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(Created page with "{{CharacterNew |NameOnMUSH=Lightning Lad |Color=#333 |TextColor=#c1c1c1 |Char_id=1213 |FullName=Garth Ranzz |Gender=Male |Species=Winathian |Theme=DC |Chartype=SFC |Active=Active |Occupation=. |Citizenship=. |Residence=. |Education=. |Quote=. |Profile=. }}")
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|FullName=Garth Ranzz
|FullName=Garth Ranzz
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|Occupation=Hero & Space Pilot
|Citizenship=United Planets
|Education=30th Century Trade School
|Groups=[[Space-OOC]], [[Legion of Superheroes]]
|Quote="Suck it, grandpa!"
|DOB=10 November 2005
|Height=188 cm (6'2")
|Weight=84 kg (185 lb)
|Hair=Golden-red (Ginger)
|Actor=KJ Apa
|Profile=Garth Ranzz is from the planet Winath in the 30th century. After teenage space joyriding went bad, he and his two siblings gained amazing electrical powers. He and his sister Ayla would become heroes. their older brother, Mekt went the other way. Garth was one of the founding members of the Legion of Super Heroes, and has served ably in the past. Though he has been grievously injured, he has been repaired and continues to try to make the galaxy a better place to this day, even though he has been trapped nearly 1000 years before he was even born.
===Current Player Approved: Available for Application===
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Desciption:'''</span>
Tall, tim, muscular, and athletic, Garth Ranzz, known as Lightning lad, is the picture of youthful energy. He is tall, standing a couple of inches over the six foot mark, with a pair of broad shoulders. His face is on the symmetrical side, with bright blue eyes under unruly red-gold hair. A strong jaw, a well-shaped nose, and a warm baritone voice complete Lightning Lads visage. His hair falls to his collar and is careful disarray.<br><br>His build is athletic, though Garths coloration is pale; after all, Garth is a ginger. He wears a uniform of some variety over his athletic form. The shoulders are bared, as are his arms until blue kid gloves cover his hands at the wrist. The chest of the spandex outfit if vibrant blue, with yellow lightning bolts wrapping around each shoulder. At above the navel, the top turns white. The trousers are the opposite, with white spandex ending about 3 inches above the knee with a black lightning bolt that wraps about Lightning lads thigh, and blue continuing down the leg to the yellow cuff of his blue boots.<br><br>A golden belt breaks up the outfit, a large buckle bearing the Legion of Super Heroes insignia on the buckle giving a group identity to Lightning Lad. A couple of golden pouches ride on either side of the belt. A ring with a matching insignia, and also on gold is on his right ring finger. It is about the size of a class ring, but also identifies Lightning lad as a legionnaire.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
Winath has an unusual effect on humanity. It tends to cause a tendency for twins. Singeltons are regarded as unlucky at best. Into this world, Mekt Ranzz was born as a singleton. A couple of years later, his more auspicious brother and sister were born. Ayla and Garth were a bit more favored by their parents. In particular, Garth was almost the prodigal, favored son. He flourished under the attention. He got many privileges early, and was athletic and decent.<br><br>Going to visit friends, the three siblings clambered into a ship and went flying. Mekt insisted on flying, despite the fact his younger brother was the more accomplished pilot. Mekt managed to have a collision with an Asteroid, and ran the ship out of energy. In order to refill the ships batteries, Mekt decided to stop on the uninhabited planet of Korbal to siphon energy from Lightning beasts. Neither Ayla nor Garth were happy with the plan. It went poorly.<br><br>Somehow, none of them died, and the twins discovered they had gained the powers of lightning beasts after they awoke. So had Mekt, but they did not know. Mekt ran away shortly after the incident, and Ayla and Garth were smart enough to conceal their powers.<br><br>Not content to miss his older brother, Garth went looking for him. He followed him to Earth. While en route, Garth met two other teens, and after foiling an assassination attempt, the trio founded the Legion of Superheroes. He took the name Lightning Lad. The other teens became Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl. Garth was enamoured with Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen). Eventually, Ayla would join him as a Legionnaire.<br><br>Garth was fixated on Mekt still, and finally Imra called him on his baloney and told him if he was serious about it, he would go find his brother. So, he did. Ayla and Garth found Mekt. he had been killing people in a string across the galaxy. The trail led to Korbal where he was sucking the energy from Lightning Beasts. They confronted their brother, and overcame him. Garth lost his arm in the incident. It would be replaced twice with cybernetics, then regenerated. The whole thing somewhat soured Garth on Imra for awhile, and she likely felt a built of guilt over it to.<br><br>Garth served as a leader and a deputy for the LSH. He would mature and help develop the LSH into a force of good. In some ways, it served to bring out those qualities in him. Garth sees himself as simply a member, but to some of the other members he is part of the teams very soul. He an Imra would sort of patch things up, and are friendly. Garth has learned he has significant feelings for the girl, but he tries his best to hide them. Romance might be fun and all, but losing Imra as a friend would be unbearable.<br><br>At some point, after adventures and altercations protecting the United Planets, Garth was amongst the Legionnaires caught up in a temporal displacement. It has left him trapped on the planet Earth perhaps 1000 years before his own birth.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
Well Intentioned<br>The essence or core of Garth is basic human decency. While he might go about it wrong, or fail to explain himself entirely, or just in general fail to express himself period, he just is at his most basic level a good person with good intentions. His rash actions or brash words aside, Garth cares about his fellow beings. It motivates his actions, and as he has matured, that has begun to manifest itself in many small ways.<br><br>Integrity<br>If you are going to spend as much time around a telepath as Garth has Imra, one as to be Way honest. Garth is way honest. He does not lie often, though he does keep secrets if he must. The best way to keep secrets is to keep ones mouth closed. Garth is quite capable of this feat.<br><br>Garth has learned that most cutting remarks can come from the truth. An injury caused by speaking true is far more damaging and lasting. The lies he is usually guilty of, are ones to himself.<br><br>Hot-Headed<br>Stopping and thinking is a possibility, but not the norm for Garth. He prefers action to discussion. Hed rather solve a problem with a bit of force or the threat of it than consensus building. He is a little quick to take action, and prefers to shoot first and ask questions later. <br><br>Protective<br>The Legion is the Legion of Superheroes. The idea being to help, serve, and protect the population by being an organized, motivated force for good. Garth helped found the Legion and his mindset about helping and protecting folks in service to something larger than himself was shared with the other founders. Garth thinks he is quite lucky to have been fortunate enough to meet his friends, and to help shape a force for good.<br><br>That is just in general, however. In particular, there are two people Garth is particularly protective of; his sister and fellow Legionnaire, Ayla, and fellow founding Legionnaire Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl). If one wants to risk his ire, one should hurt one of those ladies. Ayla is Garths twin and has been with him for through thick and thin. Garth is uncomfortable discussing his attachment to Imra.<br><br><br>Paternal<br>Perhaps his protective streak taken onwards, Garth is incredibly family-oriented. His sister is of the utmost importance to him. Should he ever have children, Gath, despite his skills as a hero and warrior, would love nothing more than to take over as the primary caregiver and become a stay at home father. He takes care of the people that take care of him and he honestly enjoys it.<br>  His disasters with the Auto-chef are legendary though. The temperament to care for others does not confer the ability to cook.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Electrokinesis:'''</span>
After a lightning beast attack on the planet Korbal, the three Ranzz children were empowered. All three gained amazing abilities to generate amazing amounts of electrical energy. He can rain blazing electrical assaults for hours if need be before becoming tired. This effects can be modulated from a stunning sort of taser-like effect, to simple pain like a cattle prod, up to incredible displays of electrical energy powerful enough to rend open armoured space vehicles. When they were young, it was sometimes called a Death-Ray. Garth could atomize some lightly armoured robotic foes with a single bolt.<br><br>He is immune to his own electrical discharges.<br><br>He can absorb most other electrical based assaults, although attacks that take him by surprise or the like can get through this ability. His brother Mekt once blew his arm off.<br><br>If he is surrounded by foes, Lightning Lad can extend an electrical field about him and assault all within about ten to fifteen feet to an intense electrical field, essentially attacking them with his powers if they enter the area. He cannot discriminate between friend and foe with this type of assault.<br><br>By joining hands with his sister, they can use their powers in synchronicity, attacking a single foe with the sum totality of their abilities.<br> He can also use the sparking electricity to daze or flash-blind a foe or create enough light to see by by merely generating but not discharging a bolt.<br><br>Lightning Lad can also do area effects, arcing blasts from foe to foe (in a radius of 25 feet) causing significant damage to foes. Heavily armoured foes can also facilitate a banked shot, with the first foe taking damage, and the second taking slightly less damage.<br><br>By firing with both hands, Lightning Lad can shoot a powerful bolt of Lightning through a star cruiser, the bolt goes in one side, and out another causing massive damage.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Athletic:'''</span>
Garth was the favored son of his parents. He is fun, athletic, ad skilled at almost any physical pursuit. He has always been athletic, trim, and fit. He engages in a regimen of exercise in order to maintain his level of fitness. He is not superhuman, but he is in great shape, and he keeps his wits sharp and his reflexes quick.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Combat Savvy:'''</span>
All members of the Legion are given martial Arts training to make certain they do not get beaten too badly. This training regimen was initially designed by the founding members, then improved on by other Legionnaires over the years. It is now a capable, effective martial art that emphasizes avoiding major hits, rolling with strikes, and then returning ones force back against their foe. Marksmanship training is included for Legionnaires who have ranged weapons or abilities.<br>      Due to his experience and service, Gareth has a pretty good head for teamwork and combat leadership. When he can avoid his plan simply being Suck it, Grandpa!, he has a really good chance of bringing his team home alive.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Research:'''</span>
There are resources available for the use all over the place. One just needs to know where to look to find them and put together the bigger picture. Garth has tracked a single individual across the galaxy from his home planet of Winath, to the seat of the galactic civilization, Earth, and finally to the uninhabited planet of Korbal. He can follow leads, interview witnesses, follow monetary expenditures, and otherwise do the scholarly and field work necessary to determine and track down a subject.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Starship Operations:'''</span>
Garth is quietly one of the best pilots to be found. As a teenager, he was a better and more accomplished pilot than his older brother, and had full rights and piloting certification before he was in his late teens. Garth understands the principles, theories, and practicalities of space travel quite well. He can squeeze the last drops of performance from most anything in space. He rated on vehicles as small as personal, speedy spacecraft up to and including ships even larger than the Legion Cruiser which currently serves as his home. He can almost any starship, and more than a few atmospheric aircraft, and fly them well.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Legion Flight Ring:'''</span>
Garth, as Lightning Lad, possesses a standard-issue Legion Flight Ring. It allows him to fly, survive the vacuum of space, and serves a communicator with other members of the LSH. Flight speed and range are determined by willpower. Garth is a little bit faster than the norm, but not by a whole lot. The ring has a microcomputer installed to handle its functions. This computer also has functions enabling it to attract help with light displays and serve as navigational aid.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''The Legion:'''</span>
While their resources are a little more limited than they were before, there is still a cruiser, and some ships, and the rings, and the stranded Legionnaires. Arth was a founding member of the Legion. He has some pull in the organization and is certainly in a far better position to handle being stranded than a non-legionnaire might be.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Twins:'''</span>
Garth and Ayla are twins. Almost all Winrathians are twins. Those that are not are considered vaguely disconcerting and odd. This is borne out by the Ranzz family, with Garth and Ayla being awesome, and their older brother being an arm-shooting-off type of fellow.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Mekt:'''</span>
Mekt Ranzz, the Lightning Lord, is Garths older Singleton brother. It was his insecurities that got the Ranzz children all empowered. He is power-mad and is a criminal. He also managed to blow off Garths right arm at once point. They are not particularly close anymore. Lightning Lord has been apprehended before, but has has an axe to grind, and seeks to even the score with his siblings, his brother in particular.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Time-Displaced:'''</span>
Garth Ranzz does not belong in this time. He is displaced about 1000 years. He only knows the other Legionnaires, essentially, and is stranded more or less in this now. While he is lucky as a legionnaire, there are limited resources, and he does not command the same authority he did at home.  
[[Category:Space-OOC]] [[Category:Legion of Superheroes]]

Latest revision as of 12:24, 25 May 2024

Lightning Lad (Scenesys ID: 1213)
"Suck it, grandpa!"
Full Name: Garth Ranzz
Gender: Male
Species: Winathian
Theme: DC (SFC)
Occupation: Hero & Space Pilot
Citizenship: United Planets
Residence: Metropolis
Education: 30th Century Trade School
Status: Dropped
Groups: Space-OOC, Legion of Superheroes
Other Information
Apparent Age: 26 Actual Age: 26
Date of Birth 10 November 2005 Actor: KJ Apa
Height: 188 cm (6'2") Weight: 84 kg (185 lb)
Hair Color: Golden-red (Ginger) Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:


Garth Ranzz is from the planet Winath in the 30th century. After teenage space joyriding went bad, he and his two siblings gained amazing electrical powers. He and his sister Ayla would become heroes. their older brother, Mekt went the other way. Garth was one of the founding members of the Legion of Super Heroes, and has served ably in the past. Though he has been grievously injured, he has been repaired and continues to try to make the galaxy a better place to this day, even though he has been trapped nearly 1000 years before he was even born.

Current Player Approved: Available for Application



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Tall, tim, muscular, and athletic, Garth Ranzz, known as Lightning lad, is the picture of youthful energy. He is tall, standing a couple of inches over the six foot mark, with a pair of broad shoulders. His face is on the symmetrical side, with bright blue eyes under unruly red-gold hair. A strong jaw, a well-shaped nose, and a warm baritone voice complete Lightning Lads visage. His hair falls to his collar and is careful disarray.

His build is athletic, though Garths coloration is pale; after all, Garth is a ginger. He wears a uniform of some variety over his athletic form. The shoulders are bared, as are his arms until blue kid gloves cover his hands at the wrist. The chest of the spandex outfit if vibrant blue, with yellow lightning bolts wrapping around each shoulder. At above the navel, the top turns white. The trousers are the opposite, with white spandex ending about 3 inches above the knee with a black lightning bolt that wraps about Lightning lads thigh, and blue continuing down the leg to the yellow cuff of his blue boots.

A golden belt breaks up the outfit, a large buckle bearing the Legion of Super Heroes insignia on the buckle giving a group identity to Lightning Lad. A couple of golden pouches ride on either side of the belt. A ring with a matching insignia, and also on gold is on his right ring finger. It is about the size of a class ring, but also identifies Lightning lad as a legionnaire.


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Winath has an unusual effect on humanity. It tends to cause a tendency for twins. Singeltons are regarded as unlucky at best. Into this world, Mekt Ranzz was born as a singleton. A couple of years later, his more auspicious brother and sister were born. Ayla and Garth were a bit more favored by their parents. In particular, Garth was almost the prodigal, favored son. He flourished under the attention. He got many privileges early, and was athletic and decent.

Going to visit friends, the three siblings clambered into a ship and went flying. Mekt insisted on flying, despite the fact his younger brother was the more accomplished pilot. Mekt managed to have a collision with an Asteroid, and ran the ship out of energy. In order to refill the ships batteries, Mekt decided to stop on the uninhabited planet of Korbal to siphon energy from Lightning beasts. Neither Ayla nor Garth were happy with the plan. It went poorly.

Somehow, none of them died, and the twins discovered they had gained the powers of lightning beasts after they awoke. So had Mekt, but they did not know. Mekt ran away shortly after the incident, and Ayla and Garth were smart enough to conceal their powers.

Not content to miss his older brother, Garth went looking for him. He followed him to Earth. While en route, Garth met two other teens, and after foiling an assassination attempt, the trio founded the Legion of Superheroes. He took the name Lightning Lad. The other teens became Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl. Garth was enamoured with Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen). Eventually, Ayla would join him as a Legionnaire.

Garth was fixated on Mekt still, and finally Imra called him on his baloney and told him if he was serious about it, he would go find his brother. So, he did. Ayla and Garth found Mekt. he had been killing people in a string across the galaxy. The trail led to Korbal where he was sucking the energy from Lightning Beasts. They confronted their brother, and overcame him. Garth lost his arm in the incident. It would be replaced twice with cybernetics, then regenerated. The whole thing somewhat soured Garth on Imra for awhile, and she likely felt a built of guilt over it to.

Garth served as a leader and a deputy for the LSH. He would mature and help develop the LSH into a force of good. In some ways, it served to bring out those qualities in him. Garth sees himself as simply a member, but to some of the other members he is part of the teams very soul. He an Imra would sort of patch things up, and are friendly. Garth has learned he has significant feelings for the girl, but he tries his best to hide them. Romance might be fun and all, but losing Imra as a friend would be unbearable.

At some point, after adventures and altercations protecting the United Planets, Garth was amongst the Legionnaires caught up in a temporal displacement. It has left him trapped on the planet Earth perhaps 1000 years before his own birth.


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Well Intentioned
The essence or core of Garth is basic human decency. While he might go about it wrong, or fail to explain himself entirely, or just in general fail to express himself period, he just is at his most basic level a good person with good intentions. His rash actions or brash words aside, Garth cares about his fellow beings. It motivates his actions, and as he has matured, that has begun to manifest itself in many small ways.

If you are going to spend as much time around a telepath as Garth has Imra, one as to be Way honest. Garth is way honest. He does not lie often, though he does keep secrets if he must. The best way to keep secrets is to keep ones mouth closed. Garth is quite capable of this feat.

Garth has learned that most cutting remarks can come from the truth. An injury caused by speaking true is far more damaging and lasting. The lies he is usually guilty of, are ones to himself.

Stopping and thinking is a possibility, but not the norm for Garth. He prefers action to discussion. Hed rather solve a problem with a bit of force or the threat of it than consensus building. He is a little quick to take action, and prefers to shoot first and ask questions later.

The Legion is the Legion of Superheroes. The idea being to help, serve, and protect the population by being an organized, motivated force for good. Garth helped found the Legion and his mindset about helping and protecting folks in service to something larger than himself was shared with the other founders. Garth thinks he is quite lucky to have been fortunate enough to meet his friends, and to help shape a force for good.

That is just in general, however. In particular, there are two people Garth is particularly protective of; his sister and fellow Legionnaire, Ayla, and fellow founding Legionnaire Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl). If one wants to risk his ire, one should hurt one of those ladies. Ayla is Garths twin and has been with him for through thick and thin. Garth is uncomfortable discussing his attachment to Imra.

Perhaps his protective streak taken onwards, Garth is incredibly family-oriented. His sister is of the utmost importance to him. Should he ever have children, Gath, despite his skills as a hero and warrior, would love nothing more than to take over as the primary caregiver and become a stay at home father. He takes care of the people that take care of him and he honestly enjoys it.
His disasters with the Auto-chef are legendary though. The temperament to care for others does not confer the ability to cook.


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After a lightning beast attack on the planet Korbal, the three Ranzz children were empowered. All three gained amazing abilities to generate amazing amounts of electrical energy. He can rain blazing electrical assaults for hours if need be before becoming tired. This effects can be modulated from a stunning sort of taser-like effect, to simple pain like a cattle prod, up to incredible displays of electrical energy powerful enough to rend open armoured space vehicles. When they were young, it was sometimes called a Death-Ray. Garth could atomize some lightly armoured robotic foes with a single bolt.

He is immune to his own electrical discharges.

He can absorb most other electrical based assaults, although attacks that take him by surprise or the like can get through this ability. His brother Mekt once blew his arm off.

If he is surrounded by foes, Lightning Lad can extend an electrical field about him and assault all within about ten to fifteen feet to an intense electrical field, essentially attacking them with his powers if they enter the area. He cannot discriminate between friend and foe with this type of assault.

By joining hands with his sister, they can use their powers in synchronicity, attacking a single foe with the sum totality of their abilities.
He can also use the sparking electricity to daze or flash-blind a foe or create enough light to see by by merely generating but not discharging a bolt.

Lightning Lad can also do area effects, arcing blasts from foe to foe (in a radius of 25 feet) causing significant damage to foes. Heavily armoured foes can also facilitate a banked shot, with the first foe taking damage, and the second taking slightly less damage.

By firing with both hands, Lightning Lad can shoot a powerful bolt of Lightning through a star cruiser, the bolt goes in one side, and out another causing massive damage.


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Garth was the favored son of his parents. He is fun, athletic, ad skilled at almost any physical pursuit. He has always been athletic, trim, and fit. He engages in a regimen of exercise in order to maintain his level of fitness. He is not superhuman, but he is in great shape, and he keeps his wits sharp and his reflexes quick.

Combat Savvy:
All members of the Legion are given martial Arts training to make certain they do not get beaten too badly. This training regimen was initially designed by the founding members, then improved on by other Legionnaires over the years. It is now a capable, effective martial art that emphasizes avoiding major hits, rolling with strikes, and then returning ones force back against their foe. Marksmanship training is included for Legionnaires who have ranged weapons or abilities.
Due to his experience and service, Gareth has a pretty good head for teamwork and combat leadership. When he can avoid his plan simply being Suck it, Grandpa!, he has a really good chance of bringing his team home alive.

There are resources available for the use all over the place. One just needs to know where to look to find them and put together the bigger picture. Garth has tracked a single individual across the galaxy from his home planet of Winath, to the seat of the galactic civilization, Earth, and finally to the uninhabited planet of Korbal. He can follow leads, interview witnesses, follow monetary expenditures, and otherwise do the scholarly and field work necessary to determine and track down a subject.

Starship Operations:

Garth is quietly one of the best pilots to be found. As a teenager, he was a better and more accomplished pilot than his older brother, and had full rights and piloting certification before he was in his late teens. Garth understands the principles, theories, and practicalities of space travel quite well. He can squeeze the last drops of performance from most anything in space. He rated on vehicles as small as personal, speedy spacecraft up to and including ships even larger than the Legion Cruiser which currently serves as his home. He can almost any starship, and more than a few atmospheric aircraft, and fly them well.


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Legion Flight Ring:
Garth, as Lightning Lad, possesses a standard-issue Legion Flight Ring. It allows him to fly, survive the vacuum of space, and serves a communicator with other members of the LSH. Flight speed and range are determined by willpower. Garth is a little bit faster than the norm, but not by a whole lot. The ring has a microcomputer installed to handle its functions. This computer also has functions enabling it to attract help with light displays and serve as navigational aid.

The Legion:
While their resources are a little more limited than they were before, there is still a cruiser, and some ships, and the rings, and the stranded Legionnaires. Arth was a founding member of the Legion. He has some pull in the organization and is certainly in a far better position to handle being stranded than a non-legionnaire might be.


Garth and Ayla are twins. Almost all Winrathians are twins. Those that are not are considered vaguely disconcerting and odd. This is borne out by the Ranzz family, with Garth and Ayla being awesome, and their older brother being an arm-shooting-off type of fellow.


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Mekt Ranzz, the Lightning Lord, is Garths older Singleton brother. It was his insecurities that got the Ranzz children all empowered. He is power-mad and is a criminal. He also managed to blow off Garths right arm at once point. They are not particularly close anymore. Lightning Lord has been apprehended before, but has has an axe to grind, and seeks to even the score with his siblings, his brother in particular.


Garth Ranzz does not belong in this time. He is displaced about 1000 years. He only knows the other Legionnaires, essentially, and is stranded more or less in this now. While he is lucky as a legionnaire, there are limited resources, and he does not command the same authority he did at home.


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Log 1790 August 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
The Legion that sweats together... August 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Invisible Kid's Amazing Invisible Cat July 26th, 2017 Summary needed
The Legion Vs. Garth's Cooking July 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
The Most Electrifying Man... July 22nd, 2017 Garth is here, and Brainy has a mission


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