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|Education=High School

Latest revision as of 23:33, 23 December 2017

Bevery Lynn (Scenesys ID: 254)
Full Name: Beverly "Bev" Lynn
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Environmentalist
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Vagrant
Education: High School
Status: Shelved
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 3 August 2005 Actor:
Height: 165 cm Weight: 57 kg
Hair Color: Blue Goo Eye Color: Blue Goo
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Beverly Lynn is what happens when blue raspberry Jell-O and a young woman decide to have a child.

Okay, not really. But she sure looks like it! Her body is made entirely out of slime, and though she can't add or subtract from her volume at will, she can melt down into tiny drops and slide about. Though typically naked, she has no actual naughty bits to speak of, making it at least marginally less awkward.

She works under the table at a waste management company, cleaning out gunk that her body can eat away easily. She enjoys her work, but she's starting to feel more and more like she's just doing clean-up, and not dealing with the actual cause of the pollution. If she wants to keep Metropolis truly clean, she has to take action.



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Bev's appearance can vary wildly, but typically, she looks like a healthy young woman with long, wavy hair. It's hard to pick out many details about her, because her entire form looks like it's made from a light blue jelly-like substance. It tends to pool around her ankles into a shallow puddle, though she can harden it into feet to run and jump when need be. While she doesn't typically wear clothes, the lewder parts of her are completely bare and smooth. She feels pretty smooth to the touch, not sticky at all, but can still be easily pierced with enough force.

Occasionally, she can be nothing more than a large puddle of goo, nearly indistinguishable from water, save for it's consistency. At other times, she can appear much fatter or skinnier, depending on how much liquid she has absorbed.


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Beverly Anne Lynn was born on August 3rd, 2005 on the outskirts of Metropolis. She had a standard home life, but begun to be more interested in protecting the environment as she grew up. Once she was able, she moved to a small apartment in New York (with a massive amount of help from her parents) and got a job sanitizing and cleaning hazardous materials thoughtlessly left around the New York area.

While scraping gunk off the insides of a sewer one day, a flood of water came rushing at her, engulfing her in toxic water, and washing her out into the ocean. Though her family and friends thought she had died, Beverly returned to New York a few days later composed entirely of a goo-like substance. She has yet to tell those close to her of her survival, due to the stigmata of metahumans and mutants, but she's simply waiting for the right time.

Now, Bev continues to work under the table for the same waste management company, dissolving and cleaning up any hazardous materials left around. Her amorphous body has come in handy when it comes to the job, but she still does wish she were flesh and bone again at times.


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Despite her inhuman appearance, Bev still holds a happy-go-lucky attitude. She's cheery and playful, even a little childish at times, and gullible, to boot. However, she's got a strong moral conviction, and won't stray from it if she can help it. She's against killing, but she would, if she had to save others.


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Bev can cause her body to become acidic, allowing her to eat through most anything that would normally be affected by acids. However, she has to hold onto or envelop the object to burn it, leaving it's offensive capabilities limited.

Bev's body is made from a strange gooey substance. While she can't specifically shape herself, she can make herself liquid and move around, slipping through the smallest of cracks.

Diseases, poisons, viruses, and even radiation have no effect on Bev, as she has no DNA. She's no longer a biological life form, so anything that preys on that fact is a no-sell, plain and simple.

Bev can absorb most liquids, using them to add mass to her body. She can absorb up to a max of two times her natural body weight, which is either 252 lbs, or 30 gallons. She can then expel this water however she likes, making this useful for cleaning up pollution.

Bev is able to control every molecule of her being, even when splattered across a room, to reform back into her usual self. Even if most of her is completely destroyed, so long as a few drops of goo still exist, she can absorb water to begin reforming her body. It -is- taxing to reform herself, though, and if sufficiently splattered, it can take her hours to reform and soak up enough water to get back to her usual shape.


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Bev has experience working in sewers, and can easily traverse most sewer systems. Thanks to her gelatinous body, she could even get into buildings through the pipes.


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Bev's official position is Environmental Restoration Specialist at Sparkling Bay Environmental Industries, or it would be, if she were officially employed. While Sparkling Bay doesn't discriminate against metahumans, hiring one could still damage their reputation, so Bev is paid under the table at a very relaxed pace.

She has no typical hours or rate of pay. Instead, she simply goes out and dissolves gunk and contaminates, or transports anything too difficult to dissolve to the proper disposal area, and gets paid however much her boss would have paid someone else to do the same job. So long as there's proof that she did so (typically waiting to dissolve the contaminates until she has a Sparkling Bay employee as a witness), she'll get paid. It's a bit higher than minimum wage, but she only get paid when she does something.


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Any chemical bases, such as bleach, cause her to lose shape and, in severe cases, become entirely liquid and unable to reform until she can bathe the base away in water. She can still control her gooey form, even as a puddle, however.

Bev isn't the sharpest bulb in the deck, and that can be taken advantage of. She's gullible, and willing to believe most things, though when presented with evidence otherwise, she's generally quick to change her mind.

Due to being composed entirely of goo, Bev doesn't pack much of a punch. No amount of working out can remedy this, either, as not only is it impossible for her inorganic body to gain muscle, but it wouldn't solve the problem of her gooey form going right through her foes.

Bev's entire form is a gooey blue, making it impossible to blend into a crowd. The best she could do is cover herself head to toe in clothing to cover her skin, but that, too, tends to draw attention to her.


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Log 3066 November 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Poison Ivy's Day November 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 3056 November 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Take Me To The Cleaner May 5th, 2017 Summary needed


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