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|Education=High School Graduate
|Education=High School Graduate
|Groups=[[Howling Commandos]], [[Dark Universe-OOC]]
|Groups=[[Howling Commandos]], [[Justice League]], [[Dark Universe-OOC]]
|Quote="...And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."
|Quote="...And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."
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The Spirit of Vengeance that Johnny is bonded to. It craves...-seeks- vengeance more than anything in this world. While Johnny is -mostly- in control when he becomes the Ghost Rider, he shares that consciousness with the demon Zarathos. It is very...-very- difficult for Johnny to ignore the calls of vengeance when the beast within has found something work slaying. Not only that, but if Johnny loses focus or concentration long enough as the Ghost Rider, Zarathos will (gladly, mind you) take over their shared body and direct their actions while Johnny gets shoved into the backseat, if you catch the drift. While Johnny can wrestle control back from Zarathos, it requires a small amount of time and an extreme amount of concentration and willpower.
The Spirit of Vengeance that Johnny is bonded to. It craves...-seeks- vengeance more than anything in this world. While Johnny is -mostly- in control when he becomes the Ghost Rider, he shares that consciousness with the demon Zarathos. It is very...-very- difficult for Johnny to ignore the calls of vengeance when the beast within has found something work slaying. Not only that, but if Johnny loses focus or concentration long enough as the Ghost Rider, Zarathos will (gladly, mind you) take over their shared body and direct their actions while Johnny gets shoved into the backseat, if you catch the drift. While Johnny can wrestle control back from Zarathos, it requires a small amount of time and an extreme amount of concentration and willpower.
[[Category:Howling Commandos]][[Category:Dark Universe-OOC]]
[[Category:Howling Commandos]][[Category:Dark Universe-OOC]][[Category:Justice League]]

Revision as of 15:51, 7 August 2019

Johnny Blaze (Scenesys ID: 1857)
"...And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."
Full Name: Johnathon Blaze
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Spirit of Vengeance, Former Stuntman
Citizenship: American
Residence: Nomad
Education: High School Graduate
Status: Approved
Groups: Howling Commandos, Justice League, Dark Universe-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Date of Birth 26 December 1993 Actor: Charlie Hunnam
Height: 185 cm Weight: 82 kg
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Vengeful One" by Disturbed


Johnathon "Johnny" Blaze is a former stuntman and pleasant wanderer. While he achieved a great deal of fame as a stuntman, with all the luxuries that came with it, he had another path in store for him. Johnny is the Ghost Rider, having sold his soul to the devil (in this case, Mephisto) in exchange for the life of a loved one. Alas, as all tragic stories go, Johnny was cheated, in a manner of speaking. Many years later, Johnny has not only won his soul back, but has fought wars in heaven and in hell in his war against evil. Now the Ghost Rider prowls once again, avenging the innocent blood that the darkness spills.

All will be avenged.

Current Player Approved: March 22, 1019



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Standing at 6'1" tall, Johnny Blaze is a strong and beautiful visage. With long, Reddish Blonde hair that falls to his shoulders and entrancing crystal blue eyes. His nose is unnoticingly short, with average eyebrows and a standard jaw. His features are simple, but extremely symmetrical. He has small bits of facial hair in the form of a short beard that's nicely trimmed, despite his messy hair.

For clothing, he most often wears a black leather jacket with slits at the wrists for comfortability with a black T-shirt underneath. He wears black pants with combat boots, and normally wears full black biker gloves on his hands. Though sometimes he will also wear a tattered black coat. His clothes cover a strong and athletic physique.

As the Ghost Rider, his skin is washed away completely, and all that remains of his physical form is a skull enshrouded by eternally burning hellfire flames. His clothing remains mostly the same, but his entire physical body is that of a skeleton wrapped in fire that never burns out, with what looks like On occasion though, his Jacket may emit spikes from the shoulders and elbows, though this rarely happens.


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Johnathon Blaze was born breathing motor oil and the loud cheers of crowds and audiences. Born to the union of Barton Blaze and Naomi Kale, Johnny spent much of his first years in the festivity known as the Quentin Carnival, where his parents starred in a stunt show with infamous Craig "Crash" Simpson. Life as he knew it changed when Naomi abandoned John and took his siblings, Barbara Ketch and Daniel Ketch, with her. The pain of losing his mother was immense and traumatic for him, and it caused John to forget and repress many of the memories that he had of his birth-mother and his siblings. When John's father, Barton, died while performing a car stunt soon after Naomi left, Crash and Mona Simpson adopted Johnny out of respect for their friend, and helped create a past for Johnny. A lie, but one that they hoped would be far less painful than the truth of the real reason why Naomi left, a reason that John doesn't know to this day. Believing that his real mother had simply died, Johnny became a full-fledged (and enthusiastic) member of Craig Simpson's family, Sharing a budding romance with their daughter Roxanne that lasted many years as the two became inseparable. Alas, it was not to be in the coming days.

However, Craig soon became very...very ill. It appeared that Cancer was about to claim yet another victim in Craig when John was out of options of how to help the man who took him in...then he was approached by an older look man. In exchange that John would aid this mystery man when the time came, The old man promised to heal Craig of his illness. His exact words? 'Healthy as a horse'. John did not hesitate, agreeing to the deal. He awoke in his bed the next day like nothing even happened? he bore almost no memory of his meeting with the elderly man, and Craig was healthier than ever, prime of his life even. But, a year after the fact, Craig was killed after a ridiculous stunt went wrong.

The devil returned to claim his due.

Johnny realized the deal that he now had made, and the elderly man revealed himself to be Mephisto. Combining the soul of Zarathos, a very powerful, albeit amnesic demon) with Johnny's soul, Johnny Blaze became the Ghost Rider! However, years and years of exacting vengeance made Johnny -demand- his soul back. When he was refused? He charged into the very bowels of hell and after much blood had been shed and Johnny was spent, he defeated Mephisto. His soul reclaimed, he spent two years in Hell growing in knowledge and mastery over the Ghost Rider, with he and the Spirit of Vengeance (who -only- wants vengeance) working in tandem to grow. After he left Hell, he fought wars in heaven in the constant battle between Heaven and Hell, but now he's back on earth...

And the Ghost Rider prowls.


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A complicated, yet interesting individual. Johnny Blaze has the hardened exterior required of being the host of the Ghost Rider and of someone who's been through a great deal in his life. However, get through all of that madness? Through that hard exterior? Is Johnny's warm core. At his base impulse, he's kind and he's compassionate. He never leaves anyone behind and those who make a friend in Johnny have a loyal ally for life.

A determined trailblazer for justice, Johnny rarely lets situations resolve themselves and almost always gets involved regardless of what happens to him. But...there seems to be an almost reckless, suicidal nature to him. He acts with reckless abandon to what may happen to him and fears nothing. Not pain, not death, not the death or pain of another. Doing what he does because very few others will.


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Johnny Blaze is the host of a Spirit of Vengeance. Because of that, he has the ability to transform into the powerful mystic being, the Ghost Rider, whenever he wishes. While normally he could only turn into the Rider during -very- specific circumstances (at night, in the presence of evil, etc.), he's gained control over the Spirit of Vengeance (mostly) and can transform and revert at will. Johnny possesses multiple supernatural powers as a direct result of being bonded with the demonic entity.

The Ghost Rider is able to see into the mind and soul of an individual to see if they are 'innocent' or 'guilty'. Able to see the worst things they've ever done. It's how he determines who needs to reap what they sow.

This is a consent-based ability.

Johnny Blaze can manipulate, create, and channel what is known as the 'infernal flame': Hellfire. A master of using it, for it can be used to burn both the body and the soul. He can also imbue objects (like his chain) with hellfire to make them -far- more dangerous when in his hands. He can emit these flames from his mouth, hands, and eyes to make beams, blasts, explosions, catacombs, fireballs, and pillars for devastating effects. It's strong enough to burn through even titanium, but it's not very effective against holy beings nor is it strong enough to break through strong materials like Nth metal.

Most recently, he learned how to literally call upon Hellfire to make it rain from the sky. He gives the term Hellfire and Brimstone a more literal meaning. He can create a big Hellstorm, summoning hellfire from the sky at a two-city-blocks across storm. The storm is centered upon Ghost Rider at all times. His basic Hellfire usage has a basic range of 60 feet with fireballs, beams, etc.

Another use of the Hellfire is that the Ghost Rider can quite literally make Hellfire vehicles of whatever vehicle he comes into contact with. Take the Hellcycle for example. With this in mind, the vehicle undertakes a demonic appearance and often has it's qualities enhanced to various levels. Such as speed and durability is increased or it has some kind of offensive weapon.

What happens if the Rider loses the chain? No worries! He can spew mystical chains from his mouth or chest and even control them with his mind! It can be used to form weapons like shuriken and staffs, or to surprise an opponent and trap them. These chains are Hellishly tough, and are as indestructible as the Rider himself.

Probably the trademark of the Ghost Rider. This is his tool of judgement to gain true vengeance on the guilty. With the Penance Stare, Ghost Rider can cause any individual who stares into his eyes to see and feel every bit of pain they have ever inflicted on anyone in their entire lifetime for all eternity (or until Ghost Rider releases them). However, the Penance Stare is not all powerful. It only works on the Guilty, and has no effect whatsoever on the Innocent. For Vengeance safeguards the innocent and hunts down the guilty. It also has no effect on people with -absolutely- not even the slightest hint of regret.

This is a consent-based ability.

In addition to his Hellfire, Ghost Rider is also able to manipulate fire in its core for more physical use. He can fire blasts, beams, and cause minor explosions. With people he -really- doesn't like, the heat of the fire he produces can reach such extreme temperatures that he can easily disintegrate a human being. Much like his Hellfire, his range is about 60 feet for fireballs, beams, etc. He can burn through titanium...but his fire is not very effective against say, Nth metal or Adamantium.

Disintegration-level of this ability is consent-based.

Sadly, while seemingly invulnerable to physical injury, it's still possible to harm the Ghost Rider (both human and Rider). However, if Johnny or the Ghost Rider become damaged, the mystic energies that empower him allow the Ghost Rider(or Blaze) to regenerate any and all damage done in a matter of seconds to minutes to hours depending on the level of damage done. His power to regenerate is so powerful, that should he lose a limb, he is fully capable of fully regenerating that limb within a few hours. As the Ghost Rider, Johnny was able to regenerate his skull after it was destroyed within a few minutes. While this is not necessarily known or proven, but Johnny Blaze may in fact be immortal due to the power of the Ghost Rider.

Upon transformation into the Ghost Rider, with Johnny in control, he can lift 25 tons. If Zarathos is in control, he can lift up to 40 tons without effort and on standard use. But, if it's a troublesome scenario and Zarathos is in control, The Ghost Rider can lift 100 tons.

While he's no Flash, the Ghost Rider is fairly quick, able to move just a tad faster than the finest Olympic athlete, so at about 30 miles per hour.

As both Johnny Blaze and the Ghost Rider, Johnny is -extremely- durable. Virtually invulnerable to all kinds of physical damage. He's gone blow for blow with such mighty beings as the Hulk and even world-class demons. While it's still possible for Johnny to be injured (see weaknesses) he's capable of suffering tremendous impacts without a scratch, fall from high altitudes with only minor discomfort, easily survive in extreme temperatures, and doesn't need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe in order to survive. Long story short, he is virtually immune to any kind of physical damage. Though...that doesn't mean he can't feel pain.


As the host of the Spirit of Vengeance, Johnny has a sixth sense to be immediately aware of any supernatural occurrences (like magic being used) around him. It's how he finds demons who shouldn't be on earth and other mystic dangers. Though he can't sense things city lengths apart, he can sense things in his immediate vicinity.


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Johnny is very good at using chains as weapons. For both the capture of an opponent and for simply using it as an offensive weapon. While he's indefinitely self-taught, Johnny has become a feared combatant of this particular style of armed combat, as it's his go-to weapon.

Johnny is a skilled hand to hand combatant. While he has absolutely no knowledge about any finer forms of fisticuffs like martial arts or wrestling, he's a DIY, self-taught boxer and more of a brawler when he fights. He just throws himself into the fray and sees what happens!

Johnny was born into a world of motor oil and cheering fans! He's a master at the art. He did stunt shows for a large majority of his life. He is a truly phenomenal driver and knows how to drive anything that runs on an engine! And oh yes, he can drive a stick shift to perfection and honestly prefers that.

Due in part to mainly using his sawed off shotgun (see Hellfire Shotgun resource), Johnny is experienced in using firearms. Though he's no master sharpshooter, he prefers up close and personal and knows how to handle a gun.

Johnny is an experienced mechanic and he often works on his beloved motorcycle, tweaking it as needed. However, he is also skilled enough to build a vehicle from scratch. He sometimes makes money this way, working odd jobs.


While he's not, say, the master of all things occult in the fields of occultist knowledge, Johnny has passing knowledge that surpasses layman's terms. In short, he's not an idiot, but he's not exactly a professor of the field either. He's that nice, sweet middle spot in between. He knows enough, is what he often says in regards to it.


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The thing the Ghost Rider is likely most known for aside from the flaming skull. The motorcycle in itself is an -extremely- modified Yamaha V-MAX motorcycle that has an engine that could wake a small neighborhood and the look to match. It's top speed (without Hellfire enhancement) is 175mph, thanks to the level of modifications Johnny has added over the years. However, the Hellcycle (same bike, Ghost Rider Style) has the ability to scale up buildings and across water, and even traverse dimensions. As the Hellcycle, it can go over 300mph.

Dimensional Travel is TP/Staff-approved plots only.

A nice little new addition to his arsenal, Johnny has a sawed off shotgun that he can infuse with Hellfire to blast at his opponents, both supernatural and natural. But boy...does it pack a punch. It can rend through steel and burn flesh like butter.

Johnny owns a little flat in New York City. A fairly decent, three bedroom home. Is it perfect? No, but it lets him have a roof over his head and a warm place to sleep.


Johnny is a mechanic. He can build cars from scratch and tune up your ride! He used his leftover funds from his stunt days to open up an auto and body shop. It's his prime source of income, and while he's not rich, he can afford small luxuries from time to time.


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Johnny Blaze is an -extremely- depressed man. While not so depressed as to commit suicide (he knows it wouldn't work), he has been to the deepest, darkest levels of Hell and come out stronger and colder, but Blaze almost -wants- to just give up and -stop- being the Ghost Rider. But he knows he's needed and he knows he has a task. He's fought wars and gained vengeance in heaven and across dimensions...and there seems to be no end. Alas, while he'll never show it, he's battered and broken inside. He's lost everything.

Due to the nature of the Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze can be harmed by weapons made in heaven or otherwise objects with a more divine inclination. While it won't kill him, it will certainly have the most effect on him, and will keep the Ghost Rider at bay. Not only that, but wounds caused by divine weapons will also effect Johnny's regeneration abilities, causing more time to be needed in order to recover from those injuries.

Johnny Blaze's physical invulnerability is completely bypassed by magic of any type. It's a great way to beat down Johnny Blaze aside from punching him in the face many many times.

The Devil(or at least his pretender). Nothing in this universe would make Johnny happier than to slay the Hell Lord who made his life a living hell. If it means a shot at Mephisto, very few things in this world could convince Johnny to -not- attempt to take the chance.

Being the Ghost Rider means being at the top (or second top) of almost every evil beings shit list. Nothing would make many a demon, Hell-Lord, or other malevolent force more happy than to see an end to Johnny Blaze...and that puts a big target on his back. It's not unheard of to hear or see Johnny fight back a demon horde or piss off Mephisto.


The Spirit of Vengeance that Johnny is bonded to. It craves...-seeks- vengeance more than anything in this world. While Johnny is -mostly- in control when he becomes the Ghost Rider, he shares that consciousness with the demon Zarathos. It is very...-very- difficult for Johnny to ignore the calls of vengeance when the beast within has found something work slaying. Not only that, but if Johnny loses focus or concentration long enough as the Ghost Rider, Zarathos will (gladly, mind you) take over their shared body and direct their actions while Johnny gets shoved into the backseat, if you catch the drift. While Johnny can wrestle control back from Zarathos, it requires a small amount of time and an extreme amount of concentration and willpower.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Quiet Night October 5th, 2019 Johnny is back in town and Liz decides coffee is a good thing.
Prelude to Age of Darkness September 23rd, 2019 Superman gets taken over by Yuga Khan in an attempt to control the Man of Steel, and it is only through the heroic efforts of Zatanna, Flash, and Ghost Rider that they stave off the Apokolips...this time.
Early Mornings September 19th, 2019 It's the morning after and Liz is adjusting to some normalcy.
Fire Meets Fire, Again September 16th, 2019 Johnny and Liz meet up for a talk and then they get into a bar fight. Just a regular day really.
Ghost and the Darkness September 14th, 2019 Liz and Ghost Rider are looking into the same spot of weirdness and they end up evicting an unwanted house guest.
Cookies August 21st, 2019 Summary needed
Afterparty July 29th, 2019 Summary needed
Green Needle in a Haystack July 11th, 2019 Johnny Blaze tracks down Banner as he drifts around in Detriot, and let's him leave. To Be Continued?
It's Never Just A Walk In The Park June 27th, 2019 Summary needed
Its Beer o'clock somewhere. June 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
Different Bar, Same Drink June 20th, 2019 Jessica Jones, Silver, and Johnny Blaze end up in Luke's bar for drinks
WHERE'S MY WRENCH June 5th, 2019 Summary needed
A Night At Luke's Bar June 4th, 2019 Johnny Blaze runs into Vanessa Carlysle, who has ducked out of the rain and into Luke's bar.
Age of Despair Part IV: Assassination May 1st, 2019 AN assault on the JL Watchtower was thwarted by the combined might of the Justice League and her allies, at the cost of losing Superman to the minions of Darkseid. Next target - Apokolips!
H is for.... April 13th, 2019 There's a lot of weird in Art.
Just eat the lasagna October 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Let Wounds Heal October 25th, 2018 Summary needed
The Ballad of Jimmy Yang October 23rd, 2018 Bullseye returns to Mercy's garage with his target in sight, much to Mercy and Ghost Rider's disapproval.
Evil Squared October 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
A.B. (After Bullseye) October 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Day After Tomorrow October 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Safety First October 18th, 2018 Mercy and Johnny Blaze are introduced to Bullseye at Mercy's garage (OOC: Language warning)
Inhuman Resources October 11th, 2018 Summary needed
A Hot Time in Manhattan October 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Planned Commandohood October 10th, 2018 Summary needed
The Spider Along The Ghostly Web October 1st, 2018 Summary needed
OPERATION HARD RESET, Stage Three: Ill-Met in Tiki Bar October 1st, 2018 The Howling Commandos drink, smoke, and eat trash. They talk strategy, sort of.

Everyone's wearing sunglasses.

OPERATION HARD RESET, Stage Two: Dark Horse September 30th, 2018 Khanata recruits Ash for the Howling Commandos; Johnny Blaze is dragged kicking and screaming.
Astral Flux: The Widow September 29th, 2018 Jessica calls on a friend when a telepathic disaster leaves her shaken.
Recruiting the Rider (Howling Commandos) September 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Last Rites September 23rd, 2018 A dead girl in an alley, three dark figures convene to figure out why.

(Warning, some graphic descriptions. And some very cool ones.)

Rhino's Tantrum: Take One! September 23rd, 2018 Take One is all it took. Rhino versus his worst nightmares. Lots of punching.
Have a Beer September 23rd, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: The Standing Army September 20th, 2018 The Avengers mansion is attacked by an elusive enemy!
A Night at Josie's September 19th, 2018 Summary needed
The Ghost and the Spider September 17th, 2018 Summary needed
A Ghost and an Agent Walk Into a Bar... September 9th, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: Sleepwalkers September 5th, 2018 Heroes respond to a flux of magic in a New York cemetery.
The Jade Giants Judgement August 27th, 2018 Bruce is forcibly transformed into the Hulk when the Ghost Rider considers him a target. New York harbor hosts a brawl of the Hulk versus a few combatants, before the Hulk heads out west to get away from pursuit. It'll take a few weeks to fix it all. Poor Bruce.
A Marvelous Meeting August 21st, 2018 Summary needed


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