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|FullName=Vitali Svetolik Svyatoslav
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|Education=Privately Tutored
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|Groups=[[Mystic Arts]]
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|Profile=Vitali is from a remote part of northern Siberia. His family and tribe-mates would call him a shaman, a medicine man. Others might prefer to call him a magician. He is likely to consider himself as much one as he is the other.
|Profile=Vitali is from a remote part of northern Siberia. His family and tribe-mates would call him a shaman, a medicine man. Others might prefer to call him a magician. He is likely to consider himself as much one as he is the other.
===Current Player Approved: February 15, 2021===
===Current Player Approved: N/A===
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The shapeshift spell is stored in an elliptical bead carved from the desired animal's bone. There is a specific pattern carved on the bead, and then the carving is imbued with power by being painted with his blood. This is a process that takes hours and concentration to accomplish. Each bead can be used an indefinite number of times since the spell and form are permanently known. He has a maximum of four beads (orca, polar bear, snow leopard, and greater spotted eagle), and he wears them on a necklace that fits close around his neck. He is not able to learn more than these four. He must touch the bead between thumb and forefinger and speak a word while concentrating in order to activate the power within it. Each animal form has a cool down period of 7 days before he can return to that form, and he needs to repaint the bead's carving with his blood in order to refresh the power held in it. Returning to his human form requires concentration on a carved flat rectangular Siberian jade bead worn on a snug bracelet on his left wrist. This filigreed bead has a hollow center which contains a small lock of his hair.<br><br>
The shapeshift spell is stored in an elliptical bead carved from the desired animal's bone. There is a specific pattern carved on the bead, and then the carving is imbued with power by being painted with his blood. This is a process that takes hours and concentration to accomplish. Each bead can be used an indefinite number of times since the spell and form are permanently known. He has a maximum of four beads (orca, polar bear, snow leopard, and greater spotted eagle), and he wears them on a necklace that fits close around his neck. He is not able to learn more than these four. He must touch the bead between thumb and forefinger and speak a word while concentrating in order to activate the power within it. Each animal form has a cool down period of 7 days before he can return to that form, and he needs to repaint the bead's carving with his blood in order to refresh the power held in it. Returning to his human form requires concentration on a carved flat rectangular Siberian jade bead worn on a snug bracelet on his left wrist. This filigreed bead has a hollow center which contains a small lock of his hair.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Spiritual Communion:'''</span>
Vitali has a strong link to the Spirit World, being a shaman. It runs in his family line. He is able to release his spirit from the tether it has to his mortal body. In order to do so, he can enter a trance like state at will, something that is normally done through meditation. This leaves his physical self vulnerable to harm and possibly death, and so he generally will only do this in a safe place or if there's no other choice. He can then spiritually travel to the Spirit World in order to commune with the spirits (both good and bad) that may be there. This can serve a number of different purposes from being able to seek divine guidance or information, or to talk with lesser and greater spirits (greater/divine requires staff approval). Even in the Real World while in his normal body, as well as the Spirit World when released from his body, he can perceive and communicate with spirits, if the spirits are willing. He can invite a spirit into his body while his own spirit is present which could serve a number of purposes including to allow the person to convey a final message to a loved one. Spirits, both good and bad, may seek him out for various purposes. One of his duties as a shaman is to escort the spirits of those who have passed to the Spirit World. He can attempt to convince a spirit to return to its body if that body is still viable to hold it. The body cannot be rotting and the body must have been dead for less than 24 hours. He can force a spirit though this takes more energy from him as it's a constant struggle to make it obey. (OOC Consent required)<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Wards:'''</span>
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[[Category:Mystic Arts]]

Latest revision as of 16:14, 1 May 2023

Vitali (Scenesys ID: 9847)
Full Name: Vitali Svetolik Svyatoslav
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Shaman/Elementalist
Citizenship: Russian
Residence: NYC
Education: Privately Tutored
Status: Shelved
Groups: Mystic Arts-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 29 Actual Age: 29
Date of Birth 01 April 1999 Actor: Danila Kozlovsky
Height: 185 cm (6'1") Weight: 82 kg (180 lb)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Dark Brown
Theme Song:


Vitali is from a remote part of northern Siberia. His family and tribe-mates would call him a shaman, a medicine man. Others might prefer to call him a magician. He is likely to consider himself as much one as he is the other.

Current Player Approved: N/A



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This man looks to be in his late twenties. His complexion is fair to light tan, and he's without freckles or other blemishes. He stands at about six feet and one inch in height. His hair is black. It has no distinct part and has been gathered to the nape of his neck and tamed into a thick braid which reaches the small of his back. His ears are visible, and there are often shorter tendrils of his hair tucked behind them. He has black eyebrows that arch over dark brown eyes framed with equally black and long lashes. His nose is slightly slender but seems to fit his features well. His lips seem most prone to be in a neutral cast, with a slight cupid's bow to them. His face is more square in shape, with a strong jawline. There is a short and trimmed goatee on his chin connected to a mustache at his upper lip.

He wears a long-sleeved black leather jacket that's unbuttoned. This leaves a dark blue long-sleeved turtleneck visible beneath it, fitting slightly snug. A pair of black jeans are worn on his lower body, without a belt, and they often rest just a touch lower than his natural waist. He wears a pair of comfortable black lace-up leather boots on his feet. He appears athletically muscular and fit. Occasionally visible is a necklace of braided leather with carved bone beads threaded onto it. Also sometimes visible is a snug bracelet worn on his left wrist which has a carved rectangular Siberian jade bead on it.


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In the hinterlands of Russia, the northern reaches of Siberia, Vitali and his twin, Dmitri, were born on what's considered an auspicious day of the year. It was the day when the Sun and Jupiter united at the same point in the sky, called a conjunction. This happened on April 1st, 1999. They were born into a long family line of those who could control both ice and water.

It was a very isolated and remote existence. There was a single power line running through the village though it's never worked in Vitali's lifetime due to some damage a distance from the village. Only a few diesel powered generators and old Toyota trucks amongst the more affluent members of the village. The chief of the tribe has the only phone in the village. The people had to fend for themselves, and in the warmer seasons this meant growing what the soil would allow, hunting and gathering what the wilderness could produce. There was a small herd of Yakut horses amongst the tribe as well, kept unstabled all year round. For the family that the boys were born into, it also meant having responsibilities towards the well being of the people and doing what could be done to help things along. From the moment they could both walk and begin to talk, they began to be schooled by their parents in the ways of their tribe and of the land.

Their childhood was fairly normal, for where they grew up. They learned to survive on the land. They were taught to use the spear and knife, as well as bow and arrows from a young age, not just for fighting any potential invaders to the land but also for hunting. From a couple of ex-military members of the tribe who had returned after their service, they learned Russian hand to hand combat techniques. From what books the tribe had, they were taught reading and writing, in both their native Russian and in English, and other standard education subjects. They were taught how to make safe fires and how to cook. They were taught how to care for and ride the horses. It was taught to them how to make the most of every animal that they killed -- the animal gave its life so they survive and it was their responsibility to respect it by using everything possible. This included being taught to clean the hides to make leather and furs, then using the leather in various ways. Nothing could be wasted. They learned the tribe's music and dancing, in the cold dark nights and the long winters. They were helped in the process of making a hide drum for themselves and they were taught how to play it. Vitali chose to also learn how to play a chatkhan, which one of the elders made for him. As the children in a line of those expected to keep the tribe healthy, they were also taught herbalism.

The twins were not even ten years old when their magic manifested, and this began their training in the arts of water and ice. Most of their magic is based on focusing or concentrating their energy through spoken words and a gesture. Other parts of their magic required the creation of a talisman or token meant to store power for when it was needed or from where it would leech over the course of days. There was only so much magic that could be done in one day, as it drained the energy of the one using it, and they were taught of how to properly meditate in order to refresh themselves.

At thirteen, the twins were each gifted a booted eagle chick to be magically bound to, to raise and to train. This was done with the supervision of the elders. The eagles were taught various commands. They were taught to carry messages, to track people or prey, and to hunt.

When they came of age at sixteen, their parents taught them the art of carving a creature's bone into an elliptical shaped bead. There was a specific pattern that they were taught to carve into the bone, and then they were taught to imbue it with power by painting the carving with their own blood. This is how those who are strong enough in magic can shapeshift into the form of the animal that the bone is from. These beads were worn on a braided leather necklace. Over the course of tim

History 1:

In the cold landscape, fire was life. It was necessary for life. But fire was also dangerous. The twins, much like other water and ice mages in the tribe, were vulnerable to fire's flames. Fire could burn them faster and worse than what it could do to others. Though he is unaware of it, electricity or electric attacks have similar effects in the types of injuries that they cause. The wounds happen more swiftly and are worse than others would have, and they take longer to heal.

And so life passed, and the years went by. After he turned twenty-nine, he started having a recurring prophetic dream. The only clarity it offered was a particular alignment of stars, the city of New York, and then the village awash in blood. Something waited for him in New York City. He had no idea what, but he knew he had to go, that this was his quest. There was some information gathering by the village elders, to find out what would be needed for his travel, and with their help he acquired a licence for his eagle as well as a passport to allow him to travel. There was also the other appropriate paperwork acquired for his travel, and then passage booked on a boat that would get him to New York City's harbour. A few new sets of clothes were bought for him and given to him prior to his travel. And so he arrives in New York City and comes to be fresh off the boat in a place much different than the home he knows well.


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Kind, shy, quiet, and vindictive if when one of friends or family is harmed. Always willing to help others. Mostly laid back but there's a definite temper that can be found if someone were to spark it.


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Bless Hunt Or Harvest:
Vitali can create a token that will grant a blessing to a hunt or to a harvest. The hunt token must be carried by the lead hunter of the group and it must include a piece of the animal being hunted whether that be hide, bone or meat. The token will last only for the duration of that specific hunt and then the token is inert. The harvest token must include a piece of what is being planted in the field and must be buried in the middle of the patch. The token will last only until that patch is harvested and then the token is inert. This requires a spoken word and concentration as well as his blood to imbue the token with power. He can have two hunt tokens and two harvest tokens active at any given time.

Create Or Summon Water:
This ability will either create water or draw it from the earth/air around him, depending on his desire. The water can be placed anywhere up to thirty-five feet from him. The amount can range from a small amount such as a cup up to a maximum of 100 gallons. The water can be contained or it can create a downpour in up to a 25 by 25 foot area. The energy this ability uses is dependent on the amount of water that he wants to have. It requires a gesture as well as a spoken word and concentration.

Ice Manipulation:
Vitali can shape and mold ice as one would do with clay. It will willingly do his bidding to create a form of his imagining. This includes being able to craft the ice into a surface that can hold his weight. With this ability it is possible for him to walk on thin ice without risking falling through. Others are able to walk with him on the ice to a maximum weight of 750 pounds combined. He can maintain a walkable area of ten square feet at a given time. He can use the ice to create a sort of disc or other shape that he can stand or sit on and then lift the ice with him atop of it. He can also use this ability to create snow in order to cover tracks. The snow has a maximum depth of four inches across an area no greater than one hundred square feet. The amount of energy this ability uses is dependent on the effect desired. He can create or manipulate up to fifty square feet of ice where each five foot square is composed of fifteen gallons of water. It requires a gesture as well as a spoken word and concentration.

Ice Weapons:
Vitali can summon ice in the form of weapons in order to use them for combat. This applies to melee type weapons only and he needs to have seen a weapon of the type that he's replicating. He cannot create firearms. The weapon would deal damage similar to a regular weapon of that type however it would have an additional cold damage aspect to it. Vitali is the only one that can wield the weapons that he creates and the weapons will instantly melt if they are picked up by another. The weapons that he creates last only until midnight of the day on which they were created (providing no one else attempts to pick them up) at which time they revert to water. It requires a gesture as well as a spoken word and concentration.

Prophetic Dreaming:
It's not something that happens often but sometimes Vitali has a dream that is prophetic in nature. It provides some hints towards a significant future occurrence. These dreams lack clarity, for the most part. They may or may not be accurate but generally have a few details to be able to work from.

The shapeshift spell is stored in an elliptical bead carved from the desired animal's bone. There is a specific pattern carved on the bead, and then the carving is imbued with power by being painted with his blood. This is a process that takes hours and concentration to accomplish. Each bead can be used an indefinite number of times since the spell and form are permanently known. He has a maximum of four beads (orca, polar bear, snow leopard, and greater spotted eagle), and he wears them on a necklace that fits close around his neck. He is not able to learn more than these four. He must touch the bead between thumb and forefinger and speak a word while concentrating in order to activate the power within it. Each animal form has a cool down period of 7 days before he can return to that form, and he needs to repaint the bead's carving with his blood in order to refresh the power held in it. Returning to his human form requires concentration on a carved flat rectangular Siberian jade bead worn on a snug bracelet on his left wrist. This filigreed bead has a hollow center which contains a small lock of his hair.

Spiritual Communion:
Vitali has a strong link to the Spirit World, being a shaman. It runs in his family line. He is able to release his spirit from the tether it has to his mortal body. In order to do so, he can enter a trance like state at will, something that is normally done through meditation. This leaves his physical self vulnerable to harm and possibly death, and so he generally will only do this in a safe place or if there's no other choice. He can then spiritually travel to the Spirit World in order to commune with the spirits (both good and bad) that may be there. This can serve a number of different purposes from being able to seek divine guidance or information, or to talk with lesser and greater spirits (greater/divine requires staff approval). Even in the Real World while in his normal body, as well as the Spirit World when released from his body, he can perceive and communicate with spirits, if the spirits are willing. He can invite a spirit into his body while his own spirit is present which could serve a number of purposes including to allow the person to convey a final message to a loved one. Spirits, both good and bad, may seek him out for various purposes. One of his duties as a shaman is to escort the spirits of those who have passed to the Spirit World. He can attempt to convince a spirit to return to its body if that body is still viable to hold it. The body cannot be rotting and the body must have been dead for less than 24 hours. He can force a spirit though this takes more energy from him as it's a constant struggle to make it obey. (OOC Consent required)

Vitali can create warding tokens of different types -- nature (animals), witchery (spells), insects, protection, dreams, or evil. The tokens require a carved element (wood, bone, stone, crystal, some other material) and the carving needs to be imbued with his blood in order to have power. Once a ward has been powered then it will last for a period of seven days. Once this period has passed then it will turn to dust. If the ward is refreshed by being reinfused with his blood then it will have a new seven day period. A single ward can cover a fifty square foot area. It requires concentration to create as well as a spoken word. Since blood is used on the wards then it is possible that the effects may not end up being those desired as blood can attract certain things rather than repel them.

Water Breathing:
Vitali can breathe under water freely. This lasts for a maximum of ten hours. The duration of time can be divided up amongst up to five people in total. He would have to touch each person taking part in the spell (including himself), speak a word, and concentrate. Once the total amount of time has expired then air would need to be breathed again or drowning could be the result. The spell can only be shared, it cannot be put on someone else without him having the effect as well.

Water Is Life:
Vitali can use water for healing. Because the human body is mostly water, he can direct the healing. This ability uses energy dependent on the size or severity of the injury, illness, infection, poisoning, etc. A smaller amount of energy will be consumed to heal a scrape whereas a broken bone would require a greater amount. He needs to be able to touch the affected person in order to work the healing. If he tries to heal too great of an injury then he can end up unconscious from his efforts. This healing will not work on himself and it will not work on his eagle companion. It requires a gesture as well as a spoken word and concentration.

Water Manipulation:

Vitali can shape and mold water as one would do with clay. It will willingly do his bidding to create a form of his imagining. This includes being able to condense the water into a surface that can hold his weight. He can maintain a walkable area of ten square feet. Another person can walk with him on the water providing the total weight is not above 750 pounds. He can create a disc or other shape of water to then stand or sit on while he raises it in order to 'levitate'. The amount of energy this ability uses is dependent on the effect desired. The water likes to be scritched, much like a puppy, and it's a sort of ritual that he does this before releasing the water from his control. He can manipulate up to a total of three hundred gallons of water at a time. It requires a gesture as well as a spoken word and concentration.


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Similar to the other hunters of his village, Vitali is quite alert to his surroundings. One never knows when a bigger or badder predator might come along.

Many hours have been spent in perfecting his aim and skill with his bow and arrows.

Vitali has been taught well how to butcher an animal in order to use every part of the animal so that there is very limited to no waste.

Due to the beads required for shapeshifting, Vitali has practiced for many hours on his carving skills in order to hone them.

Since his magic requires him to concentrate in order to focus the energy into the spell, Vitali has spent a significant amount of time working on this skill in order to discipline his mind.

Vitali was taught how to cook. He tends to cook what he considers fairly simple fare and he's used to cooking either over an open fire or on some form of gas powered cooktop.

The only form of dance that Vitali is familiar with are the folk and tribal dances of his native home.

In order to help provide for his village, Vitali has been trained in the skill of fishing.

Vitali has been well trained in herbalism to be able to heal injuries, wounds, sickness and other ailments.

Vitali is quite familiar with tacking up a horse for riding, riding, and taking proper care of the beast.

Vitali was trained in hunting and tracking prey.

Knife Use:
Other members of his tribe have trained Vitali how to use a knife for combat purposes so that he would be able to attempt to defend himself or others if the need arose.

He has been trained in how to best treat animal hides in order to create leather and furs. He has also been trained in creating garments or other things such as pouches or drums from those hides.

Martial Arts:
Vitali has been trained in the Russian military hand to hand combat style by ex-military personnel of his tribe.

Vitali prefers to use his decorated hide drum for making music but he also knows how to play a stringed instrument called a chatkhan. In addition to the instruments, he can also sing.

Vitali has been well trained in the religio-cultural practices of shamanism from his native home of Siberia.

Spear Use:
Vitali has been trained to use a spear for combat purposes so that he would be able to attempt to defend himself or others if the need arose.


Having trained as a hunter and defender of the village, Vitali has learned a few tricks of the trade for being stealthy or hidden when necessary.


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Eagle Companion:
Vitali is magically bound to a female booted eagle. This extends her life to match his own and allows them to communicate with each other. The eagle has been trained to carry messages, to track people or prey, and to hunt. She is obedient and intelligent. He has a hood that fits her, just in case. When Vitali dies, the eagle will die. The psychic/spiritual backlash of the bird being injured or killed can lead to Vitali being rendered stunned or comatose. Vitali's healing magic will not work on his eagle. If the eagle dies then there is a ritual that he can go through in order to bind another one but must wait a minimum of 30 days before being able to do so.

Starting Resources:
Vitali arrived by boat in NYC. He has a duffle of his belongings with him. This includes a few changes of clothing, a change of shoes, a wide-brimmed hat, and personal hygiene items. He has a couple of musical instruments in the form of a decorated hide drum and the stick to beat it with, and a stringed instrument called a chatkhan. It also includes his weapons which are comprised of a spear, a bow with a quiver of arrows, a pair of knives, and a kit to tend his weapons. It also includes a small carving kit. He has some spending money and the various paperwork that had been required for him to be able to travel to the USA.

Tribe Resources:

There is a phone at his home village, so Vitali has the option of being able to call home. Calling home and asking for help doesn't guarantee getting it. Anything that he does ask for would depend on if the tribe is able to acquire it or not with their limited resources. It would largely depend on if the more affluent members decide to help or not. There are some funds that could be pooled if an emergency occurred. It's unlikely that any of his tribe would make the journey given the paperwork involved, cost, and length of the trip by ship.


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Bound Or Gagged:
The majority of Vitali's magic requires for him to not only concentrate but to speak a word and make a gesture. If he is bound or gagged then he would be unable to complete the required components to make the magic work. His abilities would be limited.

Cost of Magic:
In general, this refers to draining his energy. The larger the spell or effect, the more energy it will take in order to cast or create. There's only a limited amount of power that he can use in a day. If he gets fully drained then he will be refreshed with 8 hours of sleep. Alternatively, he can meditate for 2 hours and sleep for 4 hours in order to end up refreshed however this is not as physically restful to him.

Eagle Companion:
The eagle he travels with is bound to him through magic which extends the life of it to match his own as well as allowing them to communicate with each other. When Vitali dies, the eagle will die. The psychic/spiritual backlash of the bird being injured or killed can lead to Vitali being rendered stunned or comatose. Vitali's healing magic will not work on his eagle.

Electric Vulnerability:
Vitali is vulnerable to various forms of electric powers. Getting struck by lightning, a taser bolt, cattle prod, electrical superpowers or other similar things will quickly and easily cause him injuries. It will take him longer to heal from these wounds.

Fire Vulnerability:
Much like other water and ice mages in the tribe, Vitali is vulnerable to fire's flames. Fire can burn him faster and worse than what it could do to others. It takes him longer to heal from this type of injury.

Modern World Illiterate:
Vitali is from the remote hinterlands of Siberia. As such, he has a passing familiarity with rotary style landline phones but has no idea about cell phones. Computers are a mystery. He's seen planes overhead in the sky but never been on one. He's familiar with boats that traverse the ocean. He's familiar with vehicles but has never driven one and has only been a passenger in one once. He knows nothing about traffic or the regular rules of the road that need to be obeyed.

Smell Sensitivity:

Vitali is sensitive to the various aromas in the air around him. Things or people who either have or wear strong scents make him uncomfortable. This can affect his concentration in a negative way and interrupt his spells. Various perfumes, cleansers, bleach, and many other aromas can all be enough to cause him to feel nauseous or end up vomitting. While he is perfectly fine with all kinds of animal odours, blood, and the scent of death, the scents of the city and multitudes of people are hard on him.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Meeting each other - this time for real! October 22nd, 2022 Buffy, Vitali, and Willow meet over supper, wherein Buffy has an idea!
Out shopping a bit. August 1st, 2022 Meeting and possible job obertunities
Across the Galaxy June 3rd, 2022 Summary needed
An Unexpected Awakening April 25th, 2022 Summary needed
To Make Amends March 20th, 2022 Summary needed
A Midwinter Night February 24th, 2022 Summary needed
Checking up on the Post-posessed January 21st, 2022 Rogue and Beast search chinatown for a Siberian Spiritualist and find him lacking in a secondary head occupant.
A Reunion in Chinatown January 17th, 2022 Summary needed
Rock, Meet Hard Place December 2nd, 2021 A seemingly random attack leads to freedom for one who's been a prisoner inside his own mind.
Night Hunt November 28th, 2021 Heng Zhihao is fought off for the moment, and a pack of shadow hounds is dealt with.
A Cup of Tea November 27th, 2021 While Vitali looks on over a cup of tea, Xiang Zhao secures breakfast for himself then proceeds to purchase breakfast for and feed Soraya.
A Snack in the Park November 22nd, 2021 Vitali, with food in hand, crosses paths with Xiang Zhao, who is playing his flute. The music is enjoyed, Rogue comes across the pair of them and a bit of conversation is had.
A Practicing Elementalist November 21st, 2021 Summary needed
Water-walker Secluded November 20th, 2021 Xiang Zhao accompanies Vitali to a small grove in the forest where the two have a short discussion.
Water-walker November 19th, 2021 Vitali practices martial arts kata upon the surface of the lake by Columbus Park. Xiang Zhao watches from on high. Moments of clarity are found, memories are indulged, lucidity is taken away. Kit Killovarras and Hunori happen on the scene, and Zhao leaves with Vitali.
The Witching Hour is Nigh November 2nd, 2021 Kit Killovarras comes into Columbus park and finds Vitali standing on top of the surface of the water. Vitali returns to the shore and the two talk for a little while.
The Haunting Season October 26th, 2021 While overlooking the water in Columbus Park, Vitali is happened upon by Xiang Zhao. An interesting conversation follows between the pair.
Are you afraid of the Dark October 23rd, 2021 A little more is discovered about Vitali's possession situation. Though there are still very few answers. And no, Heng-Tali is not afraid of the dark.
Where the Strangeness Lurks October 15th, 2021 Henry McCoy comes across Vitali, who is acting rather unlike himself. Shannon runs into the pair of them and the three have a chat.
What lurks within October 10th, 2021 While getting more information about the tai chi group in Columbus Park, Willow runs across Vitali. The two have a bit of an odd chat and a short sparring match.
A Siberian in Chinatown October 1st, 2021 Shannon comes across Vitali in Chinatown. A few oddities are noticed and Shannon gets a message to Xiang Zhao for some insight. Zhao finds Shannon and the two have a chat.
Something... Strange September 30th, 2021 While visiting Columbus Park, Vitali is spotted and visited by Willow. There is a noted strangeness to him, and the two of them have a chat.
Another Day in Paradise September 21st, 2021 Summary needed
Moonlight in the Park August 22nd, 2021 Vitali practices his magic in a park and is discovered there by Sarah. Conversation follows.
A Favourite from Home August 4th, 2021 Willow arrives home to find Vitali making pelmeni. He teaches her how to make them, and they talk while they work on making them.
Falling down the Cracks July 21st, 2021 Shamans can still be kind to the unprepared
An Evening in Chinatown July 20th, 2021 A meetup in Chinatown.
A Walk in the Park... sort of July 17th, 2021 While working on carvings in a park, Vitali meets Wanda and chats with her a bit.
An Avian's Auspicious Timing July 7th, 2021 Liansong happens along at an opportune moment after Vitali has a close encounter with a boat at night.
Jog on, jerk June 25th, 2021 Kit, Beast and some magely friends in the park
Central Park Rumble June 24th, 2021 Two more interesting people met and yet another jumping from a small street gang dealt with. So far? It's been a good day.
A Hesitant Post-Breakfast Return June 14th, 2021 Summary needed
An Unexpected Sight in the Park June 13th, 2021 Jean meets a snow leopard (Vitali) in a park in Chinatown. Scott comes looking for Jean, and breakfast is discussed.
Dumplings in Chinatown May 17th, 2021 Lunch? Not when there are demons about. Dispatched. Now there's healing to be had.
Someplace in Chinatown... May 16th, 2021 A healing training gets positive effects, plus forehead fan thwaps
A Quiet Friday Night May 15th, 2021 Hank comes to check up on Zhao and Vitali. Shannon shows up with food, and conversation is had.
Candygram May 13th, 2021 Logan, in a rare fit of niceness, visits Xiang and Vitali to make sure they're not messing stuff up.
Another Evening Awakening May 11th, 2021 Rogue comes to check on Vitali and Zhao and brings food for them. Some conversation is had.
A Next Awakening May 10th, 2021 Vitali and Zhao wake up, at least for a little while. Food is had, and a bit of conversation, and then sleep comes to call again.
A Reunion's Aftermath May 9th, 2021 After a long sleep, Vitali wakes up and checks on Zhao. Zhao awakens very briefly. A bit of conversation is had with Shannon before sleep summons him back to it.
Confrontation in the Woods May 8th, 2021 Fate brings Vitali and Zhao back together. Unexpected arrivals came upon the scene, bloodshed occurred, and then the sweet bliss of unconsciousness.
Every Rose has Thorns May 1st, 2021 Willow came home tipsy. Giles showed up with books. A cursed shield was discussed. Vitali was given a kernel of hope.
Oceanic Dangers April 27th, 2021 Vitali is saved from hypothermia by Zhao and ends up saving Zhao from the water later. Conversation is exchanged.
Curious Meetings in the Sea April 26th, 2021 Aquaman meets an orca and a rogue.
Dreams Are Not Always Pleasant April 24th, 2021 Nightmares were had. Comforting followed.
Night Hunt, What do Monsters do April 18th, 2021 Some demons got diverted, and things were discussed.
A Knack for Trouble April 18th, 2021 Vitali gets himself in trouble in Chinatown, Xiang Zhao swoops in for a rescue. Trouble comes up on the way home but they make it safe and sound.
A Message and Returning Home April 15th, 2021 Zhao and Vitali return back to the apartment after spending the night in a cavern. Cookies and tea are shared with conversation.
Introducing Central Park April 11th, 2021 Xiang takes Vitali to the place he first arrived in New York.
A Peaceful day in a Park April 11th, 2021 Vitali is working on a project (carving wooden buttons) whilst in the park and Giles happens across him. Conversation is had and English language tips are given.
Healing of a Different Variety April 8th, 2021 Xiang Zhao is injured, Vitali is lacking in energy and unable to heal him. Shannon happens by and provides assistance. Conversation is shared amongst the trio.
The Morning After... April 3rd, 2021 A surprise is delivered to Vitali, from Willow, with interesting timing.
First night in a new home March 29th, 2021 Zhao returns to their shared room, wounds are discovered, then healed by Vitali
Hellequin, Vitali, and Xiang.. oh my! March 29th, 2021 Giles learning about the boys. Willow might be on to the real puzzle of Hellequin.
After Healing... Topless March 29th, 2021 Food, tea, and pleasant conversation about monsters.
So.. this is your new home! March 28th, 2021 Willow introduces Xiang and Vitali to their new home.
Memories Can Bring Issues March 22nd, 2021 Things happen, Willow comes, an invitation is offered. And accepted.
Explorer Xiang Finds Magic in Sunnydale March 20th, 2021 There was rain, shelter, much chatting. Some things making for thinking. Then gifts! Who doesn't like gifts?
Music In The Woods March 17th, 2021 There was music in the woods and some interesting conversation.
Just Another Day in... the Woods March 16th, 2021 Willow brings Buffy to meet Vitali and ends up meeting Xiang Zhao as well, breakfast and tea is shared and conversation is had
A Hunt in the Woods March 15th, 2021 A chance meeting at Vitali's camp in the woods turns into an unexpected offer and friendship
A Chance Encounter in the Woods March 10th, 2021 Shannon happens across an injured Vitali who happens to be in snow leopard form at the time. Healing is given and received.
Later, Still In The Woods February 22nd, 2021 Friendship and wards. There was tea.
Meeting in a Pine Forest February 20th, 2021 A chance encounter where Vitali and Xiang Zhao meet Hela, and food is shared with conversation.
Once the dust had settled.. February 19th, 2021 Megan and Vitali chat in the junkyard..
The Cure: Shady Dealings February 10th, 2021 Badder than old King Kong and meaner than a junkyard dog, DAMT and the Reavers are at it again in a junkyard not far from Salem Center. Intrepid heroes step in to help out. What becomes of the father and the son, our heroes, and the Reavers? Stay tuned for more!


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