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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2017/12/17
|Date of Scene=2017/12/17
|Location=Hell's Kitchen
|Synopsis=Breath and Invisible Kid deal with a domestic disturbance.. then somebody throws Mon-El through the building and it becomes an evacuation.
|Synopsis=Breath and Invisible Kid deal with a domestic disturbance.. then somebody throws Mon-El through the building and it becomes an evacuation.
|Cast of Characters=1274, 963, 954
|Cast of Characters=1274, 963, 954

Latest revision as of 13:50, 3 January 2018

Our house, in the middle of our street..
Date of Scene: 17 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Breath and Invisible Kid deal with a domestic disturbance.. then somebody throws Mon-El through the building and it becomes an evacuation.
Cast of Characters: Breath, Invisible Kid, Mon-El

Breath has posed:
Odd hours lead to odd events. Right now, things are pretty quiet. Lyssa is just standing around outside of an apartment building, looking kind of bored and flipping through a textbook. Holding up a wall.

Then the plastic chair gets defenestrated from a second story apartment window and lands with a crash on the sidewalk in front of the building. Lyssa looks up, slumps her shoulders, and heaves a huge sigh. "...Ugh."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Pretty well lost in his own thoughts, Lyle really hasn't even a fair idea what part of town he's in, and doesn't even really care overmuch.  That he has a lot on his mind is evidenced not only by the fact that he's actually left the Cruiser for once, but also that he's not wearing his uniform.  And in a weird way, he even looks relaxed for once.
    It doesn't last.  Of course it doesn't last -- he's a Legionnaire, even when they're not looking for trouble, trouble finds them, and his training keeps his reflexes on a knife's edge, even when he's trying to relax.
    So when there's the crash of glass followed by the clatter of a plastic chair hitting the pavement, he's already kicked into the air and turned invisible by the time he forms the conscious thought that he should've done that the other way around.  Oh well, so what if someone saw.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa blinks quietly and waves at the suddenly empty patch of air, then pulls out a phone and types in a message, looking up at the window. Some shouting and arguing drifts out from the window.

Lyssa frowns. "Arguing is good.." She pushes off from the wall and hmmms. "Okay, I wish I could sneak right now." To the empty air, "Hiya, unless you're a jumpy teleporter."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle takes a moment to assess the situation to determine whether he needs to get involved, and -- huh, he /was/ seen.  Funny, he'd always been told New Yorkers were really good at not seeing things that weren't their problem.
    As long as it doesn't look like powers are involved and it's just a common or garden fight between normals, he drops back to the pavement and flicks into view.  "Are you local?" he asks; he speaks English well enough, but definitely not with a New York accent.  "Is this normal around here?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa shrugs a little and tilts her head. "I'm from Idaho, but I was asked to be here. This is pretty normal for ME, but I'm not all that normal.." She hmms, looking up. "This is a bit of a domestic issue.. I'm the backup."

She frowns and tries to listen to the yelling, but a lot of it is hard to make out. "I'm the Breath, don't tell anybody, what about you?"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Invisible Kid."  Seems a proper time for code names rather than personal ones, Lyle figures.  He eyes the chair on the sidewalk.  "Uh.  This seems a bit more than just a disagreement.  I... *we* should probably do something before someone gets hurt."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa mmmhs, "It's getting there, yeah.." An armful of clothing follows the chair out the window. "Yeah, might need to call somebody with a car too. Damn it. Okay, I'm here because there's a teenage boy who has a girlfriend, and his parents thought he was a girl with a boyfriend. He thought stuff might go wrong, and I think this is going kind of south. My plan is to knock and de-escalate, because I am *not* sneaky. If you have any better ideas, I'm all ears."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Sorry, no car, my only vehicle is in orbit."  Lyle glances up.  He does /not/ sound like someone making a joke.  "S'okay, sneaky is my job.  Assuming no powers are involved...?"  He waits a moment for confirmation, then continues, "...you knock on the door, I'll go in through the window.  Come to think of it--"  Now he *does* sound like someone having some fun, and picks up the chair discarded earlier... which goes invisible.  "Come to think of it, I think I know how to get everyone's attention off fighting each other.  You knock on the door and get their attention, me and the chair will go through the window when you do that."  And he flicks out of sight too.  Thin air then says, "Meet you inside!"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "Roger that." She slips into the door of the apartment complex.

The apartment is small and low rent. In one of the bedrooms, an older woman in a headscarf screams at a butchy looking female looking person with a short haircut, both black, not in English. The mother type looks kind of menacing. There's also an older man standing in the kitchen side of the next room, visible through the door, with his hands up in an exasperated sort of way, apparently staying out of this.

After about a minute, the front door gets banged on loudly and the man takes the chance to go to the door and crack it open. The mother grabs the kid by the collar to pull them in and snarl at them.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle and the chair glide carefully and silently through the window.  Without turning visible, he clears his throat sharply, and returns just the chair to visibility.  "I think you dropped this," nothing at all says loudly, clearly, and disapprovingly, and the chair places itself upright on the floor in the nearest clear spot.
    That ought to rattle a few brain cells out of their current situation.

Breath has posed:
The occupants of the bedroom, which is a bit torn up, both startle and jump. The motherly type drops the teenager and jumps back, suddenly behaving, drops the screwdriver hidden in her hand behind her, and smooths her dress.

Back in the other room, Lyssa is talking to the dad, calmly trying to ask some questions. That seems pretty mellow and peaceful.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Still invisible, Lyle glides over silently and picks up the screwdriver -- of course, it appears to just float up from the floor -- and "tch!"s disapprovingly.  "I don't suppose you care to explain what you were planning on repairing with this?" Lyle asks icily, holding the tool in front of the mother's face -- where it appears to simply float unsupported.

Breath has posed:
The kid spit-takes a bit and pales. "Holy shit, what the hell?" They back off a bit. "Do you hate me THAT much? I'm just me!"

The mother flails a bit and gestures helplessly, "No, no, no, I wasn't going to do anything!" and looks like she is suddenly regretting her life choices. And freaking out a bit at the floating screwdriver, because that's pretty much not something you see every day.

Lyssa manages to get herself invited in and is smiling at the guy in the next room and talking quietly. She's pretty good at smiling and being nice to people.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Hmph," is all the screwdriver says, but even that semi-syllable is full of disdain.
    Lyle turns, and takes a moment to compose himself, so that when he faces the kid, he's able to present a friendlier face.  Once confident he's got his own emotions under control, he reappears, and offers the screwdriver handle-first to the kid.  "I think you should put this away somewhere safe."  He remains between the mother and child, in case he's misjudged the kid and needs to prevent a violent response.

Breath has posed:
The teenager shoves the screwdriver into the bottom of a drawer of clothes and shuts it. "What the hell, Mom? You need *help*. You want me gone? Whatever. I guess all that stuff you said about loving your family was just a bunch of stuff you made up. I'm leaving. Talk to me when you're ready to actually be a nice human being. Whatever." And starts packing up. The mother just looks back and forth, starting to realize that there's really just not anything she can say that's going to look good here.

Lyssa is still talking quietly to the dad out in the other room, amiably. No trouble there.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle just remains standing there, always in a position to get between the two if necessary.  He takes the occasional glance toawards Breath to make sure she's getting on okay.  Fundamentally, all he's really doing right now is waiting for the inevitable door slam following the teen's departure.  Once that happens, he gives the woman a disapproving look.  "I hope you're proud of yourself," he says to her with deliberate brutality, then turns and joins Breath and the father, to make sure all is well on that front.

Breath has posed:
The father actually stops and offers a hug to the girl. "I'm sorry, this is confusing. I'll try to talk to her..." He looks really uncomfortable, but he gets his hug before the teenager goes out the door.

Lyssa smiles apologetically and hands over some papers. "Look, if you need to talk, there's some people you can reach here, and sometimes I even manage to show up if I have time. I kind of need to go, I'm sorry for all of this." She smiles and quietly excuses herself out the door too, then heads downstairs to follow the apparent girl picking up heir clothes off the sidewalk. At the front of the building, Lyssa stops and looks around to see if the furniture defenestration has attracted any more attention, caped or otherwise.

Mon-El has posed:
    As Lyssa is headed back downstairs to check outside, there is a distinct and distressed yelp that sounds a lot like it's coming from the teen who just walked out the door. Followed by a crash. A wooden dresser that someone else must have dumped out back earlier is flying through the air--and it would have crushed the girl had she not dived out of the way just in time.

    Instead, it hits the person it was intended for--and is practically shredded. Now what kind of person gets hit with a dresser and not only doesn't even flinch, but smashes it just by standing there? Lyle probably has an idea. And it's bound to be one of the people who had been on his mind earlier when he first noticed the furniture being thrown out the window...

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Oh, grife...!"  Lyle doesn't bother with the door, or with the niceties of excusing himself, he's out the window.  It's faster, of course.
    And sees more or less who he expects to see, and drops lightly to the pavement near his teammate.  "Now what have you gotten yourself into?"  Hard to say if it's a serious question or a playful one...

Breath has posed:
Lyssa blinks. "What." She pulls on some goggles, shrugs out of her jacket, and pulls off her dress so she can at least be in the abbreviated form of her costume. Then immediately regrets it a bit, because brr, it's cold out there today! She stands back in the doorway glancing around while she tries to stuff the clothes into her bag. "...The heck, guys?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Yep, as Lyle had thought, it's definitely Lar standing there having just shrugged off getting hit by a dresser. He dusts off some of the wood shavings that stuck to his clothes. "Oh, Lyle. Uh--I'm not sure, that woman there is very a--"

    But he doesn't get to finish his sentence because a very fierce looking young woman storms into view, glaring at the Daxamite. He suddenly flies backward and is pinned against the brick outer wall of a neighboring building. "Please miss, do not make me hurt you..."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Time for codenames again.  "Breath, this is Mon-El.  He's one of my -- uh oh," Lyle tries to explain, then it's time to get to work again.  "Part of your new fan club?" he asks his teammate, then glances around to make sure the teen they just rescued is not in the path of danger.
    "That line never works, you know," he says.  "Recommendation: go up about ten meters, and let me see if I can defuse your new friend here."  And because it's what he does, he gets between the very angry woman, and his teammate, trying to figure out just what the heck he's supposed to do with someone who can knock a Daxamite down.

Breath has posed:
Breath peers. "..Okay, so I'm missing something here, who is that?" She turns and yells, though not as loud as she would like and a bit too huskily, "HEY! Watch it with the furniture! You nearly hit my friend! What did he do to YOU?" She winces and rubs her throat for a moment, swallowing some. Ugh, yelling in a different pitch is hard on the voicebox.

Mon-El has posed:
    "OUT OF MY WAY!!" The woman shrieks when Lyle gets between herself and Lar. Ignoring Lyssa's shouts, the telekinetic pushes harder, attempting to squish Mon-El into the wall, however that doesn't work since the -building- yields to -him- and not the other way around. This occurs right as the Daxamite starts to do as Lyle suggested and takes off into the air like a rocket. The timing of it was terrible though, as this results in him ripping -through- the building. Bricks crack and tumble, and the sonic boom that cracks through the air on top of that doesn't help matters.

    The teen they just rescued from her angry mother had ducked into a basement stairwell to get away from the flying dresser, but now pieces of a patio above it are crumbling and threatening to fall down onto her! Out of the water and into the frying pan, or so they say.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Right.  Lyle is *not* in the mood for this.  He flicks out of sight, feints to the side, and then hauls off and slugs the telekinetic as hard as he can.  He hasn't got super-strength, of course.  He's just a small, normal human.
    Okay, with really intensive training in self-defense.
    No, of course he doesn't have a problem with punching a woman.  Face off with Glorith or the Emerald Empress some time.  That'll pretty efficiently get you over any chauvinistic or chivalric qualms.

Breath has posed:
Breath grinds her teeth. UGH. She goes from 'irked' to piiissed. Is that patio even up to code? In THIS neighborhood? Doubtful. She sets herself and blows a narrow stream of breath into the bottom of the patio to start tearing it apart and blowing the pieces down the street. Which is not the greatest way to deal with the problem, but it's all she can do, and the other people who might complain aren't here. After a few seconds of shredding it like a garden hose, she starts sucking an absurdly huge and long breath in, glaring back at the crazy chick who is threatening her friends!

Mon-El has posed:
    Whether this patio was up to code or not probably doesn't matter in this particular scenario...if it had been as strong as the ones in the richer parts of downtown it probably -still- would have crumbled like a piece of dry bread under this sort of onslaught. Fortunately, Breath's tactics are effective in protecting her young friend from getting crushed by the debris from the balcony, and also buy her enough time to get to a safe distance from the building in question, which is starting to cave in on itself. But--what about the kid's family, along with whoever else may be trapped inside?! Although Lyle told him to stay up there, Lar is already shooting back down. In a flash he is inside holding the roof up to give people time to evacuate! This is partially his fault, anyway.

    The furious telekinetic shouts a string of curses when Lar just flies away, out of her reach. But before she can attempt to follow him, she gets socked in the back of the head. Hard. She definitely didn't see that one coming. When Lyle just disappeared, she'd assumed that he'd maybe just teleported away. Physically she's actually just as squishy as a normal human woman would be, so with all of his combat training, Lyle manages to simply knock her out. She just...flops over onto the ground, unconscious.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle reappears, standing over the telekinetic, looking /really/ unhappy.  As soon as she shows signs of rousing, he's ready.  "*Listen*, you sprocking idiot!  You're trying to pick a fight with someone who's got the same powers as SUPERMAN!  When he says not to make him hurt you, he *means* that just by standing there and defending himself and not even taking a swing at you, *you* *will* *get* *hurt*!  And you know what he's doing right now?  Holding up that building that YOU almost knocked down!  You know, so NO ONE GETS HURT BECAUSE OF YOU."
    He takes a step back.  "And now I'm going to go help evacuate people while it's still possible.  I strongly recommend you do the same, and if you don't, you better not be anywhere I can see you when we're done."  Lyle kicks into the air and gets to work, for the first time wishing he left a trail of plasma or something, like Wildfire does.

Breath has posed:
Breath is all irritable because she knows she's just not very useful for things like this. She wants to help, but what she does just isn't much use here. Why couldn't she be like her roommate and able to hold up walls and stuff? "What do you need me to do?"

Mon-El has posed:
    The woman groans as she slowly comes back to, hearing Lyle shouting at her. It seems she's finally calmed down, though...and upon seeing all those frightened people in that building that just got wrecked now that it's pretty much torn asunder, even moms like her and their kids--it hits her just how right Invisible Kid is and how stupid this was. She heaves a sigh and gets up, concentrating despite the pounding headache Lyle just gave her on holding up the building just a little longer so that these innocent people can get out.

    There are definitely plenty of people trapped or otherwise needing help evacuating. Kids, elderly...Breath doesn't need powers to help with that! Lar scans the building when Lyssa asks the question, straining a bit under the weight of the walls and roof he's holding. "There's an elderly woman in a chair and young child 2 floors down. The door is blocked by a broken support. Maybe you can help them out the window?" he suggests to her.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Later, Lyle will never admit just how therapeutic getting to blow his stack like that was... for now, he's in full search and rescue mode, getting people out through windows, holes in the wall, the roof, whatever is going to be easiest.
    And it's kind of nice for a change to do his heroing while remaining visible.  Most of his work for the team involves being sneaky and not being seen.
    He takes a moment to check on two things -- the building's ongoing structural integrity, and how Lar is holding up -- while getting a few more people to the still-solid stairwell.

Breath has posed:
Breath snarls, "Can't fly, no wings." She makes a white knuckled fist and studies the building, where the fire trucks are going to pull up at, things like that in exasperation. She starts pointing evacuees over to the side and checking out any injuries, because well.. it's SOMETHING.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, I know, but some people are coming with ladders." Lar informs Breath. He'd heard the sirens and by now has figured those usually come with emergency services arriving. And sure enough, some firetrucks pull up with firemen bringing up ladders to help.

    He grunts with the effort of holding up the building, but continues to keep it steady for now. "Now go, quickly!" Lyle's efforts prove pretty effective given he -can- fly, with most of the residents now safely out of harm's way and EMTs tending to the injured.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    'Most' isn't good enough, of course.  Lyle needs it to be 'all'.  He pops out of a window and pulls his omnicom comes out of pocket, scanning the building from roof to sidewalk, looking for any signs of life. "Grife, do I need a vacation," he mutters under his breath, and lands to consult with one of the city officials, to provide them a quick outline of the situation.  They'll probably be surprised to find themselves dealing with Lyle, who's not only not in his uniform, but doesn't fully look his age... and isn't terribly tall either.  However, what he lacks in impressive appearance, he makes up for in knowledge of this particular situation and just raw confidence.  He's careful how he explains how the situation came about, suggesting only that there's an untrained telekinetic who could really do with some training, rather than owning up to an actual (attempted) metabrawl.

Breath has posed:
Breath just goes around trying to help with whatever.. but quickly finds herself sidelined by the emergency staff. She starts slipping off into the edges of things quietly, since her memories of dealing with the authorities have not been great before. This time at least, it's pretty tolerable...

Mon-El has posed:
    Between Lyle and Lyssa's efforts to get people out of harm's way as well as the emergency personnel who had just arrived, everyone makes it to safety. As soon as Lar sees that everyone is out, he finally lets go of the building and returns to the air, allowing it to crash to the ground. Dust flies up and the ground rumbles slightly from the impact. But it seems that no on has been killed thanks to everyone's combined efforts.

    Breath gets a lot of grateful 'thank yous' from the residents, but the authorities seem to be distracted enough getting those who need medical attention onto ambulances and talking to Lyle. Lar floats over near her though. "Thank you for helping with that." he sighs. "I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused. What's your name?"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Sufficiently satisfied that the situation is under control -- especially once the building lets go -- Lyle flits over to Breath, smiling broadly.  "You handled yourself really well," he says, offering his hand.  "Once we get our team better settled, I just might be in touch."  He adds, after a moment, "And while I'm thinking about it, my name is Lyle."

Breath has posed:
Breath ohs.. "I'm the Breath. Working with the Titans right now. What was THAT all about?" She sighs, "What a mess... Oh. Those names. I'll let you know when I see you somewhere other than next to a crowd of emergency vehicles. If you want to get a hold of me, leave me a message here. They screen for me." She hands over a card for the LGBT center in New Lots. "Or call the Titans. Wish I could have been more help, but well.. huffing and puffing only goes so far."

Mon-El has posed:
    "It's good to meet you, Breath. I'm Lar Gand." Lar says with a smile, though he sighs again at the mention of the mess and the question of what exactly happened, staring at the ground a moment. Yes, it is definitely a mess. "I...upset her somehow," he says, glancing over at the woman who has just released her hold on the building and is taking a moment to catch her breath. "I'm not exactly sure. I think it had something to do with her child. I didn't hurt him--at least I don't think I did--but I think he became upset with me. Well I'm glad you managed to calm her down. Thank you again for your help. Every bit counts. But I should return to the cruiser now." And with that he's off, zooming up into the clouds!

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Well, then, the Titans are lucky to have you."  Lyle looks up after his disappearing teammate.  "We better debrief.  Nice to have met you!  Hopefully we can meet some time less... fraught."  Yeah, like *that* ever happens -- oh well, hope springs eternal.  "The Legion probably should establish ties with the Titans anyway, at least so long as we're... uh, here."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods, "Well.. sure! Good talking to you. Your friend seems.. really confused, is there anything I can help? Not like I don't already try to help someone like that?" She waves cheerily and looks up after the Harbinger Of Mayhem himself with some confusion. Seriously what WAS all that about. Yeesh. And where did she GO?

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle doesn't answer right away.  He seems to be sizing up what he can and can't say.  "He's okay, but there are some after-effects from his last mission.  So he's not really himself.  We're working with him."  He sighs heavily.  "And here I thought I was taking some time away from heroing..."

Breath has posed:
Breath sighs. "Suucks. I'm sorry, maybe we can hang out sometime. I didn't want to drag you into anything like that." She frowns a bit and crinkles her nose. "I mean, coffee or something is always good, right?"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "I'm starting to think more in terms of gin," Lyle says wearily.  "Don't worry about dragging me in to things, I'd've gotten involved anyway.  It's what we do."  He glances back upwards, to where his teammate went.  "And Mon-El has been getting a lot of grief lately.  Some Internet wanna-be personality burned him pretty badly taking a LOT of things out of context and making him out to be someone I know he's not. We're still trying to clean up the fallout from that."
    He shakes his head clear.  "You know what?  Coffee sounds really good right now.  I'll treat."

Breath has posed:
Breath grins. "Awesome. I don't know the coffee places around HERE yet, but, you know, how hard can it be to do coffee? And like, I TOTALLY need to check new places out. That's where the college students and, you know, lefty sorts hang out anyways, right? I mean, I went to a few when I moved into town.. And I guess now I count as a college student and all now anyways, so yeah.."