going wide as she stares into the darkness, and then breaks into a sprint. With no one else on the sidewalks to worry about tripping she's actually pretty quick, like a trackstar. She pulls to a halt a handful of meters from the edge of the accident, looking for any sign of what is going down.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The sidewalks aren't entirely empty, New York is the city that doesn't sleep after all, and folk are going from bar to bar, visiting restaurants and other late night establishments and services that the city has to offer, but the hustle and the bustle of daytime isn't there, making sure movement isn't terribly impeded.

Back at the site of the accident, things go from bad, to worse rather quickly. On the rooftop, an automatic weapon begins shooting down at the moving vans, some sort of machinegun by the sounds of it. Other firearms begin to ring out from the opposite rooftop, down at the vans below.

Something interesting is revealed about the vans as the gunfire begins to hit them.. they appear to be armored, at least a little, and emerging from them appears to be an armed contingent, a variety of weapons, swords, bows, some firearms, and the occupants begin scattering for the sides of the streets, moving into cover in buildings, alleys, and similar. The innocent bystanders that were likewise on the streets move to cower and take cover in a panic.

Molly Millions has posed:
Thhheeeere it is. Molly can't help but grin as suddenly there's the chatter of gunfire and the emergence of the armed from the vans. Rather than head into the kill zone on the street she elects to duck into an alleyway in search of a way up to the roof and the person firing into the street below. A dark smudge with silver lenses darting for a fire-escape to leap and clamber with little concern about being heard coming at the moment.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Molly has the same idea as Elliot apparently. The tiny gymnast spends a second staring, blue eyes bight as she surveys her surroundings. The location of every gunman, even those marked only by muzzle flash, is carefully noted in the space of breath before the young woman starts to move. She reaches behind herself as well, only to find the webbed holster where she'd keep her sidearm is missing.

A moment later Elliot is ducking into the alley way on the opposite side of the street from Molly, casting around in the refuse ridden darkness for somehting- anything she can use. Those boots won't be white for long at this rate.

Eventually the blonde finds herself trying to get up to an old, rusted fire escape. It might not be up to code. It might not even be safe. But Elliot is pretty light and very nimble. Assuming nothing goes wrong the girl will make her way to the roof with surprising alacrity.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
It would seem that the HAND assassins who had emerged from the trucks had similar ideas as both Molly and Elliot, as they each find themselves sharing an alley ascent with a member of the elite clan of assassins who likely are not terribly friendly towards the women chasing after them.

Molly will find her quick ascent punctuated by arrows shot rapidly at her by one of the Hand Ninjas from a fancy carbon fiber bow, and incredibly sharp tipped arrows that dig into the brick walls rather then deflecting off where they might miss the quick moving woman. Elliot, has the pleasure of running into a member of The Hand who is wielding a sword, and who moves to attempt to intercept the ascending woman, setting the stage for a fire escape duel.

Up above, the gunfire abruptly stops, the sounds of combat booted feet moving across the rooftops can be heard.. what exactly is going on with those gunmen is woefully out of sight, at least for the moment!

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions would probably be wearing more than a few of them if it wasn't for being wired like she is, the twitch muscles of her heightened reflexes reacting before her brain has time to consider what's coming the reason why the first volley caught the wall instead. One gets snatched out of midair, but well, one does manage to find the proverbial pay dirt in the way it carves a valley in her thigh before clattering down to the alley below.

She drops the arrow as her brain catches up on what she's got, jerking her fletchette from its holster as she lurches between the wall and the stairs for something resembling cover and let's fly with only vague aiming. It's a bad spot to be in by any measure and she definitely is already looking for ways out.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Elliot is scrambling up onto the fie escape when the sword wielding warrio appears in front of her. For a second those blue eyes bulge. She doesn't really carry herself like a fighter. The girl stares at the ninja and swallows, hard, as she surveys her surroundings for something she can use. Ultimately Elliot keeps her back to the fire escape itself and waits for the assassin to attack.

When the ninja attacks Elliot's entire bearing changes. She darts left easily dodging the blade and then lunges for a sharp strike that would hopefully allow her to force her opponent to drop his weapon, and is quickly followed by a kick to their knee, and a flurry of other quick blows. There's no room for thought or error. Elliot moves like a master martial artist--- in short bursts, and despite looking utterly terrifed.

Talk about mixed signals.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Molly has a little luck with her Ninja, while she has the augmented reflexes and tech, the Hand assassin has some of the beast training around, and while he misses his shots at her, he also manages to avoid the flechettes fired back at him, although he has to sacrifice some ground by ducking up onto the roof and breaking line of sight with her.

Across the way Elliot has slightly more problems, she has the physical edge, no doubt, and her mutant powers potentially give her the edge in skill, the Hand assassin is by no means a pushover. The initial attack catches him off guard, nearly falling from the narrow scaffolding, but he avoids the follow up by using the metal to pull himself up into a flip to the higher tier of the fire escape, taking positional advantage in the fight with the woman.

Molly Millions has posed:
Busy little nanites, a friends aid for Molly, work on the slice to her thigh. She could just walk away. But really, it's the challenge. She knows that they're likely to be waiting for her on the roof and there's those below for her to worry about. Watching two angles is bad, so the cyborg elects to try the window of the level she's at in the theory that going through the building might give her the drop on them, at least. There's still that smile writ on her face, for all that it's a little more strained now and she can't help but mutter to herself,"Helping people for free is a great way to get killed. You know that right? Yeh. So why?" apparently she doesn't have a good answer for herself right now, shaking her head to herself silently.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Elliot spends a lot of her time observing. How the ninja moves, how he fights and acts. She doesn't have the disposition of a skilled fighter, even if she can kick and punch at speeds a human eye can only barely follow. It doesn't help that the man has a sword.

It's actually pretty awkward. In some moments Elliot is untouchable and in others she's scrabbling out of the way, nearly slipping on the fire escape and in her haste to avoid having her head cleaved off. The ninja heads upward and Elliot pursues. After dodging an initial strike she glances at the wall beside them and- leaps. She runs up it three steps and then kicks off of it in an impressive display of impractical acrobatics, suddenly at the same height as her foe as she launches a punishing kick using all of her momentum.

If Elliot's gambit pays off the assassin is likely to topple off of his fire escape. She won't... Quite... Follow him over the edge.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There is an Aaaaargh from above Molly, and a spray of blood, followed by a falling Ninja with a big slash across his chest. The window is, of course locked, this is a pretty crime ridden part of town, but easy enough to get into for Molly should she wish to go in through the building.

Elliot's attack will work, sending the Ninja man many feet to the ground with a thud on the hard concrete, leaving her free to climb the rest of the way to the top of the building.

There are sounds of fighting coming from up above now, the rest of the Hand having made it up through other means that the heroines haven't taken, violence is ensuing between the Mercenaries and the Ninjas!

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions could break it, or spend the time trying to unlock it, but when the ninja goes sailing past her on the express ride down the immediate need for doing so disipates. She pauses, and then with a slight shrug elects to creep up the rest of the stairs to the roof. A peek over the edge to see what she might be getting in to and a glance towards the other building with it's uniformed 'visitor'. She tests the wounded thigh with a flex and the remaining fletchettes in their cartridge while she has a second to do so,"Now where's that green guy with the arrows and the weird chick..."

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Elliot nearly tumbles over the edge of the fire escape herself. She yelps, catching the rail where hands as she's falling. A deep breath is taken and the blonde takes a second to blink weat out of her eyes before she hauls herself back up onto the platform with a small thump. Elliot makes the mistake of glancing down a the man she'd dropped and swallows, hard. She continues her climb to the roof, following the fire escape to the topmost floor and then climbing the rest of the way up the bricks. Elliot hangs from the roof for now, slowly peeking blue eyes up so she can survey the scene overhead.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Molly's peek over the rooftop will discover Talia, moving away from the edge, a curved sword in hand that still has a bit of blood gracing the edge. "Move to phase two!" She shouts to the mercenaries, most of witch who are engaged in combat with the Hand assassins, some doing quite well, others clearly outmatched.

Elliot's peek will see a similar sight, Hand assassins and generic looking mercenaries engaged in a fight to the death, mortal combat one might say. One of the Mercenaries does stand out, a larger man, handling two of the Assassins on his own with a style that emphasizes strength over agility and quickness.

Out on the streets there is movement, the back of the garbage truck is opening, and a pair of dark cowled men are emerging from it, wearing some of the trappings of the mercenaries, but their uniform is paired with something else.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions tilts her head at Talia, spreading her hands briefly in a 'not shooting at you' kind of gesture,"You were in Chinatown." she grunts at the sound of the other woman's voice, not in a hurry to gain the roof any longer but slowly moving so that the other woman has the opportunity to decide whether or not to tolerate the woman with the silver lenses up in her space. Her gaze goes over the number of people on the roofs with a low kind of whistle of her own. It's only when one of the ninja's looks like they might break away in the direction of her and Talia that she twitches the fletchette into a firing grip and let's off at the ninja with the other hand still up... her own version of 'mixed signals',"Yakuza?"

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Elliot doesn't waste her time on mixed signals. She shows off her well-honed upper body strength by making her way along the edge of the roof without actually climbing up. She works her way toward one of the mercenaries who is struggling. Azure eyes are thoughtful as they study the combatants, as if comparing them.

Elliot waits for a second as they move closer to the edge of the roof, watching until the Ninja's back is more or less oreinted on her. She climbs up. Slowly. And once she gains solid footing- before even getting to her feet- the diminutive blonde reaches ot tto grab the ninja by his left ankle with both of her slender hands. She pulls. Hard.

Maybe Elliot is collecting bodies at the bottom of the alley.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Elliot manages to grab the leg of the Ninja, and he goes falling with a scream before going silent as he hits the ground awkwardly from the attack. The Mercenary that was fighting the Ninja sees the strange girl, scowls, and attempts to put his boot to her face, probably meeting the same fate as the Ninja.

Across the way, several of the Mercenaries are in the process of quick roping down to the street, Talia turns towards Molly's voice, her brow arching ever so faintly, the rest of her face hidden behind a cloth mask. "Who are you?" she asks, sword held at her side, ready should she need it, "The Yakuza? No, the Yakuza could only wish to be them." She says. "I recommend you depart, this is not a place for you, girl."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Is that so?" Molly seems to find it amusing that Talia says the Yakuza wishes they could be them,"Flattered. Really. Been a while since someone called me girl... and you know... really isn't my problem, no-one's paying me to get involved either way. 'cept the guy you threw off the roof had a pretty decent go at trying to kill me." there's people rappelling down, and surely somewhere behind those silver lenses she's half watching them,"So now I'm a little curious. You could say. And not precisely a fan of ninja's... vat grown or otherwise."

Little Blackhawk has posed:
"...Hey! Stop it. ...Ow!" Predictably Elliot is shielding her face when the man tries to kick her. "I just helped-" He kicks at her again and she grabs his leg, rolling her body and using the leverage to fling her opponent to the ground. This one, at least, she tosses toward the fire escape. No Elliot has made the roof... And apparently everyone wants to kill her. She casts about for a weapon, taking a deep breath. "Ninja shooting up public streets? And I thought that crazy bulletproof wrestler guy in Bolivia was bad..."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The strange thing that Elliot might notice, is it's the mercenary folk who seem to have most of the guns, though not all of them are packing heat of course. Things are going fairly poorly for the Mercenaries in generally on this rooftop, the large brawler holding his own still against several of the Ninja's, throwing one viciously into a part of the air conditioning system.

"Then stay back, out of my way and watch." Talia replies to Molly as she too starts over towards the street side of the rooftop, down below the cowled men seem to be in the process of placing what would appear to be C-4 on the shot up trucks, the men who have rappelled down are beginning to make themselves scarce, and the sound of police sirens starts to ring out through the New York streets.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's actually a brief laugh from Molly for Talia's words. She doesn't elect to put her fletchette, just to be on the safe side, but from the lack of interference in Talia's movement, apparently she's not at all concerned about the mercenaries going about their business. She can hear the sirens in the distance, and see the men down below and evidently decides at least for the moment to do just that. Crouching comfortably and resting her gun on her knee without seeming intent to go wading down there for the moment. Maybe she figures there's enough of a distraction law enforcement wont notice her.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
"What is going ON up here?!" Elliot asks in an exasperated voice before she enters the fray. It's similar to the first time. She comes up on one of the pairs of fighters and launches herself at one of the ninja. A distraced opponent generally in't very hard to drop. This time, however, Elliot's first priority afterward is to retrieve their weapon. Before she makes a mistake and gets stabbed by someone. However that goes ELliot is going to be in the thick of the fighting before long.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The Large man on Elliot's rooftop crushes another ninja assassin over his knee, discarding the ninja before starting to push his way towards the back of the building an an alleyway that runs behind it, preparing to descend down the back. There is resistance to Elliot's getting involved, but nothing she cannot handle, dispatching Ninjas or Mercenaries as she chooses.

Talia casts a glance aside towards Molly, "I wouldn't linger if I were you." She says, taking hold of the rope at the front of the building and beginning her own rapid descent down to the street, while she moves with her up the street where a few blacked out SUV's wait, apparently for them.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Point." Molly agree's, shoving the gun away again under her jacket. Sure she can see Elliot in her uniform over the other side but evidently the woman in black is quite content to prowl off in the opposite direction with a small salute for the mercenary with a sword.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
There's another ninja. The mercenaries are being regarded with suspicion but ELliot isonly actively engaging the Hand assassins for the moment. Anyone who comes too close moving aggressively is going to end up getting kicked in the face or hit with the... Stick? that hse recxovered from one of her opponnents. The weapon probably has some name and is somehow spiritually significant to its previous owner. The blonde just beats people with it. "No one just walks in and starts shooting at people in Hell's Kitchen anymore. Didn't people learn after that Daredevil guy showed up anymore?" In the end Elliot reaches the far side of the roof and takes off after the big guy. He might have a headstart but she isn't giving up yet. ...Not that that will necessarily help.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The large man is rushing quickly down the back alley, in the direction of Talia and the SUV's it would seem, Talia is getting into the back of one of the SUV's, several other members taking positions as well, while a few remain on security outside. Elliot is probably faster then the big man, though he does run quickly, he is by no means a sprinter and could likely be caught should she push herself to.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Elliot hesitates for a second. She looks past the large man to the SUVs and ultimately slows down as he's sprinting out of the alley way. Instead of running into what could easily turn out to be a hail of gunfire she is producing a phone from her pocket. Pictures. License plates. People, as she places herself with her back against the nearby brick wall that marks the far end of the alley. The girl doesn't try too hard to avoid being seen, though she does shield what she's doing with her arm as best she can.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Several of the folk have masks of some sort on obscuring their features, many of the foot soldier sorts don't seem to have that precaution. The SUV's however do have license plates.

The gang of Talia's gets into their SUV's, and as the vehicles begin to pull off onto the streets, just ahead of the approaching sirens, the devices the cowled figures placed trigger, and there is a serious of deafening explosions from back where the moving vans were piled up at the site of the accident, glass shatters, pieces of armored truck go flying, and smoke begins rising from the new wreckage.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Eliot is breathing hard, ehr cheeks flushed,. She keeps her back braced against the wall for a second, scanning over the street... And then the new explosions begin. The girl jerks, turns- and just stares at the flaming wreckage. Eventually she turns and walks back toward the alley where she'd dropped her first ninja to see if she can find anything unusual about him she can use. After this is done Elliot takes off into the darkness to find her way back to the air field and have a private meltdown while she mulls over her options.