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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2025/08/11 |Location=Swimming Pool - Xavier's School |Synopsis=Just chatting poolside. |Cast of Characters=1064, 1282, 1126, 1284 |pretty=yes }} {{...")
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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2025/08/11
|Date of Scene=2017/08/11
|Location=Swimming Pool - Xavier's School
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|Synopsis=Just chatting poolside.
|Synopsis=Just chatting poolside.

Latest revision as of 22:40, 15 August 2017

Water You Doin
Date of Scene: 11 August 2017
Location: Swimming Pool - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Just chatting poolside.
Cast of Characters: Tendril, Oddity, Cypher, Boom-Boom

Tendril has posed:
    Explosions! Everywhere! Plumes of water shooting in the air, drenching poolside!

    But that was a little bit ago, and the instigator of the original bombing run has been forced to retreat on horseback! Or, really, she more needed to get Brightwind back to the stable so she could comb him down.

    This leaves the other three girls, with Lexi having retreated back to a lounge chair near where Tabitha set up so she can relax a bit while she chats with the two girls. "...sure you don't need another dry towel Boom Boom? She kinda drenched ya good there..." she says, a bit amusedly.

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday digs around in her black tote and produces another black fluffy towel as she says "You can use mine. I wasn't going to swim to be honest with you all. I just needed some fresh her. Having a bit of an artistic block at the moment I have to admit."

Cypher has posed:
Which is when Doug comes out, in his pajama pants and a pair of flip-flops, holding a mag-lite. He says something, in Cantonese. If you speak Cantonese, it's absolutely filthy. He shines it around, and then he frowns. "Out of a sound sleep--" More Chinese Cussin'.

Boom-Boom has posed:
There was a huge *sploosh* from the pool and then yelling, and THEN the explosions. Yep, Tabtitha is here. Not really a surprise. It's pretty easy to see where she was - a chaise next to the pool had the now-waterlogged remains of Sam's blueberry pie and some soda cans, but now a good bit of the pool water is outside the concrete pond. For her part, she is getting drier, her blue two-piece still soaked, her blonde hair drying now in the sun. "Eh, it's sunny. I'll live. Thanks, though."

Tendril has posed:
    The mauve-skinned girl nods to Tabitha. "Yeah, true enough..." she says cheerfully, stretching out on her chair. Though she leans up a bit as she sees Doug come stumbling out, watching him shine the flashlight around. "...hey Doug..." she says with amusement. "Ya okay? Long night?"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday looks over as Doug comes out in pajamas and flip-flops. A blush crossing her cheeks as she sees him shirtless and bashfully looks away, shiftly her wet black lace parasol to hide the view. She sadly doesn't know Cantonese, not one of the languages her father insisted she learned from her private tutors. She looks to Tabitha as she says "Alright Boom-Boom, lemme know if you change your mind though ok?" And the black fluffy towel gets stuffed back into the black tote. Thankfully Wednesday is still wearing her black cover dress otherwise she would be blushing way more it her black string bikini with silver skulls was on display. When Alexia addresses Doug once more, she slowly lowers the parasol so she can peek around it at him again though that blush still remains and she offers a shy wave.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabby grins at Doug too. "Nice look, Bookworm. Been workin' out, I see. Didja come out here to give us a bit of your gun show there?" she's teasing, but she's not mocking him. Not this time, at least. "WHere's your partner in crime, and why didn't he come out here in his towel?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks down at himself, and clears his throat. "Sam is out, I don't know where he is." He lowers the Mag-Lite, which he was prepared to use as a club. "I was just sleeping in, that's all. As common as they are at this school you really shouldn't ignore crashes, explosions, or klaxons, it could be sentinels or something else."

Tendril has posed:
    "Wellll, I suppose it's good that ya don't sleep through it, yeah." Lexi says, frowning a little to herself. She's not been here long, but she's steadily getting the feeling that weird things go down around the mansion. She hasn't quite figured out what yet though. "Well, since yer up, why don't ya come sit and say hi?" She slits her eyes playfully. "I don't mind th' show." But the again, she's not exactly shy herself.

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday looks to Tabby as she asks "Partner in crime?" She then looks back to Doug and says "I guess that is true? I am new. I am um... Wednesday or... Oddity. I will answer to either to be honest." She then realizes just whose pie that Tammy stole and giggles a bit, covering her mouth trying to hide it. She sits down on one of the lounger chairs and carefully curls herself up so she can keep her pale skin shielded from the sun.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha grins. "Yeah, Booky here is bestest friends with Sam Guthrie, that's the guy with the Kentucky accent that's always crashin' somewhere. Dougie is the boyfriend of Wolfbae... er, Rahney. He's too embarassed to admit it, though. Sam is free, I think." She looks at Doug then. "Have you met Foxy..." and she motions to the mauve girl with her head. "... and Spooky?" and she waves a hand toward Wednesday.

Cypher has posed:
Doug quirks his mouth. "I'm not anybody's boyfriend, Rahne and I are just friends." He stands, awkwardly holding that Mag-Lite in one hand, before he looks to the other two and says "I'm Doug. Doug Ramsey." His smile is small, slightly embarassed, but present just the same, "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I think Sam took a day trip to New York to get some stuff to send home to his fams. ...He'll be gone all day."

Tendril has posed:
    "Ooooh, really? You an' Rahne? I dunno, she's quite a catch..." she says playfully, then nods. "Hmm, still haven't met him, but people keep talkin' about him..." she says, a little disappointedly. "But I guess I'll catch him sooner or later, ya now?"

    She sticks her tongue out at Boom Boom. "Lexi...or Lex. Or Alexia. Or, if ya wanna go for nicknames, Tendril." She pouts a bit, peering back at her own butt. "Unless I grew a tail without seein' it. I mean, I can grow sorta a tail, but still..."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday oohs softly and says "Oh I well.. I um..." She giggles a bit nervously and just blushes more as she is introduced as Spooky, it is an appriorpriate nickname for her after all. She nods at Doug's words and nervously says "Hopefully um.. things go well?" She fingers beginning to gently and slowly twirl her parasol as he continues to hold it over her. She then softly offers "You can like... sit down if you wanted you know." She giggles at Alexia's words and says "I like Lexi myself."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"But you look like a cute mauve and silver fox." Tab replies to Alexia. "But ok, spoilsport." and she sticks her tongue out in return. "Yeah, come sit with us, Doogie. You need some more sun anyway, handsome though you are. 'Come into our parlor' or some junk."

Cypher has posed:
Doug quirks his mouth, dubiously, but he tosses the mag-lite onto a chaise longue and sits on the edge of it, with his elbows on his knees. He looks up at the others, and then says, "So why the explosion?" He looks around, and then says, "Nothing's destroyed, so I guess that's a plus."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi mock sighs, then grins at Boom Boom. "Well, as long as I'm a cute one, I guess you can call me Foxy then." she say, shrugging her shoulders with a little smirk. "...nicer than most names I been called, anyhow." She smiles at Wednesday. "Then ya can call me that. Long as I know it's me that's supposed ta be ducking or wahtever if ya call ta me." she says easily. "Um, it was just a very short battle of th' depth charges." she says, leaning foward. "I missed most of th'fun too!"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday giggles at Tabby's words and watches as Doug comes over and sits down with them and she says "Oh um... Moonstar did a huge cannonball and like soaked Boom-Boom and then little bombs were going off. It was intriguing to watch. Thankfully my parasol, even though now soaked, kept me dry thankfully." She looks to Lexi and says "Foxy is an intriguing nickname as well though in truth. Though I will probably stick to Lexi personally."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Yeah. About that...." Boomer starts, this in response to Doug's question. "I was jus' sittin' here, mindin' my own business, not sleepin' at ALL... and Moonstar decides to jump off Twilight Sparkle and cannoball into the pool. All over me! Ruined the pie and everything!" She shrugs. "So I tried to murder Dani. That's all. The usual."

Cypher has posed:
Doug considers this, and then says, "It's really about par with the course. Word of advice, though. Dani's got restraint, but I wouldn't through your powers around around Magik." Doug shakes his head, and says, "It was a bad idea back in the day and it's a bad idea now."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi grins more at the mention of 'Twilight Sparkle;, still kind of sorry she missed the initial cannonball. Ah well. Maybe next time! She says curiously. "Who's Magik?" Because, if theres' a warning about someone, she'd kinda like to know who to watch for. "She not th' type ta take a joke well? I don't know half of th' other kids comin' back to school from break..."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday quietly listens and says "I am still um.. getting a handle on my stuff. Father sheltered me, like a lot." She looks to Lexi and admits "I tend to keep to myself but with my dad like physically gone the counselor said it would be best if I became more social."

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha winks at Lexi. "I usually get my way." She looks back to Doug. "Oh, Sabrina just needs to take the broomstick out of her ass, is all." Tabby says, dismissively. "Let's just get her drunk and we can play teleport-Twister. I bet I can get some beer or somethin'."

Cypher has posed:
"Not a fight I'd pick, Boom-Boom," Doug says, as he rises to his feet, "And I was friends with Illyana for years." He shakes his head, and tosses the Mag-Lite up in the air before he catches it. "I'm going back to sleep. Try not to blow anything up. If Sentinels attack... let's be honest you're gonna go wake up Logan long before you come get me." He turns to pad back toward the house, his flip-flops slapping his heels.

Tendril has posed:
    "We'll try to keep it down ta a dull roar." Lexi promises, her eyes twinkling. "Go get some sleep, pajama boy." She raises a brow at the mention of Sentinels, but just watches him go, her lips curving up in a faint smile. "...okay, those do look good on him from this angle." she murmurs quietly to the other girls, grinning a bit wickedly now.

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday looks to Tabby as she asks "What is teleport twister? I can't um... teleport but I can like... walk through walls and stuff. And other things." Wednesday can't help but watch Doug as he stands up and plays catch with the flashnight. She softly says "I um.. I can't blow things up..." She lets out a whistful sigh as she watches him walk back into the mansion. At Lexi's comment, she realizes she is staring and blushes deeply while her eyes avert to the ground as she asks "Do um... guys like always walka round like that when they wake up?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
Boomski wiggles her eyebrows, agreeing with Lexi. "Mmmm-hmm." She looks back at Spooky. "Yana can teleport and stuff, but Doug says no, so we're out of luck." She smiles. "Walking though walls and stuff is cool. Blowing up stuff is fine and theraputic, even if it don't make you the the most popular gal around."

Tendril has posed:
    The eyebrows draw a soft giggle from the other girl, then she quiets as she listens curiously. "Wow...that sounds pretty handy. So...you do bombs, and you do..." She says, looking at Wednesday, squinting at her a bit. "....wait, don't tell me. Um...you have...parasol powers?" She grins a bit as she leans back on her hands. "Sorry, I shouldn't poke, don't haveta say if ya want."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday ahs softly and says "That is no fun then but alright. And I can do more than like... just the walking through walls just not much yet. I also see ghosts, like all the time. And I can form a shiel and cause Illusions and astral projection and move items and I can kinda read minds if I really wanna but I like... I dunno. I don't like to invade privacy unless I like have to or I am just dying to know something. But... haven't read a mind in a while to be honest. Father hated it when I did it to him." She looks to her parasol and says "I wish. I could easily have something like made. I have the money now since I got like... everything. Just not sure what I could do with the parasol to make it all super snazzy."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"I bet she floats on the umbrella, like Dark Mary Poppins or somethin'." Tabitha says, teasing. "Lots of people 'round here read minds, so you'll get good at that. Probably there's a class or three. Yeah, I make 'time-bombs' outta psionic plasma or some junk the nerds can tell you about. I can make little firecrackery ones or reaally big ones that blow crap up good, like tanks and stuff."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi raises her brows as Spooky lists off a whole laundry list of things. "...wow. Well. I feel underwhelmin' now..." she says ruefully, then perks. "Ooh! Do you? Cuz that would be -awesome-!" she admits, agreeing with Tabitha on appropriate uses of possibly magic parasols.

    She tilts her head. "Huh. Wow, tanks really? That's also awesome!" She hmms. "That must have been kinda tricky when your power first showed up..." She leans forward a bit,pulling her legs up to sit crosslegged. As she does, her silvery hair moves, as if washed by a breeze, the braids and strands rippling slowly. "I can't do nearly as much as her...dunno if mine is as helpful, but..." She holds up her forearm, before the back ripples, then smoothly sprouts into a long purple tendril, like a whip in length and thickness. "Just whips..." She flexes it like a snake, making the tip 'look' around. "I mean, I'm pretty strong with 'em too."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday smiles as she says to Tabby "I am glad for that. I want to grow stronger. And that is cool about the bomb thingies. As long as I am not near them I like to watch. Though Moonstar was she brave to be in the water still when you were throwing them in. I would have fled out myself." She loosk to lexi and says "I can't do like much. I can't project my thoughts into someone's else mind unless they are also a psychic or a fellow mutant. And even then it is like... flashes of things or just my strong emotions. And I have to focus hard to read minds. And I have to be able to see them. If I can touch them it makes it easier and I like... only get surface thoughts and emotions. And people kinda know when I am going it so that is another reason why I don't. I am sure you are like... way better practiced with your stuff than I am."

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha screws up her face. "No. My parents _hated_ it. My dad was a douchebag anyway, so I put a bomb in his dinner one night... he beat the crap out of me." and she scowls, remembering. "I ran away, 'ventually I ended up here." She sits up to watch Lexi do her thing. "Cool. Hey, remind me not to be your hair stylist." but she's joking.

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl flushes, then retracts the prehensile length back into her arm, as it disappears smoothly, leaving an odd patterned swirl of purple in her skin where it disappears. "Fuck, sorry." she says honestly to Tabitha, as she frowns at the brief glimpse of Tabitha's former home life. "But you're here now....an' ya got people here who treat ya right." she says, then lets out a laugh, reaching up to brush her fingers. "...it's terrible..." she admits. "I gotta keep it braided up, or it starts...winding around stuff. I once got totally stuck to my headboard for -hours- until I could get it all undone."

    She smiles at Wednesday. "I dunno, you got a pretty good spread there...s'not bad at all. An' this place is kinda where ya learn how to do stuff anyway, right?"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday winces at Tabby explains that and pauses before she says "I am so sorry he was so mean to you and harmed you. My dad was smothering but that is like cake compared to what you went though. I am so sorry Boom Boom. I am glad you are here though." A warm smile curling her lips as she says the latter. She looks to lexi and says "I suppose. And this is indeed the place. Just wish Father would have let me come when my powers started to show." She looks at the time and says "Oh crap... I need to get that clay out of the kiln. I gotta dash. Lemme know when movie night is." And off she goes scurring into the Mansion to whereever the kiln is.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha smirks. "How long does it take for you to get ready in the mornin', girlfriend?" She shrugs at the apology. "No biggie. Yeah, I'm here. I did alright anyway... Wal-Mart has eveything a teenage girl needs anyway." She waves to Wednesday. "Later, Spookster."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi waves to the other girl as she walks off. "See ya 'round!" She leans back on her hands. "Cute, in that gothy Addams family kinda way." she says thoughfully, before looking back at you. "So...how long ya been here then?" she says curiously. "I just got dropped off a couple months ago. Right in th' middle of summer."

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha follows the gothy girl with her eyes as she goes. "Yeah." she agrees." She looks back at the pointy-eared girl. "Been here a little while , Spock. I jus' was gone for the summer, 'cause I didn't want to spend all the pretty weather cooped up in the bricks and prob'ly expected to be in class. Plenty of time for that when it's cold and junk. Nice and warm in there, a place to eat and sleep. I guess that's worth pretendin' to listen in classes."

Tendril has posed:
    Something in Lexi's eyes say that is EXACTLY the case, as she nods. "I haven't gotten the classes...but...it's been a while since I could really eat enough." she admits, rubbing her stomach. She's not exaclty super curvy at the moment...so her being thinner would have definitely verged on somewhat unhealthy.

    "It's a hell of a lot better than where I've been lately."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Yeah? Where you been lately?" Boomer asks. "If you don't mind me askin'?" She nods, though. "Well, Sammie made some pies if you can find any left. I think he said he made two apple and a cherry." She looks a little sheepish. "I kinda ate all the blueberry... well, except for the part Dani RUINED with pool water." and she sighs. "Whatta waste."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi wrinkles her nose. "...well....Mutant Town, mostly. Streets." She shrugs. "I kinda, ah, got in a situation with a borrowed police interceptor and stuff, so..." She perks. "Ooh...I do like both of those...but blueberry is hella good..." she commiserates.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha nods. "I got really good at runnin' soon as I saw a cop uniform, but yeah, I guess if you actually got one of their cars it might be hard to get away. They don't much like their toys taken away, huh?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi grumbles. "...I was kinda blitzed at th' time. And that takes a LOT ta do." She pauses. "...an' I didn't really know how ta drive it." Another pause. "...woulda made it though if I hadn't hit th' SWAT van." She siiiiiighs. "But, th' cop whose car it was, he heard about this place, so he kinda gave me the 'either or choice'. Either I go here an' behave, or I go there and get locked in juvie." She shivers. "...an' mutant girls don't do great in juvie alla time."

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha snorts in amusement. "You hit a SWAT van? That had to be some funny crap, Blueberry." She nods, though. "Well, here's better'n the street, f'sure." She shrugs. "Here's really not half bad." Tab says seriously. "The people are good, most of 'em are even nice. I mean, there's some people to avoid, but for the most part we stick together."

Tendril has posed:
    "...yeah..." the other girl agreed, smiling faintly. "...I keep waitin' for somethin' nefarious, y'know? Everyone's just...nice. Annoying in some cases, but nice." she says softly. "I haven't....had people I felt comfy watchin' my back in a while, ya know?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Oh, yeah. We're good at that. Dani, Sammie, Doge (not a typo), Wolfbae, Kitty... they're all cool. The teachers and stuff, I don't know. Some of them are creepy as hell or just plain scary. Logan is best to stay clear of, Fuzzy Elf is nice but he looks scary and smells like sulfur, Hank just wants to be left alone in his lab. I try to stay away from Xavier too, because he looks at me with those disapproving eyes and I know he knows all the pranks I wanna pull."

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl shrugs. "Eh. That's most of Mutant Town really, the creepy or weird or whatever." She grins. "I met the elf guy, he was stealing Dani's devilled eggs. And, um...Hank McCoy, right?" She frowns a bit. "Yeah, he's kinda...neat but he really pissed Dani off last time. Talked down to her a bit. So didn't really get to talk to him." She beams. "Oh, but Xavier is awesome! He promised to get my favorite speaker very to maybe come here!"

Boom-Boom has posed:
"I think he talks down to everyone, since he's a giant blue fuzzy nerd." Tabitha replies. "He probably deserves to, really. He's like a super-genius and we're just normal brains. Well, except me, I'm brilliant and all. Still." and she smiles. "Who's that? Oh, and Dougie said he could get people backstage to see Dazzler, if you like that old stuff."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi perks a bit. "Really, he knows Dazzler?" she says, frowning thoughfuly. "Wow, never knew anyone who knew a celebrity type like that..." She grins. "Brilliant, huh? That why yer sleepin' through class then?" she teases a bit.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Boomer gasps in mock-outrage. "I never sleep through class. I'm just meditatin', keepin' a tight grip on my powers while focusing on visualizing world peace. So, I'm keepin' the world safe by closin' my eyes."

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl giggles. "Betcha are...." she says with a smile. "Mm, so whaddaya do for fun 'round here, then?" she asks curiously. "You a raver girl? Skatepunk...bit of both?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
"I put bombs in people's stuff." Tabby replies. "Not really. I try to keep that for special occasions." She shrugs. "Dani says she knows some good parties, but she's probably too goody-goody to find us some where they're handing out E or NOS whippets. Ah, well." she sighs.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi slits her eyes. "....I know a place for that...if it's your thing." She leans forward. "It moves around a bit...but best party in Mutant Town...and ya can get almost anythin' there...." She cocks her head. "Can take ya there sometime? Been there with Yana an' Dani a bit, but didn't get to stay..." She wrinkes her nose. "There was stuff that came up...."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Might be fun." Tabitha agrees. "Maybe that's where we need to take all the girls. I'd like to see Rahney dancin' around high on somethin'. That'd be awesome." she laughs. "Never gonna happen, though."

Tendril has posed:
    "Is she not a dancer?" Lexi asks thoughfuly. "It's kinda cool though...it's a mutant club. So no one will care what ya look like or what ya do. Just there ta have fun." She slits her eyes playfully. "Maybe we don't tell 'em where we're takin' 'em then?" she suggests.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"She's a straight-laced girl. Laced up tight." Tabitha replies. "I think she came from some kinda strict Scottish religious family or something. Kinds sad to be a werewolf if your relatives are like Jesus freaks that thinks everything's a sin."

Tendril has posed:
    "....well fuck. That's...ugh." LExi says, shivering. "Man that must have been hell..." She frowns at the though. "Well....maybe...she's more loosened up since she left that stuff? I mean...I'd say, fuck it, why believe in somethin' that calls me a demon or a sinner or shit like that?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
"She may not think she's an abomination, well... maybe not in her head." and Tab taps her temple. "But if you've grown up a certain way, it's hard not to feel it in here." and she taps her chest. "Like I still snap if a guy hits me, even if he's just jokin'. I can't help it. I can spar in the dojo with a guy, but a friendly smack on the ass and I'll go nuts." She smirks. "I guess I shouldn't be a waitress at one a sports bar, huh?"

Tendril has posed:
    "Yeah...though I think you could pull off the booty shorts." Lexi says with a giggle, then looks a bit more serious. "Yeah...it's hard ta not...react." She snorts. "Though I'd be tempted to slug th' guy too, kinda. You let someone put your hands on ya in Mutant Town, people start assuming they can do more than just put hands on ya, ya know?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Oh, I ROCK the booty shorts, babycakes." Boomer laughs in reply. "I'll show ya sometime." She shrugs. "No, it's not just that I'll punch 'em... no, I really lose my shit and... well, I'd rather not find out what I'd really do. My eyes just glaze over and everythin' goes all red and I swing and kick and bite and just... it's bad. Fucker of a dad, y'know?"

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl nods slightly, frowning, then reaches over to very gently pat you. "...sounds like a fucker, yeah." she agrees softly. "But you're here, not there...so fuck him. Hope he gets hit by a bus." she says simply. Honestly and directly, too, form the tone of her voice.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Maybe he had been, I dunno and I don't care. I got outta there. I don't even think about him, not really. My mom, sometimes, I guess." and Tabby sighs. "But it's usually okay. It's just that one thing that makes me snap. Usually I'm fine."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexy scratches her cheek, then nods softly. "Yeah...it's just that thing you're not ready for...." she says slowly. "...ya got a way ya calm down, if it happens, or just....ride it out?" There's something about the way she says it, that sounds like she's internally comparing reactions.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"I jus' try to keep outta those situations, mostly." Tab says. "But blowin' stuff up usually makes me feel better. It's very theraputic." She looks around. "Sorry. I wish I had another soda to give you. I drank all the ones I brought down from the kitchen."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi holds the back of her hand to her forhead, leaning her head back all dramatically. "Oh! How will I stand this heartless betrayal, this loss of all that carbonatd goodness!" Her golden eyes twinkle a bit. "Can we still be friends, with this between us!" She giggles a bit at that. "It's cool. Thanks for thinkin' of me though."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Heh. Well, what's a little greed between friends?" Tabitha asks. "You know what? I should maybe go inside soon. I might be getting too much sun." and she makes a face. "I'm gonna peel like a fiend. I jus' hope it doesn't hurt too much in a couple of days."

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl looks down at herself ruefully. "...I can't really tell." she admits, grinning. "But yeah, don't wanna burn. We can talk inside if ya want?" She puts her fingers to her chest. "And I can do something about my soda loss inside!" Even as she jokes though, you notice her eyes are flicking to check for telltale redness, a little concerned.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Sure, let's go inside." Tabby agrees. "Maybe we'll run into some of the others in their pajamas too?" and she laughs. "I think I'm dry enough now, Blueberry Fox."

Tendril has posed:
    Lex grins and hops up, then offers you a hand up as well. "Lead on, kitty kat..." she teases gently, pausing to help you gather up your things. "Mmmm, pajamas. Silly. Do lots of people really wear 'em?" She says, then shrugs. "It feels weird ta have pants on in bed..."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Guthrie calls me 'Tabby Cat'." she says. "He and I used to be a thing, but it didn't work." and she wrinkles her nose. "Not really his fault, the poor hick. He deserved better than a bitch with a short fuse already burnin' for his girl." She accepts the hand up and heads for the house and the kitchen. "I doubt it, really. Dougie I expect it, the others probably not. Maybe Rahne wears a full nightgown, who knows?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi grins at that. "Can see that on her, yeah..." She looks over curiousy, then mmms. "Haven't met him yet...but his loss, I think." she says thoughfully. "Ya care for someone, it's for all of 'em right?" She grins a bit. "Ya gotta take th' temper with th' booty shorts."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Eh, I think the big doofball still has it bad for me, but like I said..." she goes on. "... he deserves better. He was fun, though. He needs someone like Dani, maybe. So, I let him go. We fought like Kardashians anyway."

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl smiles a bit at that. "Dani, huh? Well..that'd be interestin'. NEver had a roommate with a boyfriend before." She glances over to you, her hair rippling softly as she shakes it out a bit, her fingers brushing through it, as that sympathetic flicker flashes over her expression. "Dunno...I'm not th' best with relationship stuff." she admits, clasping her hands behind her head as you walk along. "Fightin' isn't good, but I guess, depends what ya are fightin' over."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Just stupid stuff. I don't know. I don't even remember." Tabitha admits. "Doesn't really matter now." In the kitchen, Boomer roots around in the fridge. "Looks like there's apple and cherry left. Pie, I mean. There's probably ice cream, or there's a whipped cream canister in here."

Tendril has posed:
"Ooh, I got it!" Lexi says, jogging over to root aroun din the freezer. "Um..rocky road and french vanilla?" she offers. "An' I think this one is whipped cream..." She peers over. "I like cherry....which do ya want...' she says, looking over at you.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"I'll eat most anything." she says, pulling out the cherry pie. She snickers at herself but sets the pie on a table and goes to collect some plates and forks. "Here ya go." she says, bringing the things back.

Tendril has posed:
    To Lex, vanilla all the way, apparently as she snag that and brings it back with said whipped cream, idly pushing at the tip. "Do you just press it and.." she starts to say, before the container, having not been used in a while, sputters, sending out a spray of cream. "GAH!" She mmphs, wrinking her nose as it drips off it. "Dammit..." she grumbles.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha probably looks really silly with her now slightly-pink body sprayed with little white dots of cream. Worse, she has a white streak now across her nose. "You creamed right in my eye." Boomer says, matter-of factly. "At least put a rubber on your thing, girl." and she laughs.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi flushes. "Sorry, I just wasn't ready and..." Annnnnd, that made it sound even worse, as the other girl gets a deeper blush, then lets out a giggle, covering her mouth. "....sorry...." she manages after a moment, then reaches up to gently try to get the streak off. "You don't make a bad sundae though!"

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabby giggles, which is probably something that isn't heard too much. Usually she's a lot louder and obnoxious when she laughs. "Well, at least I taste good now." the whipped cream on her face mostly taken care of by Foxy, she sits and uses a handy nearby napkin to wipe her eye. "I'll take a shower later anyway. It's all good."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi eyes the container suspiciously. "I don't know if it's lying in wait now....did ya want some or just th' ice cream?" She does pause to absently lick the cream she rescued from Tabby's nose off her finger, preferring that to getting her own towel. "

Boom-Boom has posed:
Boomski cuts some pie for each of them. "Either, or both." and she laughs. "Both!" She's about to dig in, then says. "To the start of a beautiful friendship."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi blinks, then smiles at that. "Yeah...to many pies to come..." she says softly, teasingly as she grins, then reaches over to clink her fork gently to yours. "I'm glad I got to meet ya, Boomer." And there is pie!