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|Song="Get Lucky"
|Song="Get Lucky"
|Profile=Domino has been a significant player in the 'freelance operative' field for most of the last five years. She's no mere mercenary, either. The woman has a remarkable talent for the skills required to go after hard targets, whether they need extraction, location, or elimination. In short, she's got a reputation as a paid assassin, and a damn good one. Aside from that, there's little know about her personal life in any capacity. She doesn't show up in any major military rosters, either, leaving a lot of questions unanswered about how and where she gained her specific skillset.
|Profile=Domino has been a significant player in the 'freelance operative' field for most of the last five years. She's no mere mercenary, either. The woman has a remarkable talent for the skills required to go after hard targets, whether they need extraction, location, or elimination. In short, she's got a reputation as a paid assassin, and a damn good one. Aside from that, there's little know about her personal life in any capacity. She doesn't show up in any major military rosters, either, leaving a lot of questions unanswered about how and where she gained her specific skillset.
===Current Player Approved: November 28, 2018===
|Description=Domino-- never 'Neena'-- is a distinctive looking individual. Her face is round, with plush cheekbones and punctuated by a flat chin. Otherwise flawless pale skin is marred with a distinctive black patch covering her left eye going back to meet her hair. Her eyes are blue and bright beacons, but carry a look of determination, and anger. Her nose flat and slightly wide but with a narrow, sharply defined bridge. She wears simple stud earrings, and the sharp definition of her jaw and the subtle muscles in her neck suggest a carefully honed physique. Her hair sports no styling, long and black it flows freely behind her.
|Description=Domino-- never 'Neena'-- is a distinctive looking individual. Her face is round, with plush cheekbones and punctuated by a flat chin. Otherwise flawless pale skin is marred with a distinctive black patch covering her left eye going back to meet her hair. Her eyes are blue and bright beacons, but carry a look of determination, and anger. Her nose flat and slightly wide but with a narrow, sharply defined bridge. She wears simple stud earrings, and the sharp definition of her jaw and the subtle muscles in her neck suggest a carefully honed physique. Her hair sports no styling, long and black it flows freely behind her.

Revision as of 02:59, 12 February 2019

Domino (Scenesys ID: 180)
"I should've finished college."
Full Name: Neena Thurman
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Freelancer
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Variable / Mobile
Education: Privately Tutored / School of Hard Knocks
Status: Approved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 28 Actual Age: 28
Date of Birth 25 May 1998 Actor:
Height: 173 cm Weight: 54 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Get Lucky"


Domino has been a significant player in the 'freelance operative' field for most of the last five years. She's no mere mercenary, either. The woman has a remarkable talent for the skills required to go after hard targets, whether they need extraction, location, or elimination. In short, she's got a reputation as a paid assassin, and a damn good one. Aside from that, there's little know about her personal life in any capacity. She doesn't show up in any major military rosters, either, leaving a lot of questions unanswered about how and where she gained her specific skillset.

Current Player Approved: November 28, 2018



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Domino-- never 'Neena'-- is a distinctive looking individual. Her face is round, with plush cheekbones and punctuated by a flat chin. Otherwise flawless pale skin is marred with a distinctive black patch covering her left eye going back to meet her hair. Her eyes are blue and bright beacons, but carry a look of determination, and anger. Her nose flat and slightly wide but with a narrow, sharply defined bridge. She wears simple stud earrings, and the sharp definition of her jaw and the subtle muscles in her neck suggest a carefully honed physique. Her hair sports no styling, long and black it flows freely behind her.

Domino's definitely a fit woman. Her collarbone forms a clear relief with firm shoulders and arms that sport subtly defined muscle. She's not as lean as a runner, but certainly looks like someone accustomed to physical fitness as a way of life. Her clothing is clearly 'working' gear, a lightweight tactical vest that sports thin armor plates and narrow pauldrons. It's tactical shades of blues and greys and sports attachment points for equipment. A durable bodysuit clings to her narrow curves, with reinforced fingerless gloves, tactical belt, and thigh-high boots with a sturdy motorcycle heel and riveted impact points on the shin guard. She's carrying at least three firearms, visibly, and equipment for them as well.


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The product of a US black ops program using genetic engineering in hopes of creating a super soldier, Neena was born in the Project Armageddon facility, located in the Florida Everglades. She was one of several of children born to a precog named Beatrice, and one of a handful that survived the project's testing and training, but was left catatonic as a result. She was deemed a failure by the project's standards. Rescued by her mother, she was left in the care of a priest in Chicago, where her mutant powers manifested. Little is known of her past beyond this point, apart from scant juvenile criminal records. She bounced between foster homes and orphanages, suffering at the hands of anti-mutant bigots on several occasions. At some point she went overseas, spending time in mercenary companies and receiving significant training in fieldcraft, weapons, and tactics. She finally splashed onto the grid with a number of high-profile assassinations in Southeast Asia, leaving Madripoor behind with a lot of bodies and enemies in her wake.

She was hired by the NSA, where her probability altering powers were put in service of the government to act as a bodyguard (and realistically, prison warden) to a hyper-intelligent man named Milo Thurman, whose ability to calculate historical trends allowed him to nearly predict the future of world events. The two became close, and during this time, Neena gained both a code name (Domino) and a last name (Thurman). The bliss was short lived, as Neena would lose Milo forever, unable to protect him despite all her probability altering powers during a raid that destroyed the facility in which he was kept.

From there Domino flitted from one place to another under multiple assumed names, eventually resurfacing as a mercenary for hire. Back in the United States, she was eventually approached by special task government agencies for clandestine services.


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Domino's a tough one to get close to. She runs cold to many, unflappable in the face of danger and her humor running more to wry sarcasm than witty banter. She's far from inhuman, though, with profound sympathy for people struggling under the lash of adversity. Children and families in particular are something she will work to protect, even if it means dumping a payday or making an enemy. When it comes to work, she is generally regarded as amoral, effective, and direct. In terms of her personal life, there's always a subtle wall up around her. It suggests someone who has lost in the past, and keeps to themselves to avoid getting hurt again. The few times Domino really opens up is when feeding a thrill-seeking addiction, launching herself into danger as if daring the world to finally put her down for good.


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Domino cheats at everything, including her biology. In truth, Domino's reflexes are only a bit better than a baseline human's. But her probability awareness ties her cerebral cortex into her nervous system, sometimes even bypassing chemical nodes to stimulate the nerves directly. It's almost an anticipatory prescience, her body reacting to decisions she might not have deliberately made yet. This gives her a tremendous edge particularly in combat, and one she takes ready advantage of.


Domino is lucky. And not in the sense of leading a charmed life; she has incredible, nigh-impossible good luck. It ranges from 'found a winning lottery ticket under a bus seat' to 'fell out of an airplane, landed on a birthday bouncy castle'. Sometimes this luck takes on some far-ranging aspects, putting her in the right place at the right time to do something she didn't remotely anticipate days or even weeks ago. Other times, it's more direct. The precise way the 'luck' works out is difficult to pin down. Sometimes a pursuing car randomly breaks down; sometimes she bumps into the one soldier who didn't reassemble his gun properly last week. This luck works in her favor, or to the detriment of her opponents, bystanders, or even allies. Her luck works best when stakes are high, adrenaline is pumping, and she's putting serious effort into a task.


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Domino was bred and trained for special warfare. Much of her earliest life was spent developing the base physical and mental conditioning that is most desirable for a combatant. Atop that, she spent most of the last decade of her life training with mercenaries and special operations groups all over the world. She has an intimate familiarity with firearms in common use all over the world and is a remarkably shooting expert. Few security systems offer more than a passing inconvenience for her and she can infiltrate and disappear with ease in almost any environment. Close-quarters combat, urban operations, and even wilderness survival all keep her alive and fighting in desperate quarters. She can operate small jets, bush planes, helicopters, boats, and military or performance vehicles with ease. Anything else, she just mashes buttons until things just ... work out.


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Domino has multiple mercenary and government contacts around the globe. She's well known within the soldier for hire circuit, and she's both hired gun and watched threat in governmental circles.

Set up all over the world, these include emergency medical supplies, passports, fake identification, money in multiple currencies, weapon caches, and the necessities of life. Domino can go off-grid completely when needed and not have to surface for supplies, potentially for years.


Domino's always ready for a fight, even when she's slumming it in a t-shirt and jeans to pick up the milk. When it comes time to throw down, she has access to an arsenal of firearms and armor and materiel that would make any special operator weep in joy. Cutting-edge body armor, NVGs, radios, modern military weapons, custom ammo, armored vehicles, and even heavy munitions like RPGs and machine guns are all on hand. If she needs something really unique, she can usually find a way to acquire the needed tools.


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Domino's propensity for feeling guilt or compassion at inopportune moments have caused her to double cross very dangerous individuals. This puts both her ability to get mercenary work and her life in jeopardy, and she isn't capable of running and hiding forever.

Domino is afraid of chickens. The technical term for this is 'Alektorophobia' for people who want to know why Domino once blew up a henhouse with a grenade.

Domino's a striking woman, with an unchecked spray of tightly curling black hair and a distinctive face and swagger. Add in her heterochromatic eyes and the unique vitiligo around her left eye, and she's the kind of person who doesn't just 'blend' without taking some specific efforts.


Unpacking Domino's fixation on high-risk activity would take a team of psychologists and at least two physicists. She certainly has an addiction to thrill-seeking behaviours. Part of it is a flirtation with just how much she can rely on her powers, always looking for that bleeding edge where luck breaks down for her. Part of it too is certainly something depressive, a death wish associated with someone who has some severe personality issues. Given her positively ruinous social life, that last part seems to be as likely as any other.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Dropping in. February 10th, 2024 Gabby drops in while Neena is eating a sandwich. They discuss food and some better codename ideas for Laura.
Vroom Vroom February 4th, 2024 Vampirella demonstrates the benefits of friendship to Neena.
Not Against Us December 23rd, 2023 Once into every generation, a Domino is born.
Confidentiality Comes Complimentary June 15th, 2023 Deciding she needs more chaos in her life, Kate makes the very professional decision to keep an eye on Gotham's newest x-factor, Domino, under the pretext of hiring her as her new security detail. It's the start of a beautiful business relationship, that will surely never go awry!
Hunting the Black and White May 29th, 2023 Batwoman, aided by Batgirl, close in on Domino to discuss matters which are important to at least one of them. Some verbal sparring commences with a deal ultimately being reached.
Mystic Materials, part 2 May 14th, 2023 Batwoman and Domino track down where the cargo truck led to and find Yet More Trouble. Surely these two can put an end to it without TOO much collateral damage.
V-Dubs at Mercy's May 9th, 2023 Mercy's garage gets a pair of extra Volkswagens! That's two Dub's at once! That's like a quad-u!
Heist Gone To The Bats! May 9th, 2023 Arnold Wesker, The Ventriloquist, robs a bank. Well he tries to, as his Scarface dummy. The Bat Family stop him, while Catwoman and Domino get out with the actual goods.
Mystic Materials, part 1 May 6th, 2023 Kate Kane moves to intercept an illegal shipment coming into Gotham City but is interrupted by Domino who has other plans. They don't see eye to eye at first.
The Bummer about Biometrics May 5th, 2023 Tabby gets caught trying to sneak down into the sub levels by Lorna. Domino comes and goes probably avoiding possible collateral damage. Lucky that. And Penance is investigating while trying to find more help that isn't the weird blonde.
LexCon 2031 April 30th, 2023 Tragedy Strikes at LexCon 2031! Will Metropolis ever be safe?!
Dead on the Road April 27th, 2023 An unfortunate deal falls through and leaves Domino stranded on the side of the road. Fate throws a VW-shaped curveball her way and Skye saves the day, as well as opening up a potential new door for later.
Working Wheels April 24th, 2023 Mercy's Garage is about to get an unusual customer. Boundaries are established then it's back to business as usual.
Gotham Rogues April 23rd, 2023 When is a meeting not a meeting?
No Hard Feelings April 10th, 2023 Lady luck brings Ivy an offer and an opportunity. What's a little double-crossing ecoterrorism between friends? Also, tea. They have some peppermint tea.
Shock & Aw Yeah April 7th, 2023 As planned, Livewire makes a 'totally unexpected visit' and utterly trashes ... everything. Domino gets what she needs with only a small amount of tinnitus.
Certainly No Mischief Will Come Of This April 7th, 2023 Domino hatches a plan with Livewire. Nobody gets injured and somehow Leslie doesn't rant about anything.
A New Day Blossoms April 6th, 2023 Pamela's preparation for Spring is interrupted by a stealthy, thieving figure in black. No, not that one. The lucky one. It's going to be the beginning of a beautiful something.
Painkillers and Paychecks October 2nd, 2019 Multiple Man finally pays Domino back. No, seriously. He did. For real! Oh, come on... it's true this time!
A Special Delivery September 14th, 2019 Domino brings a wounded Logan to the Mansion in the aftermath of a Sabretooth attack, Kitty takes charge!
The Birthday Blues: Blow Out the Candles September 13th, 2019 Sabretooth brings Wolverine a birthday gift of violence. Domino and Wolverine return the favor in kind.
War Story August 30th, 2019 Wolverine and Domino? Meet Nightingale!
The Birthday Blues: Make a Wish August 30th, 2019 Sabretooth lures Domino into a deadly game of cat and mouse. For Wolverine's birthday.
A Dom and a sadist walk into a bar... August 28th, 2019 Everything goes according to plan. Except the things that don't.
Hunting Party: The Contract August 24th, 2019 Jamie Madrox offers Domino a job. He brings Armor. Because he owes Dom money still.
Someone's Lucky Day August 22nd, 2019 Domino and Logan share a drink, a cigar, and thoughts on geopolitics.
Fred's Diner, staple of Mutant Cuisine August 21st, 2019 Noriko, Dani, Domino are at a DINER (thanks ELLIE) when an Ellie walks in. Talking and mercenary shakes are enjoyed. Nori is loud. Fin.
The Great Arkham Train called Escape April 12th, 2019 Chaos. No really chaos. Hyenas. Vampires. Insane People. Rocket Launchers.
A chance encounter with Turtles. March 31st, 2019 Summary needed
Plants , Tree's , Groot and Grenades March 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Peacekeepers: Final Testing March 21st, 2019 Project Peacekeeper is put up against serious competition in final testing. Lex finds a number of design issues to iron out.
Gotham Girls March 20th, 2019 Summary needed
All part of the plan. March 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Lady Luck and the Doom! March 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Helping the wounded March 8th, 2019 Summary needed
New and Old besties in the Garden March 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Careful what you wish for. March 7th, 2019 Summary needed
Starling City Nights: Down in Gotham Alley March 2nd, 2019 Summary needed
An interesting encounter March 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Manhattan Mayhem February 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Dealing with Arms Dealers: Financial Troubles February 26th, 2019 A Bank Robbery aided by Domino is dealt with by Green Arrow and Black Canary... until the Joker comes along and takes advantage of the chaos.
Introduction to a new thorn. February 12th, 2019 Summary needed
The new, the experienced, and the choice. January 31st, 2019 Summary needed
Bad Choices January 24th, 2019 Samantha (aka Nyx) makes very bad choices with her new powers and when heroes (and a villain) intercede on her crime spree things go really wrong all around.
A Theory December 20th, 2018 Summary needed
TheWitch is (sorta) Back December 16th, 2018 Summary needed
A Prisoner, and a visitor.. Which one is leaving December 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Central Park After Dark December 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Hunting Wonderful Prey December 9th, 2018 Summary needed
So decisive December 7th, 2018 Domino gets a visit from Deadpool while working.
All the best traps need bait. December 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Chaos and Pancakes December 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Punishing the Punisher November 28th, 2018 Domino goes hunting Castle. Luckily, they both survive.
Vacationing in Latveria September 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Enchantment Under the Sea September 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2272 August 31st, 2017 Summary needed
Roll The Bones August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Untitled August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
South Of The Border August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Castle Calls August 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Trophies August 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Weapon X: Work In Progress August 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Join the dark-side.. We have cookies August 10th, 2017 Summary needed
A Dangerous Game: The Game Begins August 10th, 2017 A group of Mystique's associates have been brought together for one purpose: to exterminate mutant slavers.
Luck of the Doom August 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Every Day Is Exactly The Same August 8th, 2017 Summary needed
A Dangerous Game: Recruiting the Luck Bearer August 7th, 2017 Domino comes home to find Mystique waiting for her. With an offer she won't refuse.
Weapon X: Domino August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
After Hours July 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Bruce takes a day off. July 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Don't Quit Your Day Job July 19th, 2017 Summary needed
The interview July 18th, 2017 Summary needed
The new help. July 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Following the bread crumbs July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Black, White and Gray Morality July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Hoist The Yellow Flag July 11th, 2017 Summary needed
To Kill A Latverian June 12th, 2017 X-23 is hired to eliminate a Dr. Doom political opponent, Domino happened to have had the same target, they meet.
Opening Negotiations May 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Putting all the Dominos into place.. (NSFW) May 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Take Two May 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Fear of a Bat Planet April 30th, 2017 Summary needed
The Dead Travel Fast April 27th, 2017 Summary needed.
Dragons in the Sky April 24th, 2017 Summary needed.


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