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|Profile=A young man looking to make a difference in the world, Tyler Grant has just begun his career as a costumed hero and looks forward to doing some good. With his mutant powers of heightened agility and reflexes, Tyler thinks himself capable of taking care of himself and other people.
|Profile=A young man looking to make a difference in the world, Tyler Grant has just begun his career as a costumed hero and looks forward to doing some good. With his mutant powers of heightened agility and reflexes, Tyler thinks himself capable of taking care of himself and other people.
===Current Player Approved: June 28, 2020===
===Current Player Approved: Not Applicable===
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>

Revision as of 13:06, 27 October 2020

Tyler Grant (Scenesys ID: 1792)
"You're not really going to try to keep up with me, are you?"
Full Name: Tyler Grant
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: High School Student
Citizenship: USA
Residence: New York, New York
Education: Some High School
Status: Shelved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 19 Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth 5 May 2009 Actor: Peter Raven Maben
Height: 198 cm (6'6") Weight: 75 kg (165 lb)
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song: N/A


A young man looking to make a difference in the world, Tyler Grant has just begun his career as a costumed hero and looks forward to doing some good. With his mutant powers of heightened agility and reflexes, Tyler thinks himself capable of taking care of himself and other people.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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Before you is a tall, fit looking young man in his late teens. His wavy brown hair is shoulder length and usually appears recently brushed, as though Tyler seems to pay close attention to it. Hazel eyes peer out from beneath his thick eyebrows. The rest of his face is very symmetrical, with a straight nose, lips just on the edge of thin and a square jaw with a pointed chin. There's some facial hair, not much more than scruff, but the beginning of a beard nonetheless.

Tyler is currently wearing a military style black field jacket. It's got a high collar and fits his slim frame neatly. It's clearly a civilian design, seeing that it lacks any sort of insignia, but it's still got a number of pockets and it looks fairly sturdy. Beneath it it's possible to make out a black t-shirt. Blue jeans, worn around the knees, and shiny black leather shoes complete his ensemble.


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Born seventeen years ago to Samuel and Marissa Grant, Tyler Grant always knew he'd be something special. At least, that's what his parents lead him to believe. Being a slim, good looking kid that came from a good family it was easy for everyone else to buy into, as well.

Tyler, along with his older brother Samuel Junior, were happy children. Living in the Clinton neighborhood of New York, the Grant family didn't have a lot of money, but that didn't stop them from having a life worth living. They got along with their neighbors and Tyler and Sam Junior had plenty of other kids to play with.

School wasn't too bad, either. Tyler did well in his classes and got good grades. His teachers liked him, for the most part, and he got along well with his peers. Until around the time puberty struck. Tyler went from being an attentive, well behaved student to being overactive and having difficulty focusing on lessons.

Additionally, seemingly out of the blue, he began to develop a twitch. Especially when there was a lot of activity going on around him. He was hyper aware of all that was occurring and found himself moving his head rapidly to keep eyes and ears on everything. The school guidance counselor, worried about Tyler, recommended to his parents that he receive testing for ADHD and see a psychiatrist. In no time he was diagnosed with ADHD and an anxiety disorder and medicated for them.

It was disheartening for Tyler to suddenly find things had changed for him so much and he began to withdraw from most of his peers. When Sam Junior graduated four years ahead of him and went to work as a police dispatcher Tyler felt more alone than ever.

Things changed for him when he was nearly run over by a drunk driver. It was late in the evening and Tyler was walking home alone from a movie when a car jumped the curb headed straight in his direction. With a building behind him and a car coming his way his whole body suddenly twitched instead of just his head and the young man found himself dodging out of the way of the vehicle in a burst of speed that caught him completely off guard.

Like many young people, Tyler decided to experiment to see if it was just a fluke. At first he messed around in gym class at dodgeball, easily dodging everything thrown his way until he realized it might look suspicious that he was doing so well. What surprised him even more was that as soon as he got his hands on a ball he had no issues pegging his target, hurling the dodgeball with uncanny accuracy. In fact, the gym teacher, who was also the baseball coach, was so impressed that he expressed a desire for Tyler to try out for the team.

Having no desire to play ball, Tyler declined the offer and sought out other means of testing his abilities. Baseball gave him the idea to try the batting cages, though he made sure to take subway far from his neighborhood so he'd be less likely to get recognized by anyone who knew he failed to make the school baseball team. His reaction time and agility were potent enough and his accuracy with a bat skillful enough that he could hit everything any of the machines at the cages could throw his way.

His own ability to throw was easy enough to test. Anywhere there wasn't anyone around Tyler would pick up what he could find and give it a toss. While he couldn't do anything as impressive as embed a playing card in a telephone pole he found that when it came to stationary targets he seemingly couldn't miss with nearly anything he could find, from discarded bottles to balled up paper. If the shot was possible he seemed to be able to make it.

Finally, he told Sam Junior. Junior quickly realized that his brother was probably a mutant. Tyler agreed with this assessment after giving the subject much thought, and realized that if that was true he could probably become a superhero if his powers were potent enough. Junior didn't care for the idea but Tyler was dead set on trying.

Of course, Junior wasn't going to let his little brother just run off and start tackling dangerous criminals. No, he was going to have to really test his powers out. Junior started by buying a paintball gun and shooting at Tyler. The younger brother dodged nearly every paintball fired his way, his body contorting, springing, twitching and flipping out of the way as fast as Junior could pull the trigger.

Then Junior demanded Tyler learn how to fight. Junior wasn't much of a physical person so he signed his brother up for jiu jitsu at a local gym. Tyler seemed to be a natural. While not as big and strong as many of the other fighters he was agile enough to avoid most of their holds or to escape from all but the best among them. When asked how he was so good at escapes he lied, saying that he used to be a gymnast. With his powers he could easily pull off anything he needed to prove his untruth.

At the insistence of others at jiu jitsu Tyler found himself also training in kickboxing, where with his superb agility and reflexes he really excelled. He found himself making friends again and the constant exercise and the focus needed to excel at martial arts helped him learn to concentrate again, though he couldn't shake his twitch and had to use his ADHD medications to help him at school.

Junior wasn't particularly happy that his little brother seemed to be one hell of a fighter, but he'd already promised that if Tyler could more than take care of himself he'd help him try his hand at costumed adventuring. He just wasn't going to tell Tyler he was ready yet. Instead, Junior demanded that Tyler find himself a costume and a codename, get himself some sort of non-lethal weapons and a means of transportation that could get him away from criminals, or the cops, in a hurry.

History 2:
It took some time for Tyler to assemble an arsenal. Being a kid he couldn't just walk into a gun store and buy a taser. Instead, he opted to find something heavy enough that he could throw it and hopefully knock someone out or disorient them. Eventually, he stumbled across round lead ingots while searching Ebay for ideas. After saving up a little of his allowance he was able to purchase a number of them. After some testing he found that they were just about perfect for his needs.

Next, he took on the codename. It was easy enough, some of the kids at school had taken to calling him âTwitchâ and he decided that he might as well use that.

Then there was the costume. It's not easy finding something to wear. He started by looking at what famous superheroes wore. For Tyler, though, he knew capes were off the table, too easy to grab in a brawl. Form fitting tights looked great on some folks, but were a little much for him. Bright colors looked good, but since he wasn't bulletproof they might hurt more than they helped. He liked the idea of hard armor that looked like muscles but that was prohibitively difficult to manufacture and way out of his price range.

Eventually he settled on all dark gray and black, purchasing clothes he could find locally or online. Cargo pants, combat boots, turtleneck, load bearing vest (for his lead ingots), hard knuckle combat gloves and a bandana to cover his face made up his costume.

Then there was acquiring a means of transportation. With his superior reflexes Tyler learned quickly how to drive once he started getting instruction from his parents and Junior. Any car he could afford couldn't outrun the cops or crooks, though. He started trying parkour on his own, jumping from rooftop to rooftop and climbing like a monkey over things, but Junior insisted he find an actual means of transportation.

Without many options, Tyler found himself trying grappling hooks purchased from the internet, which worked fairly well for him but which weren't up to Junior's standards for being able to escape with. He considered a bicycle, but once again it wasn't fast enough. That's when his grandfather died. And Sam Senior inherited a Harley Davidson.

The bike was perfect. Tyler wasn't allowed near it, however, due to his parents' fear that he'd kill himself on it. But after much nagging he was allowed to learn to ride. The young man took to the bike like a fish to water and despite the vehicle's weight he was able to handle it like a dream, passing the test for a motorcycle license on his first attempt.

Finally, Junior's requirements had been met and Tyler was allowed to try his hand at being a superhero. Of course, Junior doesn't really want him doing it, but he'd rather his brother do something stupid with him involved than on his own.

Now that summer break from school has started and he doesn't really have a curfew, Tyler and Junior picked up burners with which they can communicate. Junior's job as a police dispatcher gives him access to crime reports before almost anyone else and he can dispatch his brother as well as the cops to the scene of any crime in progress.

History 3:

The last couple of years have been tough for Tyler. After a confrontation with Oroku Saki, rich and famous businessman, Tyler ended up serving him in order to protect his family. It turns out that Saki isn't just a businessman, he's the immortal ninja crime lord known as the Shredder, leader of the Foot Clan. In order for Tyler to be a better servant Saki put him through intense conditioning to make him an incredibly loyal soldier, in addition to training him as a ninja.


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Tyler once used to be an adventurous youth who was determined to put more good into the world. After a brief stint as a superhero that led to him becoming indebted to a crime lord his personality shifted greatly. He's been conditioned to react to orders from his master immediately and without regard for morals or ethics.

The young man is just about fearless now as a result, as long as he's on a mission. Hurting or killing others hardly bothers him. There's no such thing as a fair fight and he'll use any weapon he can get his hands on to grant himself an advantage.


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Impossible Accuracy:
Tyler has the ability to throw or shoot almost any object with nearly superhuman accuracy. This does not allow him to throw things impossibly hard, so he could not kill a man with a toothpick or put a playing card through skin, but he could easily drop a grown man using a thrown brick at twenty yards.

Super Agility:

Tyler's agility and reflexes are quite superb. They're just play superhuman, easily twice that of the perfect human specimen. With his superhuman reflexes and enhanced agility he can easily dodge almost any mundane attacks, such as gunfire, so long as he is aware of them.


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As a ninja with mutant powers Tyler is an amazingly talented acrobat, capable of performing superhuman feats. His abilities could be considered as uncanny by the average person with gymnastics training.

An athlete, martial artist and now full time ninja, Tyler is in amazing physical condition that could rival a professional athlete.

Thanks to his powers, years of martial arts training and practical experience as a ninja, Tyler is one bad dude. His superhuman agility and reflexes, combined with his skills, have made him more than a match for most warriors. While true masters surpass him in combat prowess, street fighters with moderate to low levels of training and experience, even several at once, are unlikely to be a match for him.

Thanks to training without his powers, Tyler is not entirely dependent upon them. His training makes him more than a match for the average ninja, though he isn't yet truly elite.

Extensive time with medieval weaponry has made Tyler more dangerous than ever before. He is most talented in the use of the Fu Tao, or Hook Swords.

Thanks to his powers Tyler's taken naturally to driving. With his reflexes he can avoid trouble and his superb aim lets him maneuver cars and motorcycles with amazing skill. Without his powers he'd probably still be pretty good behind the wheel or on the back of a bike, but nothing out of this world.


Much of ninja training focuses on getting around unnoticed. With his agility Tyler is highly stealthy under almost any circumstances. He's trained in disguise, mechanical lock picking, free running and the use of distraction devices.'


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Tyler comes from a loving and supportive family. His father and mother, Samuel and Marissa Grant and his older brother Samuel Junior are all ready to lend their help where they can.

Samuel Grant Junior is the only family member who knows Tyler is a mutant and isn't happy that his little brother has decided to become a superhero, but is going to support him nonetheless. He's a police dispatcher in Tyler's neighborhood and can fill his little brother in on local happenings as quickly as the cops are informed.

Foot Clan:
The immortal ninja clan known as the Foot is a massive criminal organization. While only a small cog in the huge machine Tyler is part of a team of these secret warriors. The Foot outfits him with various ninja gear and attire so that he can be as effective as possible in their service.

Thanks to the Foot Tyler is very well equipped. He possesses numerous medieval weapons of fairly high quality, intrusion tools such as lock picks and grappling hooks and a number of distraction devices like smoke bombs. Tyler always has weapons on his person whenever possible, but he prefers a pair of hook swords.


Tyler's family owns a 1991 Harley Davidson Fatboy in very good condition. Tyler's the only one who rides it so when he goes out as Twitch he pulls off the license plate and uses it as his heroic mode of transportation. It's a heavy bike but very solid, handles relatively well and is impressively fast for a cruiser.


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Though Tyler has run away from his folks he still cares about them deeply. They can easily be leveraged against him.'

Foot Clan:
Tyler has been conditioned to serve the Foot Clan to the death. If ordered to do something with a high likelihood of his arrest or death he would almost definitely still do it.

Being a teenager who's only recently started getting over the fact that he's being medicated for psychiatric conditions, Tyler is susceptible to shutting down if he suffers numerous social setbacks, especially if they are directed at him from people he considers to be his friends. Should he start to shut down he'll become more introverted for some time until he can recover.

High Metabolism:
Tyler burns a ton of energy even when he's not active thanks to his keyed up physiology. He goes through more food than even most other teenage boys. In order to keep his parents' grocery bills from skyrocketing he dips into his own limited income to help cover the cost of his food.

Reflexive Actions:
Tyler's enhanced reflexes are usually a boon, until they're not. This can lead to him reacting to stimuli without him having a chance to think about things. He might, for instance, be focusing on a threat when a loud noise or similar distraction causes him to shift the focus of his attention involuntarily, making him vulnerable. Additionally, Tyler may overreact to sudden movement his body interprets as threats with a fight or flight response. Play fighting or sudden displays of affection could result in him using his superhuman powers to dodge out of the way, to block attacks that aren't coming or even to strike out reflexively.

Tyler twitches. It's something that happens, especially when there's a lot going on around him. He can't help it and uses anti-anxiety medication to help himself deal with it when it gets bad. It's a side effect of his enhanced reflexes.


It's very difficult for Tyler to focus on anything for any length of time without medication or being physically exhausted. He's on ADHD medicine to help him cope with this. It's a side effect of his enhanced reflexes.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Another Lux-filled Evening May 5th, 2021 Phoebe Beacon graces Club Lux with her presence again, and Tyler Grant runs security ops. Sort of.
Home Is Where The Heart Is May 1st, 2021 Diana comes to Xiang's rescue, and brings him to the embassy.
Diner Delights April 22nd, 2021 Summary needed
The Devil Drinks Whiskey April 19th, 2021 Tyler stops by Club Lux to find a piano-playing Lucifer, who then offers the kid a job.
Of Angels and Devils April 14th, 2021 Tyler Grant visits Club Lux, joined by an Andrea.
Monkey Mayhem! April 13th, 2021 Monkeys attack Coney Island! Can Tyler and Andrea stop them?
Interrogating a Traitor January 21st, 2021 The dastartdly Twitch captures June! Will Slipstream be able to rescue her in time?
Foot to the Face January 19th, 2021 Tyler interrupts June as she tries to get info on the Foot. He shows his mettle as he captures the traitor who has evaded the family for so long.
Lunch Time Socializing. January 14th, 2021 Tyler and Ivory meet and discuss various subjects
Invitation Only January 8th, 2021 Tyler and Andrea go to an essential oils party. Vampires are invited as well. Bad things happen.
Meetings at the Cafe January 7th, 2021 Tyler and Andrea meet a Hunori at a cafe.
Just a Quick Errand January 4th, 2021 Tyler and Andrea encounter a mutant who has had a bomb strapped to him, and they must act quickly to keep it from becoming a very tragic story.
A simple 'talk' December 31st, 2020 Summary needed
A Visit To Club Mjolnir December 30th, 2020 Summary needed
It Starts With Pie... December 23rd, 2020 Tyler, Andrea and Nevada run into each other at a diner. Then they do some heroing.
Blood Theft! August 23rd, 2020 Andrea and Nevada tangle with some footsoldiers.
Graduation Day August 21st, 2020 Tyler is given his final test before becoming a full fledged Foot Clan Ninja.
Breakfast August 15th, 2020 Tyler and Mercy end up having breakfast together at a cafe
When the Music Stops August 13th, 2020 After a Nick Drago concert, a couple people sneak backstage
Coffee with Warriors August 10th, 2020 Tyler and Silver Sable run into each other at a cafe.
Old Acquaintances August 5th, 2020 Tyler runs into Andrea for the first time in years. Then he gets to meet her beau!
Setting the Handicap July 20th, 2020 Tyler is taught to defend himself with out the aid of his powers.
The Greatest Weapon July 7th, 2020 Tyler learns of the weapons of shinobi.
Making the Choice July 1st, 2020 Tyler makes the choice of where he will put in his alliances.
Temp Title August 15th, 2018 Tyler makes the choice of where he will put in his alliances.
Morning Hangouts August 3rd, 2018 Summary needed
Visitations. July 27th, 2018 Summary needed
Basketball and Primates July 26th, 2018 Tyler runs into Kid at the basketball courts and the pair teams up to win some money.
Pitch a tent July 25th, 2018 Summary needed
Friendship is Magic (Curse/Enchant) July 22nd, 2018 Erika and Tyler awkwardly hang out on the lawn. Disaster somehow fails to strike, but not for lack of opportunity.
Sun to moon July 20th, 2018 Tyler, Kid, and Erika are ambushed by vampires in Sunnydale. Colossus arrives to rescue them.
Burgers with a Buddy July 19th, 2018 Tyler takes Erika out so that he can talk about girls.
Well, that happened! July 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Machinations: Chemical Romance July 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Pogrom 2:Danielle O'Callaghan July 18th, 2018 Jubilee, Boris, Erika and Tyler go to make contact with a new mutant, only to find that somehow an anti-mutant mob got there first. The mob is dispersed and the team helps a young teenager tell her parents that she is a mutant.
Kickball! July 17th, 2018 The students and staff of Xavier's School play kickball and learn that mutant kickball is drastically different than regular kickball.
Germination: Mutant Town cleanup July 17th, 2018 The mushroom threat in Mutant Town is dealt with in spectacular, heroic fashion. Hulk... makes new friends?
School of Rock July 16th, 2018 A collection of Xavier students learn to play like a rock band from two real live music stars.
Machinations: Stolen Property July 15th, 2018 The FBI come to Xavier's looking for a billion dollars worth of stolen something.
Harlem Shake Down July 14th, 2018 Summary needed
Running Girl In Rain July 14th, 2018 Erika and Tyler finish up a run for exercise and talk to Kaydin.
Campfire Conversations July 13th, 2018 Friends gather for a relaxing evening by the fire. Bobby, Tyler, Erika and Boris get to know each other better.
A Very Special Delivery July 13th, 2018 Tyler drops off a delivery to Shredder during their scheduled meeting, then has a heart to heart with him?
Fire July 12th, 2018 Wiccan, Speed, Twitch, Rage, Storm and Green Arrow thwart a billion dollar R&D theft and save many lives. Kano wreaks havoc. Pierce weeps into his expensive brandy.
Revelations Don't Come Easy July 11th, 2018 Dead Girl slowly comes to terms with her death. Erika and Tyler are forced on the drama-train alongside her.
Making a Splash July 11th, 2018 Summary needed
On the Court July 10th, 2018 Some students hang out at the basketball court.
Tuesday Night Hangouts July 10th, 2018 Tyler and Andrea chat about the future for a bit.
Can pancakes fix everything July 9th, 2018 Mason, Tyler and Josh talk about what happened that night at the lake. Josh punched Mason in the face.
After the Journey July 8th, 2018 Andrea, Erika, Tyler and Josh discover how Andrea was injured, and who did it.
Extracurricular PE July 8th, 2018 Erika and Tyler get some workout time in.
Take That to the Bank July 6th, 2018 Jessica, Kaelyn, Tyler and Josh intervene in a major bank robbery!
American History: Aviation July 6th, 2018 Who says History class can't be fun and interactive?
Burning July 6th, 2018 Some New Mutants chat by the fire.
Ice Cream Treats July 6th, 2018 Tyler, Erika and Ororo go out for ice cream after seeing a movie. While there they meet Jubilee.
By the lake July 6th, 2018 Summary needed
Adamantium fists. You don't have them. July 4th, 2018 Copying X-23's fighting style.. not the greatest plan, in hindsight. Erika, Josh, and Tyler talk in the nurse's office.
I am suffocating. July 1st, 2018 Andrea and Josh hang out with Erika she sees her powers in action.
The high road awaits June 30th, 2018 Twitch goes out for a roof run for exercize, and encounters Breath on a guard patrol.
Renegades June 30th, 2018 Andrea talks sense to Tyler and Josh, and tells them she might not be New Mutant material.
Let's talk about our future. June 29th, 2018 A phone call turns into a get together for the New Mutants. A tiny thread is tugged, starting to unravel.
The New Mutants: A Personal Identity. June 29th, 2018 The kids get a lesson on what it means to be a team, and band together defending themselves to a very pleased Emma.
Ragnarok pt. 9: If I only had a brain. June 29th, 2018 Thor gains the aid of a direly needed telepath and meets the New Mutants who offer their aid.
Rock the Julliard June 28th, 2018 Andrea, Josh, and Tyler surprise Mason by showing up at his final recital for class, and then get a fancy dinner.
Hangout Time June 27th, 2018 The New Mutants get together and go to the mall to help Laura find some new clothes.
Pierced June 24th, 2018 Some New Mutants and X-Men deliver a message to Donald Pierce that he will never forget.
Meeting the Professor. June 23rd, 2018 The New Mutants meet Professor X and Jean starts to figure out how much trouble Tyler got into.
A song for Xavier June 23rd, 2018 Mason comes to try to get Andrea to break curfew, they end up doing a duet for the Headmaster instead.
Uncomfortable Confessions June 22nd, 2018 Tyler makes a confession to Ms Frost. Things go surprisingly well for him as he doesn't get kicked out of school.
Who You Are June 21st, 2018 Andrea is writing her new song, but has to pause to make sure her packmates are okay. She gives advice to Tyler.
Germination: Of Mushrooms and Men June 20th, 2018 Tyler, Tommy and Josh save a boy from a space mushroom with help from the Green Arrow. Iron Man drops in to clean up. Jean busts the boys.
Woodsmoke June 20th, 2018 Several New Mutants chat around the campfire. Rift visits. Tyler unloads a secret that may get him in trouble.
Training Day June 19th, 2018 Tyler has his first training session with Saki, and starts to learn a little bit of what he is getting himself into.
Four! June 19th, 2018 Some X-students go to the country club, there's a little golfing involved.
Fighting through the Pain June 17th, 2018 Summary needed
On the Way Back to School June 15th, 2018 Tommy meets Tyler on his way back home from fighting Shredder. Various tales are told, Josh heals some wounds, and Andrea storms away in squeeking wolf slippers.
Entering and Breaking June 15th, 2018 Twitch breaks into Shredder's office to get back the footage from the Twin Monks Cafe. He succeeds! Kind of.
Hanging out. Let's entertain ourselves, New Mutants. June 15th, 2018 Bunch of young mutants got together to talk, get some downtime in. Andrea performs a song.
Diner Deliciousness June 14th, 2018 Tyler and Mason run into each other out in West Chester and Mason opens up about a big secret.
Breakfast at Xavier's June 12th, 2018 Psylocke has breakfast with a few students; Andrea, Tyler and Josh.
Log 4632 June 11th, 2018 Summary needed
Welcome to Xavier's June 10th, 2018 Andrea and Tyler welcome Josh and talk about his past with the Reavers.
Rooftop Meetup June 10th, 2018 Summary needed
The New Mutants: Beginnings. (and Pizza) June 9th, 2018 Emma gathers some select students at Xavier's to a pizza party, and challenges them to become a team. Surprise! They're making the pizzas.
Mall caper, over-easy June 9th, 2018 Inexperienced newbie heroes and Kaelyn deal with hacking thugs.
The Awkward Ride Back June 8th, 2018 Tyler drives Mason back to his car after the Reavers attack Andrea at the coffee shop.
Sage Advice June 8th, 2018 Carrie and Twitch run into Scarlet Spider and social hijinks ensue!
Aftermath of the Reaver attack June 8th, 2018 The aftermath of the Reaver scene, Andrea is healed, but how? Mason discovers Xavier's and Tyler shows why he's a great guy. Rogue drops by also.
Mutant Town Mismatches June 7th, 2018 Tyler and Andrea go for a joyride through Mutant Town and pick a fight with Red Hood.
Taste of New Orleans June 6th, 2018 Tyler and Andrea have a first date. They talk a lot about what life is really like for Andrea and why it's probably not good for either of them.
Slipping into a popstar's DMs. May 30th, 2018 Tyler slides into Andrea's DMs followed by an awkward phone call with Mason.
Popcorn and conversation. May 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Dealing with Arms Dealers: The NY connection May 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Andrea hits up Times Square. May 29th, 2018 Andrea and Mason meet in Time Square. Awkward moments are awkward. But Mason got to meet a new friend to go clubbing with!


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