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|FullName=Beau Telle
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|Occupation=Troubled Hero
|Occupation=Troubled Hero
|Citizenship=Apokolips / USA
|Education=Private Tutoring
|Education=Private tutoring
|DOB=11 November 2006
|Height=1.88 m
|DOB=11 November 2003
|Weight=100 kg
|Height=188 cm (6'2")
|Weight=100 kg (220 lb)
|Actor=Zac Efron
|Actor=Zac Efron
|Song="Something Just Like This" by The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
|Profile=Born a nameless slave on the planet Apokolips, the being that came to be known as Power Boy was little more than the chattel of Darkseid, the dark God-King. His abilities set him apart from the other nameless slaves, and from a young age the boy was tutored in the ways of war. His abilities were enough that he was singled out for experimentation by Darkseid himself to create an elite living weapon. The processes succeeded, and the boy was given more elite training. His great strength though, was his weakness. Learning to loathe his owners the slaves rebellious nature was stoked from embers to a burning flame when he was sent ahead of the Apokoliptian Invasion waves of the planet Earth. He betrayed his cruel masters and seeks to learn to transcend his base born nature and become a true hero. Still shedding the tyrannical teachings of his birth planet, Power Boy tries to do right even as he learns just what right and wrong are.
|Profile=Born a nameless slave on the planet Apokolips, the being that came to be known as Power Boy was little more than the chattel of Darkseid, the dark God-King. His abilities set him apart from the other nameless slaves, and from a young age the boy was tutored in the ways of war. His abilities were enough that he was singled out for experimentation by Darkseid himself to create an elite living weapon. The processes succeeded, and the boy was given more elite training. His great strength though, was his weakness. Learning to loathe his owners the slaves rebellious nature was stoked from embers to a burning flame when he was sent ahead of the Apokoliptian Invasion waves of the planet Earth. He betrayed his cruel masters and seeks to learn to transcend his base born nature and become a true hero. Still shedding the tyrannical teachings of his birth planet, Power Boy tries to do right even as he learns just what right and wrong are.
|Description=Lean and fit, Power Boy is every bit the young man of action. He is caught somewhere between boy and man, developing into a powerful man. Looking about seventeen years old, Power Boy appears to be growing up tall and strong. He stands about six feet, two inches tall, with an athletic build that shows some width and power at the shoulders and some definite strength through his powerful arms. His face is oval in shape, crowned with black hair with a few locks of pale blond locks over his right eye. Power Boy's brows contrast well with his slightly pale skin, as well as his piercing blue eyes. Ringed with long black lashes, Power Boy's eyes are a very clear shade of blue and they give a hint to the exuberant personality he possesses. He has refined but masculine features, with a charming little smile. He has a serious, yet quietly playfully studious look.<br><br>With hard lines and a lean physique, Power Boy is obviously an athletic man. He has got the build of a swimmer; lean, hard, bulging muscle and nothing spare to him. His arms bulge with large, heavy muscles that demonstrate strength and power. Power Boy has a trim, taut torso with fit chest as well as a flat stomach and narrow hips. His legs are lean and powerful, and he has an easy, calm stride.
===Current Player Approved: Not Applicable===
|History=Power Boy was never given a proper name. His father was a nameless worker, and Power Boy was never important enough to be given his own actual name. he never met his mother, and believes she is dead, though he cannot say one way or the other. Power Boy would be hard pressed to select his father from a crowd of men; he was taken from a very young age for experimentation due to his superior genetics and potential for greater things. As an Apokoliptian, the nameless boy was destined to live forever, unless slain, in terror, horror, and tyranny. He was simply another creation on the hellworld that is Apokolips.<br><br>The boy was one of Darkseid's most prized creations, but even then he was considered another experiment, and another disposable warrior. Darkseid hates life, and seeks to restrain, control, and rule over all life. The boy spent his youth being trained heavily in the killing pits and arenas, learning techniques from some of Apokolips most trained warriors. When he was not being taught to kill he was being tormented in the inhumane experimental chambers of cruel masters to devise a being truly on par with the likes of a Yellow-Sun-empowered Kryptonian.<br><br>He always yearned for something else, but he didn't quite understand that yet, because he had nothing to compare his worldview to until he was sent to Earth as part of Darkseid's plans. He was sent to lead a small squad of warriors to kill a few prime targets for incoming invasion, but Power Boy fell in love with Earth over the several weeks of work. He turned on his fellows. He defeated them and sent them off, before going into hiding on Earth. He is looking for a new place to belong. He exists on his own, looking for meaning in life.<br><br>Over the next month, the lost rebel studied up on Earth. Power Boy read a few thousand books. He hunted down remnants of other invaders. During one of the battles, he discovered a small pug puppy in some rubble. It is the first thing that Power boy has ever really loved. He named the pooch Kirby after the shattered vacuum cleaner he found nearby.
|Personality=Power Boy has a variety of personality traits, quirks, and foibles. he is trying to discover just what a good person is, and how to be one. He is genuinely trying, and he might be able to become an actual hero if he keeps at it. For now, though, Power Boy has Good, Bad, and Ugly personality traits.<br><br>The Good<br><br>Animal Lover<br>Animals do not judge. They simply exist and do. Power boy has a natural affinity for animals. The tamer they are, the better he gets along with his, Dogs and cats are particular favorites. A wounded animal is an occasion to see compassion from Power Boy.<br><br>Freedom<br>After a lifetime of torment, cruel treatments, painful technomagical torments and indescribable pain and agony at the hands of scientists and instructors. Power Boy is free. Having experienced torment and tyranny, he fight to protect it, and relish it while he has it. This leads to a certain libertarian outlook on the world, with Power Boy not caring as much about the law as he is that no one is taking advantage of another. So long as no one is being harmed, Power Boy enjoys a certain live and let live attitude. <br><br>Intuitive<br>With the ability to sense the emotional states of other people, Power Boy is remarkably insightful when it comes to the emotions and mental states that inform decision making. This translates into a certain working knowledge of humanity as emotional beings when coupled with his tremendous intellect, this is an incredible understanding of means, motive, and opportunity. It gives Power Boy a natural way with people. <br><br>Explorer<br>Power Boy is free. For the first time in his life. He is exploring not just the galaxy, but the human condition. He is exploring, traveling, learning and examining as he goes. If there is something new to do, he is almost certainly interested as he learns. It gives him an open mind, but it can get into trouble as he gets tangled up into things he should not. <br><br>Willful<br>He is free now. He is not going back to slavery, torment or death. Never. His mind is strong, and Power Boy is resolute. Power Boy will not bend, and he will not surrender. While he has a certain open mind to new experiences, once he has made a decision, he will not back down without either the weight of overwhelming reason or force.<br><br>The Bad<br><br>Developing principles<br>As yet, Power Boy does not have a solid ethical or moral guide. He knows that some emotions are hurtful. He knows cruelty is wrong. He also knows that not everything that is good and right is always nice and easy. He is putting together piece by piece. Power Boy has read on ethics and morality, but there are so many different perspectives. For now, Power Boy is just trying to not be a dick to everyone. <br><br>Pragmatic<br>Brutal efficiency and a certain selfish mindset still pervade power boys thought processes. Expediency, and a utilitarian viewpoint of the costs, benefits, and resulting desirability of an action are all part of a calculus used to determine if an action will be taken. While this pragmatism is a survival asset, it is also a hindrance towards becoming a decent, and even good being.<br><br>The Ugly<br><br>Outsiders View<br>While he is intuitive, Power Boys relative inexperience with navigating the human experience can sometimes make it seem like a game. Provide these inputs to get desired outputs. While it is functionally sociopathy, it is not for selfish ends. As Power Boy discovers that making others makes him happy, this is the clumsy beginnings of enlightened self-interest. His inexperience with these positive emotions makes it an attractive path. People pleasing can be self-destructive, fruitless, and jading. <br><br>Moving past this is a healthy part of his self-actualization and becoming a functional emotional being, but it can lead to him gaming the system in order to get the high of anothers happiness.<br><br>Anger<br>Though he tries to control it, Power Boy had a horrible childhood and has led a hard life. Born and raised in slavery, experimented on, and forged into a killer, Power Boy can have failures as a rational person because of his residual anger. Anger comes easily to him. The more despicable his foes, the more rage they feel.
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''APOKOLIPTIAN'''</span><br>As a being of the Fourth World, Power Boys anatomy and physiology have been heightened far beyond the human baseline by proximity to the potent powers of the source. Fourth worlders count eons like days. They are eternal and unaging. Only the most vile show signs of aging as their powers corrupt and twist their forms. As troubled as his life has been, Power Boy is not corrupt. He is young and learning about right and wrong. Barring an inglorious death due to violence or hardship, Power Boy will live to see the next universe; immortal, unaging, and not human.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''EMPATHY'''</span><br>Power Boy is a receptive empath. He can read the emotions of other people and animals. He is adept at it, and can almost unerringly feel the emotions of another. This gives him incredible insight into other people. This ability I by default on in a general manner. He can hone in on an individual being to gain greater insight into emotions. He cannot read thoughts,, and he cannot project his emotions. This sense can be used to detect otherwise hidden beings. While it is not precise enough to allow for pinpoint targeting, it does allow him to know the source of the emotion within a couple of feet.<br><br>More than reading emotions, Power Boy can tap into those emotions and empower constructs out of them like a member of any of the Lantern corps. As a general rule, any intense emotion can either be used as a raw attack or a defensive shield, or a hand construct (A third, unattached hand that operates with Power Bow's native strength). Otherwise, the emotion can be used to:<br><br>Boost his already significant physical prowess. Fear can be used to increase his twitchiness, for example. Anger can improve his strength and durability, as another example.<br><br>Manifest Emotional Power- these are usually just specific, short-lived constructs with a specific purpose, like a red lightning bolt to fire at a foe, or surround himself with the protect from attack.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''ENHANCED INTELLIGENCE'''</span><br>Power Boys intelligence is incredibly well developed. He has genetic enhancements that improved his general level of intelligence. He measures off the chart, much like the Kryptonians he was experimented on to compete with. Unlike the Kryptonians of the house of El, Power Boy has no particular affinity for technology. He is merely off the scale of human intelligence. This power is essentially his super speed applied to his mind.<br><br>Eidetic memory- Once exposed to information, Power Boy (unlike his player) does not forget it. While it can be useful, memory can also be a burden.<br><br>Improved reading- In concert with her superior speed, Power Boy can read most texts in a matter of seconds. War and Peace clocked in about 3 seconds. His comprehension, unlike most speed readers, is not compromised by the speed of consumption.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''FLIGHT'''</span><br>Through his connection to the source energies, Power Boy can project himself through space. He can fly. Power Boys speed and maneuverability is top notch. Power Boys ability to defy gravity is incredible. He essentially moves at will at mind-boggling speeds. Power Boy can fly at a significant portion of the speed of light. In the atmosphere, he normally restrains himself to about three to five times the speed of sound.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPER BREATH'''</span><br>In addition to his other enhancements, Power Boy has incredibly powerful lungs. Using this capacity, he can blow over large land animals like bows, and stagger and toss about humans. He has an approximately 20 yard length on the cone up to 60 degrees in front of him in an arc that he can effect. This gust of super breath is of hurricane force, and the gale can send debris scattering and flying all about the area.<br><br>In addition to knocking things back and about, this gale force wind can produce temperature changes enough to create several inches deep ice on structures, the ground and even living beings, effectively immobilizing most conventional opponents in a sheet of ice, or causing damage to foes that are vulnerable to cold.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPERHUMAN DURABILITY'''</span><br>Power Boy has the ability to keep his full output for several consecutive days. He does not need to sleep, eat, or breathe. He enjoys doing all three. In addition to his general life support, he is capable of surviving pressure differentials and temperature extremes that normal humans. He can handle both the oceanic depths and the vacuum of space. He is further immune to extreme heat and flame as well as great cold. He is essentially self-sustaining due to his enhanced connection to the source energy. <br><br>His physique is also incredibly durable. He can essentially withstand forces up to those that he can exert himself. He is slightly less resistant to energy attacks than he is to physical attacks. Cruise missiles, tactical nuclear devices, and most conventional human technology is useless against him. He is not impacted by Kryptonite as a special weakness.<br><br>Power Boy has an immunity to disease and toxins.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH'''</span><br>Power Boy has greatly enhanced reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and speed. He can literally traverse the world on foot in about a minute, meaning he can run at speeds best described as ludicrous. He similarly has improved reflexes and eye-hand coordination, due to his training as a warrior on Apokolips. If he chooses to dodge an attack, unless it is of someone of similar power and experience, there is very little chance of the blow landing. His movements and reflexes are faster than the human eye and most cameras.<br><br>Due to his superhuman speed, durability, strength and mind all operating together, Power Boy can do a variety of things at vastly improved rates, like build a bridge in a perhaps a day, or construct several houses in a matter of hours. With a rapid spin, Power Boy can vanish into rock, tunneling through it with ease. Once underground, he can tunnel with his powerful strength and blurred limbs at a significant pace, certainly in the 100s of miles per hour. His blows are thrown at incredible velocities and his entire form is adapted to operating at these speeds.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH'''</span><br>All Fourth worlders are capable of at least a few tons of weight. Power Boy, due to Darkseids experiments, is incredibly powerful. He is approximately equal to Supergirl in terms of his strength, meaning just about anything short of a Continental landmass is within his power. Large naval vessels, massive freighters, small islands, buildings, bridges, spacecraft are all able to be lifted and thrown, or caught.<br><br>In addition to having strength, Power Boy has been trained to use. It he has the standard suite of 'Brick Tricks', such as striking the earth to cause a tremor or break terrain, and a supersonic clap to throw back and stun foes. He can rend and tear metal with like steel or far stronger materials with trivial ease. He can tunnel through solid rock with similar ease. <br><br>When under the influence of rage, anger, or passion, or while under the influence of his empathic overload weakness, his strength migrates upwards to be able to rival that of Superman for as long as the boost or rage lasts.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''COMBAT'''</span><br>The boy was not trained to be a mere foot soldier. Due to his tremendous potential in addition to the experimentation and enhancements performed on him at the demand of Darkseid himself, the boy that became Power Boy was being trained to become one of Darkseids elite; to one day possibly be given a name and a position within Darkseids perfected hierarchy. From a young age, the boy was taught to fight, claw, kill, main, and destroy his way to the top. He is a profoundly efficient, brutal fighter who uses flourishes to install fear and doubt into opponents. Power Boy, had he been a female, would have been considered for becoming a fury. He has been taught a variety of armed and unarmed combat techniques and has essentially been given martial training and Special Forces training in an alien inter-dimensional conquerors army. He was elite, and his skills reflect that.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''COSMIC KNOWLEDGE'''</span><br>Growing up in the 4th world, and training in space, Power Boy gained a tremendous amount of knowledge about the intricacies of space and space travel. He learned the basics of getting about, the nature and hazards of space civilizations, and a working knowledge of the intricacies of space navigation and exploration. He is far more comfortable onboard some variety of space craft, in some ways, than he is on Earth.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''INFILTRATION'''</span><br>Power Boy is was trained specifically for invasion and high value target elimination. That is not to say that he is an assassin. he was trained to quietly approach a high value target and kill them quickly and efficiently. Power boy can move with stealth, and has learned how to blend in with the lowest rungs of association<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''MULTILINGUAL'''</span><br>Interlac, English, and the language of the New Gods and Apokaliptians are all spoken by Power Boy. He can read, write, and cipher in them. His literacy is a remarkable feat for one of his original station and a reflection of his capabilities.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''PEOPLE READING'''</span><br>Assisted by his powers, power Boy can basically monitor the reactions and mood of an individual he deals with. This grants him an uncommon degree of empathy. he can use this knowledge to make him a more effective bargainer, to read a foe, to make better offers, or to gather psychological profiles. Power Boy has profound insight and charisma when dealing with beings that possess emotions. Those that do not are often easily swayed by logic.
Lean and fit, Power Boy is every bit the young man of action. He is caught somewhere between boy and man, developing into a powerful man. Looking about seventeen years old, Power Boy appears to be growing up tall and strong. He stands about six feet, two inches tall, with an athletic build that shows some width and power at the shoulders and some definite strength through his powerful arms. His face is oval in shape, crowned with black hair with a few locks of pale blond locks over his right eye. Power Boy's brows contrast well with his slightly pale skin, as well as his piercing blue eyes. Ringed with long black lashes, Power Boy's eyes are a very clear shade of blue and they give a hint to the exuberant personality he possesses. He has refined but masculine features, with a charming little smile. He has a serious, yet quietly playfully studious look.<br><br>With hard lines and a lean physique, Power Boy is obviously an athletic man. He has got the build of a swimmer; lean, hard, bulging muscle and nothing spare to him. His arms bulge with large, heavy muscles that demonstrate strength and power. Power Boy has a trim, taut torso with fit chest as well as a flat stomach and narrow hips. His legs are lean and powerful, and he has an easy, calm stride.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''DOG'''</span><br>Kirby is a pug that Power Boy found buried in rubble. The little dog's mother and siblings were all gone. Power Boy was actually saddened by the loss of life and he nursed the injured puppy back to health. He named the beast after a nearby shattered and broken appliance, a cleaning device that relied on vacuum suction to clean. In many ways, the dog is the aliens only and truest friend and companion.<br><br>The little dog is responsible on many levels for the humanity and pathos that Power Boy is capable of showing. Heaven forbid anyone so much as threaten the little dog, as the results could be catastrophic for them. He will kill for this dog. Kirby is a sweet dog, and is widely regarded as being 'A good boy'.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''FATHER BOX'''</span><br>This device functions exactly like a Mother Box, for the most part. It can do the following:<br><br>Danger Sense <br><br>Omni-Knowledge Contains all knowledge of the New Gods and all of their accumulated knowledge. In the case of this box, it has a Pro-Apokolips slant which might be jarring.<br><br>Knowledge Projection Father Box is capable of sharing and projecting its understanding of past, present and alternating future events for all to see. <br><br>Translation Translates alien languages and writing to Fourth World languages. It transmits this knowledge to the user via telepathy and will do the same in return for the user, allowing communication.<br><br>Source Conduit Father Boxes possess the ability to Access the Omni-physical Energies of the Source; albeit accessing the negative portion related to the Anti-Life aspect of it for various effects, such as: <br><br>Energy Manipulation Through its connection to the source Father box can channel, generate and direct vast quantities of raw power for a variety of purposes.<br><br>Gravity Manipulation It can distort or even create gravity wells. This is useful for anchoring positions in space or preventing drift.<br><br>Matter Manipulation Able to fabricate or completely re-purpose matter to generate new items like armor, clothing or weapons for any use by its handlers. Power Boy uses this ability to provide food for his dog, Kirby, and to keep himself in clothes.<br><br>Telepathy It can communicate with its user telepathically.<br><br>Conversion Similar in effect to the actual Anti-Life Equation, a Father Box can twist the thought processes of its wielder converting their train of thought towards the services of Darkseid.<br><br>Boom-Tubes Ability to open or close boom-tubes. Like its counterpart the mother box any character that possesses one can automatically create a Boom Tube capable of transporting him between galaxies, and dimensions. Theoretically an alternate reality could also be reached by a Father Box.<br><br>Hush-Tubes Deviating from a mother box however is the much quieter function for going to and coming back between transport points. This enables the near undetectable motion from space to space without drawing ones attentions. Such quieter tubes generally take longer to generate, so are less useful for escape purposes and far more useful for stealthily gaining entry.<br><br>Life Support They can continue their user's life for an extended period if their injuries don't cause a fatality. This is basically a sort of stasis wherein the body is kept alive in preparation of extreme healing measures.<br><br>Machine Animation & Control Take over and control non-sentient machines, including the ability to evolve non-sentient machines. Energy Transference: It can transfer its intelligence into other technology or even beings empowering them and enhancing preexisting powers and abilities to new heights.<br><br>The Father Box is vaguely aligned with the anti-life side of the source. Its intelligence urges the user towards acts more in line with the aims and purposes of Apokolips. This damage has long since been done with Power Boy, as he hails from that blasted world. He has overcome this influence. Someone stealing the Box from him would almost certainly find their mind being twisted and perverted.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''DIFFERENT CULTURE'''</span><br>Apokolips is literally another world in another, albeit linked, dimension known as the Fourth World. Its connection to the Third World, Earths dimension is not entirely certain. His experiences as a warrior-slave turned rebel inform Power Boys behavior and values. His culture though, is most importantly that of a warrior slave. he has very little concept of privacy. His nudity taboo is essentially nonexistent; he understands Terrans/Earthlings have a nudity taboo, but he certainly does not. Monogamy sounds like a crazy idea he might try if it came up, but drawing mutual pleasure with a partner when the mood strikes him is not at all anathema to him.<br><br>Only his own torments and his innate empathic powers and abilities stopped the boy that became Power Boy from being a far more evil and domineering creature. He has a different culture that informs him, and he just does not fit in on Earth.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''EMPATHIC OVERLOAD'''</span><br>Emotions are wonderful things. They are not all positive, however; negative emotions which are generally defined as the Red orange and yellow emotions of the emotional spectrum can cause negative reactions. Experiencing individuals feeling expressing extreme amounts of these discrete emotions can cause an emotive reaction in Power boy. It is most likely to emerge as rage, however a covetous rampage might also be possible. <br><br>Rage and covetous reactions will result in a complete and utter breakdown of control and restraint. His physical strength, empowered by his powers will rival that of superman himself and Power boy will lose his self-control. While he will certainly strike at the source of the emotional overload, he will not stop unless restrained or exposed to a great amount of positive emotional energy or willpower. Those who seek to restrain his emotion overload will be dealt with in a brutal fashion, even if he otherwise would not normally oppose. This berserk state is immensely dangerous, but cathartic. He emerges from it usually feeling quite well. <br><br>The emotional Spectrum-<br>Negative Emotions Rage (Red) Avarice (orange) Fear (Yellow) <br>Lynchpin or fulcrum Emotion Will (Green) <br>Positive Emotions Hope (Blue) Compassion (Indigo) Love (Violet)<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''OUTSIDERS VIEW'''</span><br>While he is intuitive, Power Boys relative inexperience with navigating the human experience can sometimes make it seem like a game. Provide these inputs to get desired outputs. While it is functionally sociopathy, it is not for selfish ends. As Power Boy discovers that making others makes him happy, this is the clumsy beginnings of enlightened self-interest. His inexperience with these positive emotions makes it an attractive path. People pleasing can be self-destructive, fruitless, and jading. <br><br>Moving past this is a healthy part of his self-actualization and becoming a functional emotional being, but it can lead to him gaming the system in order to get the high of anothers happiness.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''REBEL'''</span><br>Power Boy is a rebel and a traitor to Apokalips and Darkseid himself. One is punishable by the death, the other by a slow, painful, agonizing death. Darkseid might be a creature of twisted honor but his words are carefully chosen. Furthermore, a way to curry favor with Darkseid is to eliminate his foes.<br><br>Power Boy has many enemies in the Fourth World, as well as this one and due to Apokaliptian heritage. Even Darkseid himself would take a few moments to kill Power Boy should the opportunity arise and it not inconvenience a greater concern.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''STRANGER'''</span><br>In addition to coming from his own different culture, Power Boy is relatively ignorant of earths customs. He has to learn certain fundamental facts about earth society on an intellectual level, and yet not necessarily appreciate the cultural significance of them. Book knowledge is one thing, it is simply amazing how much is not actually written down, but learned from the shared human condition; a condition that Power Boy does not share.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
Power Boy was never given a proper name. He has been led to believe father was a nameless worker, and Power Boy was never important enough to be given his own actual name. He never met his mother, and believes she is dead, though he cannot say one way or the other. Power Boy would be hard pressed to select his father from a crowd of men; he was taken from a very young age for experimentation due to his superior genetics and potential for greater things. As an Apokoliptian, the nameless boy was destined to live forever in terror, horror, and tyranny unless he was released from his servitude by the mercy of death. He was simply another creation on the hellworld that is Apokolips.<br><br>The boy was one of Darkseid's most prized creations, but even then he was considered another experiment, and another disposable warrior. Darkseid hates life, and seeks to restrain, control, and rule over all life. The boy spent his youth being trained heavily in the killing pits and arenas, learning techniques from some of Apokolips most trained warriors. When he was not being taught to kill he was being tormented in the inhumane experimental chambers of cruel masters to devise a being of malice and power.<br><br>Power Boy always yearned for something else, but he didn't quite understand that yet, because he had nothing to compare his worldview to until he was sent to Earth in an accident caused by Apokiliptian harassment of New Genesis interests. Power Boy fell in love with Earth after just a few hours of freedom and after saving a small dog from being savaged by a cruel man. He named the dog Kirby, after the remnants of a shattered old vacuum cleaner the puppy cowered under. Kirby was the first being to ever love him, and that pure emotion is something Power Boy cherishes. He believes that the day he discovered his soul was the day he saved Kirby. Power Boy is looking for a new place to belong. He exists on his own, looking for meaning in life.<br><br> He taught himself to read in a library, and has thus far only mastered English.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
Power Boy has a variety of personality traits, quirks, and foibles. He is trying to discover just what a good person is, and how to be one. He is genuinely trying, and he might be able to become an actual hero if he keeps at it. For now, though, Power Boy has Good, Bad, and Ugly personality traits.<br><br>The Good<br><br>Animal Lover<br><br>Animals do not judge. They simply exist and do. Power boy has a natural affinity for animals. The tamer they are, the better he gets along with them. Dogs and cats are particular favorites. A wounded animal is an occasion to see compassion from Power Boy.<br><br>Freedom<br><br>After a lifetime of torment, cruel treatments, painful technomagical torments and indescribable pain and agony at the hands of scientists and instructors; Power Boy is free. Having experienced torment and tyranny, he fights to protect his freedom, and relish it while he has it. This leads to a certain libertarian outlook on the world, with Power Boy not caring as much about the law. He tends to prefer that no one is taking advantage of another. So long as no one is being harmed, Power Boy enjoys a certain live and let live attitude. <br><br>Intuitive<br><br>With the ability to sense the emotional states of other people, Power Boy is remarkably insightful when it comes to the emotions and mental states that inform decision making. This translates into a certain working knowledge of humanity as emotional beings. When coupled with his tremendous intellect, is an incredible understanding of means, motive, and opportunity. It gives Power Boy a natural way with people. <br><br>Explorer<br><br>Power Boy is free for the first time in his life. He is exploring not just the galaxy, but the human condition. He is exploring, traveling, learning and examining as he goes. If there is something new to do, he is almost certainly interested as he learns. It gives him an open mind, but it can get into trouble as he gets tangled up into things he should not. <br><br>Willful<br><br>He is free now. He is not going back to slavery, torment or death. Never. His mind is strong, and Power Boy is resolute. Power Boy will not bend, and he will not surrender. While he has a certain open mind to new experiences, once he has made a decision, he will not back down without either the weight of overwhelming reason or force.<br><br>The Bad<br><br>Developing principles<br><br>As yet, Power Boy does not have a solid ethical or moral guide. He knows that some emotions are hurtful. He knows cruelty is wrong. He also knows that not everything that is good and right is always nice and easy. He is putting a set of principles together piece by piece. Power Boy has read on ethics and morality, but there are so many different perspectives. For now, Power Boy is just trying to not be a dick to everyone. The results so far are mixed.<br><br>Pragmatic<br><br>Brutal efficiency and a certain selfish mindset still pervades power boy's thought processes. Expediency, and a utilitarian viewpoint of the costs, benefits, and resulting desirability of an action are all part of a calculus used to determine if an action will be taken. While this pragmatism is a survival asset, it is also a hindrance towards becoming a decent, and even good being.<br><br>The Ugly<br><br>Outsiders View<br><br>While he is intuitive, Power Boys relative inexperience with navigating the human experience can sometimes make it seem like a game. Provide these inputs to get desired outputs. While it is functionally sociopathy, it is not for selfish ends. As Power Boy discovers that making others makes him happy, this is the clumsy beginnings of enlightened self-interest. His inexperience with these positive emotions makes it an attractive path. People pleasing can be self-destructive, fruitless, and jading. <br><br>Moving past this is a healthy part of his self-actualization and becoming a functional emotional being, but it can lead to him gaming the system in order to get the high of anothers happiness.<br><br>Anger<br><br>Though he tries to control it, Power Boy had a horrible childhood and has led a hard life. Born and raised in slavery, experimented on, and forged into a killer, Power Boy can have failures as a rational person because of his residual anger. Anger comes easily to him. The more despicable his foes, the more rage they feel.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Apokoliptian:'''</span>
As a being of the Fourth World, Power Boy's anatomy and physiology have been heightened far beyond the human baseline by proximity to the potent powers of "the source?. Fourth worlders count eons like days. They are eternal and unaging. Only the most vile show signs of aging as their powers corrupt and twist their forms. As troubled as his life has been, Power Boy is not corrupt. He is young and learning about right and wrong. Barring an inglorious death due to violence or hardship, Power Boy will live to see the next universe; immortal, unaging, and not human.<br><br>   Apokoliptian's are stronger, tougher, and generally smarter than humans. Due to a lifetime of training, torment, and experimentation, Power Boy is significantly more powerful than most Fourth worlders and indeed, one of the more powerful of their number.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Empathy:'''</span>
Power Boy is a receptive empath. He can read the emotions of other people and animals. He is adept at it, and can almost unerringly feel the emotions of another. This gives him incredible insight into other people. This ability is, by default, on in a general manner. He can hone in on an individual being to gain greater insight into emotions. He cannot read thoughts, and he cannot project his emotions. This sense can be used to detect otherwise hidden beings. While it is not precise enough to allow for pinpoint targeting, it does allow him to know the source of the emotion within a couple of feet.<br><br>More than reading emotions, Power Boy can tap into those emotions and empower constructs out of them like a member of any of the Lantern corps. As a general rule, any intense emotion can either be used as a raw attack or a defensive shield, or a hand construct (A third, unattached hand that operates with Power Bow's native strength). Otherwise, the emotion can be used to:<br><br>Boost his already significant physical prowess. Fear can be used to increase his twitchiness, for example. Anger can improve his strength and durability, as another example.<br><br>Manifest Emotional Power- these are usually just specific, short-lived constructs with a specific purpose, like a red lightning bolt to fire at a foe, or surround himself with to protect from attack.<br><br>As a result of these powers, Power Boy can basically monitor the reactions and mood of an individual he deals with. This grants him an uncommon degree of empathy. He can use this knowledge to make him a more effective bargainer, to read a foe, to make better offers, or to gather psychological profiles. Power Boy has profound insight and charisma when dealing with beings that possess emotions. Those that do not are often easily swayed by logic. While he may deduce that someone is lying, this ability is not a lie detector, although a person's emotional state might provide a clue that he or he is lying.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Enhanced Intelligence:'''</span>
Power Boy's intelligence is incredibly well developed. He has genetic enhancements that improved his general level of intelligence. He measures off the chart, much like the Kryptonians he was experimented on to compete with. Unlike the Kryptonians of the house of 'El', Power Boy has no particular affinity for technology. He is merely off the scale of human intelligence. This power is essentially his super speed applied to his mind.<br><br>Eidetic memory- Once exposed to information, Power Boy (unlike his player) does not forget it. While it can be useful, memory can also be a burden.<br><br>Improved reading- In concert with her superior speed, Power Boy can read most texts in a matter of seconds. War and Peace clocked in at about 3 seconds. His comprehension, unlike most speed readers, is not compromised by the speed of consumption.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Flight:'''</span>
Through his connection to the source energies, Power Boy can project himself through space; he can fly. Power Boy's speed and maneuverability is top notch. Power Boy's ability to defy gravity is incredible. He essentially moves at will at mind-boggling speeds. Power Boy can fly at a significant portion of the speed of light. In the atmosphere, he normally restrains himself to about three to five times the speed of sound.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Super Breath:'''</span>
In addition to his other enhancements, Power Boy has incredibly powerful lungs. Using this capacity, he can blow over large land animals like cows, and stagger and toss about humans. He has an approximately 20 yard length on the cone up to 60 degrees in front of him in an arc that he can effect. This gust of super breath is of hurricane force, and the gale can send debris scattering and flying all about the area.<br>   In addition to knocking things back and about, this gale force wind can produce temperature changes enough to create several inches deep ice on structures, the ground and even living beings, effectively immobilizing most conventional opponents in a sheet of ice, or causing damage to foes that are vulnerable to cold.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Superhuman Durability:'''</span>
Power Boy has the ability to keep his full output for several consecutive days. He does not need to sleep, eat, or breathe. He enjoys doing all three. In addition to his general life support, he is capable of surviving pressure differentials and temperature extremes that would kill normal humans. He can handle both the oceanic depths and the vacuum of space. He is further immune to extreme heat and flame as well as great cold. He is essentially self-sustaining due to his enhanced connection to the source energy.<br><br>His physique is also incredibly durable. Power Boy can essentially withstand forces up to those that he can exert himself. He is slightly less resistant to energy attacks than he is to physical attacks. Cruise missiles, tactical nuclear devices, and most conventional human technology fail to effectively harm him. He is not impacted by Kryptonite as a special weakness.<br>  Power Boy has an immunity to disease and toxins.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Superhuman Speed:'''</span>
Power Boy has greatly enhanced reflexes, hand eye coordination, and speed. He can literally traverse the world on foot in about a minute, meaning he can run at speeds best described as ludicrous. In addition to having the abilities, he has honed his reactions due to his training as a warrior on Apokolips. If he chooses to dodge an attack, unless it is of someone of similar power and experience, there is very little chance of the blow landing. His movements and reflexes are faster than the human eye and most cameras.<br><br>Due to his superhuman speed, durability, strength and mind all operating together, Power Boy can do a variety of things at vastly improved rates, like build a bridge in a perhaps a day, or construct several houses in a matter of hours. With a rapid spin, Power Boy can vanish into rock, tunneling through it like a living, breathing dynamo.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Superhuman Strength:'''</span>
Most Fourth worlders are capable of at least a few tons of weight. Power Boy, due to Darkseid's experiments, is incredibly powerful. He is approximately equal to Power Girl in terms of his strength, meaning naval vessels, massive freighters, buildings, bridges, and many varieties of spacecraft are all able to be lifted and thrown, or caught.<br><br>In addition to having strength, Power Boy has been trained to use it. He has the standard suite of 'Brick Tricks', such as striking the earth to cause a tremor or break terrain, and a supersonic clap to throw back and stun foes. He can rend and tear metal like steel or far stronger materials with trivial ease. He can tunnel through solid rock with similar ease.<br><br>When under the influence of rage, anger, or extreme passion, or while under the influence of his empathic overload weakness, his strength migrates upwards to be able to rival that of Superman for as long as the boost or rage lasts.<br><br>See Empathy Ability
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Combat:'''</span>
The boy was not trained to be a mere foot soldier. Due to his tremendous potential in addition to the experimentation and enhancements performed on him at the demand of Darkseid himself, the boy that became Power Boy was being trained to become one of Darkseid's elite; to one day possibly be given a name and a position within Darkseid's perfected hierarchy. From a young age, the boy was taught to fight, claw, kill, maim, and destroy his way to the top. He is a profoundly efficient, brutal fighter who uses flourishes to install fear and doubt into opponents. Power Boy, had he been a female, would have been considered for becoming a fury. He has been taught a variety of armed and unarmed combat techniques and has essentially been given martial training and Special Forces training in an alien interdimensional conqueror's army. He was elite, and his skills reflect that.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Cosmic Knowledge:'''</span>
Because he grew up in the Fourth World and trained in space, Power Boy possesses a tremendous amount of knowledge about the intricacies of space and space travel. He learned the basics of getting about, the nature and hazards of space civilizations, and a working knowledge of the intricacies of space navigation and exploration. In some ways, Power Boy is far more comfortable onboard some variety of spacecraft, than he is on Earth.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Infiltration:'''</span>
Power Boy was trained specifically for invasion and high value target elimination. That is not to say that he is an assassin. He was trained to quietly approach a high value target and kill them quickly and efficiently. The sort of targets that Power Boy was assigned to required concerted efforts and likely extended combat to defeat. Power Boy can move with stealth, and has learned how to blend in with the lowest rungs of society. He employs some of the techniques of an assassin, but a good assassin does not need to fight. Power Boy is more of a stalker.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Multilingual:'''</span>
Interlac, English, and the language of the New Gods and Apokaliptians are all spoken by Power Boy. He can read, write, and cipher in them. His literacy is a remarkable feat for one of his original station and a reflection of his capabilities.<br><br>It is important to note that one of the abilities of the Father Box is to translate both written and spoken languages for Power Boy.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''People Reading:'''</span>
Assisted by his powers, Power Boy can basically monitor the reactions and mood of an individual he deals with. This grants him an uncommon degree of empathy. He can use this knowledge to make him a more effective bargainer, to read a foe, to make better offers, or to gather psychological profiles. Power Boy has profound insight and charisma when dealing with beings that possess emotions. Those that do not are often easily swayed by logic.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Dog:'''</span>
Kirby is a pug that Power Boy saved from abuse at the hands of unstable man. He nursed the injured puppy back to health. He named the beast after a nearby shattered and broken appliance. In many ways, the dog is the alien's only and truest friend and companion.<br><br>The little dog is responsible on many levels for the humanity and pathos that Power Boy is capable of showing. Heaven forbid anyone so much as threaten the little dog, as the results could be catastrophic for them. He will kill for this dog.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Father Box:'''</span>
This device functions much like a Mother Box, for the most part. It can do the following<br> Omni-Knowledge Contains all knowledge of the New Gods and all of their accumulated knowledge. In the case of this box, it has a Pro-Apokolips slant which might be jarring. While it has this archive, it is functionally Fourth Worlder 'Google'. It also does not casually share information with anyone beyond Power Boy.<br><br>Knowledge Projection Father Box is capable of sharing and projecting its understanding of past, present and alternating future events for all to see.<br><br>Translation Translates 'alien' languages and writing to Fourth World languages. It transmits this knowledge to the user via telepathy and will do the same in return for the user, allowing communication.<br><br>Source Conduit Father Boxes possess the ability to Access the Omni-physical Energies of the Source; albeit accessing the negative portion related to the Anti-Life aspect of it for various effects, such as: <br> Energy Manipulation Through its connection to the source Father box can channel, generate and direct vast quantities of raw power for a variety of purposes.<br><br>Gravity Manipulation It can distort or even create gravity wells. This is useful for anchoring positions in space for preventing drift.<br><br>Matter Manipulation Able to fabricate or completely re-purpose matter to generate new items like armor, clothing or weapons for any use by its handlers. Power Boy uses this ability to provide food for his dog, Kirby, and to keep himself in clothes.<br>       Telepathy It can communicate with its user telepathically.<br><br>Conversion Similar in effect to the actual Anti-Life Equation, a Father Box can twist the thought processes of its wielder converting their train of thought towards the services of Darkseid.<br><br>Boom-Tubes Ability to open or close boom-tubes. Like its counterpart the mother box any character that possesses one can automatically create a Boom Tube capable of transporting him between galaxies, and dimensions. Theoretically an alternate reality could also be reached by a Father Box.<br><br>Hush-Tubes Deviating from a mother box however is the much quieter function for going to and coming back between transport points. This enables the near undetectable motion from space to space without drawing one's attentions. Such quieter tubes generally take longer to generate, so are less useful for escape purposes and far more useful for stealthily gaining entry.<br><br>Life Support They can continue their user's life for an extended period if their injuries don't cause a fatality. This is basically a sort of stasis wherein the body is kept alive in preparation of extreme healing measures.<br><br>Machine Animation & Control Take over and control non-sentient machines, including the ability to evolve non-sentient machines. Energy Transference: It can transfer its intelligence into other technology or even beings empowering them and enhancing preexisting powers and abilities to new heights.<br><br>The Father Box is vaguely aligned with the anti-life side of the source. Its intelligence urges the user towards acts more in line with the aims and purposes of Apokolips. This damage has long since been done with Power Boy, as he hails from that blasted world. He has overcome the box's influence and recognizes it for what it is.. Someone stealing the Box from him would almost certainly find their mind being twisted and perverted. It craves this, and works to make it happen. Power Boy, as a result, tends to limit his use of this device.<br><br>The more extreme abilities of the box are unlikely to ever be used, and if they were, they would be approved by staff prior. The device is not meant to trivialize things, and Power Boy regards it as something to be hidden and simply not spoken about.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Apokoliptian:'''</span>
Amongst his own people, Power Boy is a rebel and criminal who betrayed his God King and should be punished for it by either capture or death. Many times, on many worlds, and with varying degrees of success, Apokolips has been an aggressor. There are worlds where his bloodline is a death sentence. There are beings who would seek to eradicate him if they know what he was. There are drawbacks to being one of his kind. <br><br>Amongst the people of Earth, he is little more than another neophyte hero at best. People, as a rule, tend to think he is some random Kryptonian or other alien. Power Boy neither advertises his planet of origin, nor does he obscure it. Ultimately, despite all his power, the universe can be a very deadly place for him.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Different Culture:'''</span>
Apokolips is literally another world in another, albeit linked, dimension known as the Fourth World. Its connection to the Third World, Earth's dimension is not entirely certain. His experiences as a warrior-slave turned rebel inform Power Boy's behavior and values. His culture though, is most importantly that of a warrior slave. Power Boy has very little concept of privacy. His nudity taboo is essentially nonexistent; he understands Terrans/Earthlings have a nudity taboo, but he certainly does not. Monogamy sounds like a crazy idea he might try if it came up.<br><br>Only his own torments and his innate empathic powers and abilities stopped the boy that became Power Boy from being a far more evil and domineering creature. He has a different culture that informs him, and he just does not fit in on Earth.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Empathic Overload:'''</span>
Emotions are wonderful things. They are not all positive, however; negative emotions which are generally defined as the Red orange and yellow emotions of the emotional spectrum can cause negative reactions. Experiencing individuals expressing extreme amounts of these discrete emotions can cause an emotive reaction in Power boy. It is most likely to emerge as rage, however a covetous rampage might also be possible. Fear will simply enrage him as well.<br><br>Rage and covetous reactions will result in a complete and utter breakdown of control and restraint. His physical strength, empowered by his powers will rival that of Superman himself and Power boy will lose his self-control. While he will certainly strike at the source of the emotional overload, he will not stop unless restrained or exposed to a great amount of positive emotional energy or willpower. Those who seek to restrain his emotion overload will be dealt with in a brutal fashion, even if he otherwise would not normally oppose. This berserk state is immensely dangerous, but cathartic. He emerges from it usually feeling quite well. <br><br>The emotional Spectrum-<br>  Negative Emotions Rage (Red) Avarice (Orange) Fear (Yellow) <br>Lynchpin or fulcrum Emotion Will (Green) <br><br>Positive Emotions Hope (Blue) Compassion (Indigo) Love (Violet).<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Fourth World Oblige:'''</span>
Reminescent of the Noblesse Oblige that characterized knights and lords of earlier periods of history on Earth, Power Boy restrains himself in combat. He doesn't just level a foe or mash them into paste. Neither does Power Boy simply sidestep every blow at speeds the human eye cannot follow. He takes shots that he doesn't need to, and restrains his strength to avoid the appearance of being a vicious killer. This behavior can backfire, and he can be struck by force that could harm even his physique. He can fail to brace for an impact and be sent flying by it.<br><br>This is for many reasons. First, humanity is simply not built like he is. He can take it. Second, he craves the love and adulation of heroism. Power Boy can see when people love him, and as a tormented and tortured former slave, that is an incredibly heady sensation. Finally, there is a bit of calculated manipulation in his efforts; it doesn't make sense to reveal every ability or to make himself appear threatening to the planet. Power Boy wants to be loved, and being a super scary alien killing machine is not the way to win hearts and minds.<br><br>All of this can blow up in Power Boy's face when he encounters a foe that can harm him. He can take injuries or be removed from fights because he fails to respect what some of the beings on this planet can do to him.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Outsider's View:'''</span>
While he is intuitive, Power Boy's relative inexperience with navigating the human experience can sometimes make it seem like a game. Provide these inputs to get desired outputs. It is manipulation, and is a behavior used by sociopaths, but it is not for selfish ends. As Power Boy discovers that making others makes him happy, this is the clumsy beginning of enlightened self-interest. His inexperience with these positive emotions makes it an attractive path. People pleasing can be self-destructive, fruitless, and wearying.<br><br>Moving past this is a healthy part of his self-actualization and becoming a functional emotional being, but it can lead to him gaming the system in order to get the 'high' of another's happiness. It also can make him an enabler of bad behaviors,<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Outsiders View:'''</span>
While he is intuitive, Power Boys relative inexperience with navigating the human experience can sometimes make it seem like a game. Provide these inputs to get desired outputs. While it is functionally sociopathy, it is not for selfish ends. As Power Boy discovers that making others makes him happy, this is the clumsy beginnings of enlightened self-interest. His inexperience with these positive emotions makes it an attractive path. People pleasing can be self-destructive, fruitless, and jading. <br><br>Moving past this is a healthy part of his self-actualization and becoming a functional emotional being, but it can lead to him gaming the system in order to get the high of another's happiness.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Radion:'''</span>
Radion is a bizarre, incredibly rare material of bizarre and unknown actual origin that can be shaped into weapons that bypass the natural invulnerability of Fourth Worlders. A sword made of Radion, should it hit, would cleave Power Boy's flesh as easily as a steel sword does a human. It does not otherwise block or prevent Fourth World powers.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Rebel:'''</span>
Power Boy is a rebel and a traitor to Apokalips and Darkseid himself. One is punishable by a gruesome death, the other by a slow, painful, agonizing death. Darkseid might be a creature of twisted honor but his words are carefully chosen. Furthermore, a way to curry favor with Darkseid is to eliminate his foes.<br><br>Power Boy has many enemies in the Fourth World, as well as this one and due to Apokaliptian heritage. Even Darkseid himself would take a few moments to kill Power Boy should the opportunity arise and it not inconvenience one of the tyrant's greater concerns.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Stranger:'''</span>
In addition to coming from his own different culture, Power Boy is relatively ignorant of earth's customs. He has to learn certain fundamental facts about earth society on an intellectual level, and yet not necessarily appreciate the cultural significance of them. Book knowledge is one thing, it is simply amazing how much is not actually written down, but learned from the shared human condition; a condition that Power Boy does not possess. He does not view the Earth as humanity does. He is not human, and is, at best, simply pretending. Power Boy uses his powers to approach difficult humans and reading their emotions to reflect their expectations as if he was a living Skinner Box.

Latest revision as of 13:58, 23 November 2020

Power Boy (Scenesys ID: 1373)
Full Name: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Apokoliptian
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Troubled Hero
Citizenship: Apokolips/USA
Residence: Metropolis
Education: Private tutoring
Status: Dropped
Other Information
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 24
Date of Birth 11 November 2003 Actor: Zac Efron
Height: 188 cm (6'2") Weight: 100 kg (220 lb)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Something Just Like This" by The Chainsmokers & Coldplay


Born a nameless slave on the planet Apokolips, the being that came to be known as Power Boy was little more than the chattel of Darkseid, the dark God-King. His abilities set him apart from the other nameless slaves, and from a young age the boy was tutored in the ways of war. His abilities were enough that he was singled out for experimentation by Darkseid himself to create an elite living weapon. The processes succeeded, and the boy was given more elite training. His great strength though, was his weakness. Learning to loathe his owners the slaves rebellious nature was stoked from embers to a burning flame when he was sent ahead of the Apokoliptian Invasion waves of the planet Earth. He betrayed his cruel masters and seeks to learn to transcend his base born nature and become a true hero. Still shedding the tyrannical teachings of his birth planet, Power Boy tries to do right even as he learns just what right and wrong are.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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Lean and fit, Power Boy is every bit the young man of action. He is caught somewhere between boy and man, developing into a powerful man. Looking about seventeen years old, Power Boy appears to be growing up tall and strong. He stands about six feet, two inches tall, with an athletic build that shows some width and power at the shoulders and some definite strength through his powerful arms. His face is oval in shape, crowned with black hair with a few locks of pale blond locks over his right eye. Power Boy's brows contrast well with his slightly pale skin, as well as his piercing blue eyes. Ringed with long black lashes, Power Boy's eyes are a very clear shade of blue and they give a hint to the exuberant personality he possesses. He has refined but masculine features, with a charming little smile. He has a serious, yet quietly playfully studious look.

With hard lines and a lean physique, Power Boy is obviously an athletic man. He has got the build of a swimmer; lean, hard, bulging muscle and nothing spare to him. His arms bulge with large, heavy muscles that demonstrate strength and power. Power Boy has a trim, taut torso with fit chest as well as a flat stomach and narrow hips. His legs are lean and powerful, and he has an easy, calm stride.


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Power Boy was never given a proper name. He has been led to believe father was a nameless worker, and Power Boy was never important enough to be given his own actual name. He never met his mother, and believes she is dead, though he cannot say one way or the other. Power Boy would be hard pressed to select his father from a crowd of men; he was taken from a very young age for experimentation due to his superior genetics and potential for greater things. As an Apokoliptian, the nameless boy was destined to live forever in terror, horror, and tyranny unless he was released from his servitude by the mercy of death. He was simply another creation on the hellworld that is Apokolips.

The boy was one of Darkseid's most prized creations, but even then he was considered another experiment, and another disposable warrior. Darkseid hates life, and seeks to restrain, control, and rule over all life. The boy spent his youth being trained heavily in the killing pits and arenas, learning techniques from some of Apokolips most trained warriors. When he was not being taught to kill he was being tormented in the inhumane experimental chambers of cruel masters to devise a being of malice and power.

Power Boy always yearned for something else, but he didn't quite understand that yet, because he had nothing to compare his worldview to until he was sent to Earth in an accident caused by Apokiliptian harassment of New Genesis interests. Power Boy fell in love with Earth after just a few hours of freedom and after saving a small dog from being savaged by a cruel man. He named the dog Kirby, after the remnants of a shattered old vacuum cleaner the puppy cowered under. Kirby was the first being to ever love him, and that pure emotion is something Power Boy cherishes. He believes that the day he discovered his soul was the day he saved Kirby. Power Boy is looking for a new place to belong. He exists on his own, looking for meaning in life.

He taught himself to read in a library, and has thus far only mastered English.


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Power Boy has a variety of personality traits, quirks, and foibles. He is trying to discover just what a good person is, and how to be one. He is genuinely trying, and he might be able to become an actual hero if he keeps at it. For now, though, Power Boy has Good, Bad, and Ugly personality traits.

The Good

Animal Lover

Animals do not judge. They simply exist and do. Power boy has a natural affinity for animals. The tamer they are, the better he gets along with them. Dogs and cats are particular favorites. A wounded animal is an occasion to see compassion from Power Boy.


After a lifetime of torment, cruel treatments, painful technomagical torments and indescribable pain and agony at the hands of scientists and instructors; Power Boy is free. Having experienced torment and tyranny, he fights to protect his freedom, and relish it while he has it. This leads to a certain libertarian outlook on the world, with Power Boy not caring as much about the law. He tends to prefer that no one is taking advantage of another. So long as no one is being harmed, Power Boy enjoys a certain live and let live attitude.


With the ability to sense the emotional states of other people, Power Boy is remarkably insightful when it comes to the emotions and mental states that inform decision making. This translates into a certain working knowledge of humanity as emotional beings. When coupled with his tremendous intellect, is an incredible understanding of means, motive, and opportunity. It gives Power Boy a natural way with people.


Power Boy is free for the first time in his life. He is exploring not just the galaxy, but the human condition. He is exploring, traveling, learning and examining as he goes. If there is something new to do, he is almost certainly interested as he learns. It gives him an open mind, but it can get into trouble as he gets tangled up into things he should not.


He is free now. He is not going back to slavery, torment or death. Never. His mind is strong, and Power Boy is resolute. Power Boy will not bend, and he will not surrender. While he has a certain open mind to new experiences, once he has made a decision, he will not back down without either the weight of overwhelming reason or force.

The Bad

Developing principles

As yet, Power Boy does not have a solid ethical or moral guide. He knows that some emotions are hurtful. He knows cruelty is wrong. He also knows that not everything that is good and right is always nice and easy. He is putting a set of principles together piece by piece. Power Boy has read on ethics and morality, but there are so many different perspectives. For now, Power Boy is just trying to not be a dick to everyone. The results so far are mixed.


Brutal efficiency and a certain selfish mindset still pervades power boy's thought processes. Expediency, and a utilitarian viewpoint of the costs, benefits, and resulting desirability of an action are all part of a calculus used to determine if an action will be taken. While this pragmatism is a survival asset, it is also a hindrance towards becoming a decent, and even good being.

The Ugly

Outsiders View

While he is intuitive, Power Boys relative inexperience with navigating the human experience can sometimes make it seem like a game. Provide these inputs to get desired outputs. While it is functionally sociopathy, it is not for selfish ends. As Power Boy discovers that making others makes him happy, this is the clumsy beginnings of enlightened self-interest. His inexperience with these positive emotions makes it an attractive path. People pleasing can be self-destructive, fruitless, and jading.

Moving past this is a healthy part of his self-actualization and becoming a functional emotional being, but it can lead to him gaming the system in order to get the high of anothers happiness.


Though he tries to control it, Power Boy had a horrible childhood and has led a hard life. Born and raised in slavery, experimented on, and forged into a killer, Power Boy can have failures as a rational person because of his residual anger. Anger comes easily to him. The more despicable his foes, the more rage they feel.


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As a being of the Fourth World, Power Boy's anatomy and physiology have been heightened far beyond the human baseline by proximity to the potent powers of "the source?. Fourth worlders count eons like days. They are eternal and unaging. Only the most vile show signs of aging as their powers corrupt and twist their forms. As troubled as his life has been, Power Boy is not corrupt. He is young and learning about right and wrong. Barring an inglorious death due to violence or hardship, Power Boy will live to see the next universe; immortal, unaging, and not human.

Apokoliptian's are stronger, tougher, and generally smarter than humans. Due to a lifetime of training, torment, and experimentation, Power Boy is significantly more powerful than most Fourth worlders and indeed, one of the more powerful of their number.

Power Boy is a receptive empath. He can read the emotions of other people and animals. He is adept at it, and can almost unerringly feel the emotions of another. This gives him incredible insight into other people. This ability is, by default, on in a general manner. He can hone in on an individual being to gain greater insight into emotions. He cannot read thoughts, and he cannot project his emotions. This sense can be used to detect otherwise hidden beings. While it is not precise enough to allow for pinpoint targeting, it does allow him to know the source of the emotion within a couple of feet.

More than reading emotions, Power Boy can tap into those emotions and empower constructs out of them like a member of any of the Lantern corps. As a general rule, any intense emotion can either be used as a raw attack or a defensive shield, or a hand construct (A third, unattached hand that operates with Power Bow's native strength). Otherwise, the emotion can be used to:

Boost his already significant physical prowess. Fear can be used to increase his twitchiness, for example. Anger can improve his strength and durability, as another example.

Manifest Emotional Power- these are usually just specific, short-lived constructs with a specific purpose, like a red lightning bolt to fire at a foe, or surround himself with to protect from attack.

As a result of these powers, Power Boy can basically monitor the reactions and mood of an individual he deals with. This grants him an uncommon degree of empathy. He can use this knowledge to make him a more effective bargainer, to read a foe, to make better offers, or to gather psychological profiles. Power Boy has profound insight and charisma when dealing with beings that possess emotions. Those that do not are often easily swayed by logic. While he may deduce that someone is lying, this ability is not a lie detector, although a person's emotional state might provide a clue that he or he is lying.

Enhanced Intelligence:
Power Boy's intelligence is incredibly well developed. He has genetic enhancements that improved his general level of intelligence. He measures off the chart, much like the Kryptonians he was experimented on to compete with. Unlike the Kryptonians of the house of 'El', Power Boy has no particular affinity for technology. He is merely off the scale of human intelligence. This power is essentially his super speed applied to his mind.

Eidetic memory- Once exposed to information, Power Boy (unlike his player) does not forget it. While it can be useful, memory can also be a burden.

Improved reading- In concert with her superior speed, Power Boy can read most texts in a matter of seconds. War and Peace clocked in at about 3 seconds. His comprehension, unlike most speed readers, is not compromised by the speed of consumption.

Through his connection to the source energies, Power Boy can project himself through space; he can fly. Power Boy's speed and maneuverability is top notch. Power Boy's ability to defy gravity is incredible. He essentially moves at will at mind-boggling speeds. Power Boy can fly at a significant portion of the speed of light. In the atmosphere, he normally restrains himself to about three to five times the speed of sound.

Super Breath:
In addition to his other enhancements, Power Boy has incredibly powerful lungs. Using this capacity, he can blow over large land animals like cows, and stagger and toss about humans. He has an approximately 20 yard length on the cone up to 60 degrees in front of him in an arc that he can effect. This gust of super breath is of hurricane force, and the gale can send debris scattering and flying all about the area.
In addition to knocking things back and about, this gale force wind can produce temperature changes enough to create several inches deep ice on structures, the ground and even living beings, effectively immobilizing most conventional opponents in a sheet of ice, or causing damage to foes that are vulnerable to cold.

Superhuman Durability:
Power Boy has the ability to keep his full output for several consecutive days. He does not need to sleep, eat, or breathe. He enjoys doing all three. In addition to his general life support, he is capable of surviving pressure differentials and temperature extremes that would kill normal humans. He can handle both the oceanic depths and the vacuum of space. He is further immune to extreme heat and flame as well as great cold. He is essentially self-sustaining due to his enhanced connection to the source energy.

His physique is also incredibly durable. Power Boy can essentially withstand forces up to those that he can exert himself. He is slightly less resistant to energy attacks than he is to physical attacks. Cruise missiles, tactical nuclear devices, and most conventional human technology fail to effectively harm him. He is not impacted by Kryptonite as a special weakness.
Power Boy has an immunity to disease and toxins.

Superhuman Speed:
Power Boy has greatly enhanced reflexes, hand eye coordination, and speed. He can literally traverse the world on foot in about a minute, meaning he can run at speeds best described as ludicrous. In addition to having the abilities, he has honed his reactions due to his training as a warrior on Apokolips. If he chooses to dodge an attack, unless it is of someone of similar power and experience, there is very little chance of the blow landing. His movements and reflexes are faster than the human eye and most cameras.

Due to his superhuman speed, durability, strength and mind all operating together, Power Boy can do a variety of things at vastly improved rates, like build a bridge in a perhaps a day, or construct several houses in a matter of hours. With a rapid spin, Power Boy can vanish into rock, tunneling through it like a living, breathing dynamo.

Superhuman Strength:

Most Fourth worlders are capable of at least a few tons of weight. Power Boy, due to Darkseid's experiments, is incredibly powerful. He is approximately equal to Power Girl in terms of his strength, meaning naval vessels, massive freighters, buildings, bridges, and many varieties of spacecraft are all able to be lifted and thrown, or caught.

In addition to having strength, Power Boy has been trained to use it. He has the standard suite of 'Brick Tricks', such as striking the earth to cause a tremor or break terrain, and a supersonic clap to throw back and stun foes. He can rend and tear metal like steel or far stronger materials with trivial ease. He can tunnel through solid rock with similar ease.

When under the influence of rage, anger, or extreme passion, or while under the influence of his empathic overload weakness, his strength migrates upwards to be able to rival that of Superman for as long as the boost or rage lasts.

See Empathy Ability


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The boy was not trained to be a mere foot soldier. Due to his tremendous potential in addition to the experimentation and enhancements performed on him at the demand of Darkseid himself, the boy that became Power Boy was being trained to become one of Darkseid's elite; to one day possibly be given a name and a position within Darkseid's perfected hierarchy. From a young age, the boy was taught to fight, claw, kill, maim, and destroy his way to the top. He is a profoundly efficient, brutal fighter who uses flourishes to install fear and doubt into opponents. Power Boy, had he been a female, would have been considered for becoming a fury. He has been taught a variety of armed and unarmed combat techniques and has essentially been given martial training and Special Forces training in an alien interdimensional conqueror's army. He was elite, and his skills reflect that.

Cosmic Knowledge:
Because he grew up in the Fourth World and trained in space, Power Boy possesses a tremendous amount of knowledge about the intricacies of space and space travel. He learned the basics of getting about, the nature and hazards of space civilizations, and a working knowledge of the intricacies of space navigation and exploration. In some ways, Power Boy is far more comfortable onboard some variety of spacecraft, than he is on Earth.

Power Boy was trained specifically for invasion and high value target elimination. That is not to say that he is an assassin. He was trained to quietly approach a high value target and kill them quickly and efficiently. The sort of targets that Power Boy was assigned to required concerted efforts and likely extended combat to defeat. Power Boy can move with stealth, and has learned how to blend in with the lowest rungs of society. He employs some of the techniques of an assassin, but a good assassin does not need to fight. Power Boy is more of a stalker.

Interlac, English, and the language of the New Gods and Apokaliptians are all spoken by Power Boy. He can read, write, and cipher in them. His literacy is a remarkable feat for one of his original station and a reflection of his capabilities.

It is important to note that one of the abilities of the Father Box is to translate both written and spoken languages for Power Boy.

People Reading:

Assisted by his powers, Power Boy can basically monitor the reactions and mood of an individual he deals with. This grants him an uncommon degree of empathy. He can use this knowledge to make him a more effective bargainer, to read a foe, to make better offers, or to gather psychological profiles. Power Boy has profound insight and charisma when dealing with beings that possess emotions. Those that do not are often easily swayed by logic.


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Kirby is a pug that Power Boy saved from abuse at the hands of unstable man. He nursed the injured puppy back to health. He named the beast after a nearby shattered and broken appliance. In many ways, the dog is the alien's only and truest friend and companion.

The little dog is responsible on many levels for the humanity and pathos that Power Boy is capable of showing. Heaven forbid anyone so much as threaten the little dog, as the results could be catastrophic for them. He will kill for this dog.

Father Box:

This device functions much like a Mother Box, for the most part. It can do the following
Omni-Knowledge Contains all knowledge of the New Gods and all of their accumulated knowledge. In the case of this box, it has a Pro-Apokolips slant which might be jarring. While it has this archive, it is functionally Fourth Worlder 'Google'. It also does not casually share information with anyone beyond Power Boy.

Knowledge Projection Father Box is capable of sharing and projecting its understanding of past, present and alternating future events for all to see.

Translation Translates 'alien' languages and writing to Fourth World languages. It transmits this knowledge to the user via telepathy and will do the same in return for the user, allowing communication.

Source Conduit Father Boxes possess the ability to Access the Omni-physical Energies of the Source; albeit accessing the negative portion related to the Anti-Life aspect of it for various effects, such as:
Energy Manipulation Through its connection to the source Father box can channel, generate and direct vast quantities of raw power for a variety of purposes.

Gravity Manipulation It can distort or even create gravity wells. This is useful for anchoring positions in space for preventing drift.

Matter Manipulation Able to fabricate or completely re-purpose matter to generate new items like armor, clothing or weapons for any use by its handlers. Power Boy uses this ability to provide food for his dog, Kirby, and to keep himself in clothes.
Telepathy It can communicate with its user telepathically.

Conversion Similar in effect to the actual Anti-Life Equation, a Father Box can twist the thought processes of its wielder converting their train of thought towards the services of Darkseid.

Boom-Tubes Ability to open or close boom-tubes. Like its counterpart the mother box any character that possesses one can automatically create a Boom Tube capable of transporting him between galaxies, and dimensions. Theoretically an alternate reality could also be reached by a Father Box.

Hush-Tubes Deviating from a mother box however is the much quieter function for going to and coming back between transport points. This enables the near undetectable motion from space to space without drawing one's attentions. Such quieter tubes generally take longer to generate, so are less useful for escape purposes and far more useful for stealthily gaining entry.

Life Support They can continue their user's life for an extended period if their injuries don't cause a fatality. This is basically a sort of stasis wherein the body is kept alive in preparation of extreme healing measures.

Machine Animation & Control Take over and control non-sentient machines, including the ability to evolve non-sentient machines. Energy Transference: It can transfer its intelligence into other technology or even beings empowering them and enhancing preexisting powers and abilities to new heights.

The Father Box is vaguely aligned with the anti-life side of the source. Its intelligence urges the user towards acts more in line with the aims and purposes of Apokolips. This damage has long since been done with Power Boy, as he hails from that blasted world. He has overcome the box's influence and recognizes it for what it is.. Someone stealing the Box from him would almost certainly find their mind being twisted and perverted. It craves this, and works to make it happen. Power Boy, as a result, tends to limit his use of this device.

The more extreme abilities of the box are unlikely to ever be used, and if they were, they would be approved by staff prior. The device is not meant to trivialize things, and Power Boy regards it as something to be hidden and simply not spoken about.


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Amongst his own people, Power Boy is a rebel and criminal who betrayed his God King and should be punished for it by either capture or death. Many times, on many worlds, and with varying degrees of success, Apokolips has been an aggressor. There are worlds where his bloodline is a death sentence. There are beings who would seek to eradicate him if they know what he was. There are drawbacks to being one of his kind.

Amongst the people of Earth, he is little more than another neophyte hero at best. People, as a rule, tend to think he is some random Kryptonian or other alien. Power Boy neither advertises his planet of origin, nor does he obscure it. Ultimately, despite all his power, the universe can be a very deadly place for him.

Different Culture:
Apokolips is literally another world in another, albeit linked, dimension known as the Fourth World. Its connection to the Third World, Earth's dimension is not entirely certain. His experiences as a warrior-slave turned rebel inform Power Boy's behavior and values. His culture though, is most importantly that of a warrior slave. Power Boy has very little concept of privacy. His nudity taboo is essentially nonexistent; he understands Terrans/Earthlings have a nudity taboo, but he certainly does not. Monogamy sounds like a crazy idea he might try if it came up.

Only his own torments and his innate empathic powers and abilities stopped the boy that became Power Boy from being a far more evil and domineering creature. He has a different culture that informs him, and he just does not fit in on Earth.

Empathic Overload:
Emotions are wonderful things. They are not all positive, however; negative emotions which are generally defined as the Red orange and yellow emotions of the emotional spectrum can cause negative reactions. Experiencing individuals expressing extreme amounts of these discrete emotions can cause an emotive reaction in Power boy. It is most likely to emerge as rage, however a covetous rampage might also be possible. Fear will simply enrage him as well.

Rage and covetous reactions will result in a complete and utter breakdown of control and restraint. His physical strength, empowered by his powers will rival that of Superman himself and Power boy will lose his self-control. While he will certainly strike at the source of the emotional overload, he will not stop unless restrained or exposed to a great amount of positive emotional energy or willpower. Those who seek to restrain his emotion overload will be dealt with in a brutal fashion, even if he otherwise would not normally oppose. This berserk state is immensely dangerous, but cathartic. He emerges from it usually feeling quite well.

The emotional Spectrum-
Negative Emotions Rage (Red) Avarice (Orange) Fear (Yellow)
Lynchpin or fulcrum Emotion Will (Green)

Positive Emotions Hope (Blue) Compassion (Indigo) Love (Violet).

Fourth World Oblige:
Reminescent of the Noblesse Oblige that characterized knights and lords of earlier periods of history on Earth, Power Boy restrains himself in combat. He doesn't just level a foe or mash them into paste. Neither does Power Boy simply sidestep every blow at speeds the human eye cannot follow. He takes shots that he doesn't need to, and restrains his strength to avoid the appearance of being a vicious killer. This behavior can backfire, and he can be struck by force that could harm even his physique. He can fail to brace for an impact and be sent flying by it.

This is for many reasons. First, humanity is simply not built like he is. He can take it. Second, he craves the love and adulation of heroism. Power Boy can see when people love him, and as a tormented and tortured former slave, that is an incredibly heady sensation. Finally, there is a bit of calculated manipulation in his efforts; it doesn't make sense to reveal every ability or to make himself appear threatening to the planet. Power Boy wants to be loved, and being a super scary alien killing machine is not the way to win hearts and minds.

All of this can blow up in Power Boy's face when he encounters a foe that can harm him. He can take injuries or be removed from fights because he fails to respect what some of the beings on this planet can do to him.

Outsider's View:
While he is intuitive, Power Boy's relative inexperience with navigating the human experience can sometimes make it seem like a game. Provide these inputs to get desired outputs. It is manipulation, and is a behavior used by sociopaths, but it is not for selfish ends. As Power Boy discovers that making others makes him happy, this is the clumsy beginning of enlightened self-interest. His inexperience with these positive emotions makes it an attractive path. People pleasing can be self-destructive, fruitless, and wearying.

Moving past this is a healthy part of his self-actualization and becoming a functional emotional being, but it can lead to him gaming the system in order to get the 'high' of another's happiness. It also can make him an enabler of bad behaviors,

Outsiders View:
While he is intuitive, Power Boys relative inexperience with navigating the human experience can sometimes make it seem like a game. Provide these inputs to get desired outputs. While it is functionally sociopathy, it is not for selfish ends. As Power Boy discovers that making others makes him happy, this is the clumsy beginnings of enlightened self-interest. His inexperience with these positive emotions makes it an attractive path. People pleasing can be self-destructive, fruitless, and jading.

Moving past this is a healthy part of his self-actualization and becoming a functional emotional being, but it can lead to him gaming the system in order to get the high of another's happiness.

Radion is a bizarre, incredibly rare material of bizarre and unknown actual origin that can be shaped into weapons that bypass the natural invulnerability of Fourth Worlders. A sword made of Radion, should it hit, would cleave Power Boy's flesh as easily as a steel sword does a human. It does not otherwise block or prevent Fourth World powers.

Power Boy is a rebel and a traitor to Apokalips and Darkseid himself. One is punishable by a gruesome death, the other by a slow, painful, agonizing death. Darkseid might be a creature of twisted honor but his words are carefully chosen. Furthermore, a way to curry favor with Darkseid is to eliminate his foes.

Power Boy has many enemies in the Fourth World, as well as this one and due to Apokaliptian heritage. Even Darkseid himself would take a few moments to kill Power Boy should the opportunity arise and it not inconvenience one of the tyrant's greater concerns.


In addition to coming from his own different culture, Power Boy is relatively ignorant of earth's customs. He has to learn certain fundamental facts about earth society on an intellectual level, and yet not necessarily appreciate the cultural significance of them. Book knowledge is one thing, it is simply amazing how much is not actually written down, but learned from the shared human condition; a condition that Power Boy does not possess. He does not view the Earth as humanity does. He is not human, and is, at best, simply pretending. Power Boy uses his powers to approach difficult humans and reading their emotions to reflect their expectations as if he was a living Skinner Box.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Breathtaking Blazing Brilliant Bifrost Bringing Battle Because Beings Believe Balder's Back March 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
Shining Oceans March 22nd, 2018 After watching Kori streak past with her hair on fire, Power Boy flies after her, they exchange sad stories.
Love Stinks March 16th, 2018 A chance encounter on a metropolis rooftop between a dog, an alien, and an agent of love becomes a discussion on that emotion. Power Boy and Star Sapphire have a curiously poignant moment as an alien comes to accept 'the new normal'.
There will be no Vendettas! March 15th, 2018 Angry people talk and do not do angry things.Power Boy talks to Dr. Bruce Banner about the fight with the Hulk, shaken by his loss of control.
Still not Superman March 13th, 2018 Power Boy gives Maxima some tips on how to talk to Superman.
Smash of the Titans February 26th, 2018 Well that could have gone better
Log 3689 January 20th, 2018 Summary needed
Walkies! January 5th, 2018 Summary needed
Big Bright Beacon to SpaceBaddies January 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Nurse Boy December 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Times Square Meetup December 18th, 2017 A diverse group of young aliens and metahumans run into each other at a skating rink in Times Square.
Beginning To Feel A Lot Like Christmas! December 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Take off! It's a beauty way to go! December 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
The New Kid and the First Lady December 1st, 2017 Sue breaks Power Boy with maternal instinct as the former slave cannot comprehend why someone wanting to help and protect him makes him miss something he never new existed.
The Genesis of Oracle November 15th, 2017 The road from hacker to HACKER is made one step at a time.
Web-Browsing November 11th, 2017 Power Boy wants to trade information for a new identity.
Log 3066 November 5th, 2017 Summary needed
(Super)Pizza & a Talk October 29th, 2017 Summary needed
One Month Checkups October 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Barda's Big Entrance September 13th, 2017 Big Barda appears, to warn of the eminent approach of Darkseid, and Power Boy reveals himself.


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