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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/08/10 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1034, 1170 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1034|Atlee (1034)}} h...")
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Latest revision as of 15:54, 22 July 2018

A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
Date of Scene: 10 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Terra, 1170

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    It's been a bit since Atlee has been able to catch Sadie at home; being a slightly overachieving heroine means that she's often somehwere around the world dealing with earthquake aftermaths, lessening volcanos, saving kittens, etc. For example, the last she was able to get word to Sadie, she was somewhere off in the Pacific Ring of Fire, then nothing for a bit.

    Until today of course, when she floats in on her usual stone of travel and steps off it, hopping down to Sadie's balcony as she dismisses the rock into the ground below. She's got a large canvas bag that looks quite full slung over one shoulder that she's holding a bit awkwardly, lowering it to her side as she reaches the door, then sees if the door is unlocked. If not, she knocks on said door!

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    The door is locked. Sadie is relatively slow to rise and doesn't respond on the first knock or even the second. Then there's a soft fumbling from inside the house and a couple minutes later the door knob begins to rattle. It opens and Sadiee yawns softly as she looks out at the other woman from inside. "Come on in," the blonde responds to her lover's presence.

    Sadie is technically street legal but only just. She has chosen to answer the door wearing a pair of white lacy boy shorts and a matching strapless bra, her toned, almost unrealistically proportioned body on display as if she has no shame whatsoever. Which is, of course, the truth. Sadie had claimed at one point that her physical form was as much a product of the experiments done on her as anything else but it's impossible to determine the veracity of the statement. Either way she is clearly comfortable in her own skin. "What is that you're carrying?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    "A present!' Atlee says cheerfully as she steps inside. "Well, a gift, and a gift is best to be given on sometimes when there's more than you need." She steps inside, setting the bag down as she slides her arms around Sadie, then just snuggles in, leaning up to softly nip her lips, then kissing with soft fervor, a deep, gentle kiss hello...and with more than a little 'and I missed you lots' behind it. She rises a bit on her toes to do so, sighing out happily.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    The kiss is returned firmly. Sadie takes advantage of Atlee rising onto her toes to reach around and shamelessly grope the other wokman's rear for several seconds. Once this is done Sadie flashes her a faint smile and arches both brows then, nodding. "Well," the blonde begins loftily. "Wouldn't want to keep you waiting. I know you're just dying to give it to me," the woman begins as she starts toward the kitchen. "Though I suppose I should perhaps offer you breakfast first," Sadie muses. "Have you eaten?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    It may take a bit to register. But at the squeeze, Atlee lets out a gasp, arching a bit more sharply than expected, the sound ending abruptly as she breaks the kiss, biting down on the sound.

    Which, as the other woman starts heading towards the kitchen, might be something that catches her attention as something that's rare. Atlee is usually perfectly shameless about letting Sadie know how much she likes being touched. "...yes!' she says, cheerfully, taking a slow breath as her violet eyes watch the way of Sadie walking to the kitchen, before she scoops up the bag, then brings it over toward the counter.

    Exhibit two...Atlee is tracking what looks like a faint grey powder. Not piles of ash or something falling out of her boots, but little light grey footprints on the floor. And as Sadie prefers white...if she looks down she may notice there's a light dusting of the same greyish-black dusting now on her bra.

    With a little mmphs Atlee sets the bag down, then slowly tips it over...

    And out roll coconuts. Brown and ripe, but coconuts. From the look of the bag, there's easily more than ten.

    She beams at you. "Coconuts!" she states." In case you're not aware!

    Exhibit 3: In the better light of the kitchen, it's possible to see a red mark that's curling up over her right breast, just visible only because Sadie is tall enough to easily see down the cutout of her costume.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    Sadie glances down and arches a brow. She makes a point of staring right a that mark before urning her gaze to Atlee's once more. The grey powder has her making a face and brushing herself off as best she can but the majority of her attention is on Atlee hrself.

    As the coconuts roll out onto the floor Sadie frownsf aintly but she keeps her gaze affixed to Atlee's for now. The blonde's expression darkens slightly but she says not a word. Instead the girl crosses her arms over her chest and takes a deep breath. Slowly.

    "Coconuts," Sadie agrees in a dry tone before shrugging. "Now, darling. Would you care to tell me what on earth is going on?" Sadie's tone is almost a purr.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    There's a faint tensing. "It's...coconuts?" she says hopefully, then catch's where Sadie's looking, looking down herself, then gets an expression that on anyone else would probably correspond to them thinking -dammit!-.

    To her credit, she doesn't try to deny it, just getting a sigh, before saying in a soothing voice as her eyes flick back up to the other girl's. "I'll be okay. I just need to deep sleep for a while more." As second things to come out of her mouth after that question, it probably isn't very comforting.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    Sadie's tone is arch. "What. Happened?" Nowshe's glaring darkly at the shorter, more muscular girl standing in front of her. Her pale blue eyes are intense and she steps forward until she is standing just a few inches away from her lover.

    It isn't often that Sadie takes anything seriously. She's taking this pretty seriously right now, though. The glowering only intensifies the longer she goes unanswered.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The shorter girl doesn't pull away from that glower, thought she swallows a bit. "I...just got hurt.' She pauses. "I fell?" She peers up through her lashes at your. "...um..." She sighs. "...into lava."
        This is followed immediately by another attempt to soothe. "It's not bad...I can heal faster. The doctor....' And THAT is where she gets that moment where a flicker of genuine upset escapes her penitent expression, before she looks up to meet Sadie's eyes directly. "I'll be fine." she repeats, trying to reassure her again.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    "The doctor...?" Sadie wasn't actually upset. She's a domineering bitch and she knows it, playing that card to its fullest advantage when she wants something. But when Atlee starts to look truly upset Sadie's mood follows suit.
    The blonde shifts forward again, leaning down until she can stare right into Atlee's eyes. She's just farenough off that it's possible to see her face, close enough for her body heat to be felt. Sadie grasps one of Atlee's forearms in each hand. Then she asks, "What about the doctor?"
    Sadie doesn't shout or raise her voice. Her tone is even and calm. In tandem with that harrowing look in those crystal blue eyes that would only serve to make her mood that much more frightening.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The other girl swallows, looking up at you, then lowers her head and closes that short distance between her and Sadie, sliding her arms around her. Now...it's for comfort, rather than her trying to reassure the other woman, as she hides her face against Sadie's shoulder. "I...it's just..." she says, then takes a breath.

    "...I was making a bridge. So people could run away to another island. Away from the volcano. I can't...I couldn't stop a volcano. But I couldn't let the bridge drop until everyone was off. And the lava caught up to me."

    It's slow, but steady, not stumbling over her words...apparently this part isn't the part that upset her, crazily enough. "I held as long as I could when it hit me, but I...passed out." she admits. "There was another girl who arrived about that time, another heroine, and she saved me, and carried me to a hospital in Hawaii. She didn't know who I was, only that I was...well. Lying in lava and not dead."

    And now that note of upset is creeping back into her voice. "The doctors didn't know what to do to help either. They tried to do burn treatment, but they thought I might be dehydrated and....so they had a special drill brought in and they took a blood sample, so they could run it through the Justice League database, to see if I might need special treatement."

    She inhales. "So they ran it, and they found out the girl it belongs to is...dead. And not me."

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    "... You told me about this," Sadie responds slowly. "That you underwent a... Process?" She stares into Atlee's eyes and slowly licks her lips, tiltign her head slightly to the elft as shedoes. The blonde reaches up and briefly brushes a stray tress away from her face.
    "Do you know if it was here?" Sadie asks then, speaking in a near whisper. She shifts her weight sligthly from left to right and the girl takes slow, deepbreath. One which nearly presses her against the other woman's body. "You should definitely eat something," Sadie offers judiciously then. "And have a drink as well."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee lifts her head, looking back into the other girl's eyes. "Yes...no, I mean...yes, the process, but...no, it was at home. In Strata." She frowns. "...they had no right to do that. I wouldn't have let them if I was awake." She actually sounds a bit angry, if still upset. Violated a bit. "And now they're going to know and...I...wasn't ready. I haven't had time! They'll...what if they hate me for...for being like her?"

    She swallows. "...food would be nice..." she admits after a moment. Because hospital IVs do not really fill you up much.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    "They're not going to hate you," Sadie responds with a shrug. "And if they do then you are probably better off without their presence in your life cramping your style." She releases Atlee's left wrist and drags her toward the kitchen by the right, blue eyes thoughtful while she does so.

    Sadie hesitates. "I'm sure it will be fine. Let's get you fed. And next time you need ot have them call me to pick you up. Understood?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee a bit comforted but still looks unsure as she's dragged along. "Well, you're on my phone as a contact! But it, um, melted.' She doesn't resist too much, Sadie's presence calming her considerably. Most of the conversation from there is her venting a bit...this whole thing apparently being just...something she's been worried enough to let it build up.

    But there's food, and there's Sadie. And that's enough to ease her mind.