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|FullName=Austin Dallas
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|Quote="When Tyranny becomes law, Resistance becomes duty."
|Quote="When Tyranny becomes law, Resistance becomes duty."
|DOB=25 March 2010
|DOB=25 March 2010
|Height=185 cm (6'1")
|Height=185 cm (6'1")

Latest revision as of 18:03, 29 March 2023

Austin Dallas (Scenesys ID: 9825)
"When Tyranny becomes law, Resistance becomes duty."
Full Name: Austin Dallas
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: Duel American and Irish Citizenship
Residence: Gotham City
Education: High School.
Status: Approved
Groups: Titans
Other Information
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 25 March 2010 Actor: Dean Geyer
Height: 185 cm (6'1") Weight: 84 kg (185 lb)
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Holding Out For a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler


Austin is a normal teen with the problems of any young man about to enter the world of adulthood. He has a pet monkey he loves, two little sisters he tolerates, and a mom that means the world to him. He has always had extremely keen senses, able to hear both sides of a conversation on a telephone fore instance, or read something that was written on a tablet three pages up. Since hitting puberty those sense have only gotten keener and more pronounced until they are now well within the super human range.

Current Player Approved: January 20, 2021



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At 6'1" Austin is perhaps just on the tall side for a youth his age. His hair is a dark chestnut brown that he keeps trimmed extremely short, no more then an inch in length at it's longest. His skin has the healthy tan of someone who spends a good bit of time out of doors. His eyes are the same blue as one gets looking down into the deepest parts of the ocean. His ears might stick out just a little too far for his own liking, but they frame a classically handsome face. His lips are full and carry a wry smile that causes dimples to form in his cheeks. He has a broad nose and square jaw that give his a classic "All-American" look.

His powerful neck and broad shoulders give him a strong appearance. This is heightened by the sleeveless t-shirt he is wearing that exposes this toned and muscular arms and hints at his defined pecs through the neckline of the shirt. A perhaps surprising feature is that the shirt itself, rather then being made of cotton, has the flow and sheen that is more closely associated with silk.

His lower body he is wearing loose black martial arts style pants. They cinch tightly at his waist, then hang loose all the way to his ankles, moving with a rustle of cloth with every motion he takes. To complete the ensemble, he is wearing black sneakers tightly laced with an intricate looping.


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Austin is the son of an American man and an Irish mother. His parents divorced when he was twelve with his mother moving back to Ireland, where she would eventually give birth to his twin sisters Helen Paris and Tammi Wynette Dallas. Austin would visit his mother and sisters a few times a year growing up, but spent most of his time with his dad.

From his earliest ages Austin always had extremely keen senses. When asked to read the "Lowest line you can read on this eye chart" for instance, his response had been "Made in Taiwan." And frequently he would get in trouble for "eavesdropping" when he could over hear whispered conversations and even conversations on the opposite side of the telephones.

When he was 14 he saw a group of teens throw a bag into a lake. His father had asked him "What do you think that was?" but Austin was already running. He head heard the tiny puppy barks as the bag fell through the air. The icy water felt like razor blades on his skin, but he dove deeper until he managed to retrieve the sack and pull it back to safety. And as he fell onto the lake shore screaming in pain, the last thing he saw before he passed out was the four little puppy's bounding out of the sack... one running over to lick his face. It was shortly there after that he met Mindy, probably his life long best friend. She was volunteering at the no-kill animal shelter that they took the Puppies (Now affectionately named Larry, Curly, Moe, Shemp, and Groucho) to. The two became fast friends, though they would spend years repeating some variant of the phrase "She's a girl, and she's a friend, she's not my girlfriend!"

Fast forward another few years. Austin has been practicing mixed martial arts for some time now, and has become quite proficient at it. One might think that with his heightened sense of touch that he'd avoid physical contact sports of any kind let alone combat sport, but as he puts it "Getting hit pretty much feels the same no matter what. You feel like you got hit." While his record was nothing to too special, (6-3-1) it did have an interesting statistic. Of the three losses, one was by knock out. The other two losses had been referee decisions where the ref had called for the bell and stopped the fight when Austin had refused to tap out, for fear that he might be injured permanently. Something that he was roundly called "Foolish" or "an idiot" for. His explanation? It never even occurred to him that he could quit. Then, Mindy was attacked.

She wasn't hurt, just shaken up. A group of five gang-bangers had more or less trapped her for a few minutes, made lewd and crude suggestions, pushed her around some, before laughing as they let her escape and run away. She'd been crying when Austin found her. He didn't take much. He wrapped his fists with fighting tape, put a roll of quarters in a sock in his pocket and flipped the hood of his sweat shirt up and went out to pick a fight.

The fight itself was quick and brutal, memorable only because it was the moment Austin would say his power "came online." In the three minutes of brutality that followed he felt like was aware of everything. The subtle twitch of an arm before a thug threw a haymaker at his face. The whisper of leather from a thugs jacket as someone tried to come at him from behind. The smell of blood and vomit as another tried to recover his equilibrium. In those three minutes he got it all. Then, as the thugs lay injured and unconscious, Austin experienced the worst several hours of his life. Imagine if you will, the streets of Gotham. Not the nice brightly light clean business areas that have been taken back, but the dark and grimy parts of town. Imagine the sounds of cars and trains and children crying and prostitutes trying to ply their trade to an uncaring crowd. Imagine the garishly bright lighting that bathes the corners in a hybrid of gloom and faux sunlight. Imagine the scents of uncollected trash, of animal and human waste, of unwashed bodies and spilled booze and puke and piss and blood. Imagine the taste of the pollution in the air, coating your tongue like a slug sliding around in your mouth. Imagine the scratchiness of a wool sweater covering your entire body like a thousand microscopic razor blades nicking at your flesh. Now imagine all of these things turned up to 11. Austin wasn't sure how he got home exactly. He wasn't sure about anything for the next day and a half. All he knew was it was hell.

His power never eased up, but with a little time Austin learned to adjust to his "New Normal". He had to readjust to almost everything in his life, often through trial and error. Most forms of clothing felt far too rough on his skin, so he had to use silk. Foods he loved were all now far too salty or sweet, to the point when his "sweet tooth" comes up, his favorite treat is corn. He found he could suddenly differentiate not just five or six but literally hundreds of shades of blue or green or even pink. Every experience was like he was an infant, experiencing them for the very first time.

He also learned something else about himself. He liked being the hero. He'd never been particularly violent in the past outside of a ring or octagon, but that one burst of righteous vengeance had given him a certain taste for it. Of course, he wasn't the only one who suddenly took up a bit of vigilantism, though when Mindy did it it certainly had a different cause. Always a bit of a hippie at heart, there were few environmental or animal causes that his best friend hadn't thrown her support into. At different times she had been all about Saving the whales, saving the trees, saving the icecaps, saving the planet (Austin never understood why she got off this one, seemed like a perfect fit), saving the rain forest, saving the ocean... so when she frantically pounded on his door at 3:30 in the morning and shoved a messenger bag into his arms saying "You have to protect her!" then took off, he was shocked but not surprised to open the bag and find baby Capuchin monkey in a pink dress staring back up at him with huge eyes. Well, now he has a monkey apparently.

Living with his new friend, he refused to call Tina a pet, was a bit of a on-your-feet learning experience. The poor thing was terrified at first. From her perspective she'd been asleep in her cage, then there had been allot of noise, then she was taken out of her cage and pushed into some sort of bag, jostled around for twenty minutes, and then she was in a new place she had never seen before. Within a week? She was running the place.

Austin was as kind to her as he could be. First offering her fruit, then letting the poor exhausted monkey sleep in his bed, on his silk sheets no less, for the first night. On day two, he dipped into his ?KATT Restoration Fund? and withdrew $250 to go to a Pet Supply store and buy the most deluxe ?Cat condo? He could find.. Taller then he was by several inches, he thought it would give his ?guest? plenty of things to climb up, swing from, and play from. He kitted out the top boxed in area with a fluffy cushion and even an old blanket for her to use. He was just putting the finishing touches on it, around 11 at night, when he heard the soft snoring coming from his bed. He turned to find Tina, that was the name inscribed on her wrist band and she replied to it well enough, sleeping on or more accurately sprawled across his pillow. He gently lifted the sleeping Capuchin, and placed her in her new bed, then went to sleep himself.... and woke up to her foot in his face. This went on for a week. Then he gave up.

Austin's father had at first been against keeping her but the monkey's sweet and charming, if at times a little sassy and mischievous, personality won him over. By the time a month had passed, Mindy returned promising to take Tina to a Monkey Sanctuary. Tina clung to Austin's arm, chirping feverishly. Mindy, Austin, and his father all took this to mean she was scared, after all she'd already been torn from one home, and she was comfortable here. Her actual meaning was more to the effect of ?You can't take them away from me! I just got them properly trained!?, but irregardless, she was now part of the family.

Another interesting experience would occur the following Christmas when Austin tried to board a British Airways flight to Dublin. Every year he would fly over, originally with his father but since becoming a teen solo, to Ireland to visit his mother before Christmas. He would then spend either a long three day weekend there with his mother, stepfather, and sisters or on alternating years, the full two week holiday. Austin had made certain that Tina had had all her proper vaccinations and shots, had registered her as an Emotional Support Animal, and even paid for a ticket for her. Still when it came time to board, the flight attendant had asked if ?The monkey is really a support animal?? be cause otherwise she'd have to ride down in the cargo hold. Before Austin could even reply, Tina glared daggers at the woman... then hugged Austin around the neck, cooed softly and pet his head in a most reassuring fashion. Unable to control her laughter, the stewardess let them board.


Austin honestly adored his mother and sisters, and even had nothing particularly negative to say about his step father. Neither of his parents blamed the other for the disillusion of their marriage, both stating that they had simply fallen out of love with each other. Austin had stayed with his father because, in his mother's words ?A boy needs his Da,? and his sisters had not even been born yet. Still they talked every week at least, usually over vid-call. And while his mother and step-father were amused by Austin's new friend, his sisters Helen and Tammi simply fell in love with her, wanting to dress her up in their old baby doll clothes and dresses. This soon became a passion for Tina and she would frequently come to Austin with magazine clippings of pretty dresses and those big hopeful looking eyes. Subsequently, the monkey now has a larger wardrobe then the man does.

Flash forward to present day, Austin has moved out of his fathers home, taking Tina with him, and into a small apartment of his own. He is graduating in a few months, taking online classes to finish his education. His father sends him a small stipend (really an allowance, but stipend sounds less childish) that pays his rent and his basic utilities and he works part time for luxuries and a bit extra. Occasionally, when he can find time, he still puts on that tattered maroon hoodie and goes out to give those people looking for trouble exactly what they are looking for. Certainly Gotham has plenty of heroes watching over her, but the Batman can't be everywhere. So for now, the area around Austin now has it's own Sentinel.


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Austin is a normal teen with the problems of any young man about to enter the world of adulthood. He has a pet monkey he loves, two little sisters he tolerates, and a mom that means the world to him. He has always had extremely keen senses, able to hear both sides of a conversation on a telephone fore instance, or read something that was written on a tablet three pages up. Since hitting puberty those sense have only gotten keener and more pronounced until they are now well within the super human range.


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Superhuman Hearing:
Austin can literally hear a pin drop across a quiet room. For more practical uses he can listen to both sides of a phone conversation, conversations held at low whispers, and in tonal ranges higher and lower then normal humans can achieve. He is also much better then average at being able to pick through background noise to hear things he is specifically focusing on.

Superhuman Scent:
Austin can track things with his sense of smell with the same rough accuracy as a bloodhound.

Superhuman Sight:
Austin can see perfectly in very low light conditions and with the focus and precision of many birds of prey such as a hawk or owl.

Superhuman Taste:
Austin is capable of of distinguishing different tastes and chemicals. He might not be able to /identify/ these chemicals, not without experience, but he could defiantly note a difference.

Superhuman Touch:

Austin's sense of touch is sensitive enough he can "read" newsprint with his fingertips and even something that was written on a notebook several sheets above the paper he is touching.


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While he would never consider himself an expert chef by any stretch, There are at least a few things that Austin Makes very well, at least to his own pallet. Though most people might complain a bit about the lack of some seasonings like salt.

Good With Kids:
Austin loves kids in general and in general most kids love him back. He simply gives off an aura of the type of person kids naturally trust and want to be around.

Austin is a student of Competitive Mixed Martial Arts. He has stopped competing since his powers came full online but still trains vigorously every day.

Austin's hyper senses and his natural athleticism makes him a natural at Parkour. He almost always tends to move at top speed, taking the quickest, if not always most intuitive, way of getting from point A to point B.

Perfect Pitch:

Austin is a natural singer, and can has a wide vocal range. This isn't anything super human, just the ability to sing about anything he tries from Opera to Opry.


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Best Friend:
Austin's best friend Mindy Welrock is heavily involved with several animal rights and environmental activist groups.

When Austin's grandfather passed away he left Austin a Classic 1982 Midnight Black Pontiac Trans Am that he affectionately named Katt. It's just a car though.

Austin has completed his high school education and is planning to start collage in the near future.

Austin's father is currently giving him a monthly stipend that is enough to pay his rent, buy food, and purchase a few personal items, though not much more at this point.

Tina the Monkey:

Tina was stolen from a GCU Science Lab by Austin's friend Mindy. She is extremely intelligent (for a monkey) and a bit of a diva.


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Hero Complex:
When someone is in danger, Austin doesn't tend to think a situation completely through, usually jumping straight into action. This has led him to jump into near freezing water on one occasion to save a bag of puppies, and on another occasion run into a burning building when told there was a small child still in there.

Superhuman Hearing:
Loud noises, also noises that are pitched extremely high can cause Austin extreme hearing pain and mess with his equilibrium. He is especially vulnerable to sudden loud noises when he is deliberately focusing on his hearing, trying to pick out an in individual sound

Superhuman Scent:
Strong odors affect Austin more powerfully then normal people

Superhuman Sight:
Sudden bright lights can easily blind Austin at much dimmer levels then they would a normal person.

Superhuman Taste:
Not as much a weakness as the others, Austin's sense of taste is so keen that he is forced to eat extremely "Bland" foods, at least to other peoples tastes. That does not mean he doesn't enjoy foods, he just tends to enjoy them in ways that are different then to other people.

Superhuman Touch:

Even normal fabrics such as cotton feel very rough against Austin's skin. He's been quoted as saying sleeping under a cotton sheet is like "Covering up with sandpaper". That said his skin is no more susceptible to damage then a normal person's would be, though a clever person could likely find a way to use this against him.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Seeing, Hearing, Smelling... Quadruple April 16th, 2024 The Five-In-One run into a very sensitive boy, and start scheming on a five to one date to possibly toy with an unsuspecting Austin and his monkey Tina.
Always Looking out for the New Guy... May 15th, 2022 Summary needed
Late Night Caffeine April 6th, 2022 An awkward but endearing meeting is had!
Just a regular February afternoon in town... February 26th, 2022 Just a jog down the breakstone for donuts, a cosplaying monkey Black cat and an All American Hero.
A random walk in the woods November 17th, 2021 While hiking, Megan is caught in a storm, falls and hits her head. Kit and Austin try to rescue her but there are misunderstandings.
Even Superheroes need a break October 30th, 2021 Kara and Austin and Tina chill out and discuss board games
Sentinel and Starfire September 13th, 2021 Summary needed
Titan work out. August 20th, 2021 Cassie and Austin talk powers and responsibilities.
Checking on things August 11th, 2021 And an offer for training
Getting her things in order.. August 4th, 2021 Kara returns to the tower to collect some things before heading back to space.
Shopaholics June 22nd, 2021 Kara takes the team shopping then ends with a tearful carousel ride with Lar.
A few little big problems June 11th, 2021 The Titans have a meeting on current issues. Plans are made.
Interview by the Park June 5th, 2021 Superboy meets Austin Dallas in Central Park while Juggernaut looms in the background
LexMall Reopens May 27th, 2021 Summary needed
Putting the New in the New York Public Library May 27th, 2021 The grand opening of the Tony Stark Historical Hall of Heroes in the New York Public Library goes off without a hitch. Monkey jokes ensue. Nothing goes boom.
Looking for a witch April 23rd, 2021 Austin comes looking for Willow, Buffy promises to pass on a message.
Job interview... April 6th, 2021 The Titans take Austin's application...
Monkey business March 9th, 2021 Summary needed
Last flight to Dallas March 4th, 2021 Supergirl takes Austin's number and promises to call him... about the Titans.
Pizza and a movie: Part duex. February 28th, 2021 Willow and Austin stay in, eat pizza and flirt.
Meeting Austin February 25th, 2021 Buffy meets Willows new friend and potential boyfriend?
An Odd Little Coffee.. February 15th, 2021 Willow meets Austin, and they a good time over coffee and biscotti.
Renovations February 6th, 2021 Summary needed
Monk meets monkey at the Garden. January 30th, 2021 Austin get's slapped, Xiang get's kissed, Tina tries to be a warrior.
When parallel lines intersect January 23rd, 2021 Austin


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Title Date Scene Summary
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