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|Synopsis=Erika Kristasdottir was abducted by James Proudstar
|Synopsis=Erika Kristasdottir was abducted by James Proudstar
|Cast of Characters=1795, 1385
|Cast of Characters=1795, 1385
|Tinyplot=Kidnapped Mutant
|Tinyplot=A Brother's Revenge

Latest revision as of 01:11, 1 March 2019

A Brother's Revenge: The Abduction
Date of Scene: 28 February 2019
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: Erika Kristasdottir was abducted by James Proudstar
Cast of Characters: Souvenir, Warpath
Tinyplot: A Brother's Revenge

Souvenir has posed:
After skating, Erika Kristasdottir went to do some of the other things in the park. She runs along the path, occasionally doing short all-out sprints, following the winding trail. At various spots on the way, she stops and does a few pull-ups, or situps, or whatever else that widget provided helpfully along the way offers, takes a couple sips of water from a bottle with a straw, then goes back to running.

On a whim of caution, she turned on location tracking in her phone. After all, she is a somewhat small teenage girl running alone in the park, which is pretty stereotypical. And she didn't bring any premium souvenirs this time. She's been practicing a lot over the past few months. Probably nothing will happen.

Warpath has posed:
It is a pleasant enough day for this time of year. The snow has been melting, leaving the ground mostly bare with only little spots of white here and there in locations that do not see much sunlight. The wind is blowing a little bit, likely stirring the hair of the teen during her workout. Blowing past her towards the stand of trees and bushes that line the jogging path beside the workout stations.

The branches of the bushes shift and move about in the wind, until it dies out. A couple of the branches seem to move just a little longer than the rest. Most people are oblivious to their surrounds, but someone who focuses on noticing details might have caught it.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir does focus on her surroundings, in her defense. Right now, the thought is "If I was a mugger or a rapist, where would I be hiding?" She checks those spots more carefully, running some scenarios through her head. She ponders how *she* would attack the few people she passes, too, just to keep in practice. She isn't planning on doing anything, of course, but she is trying to make sure she knows how she would.

On the down side, trees and nature isn't so much her jam as a city might be, and she's thinking about genotypical attackers. Ones who aren't much stronger or faster than she is. Who are in normal places, like behind bushes. Not, say, up in a freaking tree. She isn't totally unaware of things like that, but 'beware of dragons and harpies' is turned off for the moment. That's probably a bad habit she's going to need to change, but she hasn't gotten to it yet.

She jogs, looking around a bit, wary and loaded with healthy caution. Sadly, of the wrong things.

Warpath has posed:
No one else seems to be about close by. Another jogger is visible way in the distance, and a pair sitting on a park bench several hundred feet away across the somewhat grassy, somewhat muddy ground. Though that thicker growth in the center has enough new green leaves starting to come out that it could hide someone potentially.

Still, the jogging trail calls as the teenager continues on. The trail bends ever to the left, making a large circle with more workout stations. Pullups and sit ups and inverted exercises. Someone who stops and does each workout would have been through a nice set of exercises by the time they finished the trail.

Coming up on the next section, the forested area again draws nearer to the workout station. A drinking fountain is set beside the trail here as well.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir runs past the fountain to give this spot a quick look around, since the visibility isn't the greatest here. She looks back and forth, then up, doing a little circle in place before going back to see if the fountain sprays water far enough to drink out of safely without looking like a fool. She jogs in place a bit, drinking, and glances around the area, overlaying it with a battlemap grid in her head. Hmm.

Warpath has posed:
A dog barks somewhere off in the distance. Up in the sky a few clouds drift by, each irregularly shaped as if contending to best tug at the imaginations of anyone looking up and imagining at what they might be. Nature's Rorschach Test.

As she is trying out the fountain, suddenly there is a pair of sounds from behind Erika. Sounds like two footsteps, large feet dragging a bit on the small rocks and gravel that cover the jogging trail behind her, helping keep the grass from growing over the runner's surface. Sounding like the steps are fairly close behind her.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir turns suddenly, raising her hands politely steepled together. Not obviously a fighting stance, but.. it's a bit of one, really. All smiles and politeness, you know how guys can be when they think you're being appropriately cautious.

Her hands aren't visible under her gloves, so nobody sees the callouses from pounding away on things to make sure that she can punch like people like Laura do and not hurt herself. But she doesn't have any of Laura's things, or any other scrappers for that matter. It's just her, today.

Warpath has posed:
The small speaker, hidden under a tuft of grass, did its job, getting Erika to turn around as it gave those soft sounds of recorded footsteps. As Erika turns away from him, James Proudstar rises up out of the foxhole he'd dug and covered over to be camouflaged to match the rest of the ground alongside the trail.

With her back to him, it's easy for the Native American to step forward, throwing a bare arm around Erika's shoulders to restrain her, while bringing a cloth soaked in chloroform to her face, pressing it to cover her nose and mouth. He holds it there while he waits for the fast-acting anesthesia to do its thing.

Souvenir has posed:
Eyes widen. CRAP! No leverage on the arm, so.. Erika Kristasdottir slams her heel down on the person behind her's foot as hard as she can, grabbing one hand with the other and driving her elbow back as hard as she can.

If the person behind her was a somewhat sedentary creep out for an easy mark, this most certainly would have hurt. The splintering noise of fracturing ribs might have even been a possibility. She's surprisingly strong, and brutal when she needs to be.

But the person behind her is not, in fact, a sedentary creeper.

..Holy crap. What is this guy, Colossus? She suddenly drops her weight, hoping to fall out of the hold and maybe be able to dive out of the way, avoiding breathing in as much as she can for as long as she can manage..

Warpath has posed:
The stomp and the elbow do not result in a grunt, the firm body of the seven feet tall Native American not showing any signs of distress. Though James gives an approving thought for her technique. Xavier's adherents are at least not growing lax. He will have to make sure to keep that in mind when the real challenge begins.

Not Colossus it seems, but the arm that wraps about her might as well be metal though for how difficult it is to pull free. Her weight going slack just means Erika hangs there from his arm as James moves her back into the bushes. He wants her disappearance to be noticed, but without drawing the attention of the police to the school.

The other mutants there? They are not responsible. Just the X-men.

"Do not fight it. I do not mean you harm," the deep voice says to Erika as the fumes of the rag are all about her nose and mouth. Working to get their way into her lungs, to join any wisps that were already inhaled when the rag was first pressed there.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir dangles. Ack. She flails a bit, kicking at his kneecap, but without leverage, that's not likely to help. Especially if nothing else has so far. After a few seconds, she has to pull in a little bit of air. "mmf!" and flails a... bit.. um..


Warpath has posed:
Once Erika has stopped struggling, James removes the cloth and listens. Focusing on her breathing and her heart, making sure they are slowed as the anasthesia would do. Making sure she is not faking it. A satisfied nod results as he carries her deeper into the wooded area. "I meant what I said. You are not my target, little one."

Erika is zip-tied and put into a hockey bag that waits further back in the woods. James retrieves the speaker that he used for the diversion, though leaves the grass disturbed enough it might be noticed. The young woman's bottle of water he rolls over into his fox hole before covering it back over. A sensitive enough nose will be able to smell the girl on it, should it be found. Finally he returns to the teenager. Her phone he lets fall into some muck, pushing it down in so it is not so obviously visible. The kind of place it could have fallen out of her pocket and been missed by her assailant.

Pulling on a big Rangers hockey jersey, James slings the hockey bag over his shoulder, picks up a pair of hockey sticks to complete the cover, and walks on out of the park. The plane is waiting.

Soon, John. Soon.