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|Occupation=Applicant to the New Mutants
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|DOB=8 Jun 2008
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|Height=162 cm (5'4")
|Height=162 cm (5'4")
|Weight=60 kg (132 lbs.)
|Weight=60 kg (132 lb)
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Saved by the X-Men, she was taken to Xavier's school, where, hopefully, she'll be trained to control her powers better, and use them for the cause of good.
Saved by the X-Men, she was taken to Xavier's school, where, hopefully, she'll be trained to control her powers better, and use them for the cause of good.
===Current Player Approved: February 14, 2020===
===Current Player Approved: Not Applicable===
|Description=<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description'''</span>
|Description=<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description'''</span>

Revision as of 04:37, 12 May 2020

Mila Mitchell (Scenesys ID: 8588)
So, you're suggesting 'Xymphony' as a codename? Let's try it out... *clears throat* "Fear me, evildoers, for I am Xymphony, whose name heralds justice, terrifies criminals, and trounces everyone at Scrabble!"
Full Name: Mila Mitchell
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Applicant to the New Mutants
Citizenship: American
Residence: Salem
Education: High school diploma
Status: Shelved
Groups: Xavier's School, New Mutants, Mutant-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 19 Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth 8 Jun 2008 Actor:
Height: 162 cm (5'4") Weight: 60 kg (132 lb)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song:


Mila Mitchell's power awakened one day at the mall, where she unwittingly caused a sonic mayhem that attracted the attention of the Sentinels and multiple super-heroes.

Saved by the X-Men, she was taken to Xavier's school, where, hopefully, she'll be trained to control her powers better, and use them for the cause of good.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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Mila is a young woman of average size, with expressive eyes, large and brown, a not-too-large nose, and lips that know how to stay in their place and not to try and take over the whole lower area of the face. She appears fit, but not downright athletic. Her pitch black hair, parted in the middle, falls straight to just past her shoulders, while long bangs cover most of her forehead.


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The background Mila comes from is nothing to write home about, mostly because she never left home in the first place. Upper middle class upbringing, conservative family, childhood spent playing with fellow upper middle class kids (and rocking at hide and seek), hit puberty, attended high school, joined a few bands, tried practicing various styles of gymnastics, graduated without hitches, the prospect of college in front of her... all was nice and perfect in her sheltered little world until the day she went to the mall for a pizza with friends: her powers exploded into action, she incapacitated everyone, the police showed up, the military showed up, superheroes showed up, the sentinels showed up, and worst of all, the NEWS showed up. She was outed as a mutant, her name was tarnished forever, she was shunned by her friends and family, and she didn't get to finish her pizza. That was not a good day. At least, she was saved by the X-Men, and now she's in the New Mutants program, being trained by then...


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Mila is one of those people who find comfort in routine. Wake up at exactly the same time every day, religiously go through the morning routine, walk to school, taking always the same route, never be too early, never be too late. Hang out at the same pizza parlor the mall on Saturday. She doesn't actually keep a wardrobe full of the same outfit, but she occasionally daydreams about it. The worst part of finishing a book or a TV series, for her, is because of the disruption they create in her habits than for not getting to enjoy it anymore. In fact, she managed to keep her high school grades high not because of amazing skills (although she is gifted with intelligence), but because of methodical, relentless work.

She has very strong opinions about how things should be, and while not impossible to change, it usually takes nothing less that either some time or a really strong wake-up slap to the face (metaphorical or literal).

She is very much the self-conscious introvert, historically having lacked strong enough a personality to assert herself; her usual reaction to being confronted used to be suffering in silence or protesting weakly, repressing her real opinions in the process, being content to alternate between the roles of wallflower and, occasionally, assistant class clown in training (on probation). Very few people can remember ever seeing her worked up about anything.

Well, Except about mutants. Defending mutants in any way, no matter how slight, was the only subject known to get her worked up, and her friends knew very well to avoid the topic at all costs.

The only other thing able to raise her spirits above a monotonous existence or routine was music. When at the keyboard, or in front of a mixing track, her bland self would melt away, and she'd become the life of the party. Or a great supporting member of a band.

Now that her powers have manifested, she'll have to reconsider her opinions, and possibly learn to assert herself more. And how her opinion of mutants will be affected...


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Blast Deflection
(sub-field of "Energy Conversion") When blasted with forms of energy she can already convert from in massive amounts (at the moment, electricity only -- she can control solar only in very small amounts), if Mila is conscious she can instinctively perform a conversion she's capable of to save herself. The conversion is chaotic and subconscious, so there's no telling what the exact effect will be, but the level of energy will be more or less the same: a lightning bolt, for instance, is most likely to be converted into a sonic boom or a dizziness-inducing field at her current level, but it's not excluded that it might send her flying in the air at high speed (and if there's a ceiling above her... poor Mila!

If she is blasted with /physical/ energies she hasn't yet learned to convert into something else (light, or even kinetic energy -- think bullets or punches), what happens is... if it is a non-lethal amount (say, a punch), no conversion will take place. She'll get blasted or hit. If it would be a lethal amount... whether or not it will be converted into a form energy she can currently sap or produce (electricity, light, sound, kinetic applied to herself) is hit or miss. It might kill her. It might cause an uncontrolled conversion th at saves her life. It might cause a partial convrsion. All bets are off. One thing is for certain: she has zero control on what would happen in this case. Due to the chaotic nature of the conversion, the re-converted enrgy might ricochet against walls or mirrors or similar, and cause a complex pattern she cannot take, thus reducing the effectivity dramatically and putting her in danger.

Oh, of course, sustained conversion is going to drain her metabolism and organism, either exhausting due to the effort or, in case of sustained high-power conversion... have you ever seen what happens when too high a current passes through too small a wire for too long a time? Though so. The higher the power of the attack, the smaller the amount of time it will take to 'burn her out'

This applies only to physical forms of energy: things like psionics and magic are right out. No conversion of those.

Energy Conversion
Mila has the power/potential to convert any form of energy into any other form of energy. She does not get to access the complete of her power at the outset, though, only a subset of conversions, and will unlock more as time proceeds and she learns to control her powers better (or another power-awakening-related accident happens. Those are fun). At the outset, what she can do is:

1) converting electricity into sound (see "Sonic Control" entry). Note that she does not need physical contact to sap electrical energy, but the source of energy (power lines, for instance) must be within her range of action.

2) convert electricity into very clumsy flight. Again, no physical contact needed, being within action range is neough.

3) convert solar power into very, very small amounts of electricity or harmless, not-too-loud sounds. In this case, the sun must shine directly on her (not necessarily on her skin, it works through clothes or anything she's carrying on her person as well).

Power Sense
Mila can sense the presence or absence of the sources of energy she can convert from and to. At her current power/skill level, she can be aware of where electrical power is flowing within her area of action (hence to locate live wires, for instance). She can also detect the presence or absence of sounds within the same area, but unless she's the one creating the sounds in the first place, not really determine exactly what is being said, so it's really more like 'sound detection' than 'super-hearing'. She can also tell if the sun is shining on her, but that one might be a bit useless, giving that heat and eyes usually suffice.

Sonic Control
(Sub-file of "Energy Conversion") Mila is able to convert electricity into control of soundwaves (also in the sub- and super-sonic frequency range), covering an area as large as a mall. She can create sound, dampen or suppress sounds, alter sounds, and even affect hearing in a way as to create dizziness. The effects are maximally centered on a small radius around her, of roughly five meters (where she has the potential to create sonic blasts that can make people very close to her bleed), while outside that small radius, she can generate or manipulate sounds in a non-concussive way (the closer to her, the louder the sound is. She may not be able to cause harmful impacts, but she can still be deafening). The dizziness effect (temporarily incapacitating, but otherwise harmless) extends over all the range of her powers.

Very Clumsy Flight
(Sub-file of "Energy Convrsion") Mila can drain electrical power in a way that allows her to fly (a very limited form of electricity -> kinetic/potential energy conversion). The flight isn't graceful or pretty to see, more like the flying equivalent of someone ice-skating or experiencing zero-G for the first time, but it gets the job done. Since her powers need to sap the energy from somewhere, she needs to either fly very close to large sources of electrical energy (for instance, buildings connected to the power mains or electrical lines), or, for short tracts, carry large batteries (possibly in a backpack). And her flying style still looks like she's just off the training wheels and, perhaps, it was a bad idea to remove them and they should put back in.

Her speed and maneuverability in the air are theoretically similar to those of a car traveling on land, except in all directions ("up" included). Standing still in the air, while possible, would require her to finely juggle her kinetic and potential energy, and possibly a third kind, skills which right now she does not possess at this fine level. If she falls outside electricity-sapping range, she'll have to eventually return into sapping range before controlling her flight again (and not just being at the mercy of gravity)


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Mila's a bit of a gymnastics buff. Signed up for all sorts of courses, dabbled in various kinds of gymnastics, from artistic gymnastics to synchronized swimming. She doesn't talk much about her curling phase. That one was embarrassing.

Mila has always been recognized as the undisputed champion of hide and seek among her friends. Tales are still told of that time, as a kid, when she disappeared for one week and not even the police could find her. She /will/ find a place to hide, and disappear into it.


Mila has dabbled in music, mostly at amateur level. She was in a few bands with friends, took piano lessons, experimented with the guitar and understudied as a drummer. She even tried her hand at composing a few songs. She does own a large collection of songs spanning all genres, from classic to polka to rock to neo-grunge.


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Mila, discovered and rescued by the X-Men, is a student at Xavier's mansion. She has the general student access, but is also being trained directly to control her powers. Due to this, she gets access to the Basic Membership Package to the New Mutants, which includes their medical facilities, vehicles, holographic training suite, and high-speed internet.


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Batt. Not Included
("Batteries Not Included") -> Mila's power does not create energy from nothing, just converts it between different forms. This means that she needs access to a suitable power source. While she has the potential to grow into converting any form of energy into any other form of energy, at her current level of experience she can only perform three forms of conversion. 1) Convert electricity into sound. The amount of power she'll sap is proportionate to the power of the effect: to generate sounds that only people in a room can hear, the battery of her cell phone will suffice. To affect an area as wide as a mall and create high-power blasts nearby she'll have to tap into the power mains, and she'll possibly cause power failures as she does so. Note: physical contact is not needed; as long as the power source is in her area of effect, she can 'wirelessly' sap it (again, the closer she is, the more effective the sapping). 2) Electricity into very clumsy flight. She'll need to fly very close to where power lines reach (buildings or high voltage power lines) and she might cause blackouts, hence only to be used in a case of emergency. 3) solar power (i.e., exposure to the sun) into sound or electricity. At her current level, all she can do with this is *extremely* limited: the most she can do is create not-too-loud sounds audible by people not too far from her, and power extremely weak devices (think... a toy fan). Comes in handy for recharging her phone, though (even if it takes forever).

Gotta Be Woke
Mila Mitchell's powers work only when she is conscious. While she can resist, say, a lightning bolt while conscious, she is as good as toast if knocked out.

Mila's completely new at this superheroing business.

Poor Power Control
Mila cannot control her powers completely. Which is not to say that they cannot be called upon when she wants to, quite the opposite: they have a tendency to manifest even when she does not want to. Being tied to her imagination (she has to 'imagine' a sound and 'force' it to make it become real), it mostly works at a subconscious level: she tells a joke? A ba-dum-tssh might appear. She's sad? A melancholic strings melody might start playing. And let us not forget when voiceovers narrate her thoughts. Needless to say, this can get pretty embarrassing.

Mila's older family, friends, and mere acquaintances pretty much rejected her after her powers awakened (there was no hiding it -- she made the news). As far as she knows, pretty much anyone she loved and could rely one before have now abandoned her. There might still be a few people from her past that still are on her side, of course, but they would definitely be the minority, and immediately after The Incident, as far as she knew at the time, all her ties to her past were severed.


Mila's disasterous power awakening left her extremely self-conscious, especially since her fears of rejection turned out to be founded. She is on her way to recovery, but the emotional scar is not going to go away that easily. Also, her powers have a tendency to fire up in embarrassing ways.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Staying Grounded April 8th, 2020 Kitty hangs out with friends in the rec room
United Heroes: The Musical (Mila and Mercy's Duet) June 24th, 2019 Summary needed
New Student testing MM-1 June 22nd, 2019 A clue of just how powerful Mila is found.
Sentinels: Mall Aftermath June 20th, 2019 Mila, J'onn and Frank meet to talk about how to handle Mila's accident at the mall. Mila is assured she will not be arrested but warned to learn to control her powers.
Even Sam has chores. June 17th, 2019 Sam chats with Mila about classes.
Lunch time Pizza time June 16th, 2019 Food and Deadpool times had by all.
Shoe to Kill June 16th, 2019 Summary needed


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