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Latest revision as of 04:22, 19 February 2018

Buttercup (Scenesys ID: 1518)
Full Name: Biejje
Gender: Female
Species: Asgardian
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Bearer of Winter Sunshine
Citizenship: Asgard
Residence: Earth
Education: Privately Tutored
Status: Shelved
Groups: Asgard
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth 18 December Actor: Bailey de Young
Height: 5'3" Weight: 350 lbs.
Hair Color: Sunny Blonde Eye Color: Mossy Green
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Biejje is a sun-maiden from the palace of Sunna in Asgard. Although that is her home, she spends a great deal of time away from it-- her title is the Holder of the Winter Sun, and her job is to take sunlight into those places where it is scarcely let to shine. She has spent a great deal of time on Earth, bringing light to the darkness, sanity to the mad, fecundity to the barren. If she has found a home in the tri-state area, of recent, it's no doubt with fair reason. She goes by a mundane alias, Buttercup Jonsey, and has a job as a dancer, a small place of her own and a pleasant enough little slice of life from which she can start to help bring some of Sunna's light to an area of the world that really needs it.



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Five foot three bare-footed, Buttercup has full cheeks and soft pink lips, wide eyes with warm mossy-green irises flecked with gold, pale lashes and an utterly Scandanavian complexion tinted by a soft, sunny glow. Her hair is long and fair, done up in a roundel of braids or a bun at the back of her head.

Her diminutive stature is belied by an ample set of curves. A trim, fit waist flares to full hips and tapered thighs, both muscular and also smoothly padded with the grace of femininity, and the supple roundness is mirrored flatteringly above the waist, as well. She wears active, sporty gear that doesn't hide her curvature-- maybe a doubled bra and a slouch-necked tee shirt above a pair of capri-length leggings.


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One of Sunna's most reliable sun-maidens, Biejje has long been tasked with tending the winter/doomtime embers of the sun, keeping them safe through moments of incredible darkness -- through sunless winter days -- through assaults on Sunna's own person by the wolf Skoll -- and fanning them back into brilliance once danger is past. As the Holder of the Winter Sun, she has spent a lot of time away from Asgard on Earth, carrying Sunna's light where it most needs to be felt. When mankind was young she would come in the cold, sunless days of the winter, bringing warmth to help early man survive. As they became more civilized they came to know her by several different names, Biejje, Beiwe, Beaivi-- and worshipped her alongside the other Asgardians who made their presence known. They left out offerings of butter to summon her in their hours of need, and she would bring the promise of the returning sunshine to those who were despairing. Even with the disappearance of these cult practices, she would still spend some half her year on Earth tending to those who needed her help. When things in the world took a turn for the quite bad, she would stay longer. Great plagues, famines and wars drew her sunny presence and she did as she could to help alleviate suffering, taking on human guises and living among the people with less obvious flare than when she was openly worshipped. Now there are great dangers and evils plaguing the tri-state area, and she's established herself back on Earth for what she intends to be a bit of a stay, especially since the trouble has attracted no small number of other Asgardians to the area. She will do as she has always done, and be of service where she can, living inconspicuously, for now.


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Biejje is generally relentlessly upbeat. She runs hot-- she's filled with potential energy just waiting to spill out, and she loves to stay in motion, keep busy, stay spontaneous. The kind of houseguest you'll come back from the store to find has scrubbed your kitchen for you. She's nurturing, but not in a cloying, maternal sort of way-- she has a sarcastic edge to her sense of humor and a biting wit always quick with a joke. An introvert playing the role of an extrovert, she gives of herself until she has little left to give, but that's her job, to supply the world with spoons, or else to use her own spoons to cover the spoons you don't have. All she needs to keep her going is a rich infusion of calories four or five times a day. Failing that, she gets lethargic, then grumpy. Poor behavior from others is more likely to draw excuses from her than condemnation. She loves the sinner even if she hates the sin, and has a great capacity to forgive, even if this can be taken advantage of. That said, she's not impractical, either, and recognizes that force and battle also have their place. Still, premature condemnation of people as 'bad' is going to bring up argument from her.


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Asgardians possess the ability to speak all the languages of the Nine Realms, allowing him to communicate in any language, human or alien.

Asgardians are more densely built than humans, and even though Biejje is one of the smaller and less militarily inclined of the Asgardians, that doesn't soften her biology, which is able to withstand not only the heat of the sun (her very element) but the cold vacuum of space (which cannot put out the innate heat she carries). She does not get sick, human poisons and intoxicants have no effect on her, and most physical assaults do little to injure her.

Biejje always brought with her to the ancients a promise that the barren world will once again bear fruit. She has a way of persuading plants around her to grow, to flower and fruit with abundance. Animals who are under her care will conceive and bear with ease, small creatures often bearing large litters, twin or triplet births more frequent in horses and cattle. She can even aid humans who are having trouble getting pregnant.

With a manipulation of heat creating billowing updrafts in the air, Biejje can rise from the ground and hover, as well as fly at a moderate pace. The further she gets up in the Earth's atmosphere, the more quickly she can fly, and in space she can travel quite near to the speed of light.

Biejje was known to the ancients as a goddess of sanity, one who brings a little bit of light to stop people from growing stir-crazy in the long darkness of the winter. Even now her most common use of the sunstuff she carries is as a therapeutic, healing light which can help soothe anxieties, depression, and, with work, major derangements. It can also be used to help speed the healing of minor wounds and sanitize major ones of possible infections.

Biejje is a sun maiden, reared and educated in the palace of Sunna, and has a spark of divine sunlight in her, always, which cannot be extinguished, and which she can manipulate for various effects. Her skin always has a faint sparkle of a glow to it, not obvious in anything but pitch blackness, but she can elevate the level of her personal glowage to light up vast spaces, and, in extreme moments, blind those who look at her with mortal eyes. Similarly, she can elevate the temperature of her skin to the point where she can set wooden structures on fire with a touch, or that mundane weapons or bullets which touch her simply melt or burn away. In Asgard and outer space she can weild sunstuff itself as an energy weapon, but it's impossible to use in Earth's atmosphere without causing a nuclear event-- she has to keep the sunstuff contained within her as long as she's on the planet.


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Biejje is graceful to a T. She can tumble, roll, and jump-- tread on narrow rails like a cat, jump down and land on her feet. She is perfectly balanced and has a faultless sense of her own body and its motions.

Biejje loves to dance. She danced in the great choruses of the sun-maidens and even though her stature is much shorter and less lithe than some others, she is fiesty and flexible and has incredible rhythm and reflexes. She exudes a heartfelt joy in dance which shows through and makes her an exceptional performer.

Biejje has seen her share of human behavior, and has gotten to the point where she can read a person pretty well from only a moment or two of exposure. She picks up on little things quickly and even though she is not a psychic, she is very keen to get to the heart of whatever is the matter. This skill can allow her to 'trick' people into opening up to her further, or into trusting her, since she can usually discern the best way to approach him or her on the fly.

Biejje is a sun-maiden in the palace of Sunna. As such, she has developed a set of skills common to a handmaiden of a major goddess. She is skillful, almost magically quick and thorough in such mundane tasks as serving and cleaning, she can drape a gown and properly arrange the hair with nimble little fingers, apply make-up to perfection and give excellent advice about what style of clothing best suits you.

Biejje may not be the most vicious or warlike of the Asgardians, but she has seen combat, and is skilled enough with a blade, as well as with her favored weapon, the spear and shield, with which she is accustomed to carry into battle on her reindeer-drawn chariot.

Biejje also has always tended Sunna's vast stables of horses and reindeer; she gets along well with all animals and they tend to enjoy her in turn, sensing in her the promise of bounty, warmth and stability. She can tack and untack a mount with ease and skill, can ride easily and also is skillful in the care and operation of a chariot, even in battle. She can fight mounted and navigate her way into and out of the battlefield to lend succour or rescue the wounded-- or effect an escape for herself.


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What's a life on Earth without a little cash money to live by? Biejje's mortal alias -- Buttercup Jonsey -- is hardly airtight when it comes to having the right documents, but she has a job as a dancer which lets her manage a place to live on her own, keep the lights on, and have a little cash to throw around at mundane niceties. It might not be the most prestigious stage. But the tips are good. And it gives her some access into the seedier life of the city, some contacts who work in less than reputable circles.

Biejje can summon a mount from Sunna's stables, or else a team of them to which she can affix a chariot or sleigh. Biejje's magical reindeer can run about twice as fast as a normal reindeer can run, and fly at up to ten times that speed while in the earth's atmosphere.

Biejje has her own favored spear which is attuned to her, will come to her hand when summoned, and shares all of her durability. It is a ferocious-looking weapon with a two-pronged point at the head and a hooked spike on the butt-- it is also a decent sight taller than she is and she is well-trained in the versatility of its use, using it as a pole on which to perform acrobatic feats mid-battle.


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Biejje has a fiery metabolism and hunger is never far from hand-- it takes a lot of fuel to sate the sun-maiden. She eats heavy meals with fair frequency, and can become weakened if held without sustenance. Her general weakness for sustenance is redoubled when it comes to butter. She is thoroughly addicted to the substance and will eat it on anything and everything -- or by itself! Properly prepared ritual offerings of butter can be used to summon Biejje to you and will go a long way to winning over her favor if you are trying to convince her of something.

The great wolf Skoll gives chase to Sunna, and all his Earthen descendants have a nose for the sun-maiden who carries that spark of Sunna's flame within her. Biejje has a great fear of wolves, and her presence sets them off, if she happens to be in the vicinity of her. Even dogs, with their strange, perverted wolven bloodlines, still bark at her and will give chase if given the chance.

By her very nature Biejje is meant to see the little bit of light left in the darkness. She never dismisses anyone as wholly bad or evil, and is much more likely to try to 'fix' someone than to want to subdue him or kill him. Evildoers of all stripes who glean this about her can play on this side of her personality-- open up to her some glint of goodness and she will do her best to protect and nurture that little seed through the winter of an evil soul into the springtime of a better person.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Homelessly Haunting December 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Asgardian Reunion December 1st, 2017 Summary needed
untitled November 29th, 2017 Summary needed
A Simple Purchase November 19th, 2017 Summary needed
A Car Chase in Gotham November 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Police brutality and a field of buttercups. November 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Trouble in Chinatown October 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Untitled October 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Halloween Fair in Central Park October 29th, 2017 The Avengers host a Halloween Fair in Central Park.
A fresh piece of butter October 15th, 2017 Origami, Buttercup, and Detective Black deal with a shooting in a slum.
Experiment 12015 October 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Butterfinger Ritual October 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2928 October 11th, 2017 Summary needed


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