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|Song=Hero Skillet Remix
|Song=Hero Skillet Remix
|Profile=John Coltan was at one time your average student heading to New York Culinary school with dreams to be a world class Chef. His world was turned upside down one day when he came in contact with an Ancient Alien suit that bonded to him symbiotically. The Suit having been on earth for many thousands of years. John is simply the latest host in a long line of people. Now he has to sort out his life and decide what to do with it. Which is made even stranger due to the fact the suit is it's own separate Entity calling it's self Cyber, who can merge with John forming the entity Cyberdragon.
|Profile=John Coltan was at one time your average student heading to New York Culinary school with dreams to be a world class Chef. His world was turned upside down one day when he came in contact with an Ancient Alien suit that bonded to him symbiotically. The Suit having been on earth for many thousands of years. John is simply the latest host in a long line of people. Now he has to sort out his life and decide what to do with it. Which is made even stranger due to the fact the suit is it's own separate Entity calling it's self Cyber, who can merge with John forming the entity Cyberdragon.
|Description=Before you stands what appears to be a Bio-mechanical bi-pedal dragon. Standing 8 feet tall, give or take. With a Dark red body he is covered in what appears to be flat black tiger stripes. The Strips cover the back, wings, arms, legs.. The hands and feet have inch and a half long talons. With the 8 foot long tail is tipped with a foot and a half long tail blade. The blade appears to have what seems to be similar in construction to a serrated knife blade. Along the back of the dragon one can see a number of spikes ranging in size from a quarter inch to six inches long. The Spikes run from the start of the tail blade, up the tail, along the back, up to the head which holds a Crest of spikes some over a foot long. The face is in the classical western form and shows good emotional range. The eyes glow a golden red at times.<br><br>Build wise, the Dragon is very much like a line backer, Muscles clearly defined over the frame, The Form has what appears to be a mix of Technology and biological form to it such as what appears to be scales, but also mechanical aspects such as what appears to be tubing.
|History=CYBER'S HISTORY<BR>In the distant past An Alien race desiring to learn about the universe constructed a number of probes. These probes were designed to work with a host, to absorb the knowledge of the host without harming the host, and learn of the culture. To work in Symbiotic relationship, to better understand the species in question. The best way to learn of a culture, people, or species is to live among them. And to keep the suit true to it's programing allowed it to form protective armor over the host to ensure the host's survival.<BR><BR>This probe sent to a small blue green planet that would be called Earth by future inhabitants. All information of the probes experiences with it's creators was either Locked away, or deleted.<BR><BR>The Suit's history is anything but dull. Arriving in the southern reaches of Africa, it's first host was some Neanderthal. Passing from one hand to another over the centuries. once in a while the suit would be activated. With Blood from someone being spilled upon it, becoming a powerful suit of armor.<BR><BR>Both heroes and villains had obtained the suit using it for their respective goals. Through out it's time being joined by various hosts, the Probe evolved sentience, with a mind and will of it's own. Governed by it's programming to be symbiotic, the suit displayed a desire to work with the host in co-operation, rather than be considered a tool.<BR><BR>The Suit being alive and sentient, Sometimes clashed with hosts, often in cases where the host considered himself to be the master and the suit an object. Resulting in the suit abandoning it's host. It's history extends through Africa, through the Mediterranean, the middle east, into Europe. Where the last owner was burned at the stake by the Spanish inquisition, and the Armor buried under a church to contain it's... evil.<BR><BR>The most recent past of the suit would involve it's capture at the hands of the Nazi's in WW2, While it appeared gold, their inability to melt it down, or slice it up made it prime candidate for one of their weapon's program believing that it was not gold, but some sort of new indestructible metal.<BR><BR>An allied attack disrupted the research center, and the Suit was locked up and spirited away to a secret location, discovered decades later while pursuing Nazi war criminals. Discovered along with dusty Nazi Records, reporting it's resistances. The Suit was to be sent to a Laboratory in the United States to have it's properties analyzed.<BR><BR>In route to the laboratory, rumors of a large amount of gold, a new indestructible alloy, can make people very greedy. And that is where the attack happened. During the attack heroes in the area, or showed up managed to distract the villain, but an explosion knocked a young man into the gold spilling his blood on it in the process. This activated the bonding protocols causing the suit to envelop the young man.<BR><BR>After a time the Suit began to take on it's newest form. Thank of a red and black striped bipedal dragon. Having read the host's mind and thoughts, and assuming a form that the young man found aesthetically pleasing. Thus... Cyberdragon was born.<BR><BR>JOHN'S HISTORY<BR>Over all John was born to a single mother, Sarah Coltan who had desired a child of her own. In particular a Son, and not having much in the way of choice in her small little town Sarah traveled to Cincinnati to meet someone she could hook up with to father her a child without his knowledge. So finding a man she felt was clean healthy and with broad shoulders. And having found a man eventually was able to conceive a single child.<BR><BR>With John's mother working at the local drug store the pair did have a relatively good life. And growing up without a father in this community was the type where everyone knew everyone else. And you wouldn't mind letting your kids stay out after dark. Schools there there were bullies and fads. The ins and the outs. At the Age of 5 years old John discovered dragons and has been in love with the powerful creatures ever sense.<BR><BR>Anything and everything Dragon related John wanted to get his hands on and while his mother did have some money she wasn't able to provide everything John wanted. But she did provide for him Of course like all kids do when john was older he discovered super heroes and of course fell in love with them. Being a dragon like super hero in his mind causing his mother no end of consternation. Which involved him making Bottle bombs in the woods behind their home.<BR><BR>When John was twelve him and his mother had to move to New York to help take care of John's ailing grandmother and of course this was when John's love for super heroes turn a turn for the worse. John was out with his mother getting food and such when a super villain attacked, John of course like many stupid kids went to get closer, and caught caught up into the fight, and injured. Not severely but enough that when it was over it cooled John's eagerness to be a super hero. Learning just how dangerous it was, it wasn't all fun and games.<BR><BR>His energy transferred from being a young super hero, to helping his mother cook dinners for his grand mother. And it was here that John actually found his calling, he had an innate sense of timing and awareness in the kitchen. And by the time he was thirteen John had taken over in the kitchen from his mother. And sadly at age 13 his grandmother died. And the pair inherited his grandmother's estate and her money. Not terribly much, but it was put most of it into a savings account for John's college fund.<BR><BR>The nest few years had John grow further in maturity and reason. Still in love with dragons, still respectful of Heroes, still a bit of a child at heart. John enjoyed what time he could cooking, learning he was too young to get a job at a restaurant. Sarah arranged for John to get work at a homeless shelter, where he helped cook food for homeless people, and the meals John served were of much higher quality and seeing the appreciation for his talents continued.<BR><BR>Sadly this was all to change December 5th December 2024 his mother and him were in a car wreck, that killed his mother. With no family John was expected to be relegated to foster care. But John by the narrowest of margins was able to convince the judge he was able to take care of himself. And at last was allowed to return home, enrolling in the New York Culinary Academy, John was on a high when he was walking down the streets when a Super villain attacked, seeing people hurt and recalling how he himself was hurt forcing the heroes to be distracted, John without hesitation came in to help get some of the wounded out of the area.<BR><BR>It was here an attack sent him flying into a large gold colored bolder that was in the back of a destroyed truck causing it to merge with him, creating the being known as Cyberdragon. Fate, or destiny, chance or sheer dumb luck. John's child hood dreams of being a Draconic Super hero had come true.
|History=CYBER'S HISTORY<BR>In the distant past An Alien race desiring to learn about the universe constructed a number of probes. These probes were designed to work with a host, to absorb the knowledge of the host without harming the host, and learn of the culture. To work in Symbiotic relationship, to better understand the species in question. The best way to learn of a culture, people, or species is to live among them. And to keep the suit true to it's programing allowed it to form protective armor over the host to ensure the host's survival.<BR><BR>This probe sent to a small blue green planet that would be called Earth by future inhabitants. All information of the probes experiences with it's creators was either Locked away, or deleted.<BR><BR>The Suit's history is anything but dull. Arriving in the southern reaches of Africa, it's first host was some Neanderthal. Passing from one hand to another over the centuries. once in a while the suit would be activated. With Blood from someone being spilled upon it, becoming a powerful suit of armor.<BR><BR>Both heroes and villains had obtained the suit using it for their respective goals. Through out it's time being joined by various hosts, the Probe evolved sentience, with a mind and will of it's own. Governed by it's programming to be symbiotic, the suit displayed a desire to work with the host in co-operation, rather than be considered a tool.<BR><BR>The Suit being alive and sentient, Sometimes clashed with hosts, often in cases where the host considered himself to be the master and the suit an object. Resulting in the suit abandoning it's host. It's history extends through Africa, through the Mediterranean, the middle east, into Europe. Where the last owner was burned at the stake by the Spanish inquisition, and the Armor buried under a church to contain it's... evil.<BR><BR>The most recent past of the suit would involve it's capture at the hands of the Nazi's in WW2, While it appeared gold, their inability to melt it down, or slice it up made it prime candidate for one of their weapon's program believing that it was not gold, but some sort of new indestructible metal.<BR><BR>An allied attack disrupted the research center, and the Suit was locked up and spirited away to a secret location, discovered decades later while pursuing Nazi war criminals. Discovered along with dusty Nazi Records, reporting it's resistances. The Suit was to be sent to a Laboratory in the United States to have it's properties analyzed.<BR><BR>In route to the laboratory, rumors of a large amount of gold, a new indestructible alloy, can make people very greedy. And that is where the attack happened. During the attack heroes in the area, or showed up managed to distract the villain, but an explosion knocked a young man into the gold spilling his blood on it in the process. This activated the bonding protocols causing the suit to envelop the young man.<BR><BR>After a time the Suit began to take on it's newest form. Thank of a red and black striped bipedal dragon. Having read the host's mind and thoughts, and assuming a form that the young man found aesthetically pleasing. Thus... Cyberdragon was born.<BR><BR>JOHN'S HISTORY<BR>Over all John was born to a single mother, Sarah Coltan who had desired a child of her own. In particular a Son, and not having much in the way of choice in her small little town Sarah traveled to Cincinnati to meet someone she could hook up with to father her a child without his knowledge. So finding a man she felt was clean healthy and with broad shoulders. And having found a man eventually was able to conceive a single child.<BR><BR>With John's mother working at the local drug store the pair did have a relatively good life. And growing up without a father in this community was the type where everyone knew everyone else. And you wouldn't mind letting your kids stay out after dark. Schools there there were bullies and fads. The ins and the outs. At the Age of 5 years old John discovered dragons and has been in love with the powerful creatures ever sense.<BR><BR>Anything and everything Dragon related John wanted to get his hands on and while his mother did have some money she wasn't able to provide everything John wanted. But she did provide for him Of course like all kids do when john was older he discovered super heroes and of course fell in love with them. Being a dragon like super hero in his mind causing his mother no end of consternation. Which involved him making Bottle bombs in the woods behind their home.<BR><BR>When John was twelve him and his mother had to move to New York to help take care of John's ailing grandmother and of course this was when John's love for super heroes turn a turn for the worse. John was out with his mother getting food and such when a super villain attacked, John of course like many stupid kids went to get closer, and caught caught up into the fight, and injured. Not severely but enough that when it was over it cooled John's eagerness to be a super hero. Learning just how dangerous it was, it wasn't all fun and games.<BR><BR>His energy transferred from being a young super hero, to helping his mother cook dinners for his grand mother. And it was here that John actually found his calling, he had an innate sense of timing and awareness in the kitchen. And by the time he was thirteen John had taken over in the kitchen from his mother. And sadly at age 13 his grandmother died. And the pair inherited his grandmother's estate and her money. Not terribly much, but it was put most of it into a savings account for John's college fund.<BR><BR>The nest few years had John grow further in maturity and reason. Still in love with dragons, still respectful of Heroes, still a bit of a child at heart. John enjoyed what time he could cooking, learning he was too young to get a job at a restaurant. Sarah arranged for John to get work at a homeless shelter, where he helped cook food for homeless people, and the meals John served were of much higher quality and seeing the appreciation for his talents continued.<BR><BR>Sadly this was all to change December 5th December 2024 his mother and him were in a car wreck, that killed his mother. With no family John was expected to be relegated to foster care. But John by the narrowest of margins was able to convince the judge he was able to take care of himself. And at last was allowed to return home, enrolling in the New York Culinary Academy, John was on a high when he was walking down the streets when a Super villain attacked, seeing people hurt and recalling how he himself was hurt forcing the heroes to be distracted, John without hesitation came in to help get some of the wounded out of the area.<BR><BR>It was here an attack sent him flying into a large gold colored bolder that was in the back of a destroyed truck causing it to merge with him, creating the being known as Cyberdragon. Fate, or destiny, chance or sheer dumb luck. John's child hood dreams of being a Draconic Super hero had come true.
|Personality=CYBER'S PERSONALITY<BR><BR>Loyal<BR>Above all else. Cyber is loyal to one person John. He is loathe to leave John's side except when those times are needed, being someone that John can always count on no matter what, thick and thin. This doesn't mean that Cyber would not attempt to advise john to turn away from this path.<BR><BR>Discretion<BR>This is the better part of valor. Cyber knows the value of being hidden such as in the disguise of a large dog, instead of his current default form.<BR><BR>Secretive<BR>Naturally secretive Cyber keeps a great deal of his knowledge and such to himself. In his words, "You have no need to know of that. And I see no need to tell you." As a result unless there is a serious need or issue, Cyber keeps the most dangerous secrets and ancient knowledge hidden.<BR><BR>Protective<BR>Cyber is protective of John, overly so. Those he does hide it well. He allows John the opportunity to solve problems himself such as with teammates and order things out. But Cyber will only take so much from those who harass John and once Cyber realizes that John is starting to be hurt, emotionally or physically. Cyber will step in himself and he can be very inventive of how he can handle someone.<BR><BR>Killer<BR>Cyber has no objection to killing someone. The world he was mostly active in was kill or be killed. And Cyber values the life of his host more than anyone else. How ever he has seriously toned it down. He knows that John has a severe aversion to killing someone. If the time comes that at that point Cyber deems that the only way to preserve John's life is to take the life of someone else. He will do so.<BR><BR>Objectified<BR>There is one of two things seriously angers Cyber. That is being treated like an object. Cyber is fully sentient, he knows right from wrong. And gets down right stubborn and resentful of those who speak of him as though he is not in the room, or just some remote control pet. Depending on the level of resentment, Cyber can get to the point where he will actually refuse to join with john on a mission, leaving him out, more so when John would be a vital member of said team. He hates being treated like an object. And in times past Cyber has actually refused to work with his hosts because they viewed him as a slave or property. While Cyber couldn't flat out leave them, he did refuse to aid them and when they died he was almost lost several times for centuries.<BR><BR>Abandon<BR>The other thing that angers Cyber to no end is when his hosts are murdered to obtain him. There is a Different between his host being killed in battle, and being murdered to possess him. In times past Cyber was passed from One man, to his son, and then his son. In the latter the younger son murdered his sick and dying father to obtain Cyber when he had three days to go before his father died. When Cyber learned of this Cyber was so enraged that he abandoned his host, while he could not remove his material from inside the host he left the young man and refused to co-operate. By contrast one of his hosts was killed in battle and if his killer claims Cyber for his own. Granted his previous host was a tyrant intent on conquest. He understands the difference between murder and killing.<BR><BR>Inquisitive<BR>Cyber has a natural inquisitive nature about him always looking to read and learn, study and understand about the world. And while he understands things from John's memories he is hungry about the world, eager to understand all the changes that have taken place. Any Chance he is given, Cyber can be found doing research on anything and everything he can learn.<BR><BR>Playful<BR>Cyber can be down right playful to those he likes. Pranks, games. Be Warned.<BR><BR>JOHN'S PERSONALITY<BR><BR>Cautious<BR>Unlike most would be young Super Heroes. John as Cyberdragon is unusually cautious. His experience in New York when he got hurt by the Super Villain made him realize that his actions will have consequences good and bad. As such he is not the egotistical full of himself, I can do anything sort of hero. He will watch, learn, and wait until he is sure no one else will get hurt, if that means allowing a purse snatcher who has a gun, to get a woman's purse and run with it, to keep her safe he will track the snatcher to a point where he can intercept them without being a danger to anyone else. He is also more than willing to do what a more experienced Hero says for him to do. These are people who know what they are doing far better than him.<BR><BR>Helpful<BR>John loves cooking so he often employs his free time at least once a week to cook at a homeless shelter and deliver herbs and spices to help improve their meals once a month. As a result someone like him has earned the love and affection of many of the homeless he cooks for. He's also willing to put himself at risk to try and help those in need, such as when the truck holding Cyber's inactive form was attacked. He tried to help pull guards to safety.<BR><BR>Paranoid<BR>John is absolutely sure that some force out there has played some sort of joke on him with Cyber. The odds of him becoming a Superhero were already astronomical, Then combine that with a way to become the Dragon like Super hero he had always dreamed of becoming? It would take the most unlikely set of events possible for this to happen so John is absolutely sure that some higher power is at work providing him Cyber. Not that he doesn't appreciate Cyber's presence, He is just wondering what he did, or will have to do for this gift.<BR><BR>Cooking<BR>John absolutely loves cooking. It is a passion, his heart and soul. As such he relishes the opportunity to cook for others, and is pretty demanding that the kitchen is his domain. Now this includes other would be chefs, John gets extremely testy if someone starts to try and modify his recipes and if someone makes additions without his knowledge or permission. Well that is grounds for an instant fight! Messing with his meals in progress is the fastest way to earn John's anger.<BR><BR>Humility<BR>John might not be a super brain like Batman, he may not have the powers of Superman. The Will of Green Lantern But Just does have of all things Humility. He is respectful of other heroes. Even younger ones assuming they are at least halfway modest with their abilities. John has learned the difference from being proud of one's accomplishments, to being arrogant and assuming one is destined for greatness. This comes from his experience when he was twelve. John will have more respect for the energetic hero teen that compliments his team and shares the credit claiming how awesome they were and how everyone kicked the bad guy's asses, opposed to the reserved aloof teen hero, who makes statements of how inferior an enemy was, how they were no challenge and how victory was assured, how they are the obvious choice of being a leader or hero. To John those shows an over confidence that goes into arrogance, and an arrogant hero, is dangerous.
|Personality=CYBER'S PERSONALITY<BR><BR>Loyal<BR>Above all else. Cyber is loyal to one person John. He is loathe to leave John's side except when those times are needed, being someone that John can always count on no matter what, thick and thin. This doesn't mean that Cyber would not attempt to advise john to turn away from this path.<BR><BR>Discretion<BR>This is the better part of valor. Cyber knows the value of being hidden such as in the disguise of a large dog, instead of his current default form.<BR><BR>Secretive<BR>Naturally secretive Cyber keeps a great deal of his knowledge and such to himself. In his words, "You have no need to know of that. And I see no need to tell you." As a result unless there is a serious need or issue, Cyber keeps the most dangerous secrets and ancient knowledge hidden.<BR><BR>Protective<BR>Cyber is protective of John, overly so. Those he does hide it well. He allows John the opportunity to solve problems himself such as with teammates and order things out. But Cyber will only take so much from those who harass John and once Cyber realizes that John is starting to be hurt, emotionally or physically. Cyber will step in himself and he can be very inventive of how he can handle someone.<BR><BR>Killer<BR>Cyber has no objection to killing someone. The world he was mostly active in was kill or be killed. And Cyber values the life of his host more than anyone else. How ever he has seriously toned it down. He knows that John has a severe aversion to killing someone. If the time comes that at that point Cyber deems that the only way to preserve John's life is to take the life of someone else. He will do so.<BR><BR>Objectified<BR>There is one of two things seriously angers Cyber. That is being treated like an object. Cyber is fully sentient, he knows right from wrong. And gets down right stubborn and resentful of those who speak of him as though he is not in the room, or just some remote control pet. Depending on the level of resentment, Cyber can get to the point where he will actually refuse to join with john on a mission, leaving him out, more so when John would be a vital member of said team. He hates being treated like an object. And in times past Cyber has actually refused to work with his hosts because they viewed him as a slave or property. While Cyber couldn't flat out leave them, he did refuse to aid them and when they died he was almost lost several times for centuries.<BR><BR>Abandon<BR>The other thing that angers Cyber to no end is when his hosts are murdered to obtain him. There is a Different between his host being killed in battle, and being murdered to possess him. In times past Cyber was passed from One man, to his son, and then his son. In the latter the younger son murdered his sick and dying father to obtain Cyber when he had three days to go before his father died. When Cyber learned of this Cyber was so enraged that he abandoned his host, while he could not remove his material from inside the host he left the young man and refused to co-operate. By contrast one of his hosts was killed in battle and if his killer claims Cyber for his own. Granted his previous host was a tyrant intent on conquest. He understands the difference between murder and killing.<BR><BR>Inquisitive<BR>Cyber has a natural inquisitive nature about him always looking to read and learn, study and understand about the world. And while he understands things from John's memories he is hungry about the world, eager to understand all the changes that have taken place. Any Chance he is given, Cyber can be found doing research on anything and everything he can learn.<BR><BR>Playful<BR>Cyber can be down right playful to those he likes. Pranks, games. Be Warned.<BR><BR>JOHN'S PERSONALITY<BR><BR>Cautious<BR>Unlike most would be young Super Heroes. John as Cyberdragon is unusually cautious. His experience in New York when he got hurt by the Super Villain made him realize that his actions will have consequences good and bad. As such he is not the egotistical full of himself, I can do anything sort of hero. He will watch, learn, and wait until he is sure no one else will get hurt, if that means allowing a purse snatcher who has a gun, to get a woman's purse and run with it, to keep her safe he will track the snatcher to a point where he can intercept them without being a danger to anyone else. He is also more than willing to do what a more experienced Hero says for him to do. These are people who know what they are doing far better than him.<BR><BR>Helpful<BR>John loves cooking so he often employs his free time at least once a week to cook at a homeless shelter and deliver herbs and spices to help improve their meals once a month. As a result someone like him has earned the love and affection of many of the homeless he cooks for. He's also willing to put himself at risk to try and help those in need, such as when the truck holding Cyber's inactive form was attacked. He tried to help pull guards to safety.<BR><BR>Paranoid<BR>John is absolutely sure that some force out there has played some sort of joke on him with Cyber. The odds of him becoming a Superhero were already astronomical, Then combine that with a way to become the Dragon like Super hero he had always dreamed of becoming? It would take the most unlikely set of events possible for this to happen so John is absolutely sure that some higher power is at work providing him Cyber. Not that he doesn't appreciate Cyber's presence, He is just wondering what he did, or will have to do for this gift.<BR><BR>Cooking<BR>John absolutely loves cooking. It is a passion, his heart and soul. As such he relishes the opportunity to cook for others, and is pretty demanding that the kitchen is his domain. Now this includes other would be chefs, John gets extremely testy if someone starts to try and modify his recipes and if someone makes additions without his knowledge or permission. Well that is grounds for an instant fight! Messing with his meals in progress is the fastest way to earn John's anger.<BR><BR>Humility<BR>John might not be a super brain like Batman, he may not have the powers of Superman. The Will of Green Lantern But Just does have of all things Humility. He is respectful of other heroes. Even younger ones assuming they are at least halfway modest with their abilities. John has learned the difference from being proud of one's accomplishments, to being arrogant and assuming one is destined for greatness. This comes from his experience when he was twelve. John will have more respect for the energetic hero teen that compliments his team and shares the credit claiming how awesome they were and how everyone kicked the bad guy's asses, opposed to the reserved aloof teen hero, who makes statements of how inferior an enemy was, how they were no challenge and how victory was assured, how they are the obvious choice of being a leader or hero. To John those shows an over confidence that goes into arrogance, and an arrogant hero, is dangerous.

Revision as of 06:25, 20 November 2017

Cyberdragon (Scenesys ID: 163)
"Heroes are not Born. Heroes are not made, Nor are they created. Heroes Arise when they are needed the most."
Full Name: Jonathan quentin Coltan
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Chef / Superhero
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: SHIELD
Other Information
Apparent Age: 16 Actual Age: 16
Date of Birth 18 November 2008 Actor: Nick Stahl
Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Hero Skillet Remix


John Coltan was at one time your average student heading to New York Culinary school with dreams to be a world class Chef. His world was turned upside down one day when he came in contact with an Ancient Alien suit that bonded to him symbiotically. The Suit having been on earth for many thousands of years. John is simply the latest host in a long line of people. Now he has to sort out his life and decide what to do with it. Which is made even stranger due to the fact the suit is it's own separate Entity calling it's self Cyber, who can merge with John forming the entity Cyberdragon.



Click to expand.
Before you stands what appears to be a Bio-mechanical bi-pedal dragon. Standing 8 feet tall, give or take. With a Dark red body he is covered in what appears to be flat black tiger stripes. The Strips cover the back, wings, arms, legs.. The hands and feet have inch and a half long talons. With the 8 foot long tail is tipped with a foot and a half long tail blade. The blade appears to have what seems to be similar in construction to a serrated knife blade. Along the back of the dragon one can see a number of spikes ranging in size from a quarter inch to six inches long. The Spikes run from the start of the tail blade, up the tail, along the back, up to the head which holds a Crest of spikes some over a foot long. The face is in the classical western form and shows good emotional range. The eyes glow a golden red at times.

Build wise, the Dragon is very much like a line backer, Muscles clearly defined over the frame, The Form has what appears to be a mix of Technology and biological form to it such as what appears to be scales, but also mechanical aspects such as what appears to be tubing.


Click to expand.
In the distant past An Alien race desiring to learn about the universe constructed a number of probes. These probes were designed to work with a host, to absorb the knowledge of the host without harming the host, and learn of the culture. To work in Symbiotic relationship, to better understand the species in question. The best way to learn of a culture, people, or species is to live among them. And to keep the suit true to it's programing allowed it to form protective armor over the host to ensure the host's survival.

This probe sent to a small blue green planet that would be called Earth by future inhabitants. All information of the probes experiences with it's creators was either Locked away, or deleted.

The Suit's history is anything but dull. Arriving in the southern reaches of Africa, it's first host was some Neanderthal. Passing from one hand to another over the centuries. once in a while the suit would be activated. With Blood from someone being spilled upon it, becoming a powerful suit of armor.

Both heroes and villains had obtained the suit using it for their respective goals. Through out it's time being joined by various hosts, the Probe evolved sentience, with a mind and will of it's own. Governed by it's programming to be symbiotic, the suit displayed a desire to work with the host in co-operation, rather than be considered a tool.

The Suit being alive and sentient, Sometimes clashed with hosts, often in cases where the host considered himself to be the master and the suit an object. Resulting in the suit abandoning it's host. It's history extends through Africa, through the Mediterranean, the middle east, into Europe. Where the last owner was burned at the stake by the Spanish inquisition, and the Armor buried under a church to contain it's... evil.

The most recent past of the suit would involve it's capture at the hands of the Nazi's in WW2, While it appeared gold, their inability to melt it down, or slice it up made it prime candidate for one of their weapon's program believing that it was not gold, but some sort of new indestructible metal.

An allied attack disrupted the research center, and the Suit was locked up and spirited away to a secret location, discovered decades later while pursuing Nazi war criminals. Discovered along with dusty Nazi Records, reporting it's resistances. The Suit was to be sent to a Laboratory in the United States to have it's properties analyzed.

In route to the laboratory, rumors of a large amount of gold, a new indestructible alloy, can make people very greedy. And that is where the attack happened. During the attack heroes in the area, or showed up managed to distract the villain, but an explosion knocked a young man into the gold spilling his blood on it in the process. This activated the bonding protocols causing the suit to envelop the young man.

After a time the Suit began to take on it's newest form. Thank of a red and black striped bipedal dragon. Having read the host's mind and thoughts, and assuming a form that the young man found aesthetically pleasing. Thus... Cyberdragon was born.

Over all John was born to a single mother, Sarah Coltan who had desired a child of her own. In particular a Son, and not having much in the way of choice in her small little town Sarah traveled to Cincinnati to meet someone she could hook up with to father her a child without his knowledge. So finding a man she felt was clean healthy and with broad shoulders. And having found a man eventually was able to conceive a single child.

With John's mother working at the local drug store the pair did have a relatively good life. And growing up without a father in this community was the type where everyone knew everyone else. And you wouldn't mind letting your kids stay out after dark. Schools there there were bullies and fads. The ins and the outs. At the Age of 5 years old John discovered dragons and has been in love with the powerful creatures ever sense.

Anything and everything Dragon related John wanted to get his hands on and while his mother did have some money she wasn't able to provide everything John wanted. But she did provide for him Of course like all kids do when john was older he discovered super heroes and of course fell in love with them. Being a dragon like super hero in his mind causing his mother no end of consternation. Which involved him making Bottle bombs in the woods behind their home.

When John was twelve him and his mother had to move to New York to help take care of John's ailing grandmother and of course this was when John's love for super heroes turn a turn for the worse. John was out with his mother getting food and such when a super villain attacked, John of course like many stupid kids went to get closer, and caught caught up into the fight, and injured. Not severely but enough that when it was over it cooled John's eagerness to be a super hero. Learning just how dangerous it was, it wasn't all fun and games.

His energy transferred from being a young super hero, to helping his mother cook dinners for his grand mother. And it was here that John actually found his calling, he had an innate sense of timing and awareness in the kitchen. And by the time he was thirteen John had taken over in the kitchen from his mother. And sadly at age 13 his grandmother died. And the pair inherited his grandmother's estate and her money. Not terribly much, but it was put most of it into a savings account for John's college fund.

The nest few years had John grow further in maturity and reason. Still in love with dragons, still respectful of Heroes, still a bit of a child at heart. John enjoyed what time he could cooking, learning he was too young to get a job at a restaurant. Sarah arranged for John to get work at a homeless shelter, where he helped cook food for homeless people, and the meals John served were of much higher quality and seeing the appreciation for his talents continued.

Sadly this was all to change December 5th December 2024 his mother and him were in a car wreck, that killed his mother. With no family John was expected to be relegated to foster care. But John by the narrowest of margins was able to convince the judge he was able to take care of himself. And at last was allowed to return home, enrolling in the New York Culinary Academy, John was on a high when he was walking down the streets when a Super villain attacked, seeing people hurt and recalling how he himself was hurt forcing the heroes to be distracted, John without hesitation came in to help get some of the wounded out of the area.

It was here an attack sent him flying into a large gold colored bolder that was in the back of a destroyed truck causing it to merge with him, creating the being known as Cyberdragon. Fate, or destiny, chance or sheer dumb luck. John's child hood dreams of being a Draconic Super hero had come true.


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Above all else. Cyber is loyal to one person John. He is loathe to leave John's side except when those times are needed, being someone that John can always count on no matter what, thick and thin. This doesn't mean that Cyber would not attempt to advise john to turn away from this path.

This is the better part of valor. Cyber knows the value of being hidden such as in the disguise of a large dog, instead of his current default form.

Naturally secretive Cyber keeps a great deal of his knowledge and such to himself. In his words, "You have no need to know of that. And I see no need to tell you." As a result unless there is a serious need or issue, Cyber keeps the most dangerous secrets and ancient knowledge hidden.

Cyber is protective of John, overly so. Those he does hide it well. He allows John the opportunity to solve problems himself such as with teammates and order things out. But Cyber will only take so much from those who harass John and once Cyber realizes that John is starting to be hurt, emotionally or physically. Cyber will step in himself and he can be very inventive of how he can handle someone.

Cyber has no objection to killing someone. The world he was mostly active in was kill or be killed. And Cyber values the life of his host more than anyone else. How ever he has seriously toned it down. He knows that John has a severe aversion to killing someone. If the time comes that at that point Cyber deems that the only way to preserve John's life is to take the life of someone else. He will do so.

There is one of two things seriously angers Cyber. That is being treated like an object. Cyber is fully sentient, he knows right from wrong. And gets down right stubborn and resentful of those who speak of him as though he is not in the room, or just some remote control pet. Depending on the level of resentment, Cyber can get to the point where he will actually refuse to join with john on a mission, leaving him out, more so when John would be a vital member of said team. He hates being treated like an object. And in times past Cyber has actually refused to work with his hosts because they viewed him as a slave or property. While Cyber couldn't flat out leave them, he did refuse to aid them and when they died he was almost lost several times for centuries.

The other thing that angers Cyber to no end is when his hosts are murdered to obtain him. There is a Different between his host being killed in battle, and being murdered to possess him. In times past Cyber was passed from One man, to his son, and then his son. In the latter the younger son murdered his sick and dying father to obtain Cyber when he had three days to go before his father died. When Cyber learned of this Cyber was so enraged that he abandoned his host, while he could not remove his material from inside the host he left the young man and refused to co-operate. By contrast one of his hosts was killed in battle and if his killer claims Cyber for his own. Granted his previous host was a tyrant intent on conquest. He understands the difference between murder and killing.

Cyber has a natural inquisitive nature about him always looking to read and learn, study and understand about the world. And while he understands things from John's memories he is hungry about the world, eager to understand all the changes that have taken place. Any Chance he is given, Cyber can be found doing research on anything and everything he can learn.

Cyber can be down right playful to those he likes. Pranks, games. Be Warned.


Unlike most would be young Super Heroes. John as Cyberdragon is unusually cautious. His experience in New York when he got hurt by the Super Villain made him realize that his actions will have consequences good and bad. As such he is not the egotistical full of himself, I can do anything sort of hero. He will watch, learn, and wait until he is sure no one else will get hurt, if that means allowing a purse snatcher who has a gun, to get a woman's purse and run with it, to keep her safe he will track the snatcher to a point where he can intercept them without being a danger to anyone else. He is also more than willing to do what a more experienced Hero says for him to do. These are people who know what they are doing far better than him.

John loves cooking so he often employs his free time at least once a week to cook at a homeless shelter and deliver herbs and spices to help improve their meals once a month. As a result someone like him has earned the love and affection of many of the homeless he cooks for. He's also willing to put himself at risk to try and help those in need, such as when the truck holding Cyber's inactive form was attacked. He tried to help pull guards to safety.

John is absolutely sure that some force out there has played some sort of joke on him with Cyber. The odds of him becoming a Superhero were already astronomical, Then combine that with a way to become the Dragon like Super hero he had always dreamed of becoming? It would take the most unlikely set of events possible for this to happen so John is absolutely sure that some higher power is at work providing him Cyber. Not that he doesn't appreciate Cyber's presence, He is just wondering what he did, or will have to do for this gift.

John absolutely loves cooking. It is a passion, his heart and soul. As such he relishes the opportunity to cook for others, and is pretty demanding that the kitchen is his domain. Now this includes other would be chefs, John gets extremely testy if someone starts to try and modify his recipes and if someone makes additions without his knowledge or permission. Well that is grounds for an instant fight! Messing with his meals in progress is the fastest way to earn John's anger.

John might not be a super brain like Batman, he may not have the powers of Superman. The Will of Green Lantern But Just does have of all things Humility. He is respectful of other heroes. Even younger ones assuming they are at least halfway modest with their abilities. John has learned the difference from being proud of one's accomplishments, to being arrogant and assuming one is destined for greatness. This comes from his experience when he was twelve. John will have more respect for the energetic hero teen that compliments his team and shares the credit claiming how awesome they were and how everyone kicked the bad guy's asses, opposed to the reserved aloof teen hero, who makes statements of how inferior an enemy was, how they were no challenge and how victory was assured, how they are the obvious choice of being a leader or hero. To John those shows an over confidence that goes into arrogance, and an arrogant hero, is dangerous.


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The Cyber-Suit can become immune to local conditions that would prove fatal to the host. Such as the Vacuum of Space, or the pressure of deep under water. Even the heat of a magma field. Cyberdragon can adapt to render himself to become highly resistant to some forms of attacks. Such as enemies using Fire, cold, or lightning attacks. Allowing him to transfer the energy away from him or insulated from the cold. He can also adapt by forming armor plates to protect from physical or kinetic attacks.

What is the one commonality of all machines? All machines break down, and more complex the machine more frequent the break down. To fix this issue, Cyber's creators chose to go with the simplest form of machine possible. Living, Cyber is not a collection of nanobots, but rather Metallic Organic like cells. Instead of needing to eat, Cyber absorbs BACKGROUND forms of energy sunlight, radiation, heat, electricity, etc. to serve as a power supply. (Direct attacks from these while highly resistant to, still are attacks and are not absorbed like background energy.) However certain environments such as deep underwater, Antarctic, dark-side of the moon. Cut him off from his normal supply of background energy, forcing him to draw on his reserves. If Material is separated from cyber it will seek to rejoin the main mass. If it can not it disintegrates after 7 days. Cyber can restore loss material at 5 pounds a day.

Cyber is more than able to evolve new powers an abilities. His Plasma Bolt is one example of this. As such this became a permanent alteration to his form. This ability is one that is seldom activated. and takes EXTREME circumstances for the suit to achieve evolution. Situations that place the suit it's self in extreme danger, danger that would result in it's destruction, or situations where previous hosts perished from similar events.

Limit-It takes Extreme (PLOT) circumstance to undergo evolution, and always reflect the circumstances of the event.

Cyberdragon does have wings and they are more then just for show. The wings allow Cyberdragon to fly pushing speeds in excess of 1000MPH with use of plasma jet thrust. In the event Cyberdragon does somehow achieve orbit, or gets into the vacuum of space, his ability to generate a plasma jet from various parts of his form that can be used as a directional and movement based flight. As a result. The Suit can effectively fly with high agility in the weightlessness of space.

Cyber can also absorb his wings, flatten his tail into a paddle shape, and put webbing between his fingers and tail, and assuming a shark skin like texture for speed. He can go at nearly 100 knots speed underwater.

Cyber has been around for over twenty thousand years. While he has not been active for all that time, he has been active for a good deal of it. Everything Cyber sees and experiences he records perfectly. He has so much knowledge and information that it would fill the library of congress a hundred times over and still not be complete. And Cyber is always looking to absorb more knowledge through reading or searching the internet.

Limits-While Cyber absorbs information easily and is good at formulating ideas and plans, learning new skills takes time. For example computer hacking, he can easily grasp the premise behind it. But like humans he needs to work and practice this skill to make it good. And to keep it viable keep up to date and work with it.

Plasma Generation
As part of the offensive weaponry of the Cyber-Suit. Cyberdragon can project an explosive Plasma Bolt. Normally he will project it from his mouth as a classic dragon breath weapon. But he can actually project it from his hands, his tail, or his feet. Cyberdragon has very fine control over this projectile. Ranging from fire crackers to explosions equal to 20 pounds of c4 explosive going off. Cyber can also form the plasma field over his body as well.

Limit-While he can adjust the yield of his Plasma bolts at will. The more powerful the blast the more power it consumes. With a full power blast producing three blast bolts with the explosive power of 20 pounds of C4 exploding would drain 95 percent of Cyber's power reserves needing several days to properly recharge. As a result circumstance must be dire to use this level of fire power.

Melee weaponry
Armed with more then just a plasma bolt attack, Cyberdragon has a number of melee attacks such as his razor sharp claws and fangs. This includes the tail blade on his tail. Allowing him to bite, claw, slash and tail whip an enemy as well as punch or kick. As a result combined with the strength enhancing abilities of the suit. Cyberdragon can in time rip through a lot of materials. While claws, teeth, tail, and talons are the norm. He can form blades such as swords and shields out of his material. Just nothing with separate moving parts.

Limit-Against materials used in every day construction, Cinder blocks, steel reinforced concrete, steel plates give Cyberdragon little trouble tearing apart. Military grade armor like on tanks, and things like Exo-suits (Luthor power Armor/Iron Man armor) That's another matter entirely.

Enhanced Dexterity/Agility
When Merged. Cyberdragon's reflexes seem enhanced as well. While this might seem to be the suit. It is actually co-operation from the suit and the host. The Suit has a number of extra limbs namely the two wings and the tail. The sentient suit can use these limbs lashing out in a direction to carry momentum, allowing him to take a powerful hit, get knocked around in mid air, flip, and twist to land on his feet. Cyber also communicates with John alerting him to danger from various angles and advises him on how to move.

Enhanced Endurance
For John, when merged the Cybersuit Cyber acts as a filtration system. Such as providing John his host when worn a purified oxygen stream, improving his endurance and stamina. This gives John considerable endurance. Without Cyber John's endurance is effectively at normal human levels. Cyber's endurance on the other hand is effectively limitless.

Limit-If placed underwater for example where Photosynthesis stops, Cyber's operational time is cut sharply because he has to protect his host from more than one extreme. Cold, pressure, providing breathable air, movement. The more extreme the sharper the reduction in operational time.

Enhanced Strength
The Cybersuit when worn by the Host, boosts the host strength considerably. When John and Cyber merge the two form what is called Cyberdragon. Bolstering his strength Cyberdragon is more than able to lift up to 10,000 pounds with ease.

Limit-Separated Cyber and John's respective strengths are roughly that of normal average human.

The Adaptive nature of Cyber, allows him incredible durability and toughness. Cyberdragom can form armor plates on himself, providing a gel like layer under and between those plates, to absorb a great deal of punishment. He can harden his surface to register as hard as Tungsten Carbide, the same material used in industrial machinery, cutting tools, abrasives, armor-piercing rounds. But this does not make the host invulnerable.

Limits-There are limits to what Cyber can protect against, attacks that rely on sheer brute force overpower his protective abilities resulting in damage and injury to the host. Without Cyber protecting him, John is as vulnerable as any other human.

As for Sensory receptors. Cyber has no true eyes.

Instead he perceives the environment around him, very difficult to sneak up on him. Expert and masters of stealth are more than able sneak up on him. Cyber like sharks can perceive the Electrical field generated by objects and creatures. It gives him an edge when detecting individual attenmpting to sneak up on him. The more active places are with electrical fields the better it is to sneak up on him, on a city street middle of the day. By contrast middle of the night on a rooftop, he can detect the movements in the field around him. This perception works best while underwater or in areas where modern tech is almost non existent.

Cyber has the same senses as humans, Sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Taste works differently When he desires to taste something it's more akin to feeling the material at extremely small levels microscopic. As a result Cyber can.... taste materials to get an idea of their makeup, elements are simple alloys take much longer for him to properly identify.

In order to establish a link betwen the Suit and Host, Cyber must implant some of itself into the host. This material intergrates with the brain and nervous system, allowing Cyber to access the memories and thoughts of the Host, allowing it to assume a form that is disirable to the Host. This also allows Cyber and the Host to interface with each other, allowing the transmition of all sensory information, co-operation of motor function, and shareing of thoughts and ideas. Over time the imbedded material will spread through and adapt to the Host nervous system improving proccessing speed and may potentially unlock new abilities.

The material Cyber is composed of is not magnetic but does transmit data in the form of bio-electric signals. This allows Cyber to know where its Host is at all times as well as the Host physical and emotional state as well as if the host is alive or not. The cyber suit is designed to eject, disable, and or kill other forms of symbiotes, such as biological, technological or both, if they try to join with cybers' current Host. Depending on the nature of the other symbiote this can be very painful to Cybers current Host.

The Alien Cyber-Suit is effectively a liquid metal mimetic. As a result the Cyber-Suit has effectively no real true form. It can adapt and adjust to suit it's host's needs and desires, although with a default form based on initial bonding preference. The Suit can there for if it needs literally ooze through cracks and small holes, assuming John is not inside the suit at the time. Cyber has fluid control over his form able to harden or soften it's structure as needed, from soft and downy to hard armor plays and scales that protect the host from attacks. He can not gain or loose mass with his transforming.

This also includes altering his colors to blend in with his surroundings, covering himself in a soft down like owl feathers to make flight silent, or produce micro grapples to climb up a wall like a gecko. Even Take on a sandpaper like texture. The Speed of this change is not instant, but he can shift rapidly to make tactical use of it in combat.

Something about Cyber's construction renders it immune to all forms of Sonic attacks. The Sound portion of the attack has no effect on Cyber or his host when joined. The pressure wave that can acompany such attacks is another matter entirely.


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A natural talent in the kitchen. John is something of a natural chef, and this helps that he loves cooking, it is a true passion of his. Currently he has hired a professional chef to help educate and train him for professional cooking. And John is never going to stop until he has become world renown.

John is no slouch to combat more than able to handle himself in a fist fight and street fight, with Cyber helping him the pair are very effective in combat. With the form of a dragon, Cyberdragon is a fairly potent force to be reckoned with. With hundreds of years of experience, Cyber shares with John all sorts of knowledge ranging from military tactics, to guerilla warfare.

For John when you are planning to be a Master Chef it only makes sense that you know your herbs and spices. As a result he often grows his own herbs and spices depending on his available space. If needed he could identity edible wild planets from various locations around the world

John is also adept at High school chemistry. And has at times gotten in trouble because of it. One of his favorite hobbies when he was younger 12ish would be to head out into the woods in his area and set off bottle bombs, plastic pop bottles mixed with chemicals to make them swell up with gas and then explode with a loud boom. As a result he does know most things high school chemistry taught.

An offshoot of Understanding cooking is chemistry, and Dietary needs. Knowing what sort of herbs are good for soothing an upset stomach, helping bolstering the immune system. The sort of Vitamins and Minerals are in which plants. But also if he cooks a meal for someone who is allergic to an ingredient. And knowing what the best way to replace it with. For example knowing someone is allergic to Peanuts, he will know to avoid certain types of nuts. He has a very large collection of herb books in his personal library.


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The Cyber-suit or just Cyber, as John refers to his friend. Is a universal environmental survival suit, that is alive.

Cyber is not a weapon. Not really. It is a recorder, a probe. Designed to collect data and transmit it back to it's creators who are unable to leave their planet yet desired to learn about the universe. As a result of constantly changing conditions gave Cyber the ability to Bond with the host. To see and experience life as a member of that species. As such the Cyber suits are designed as universal environmental suits. Evolving and changing as the needs are presented to them. Cyber is alive and Sentient, with a mind and will of his own.

Cyber's true form is a sort of Liquid metal ooze. Active only when bonded to a host, via blood contact and merging. Cyber often times takes a form that is necessary for camouflage, For example a very large DOG, or that is Physically Pleasing to the host. For John that is a Quadrupedal Bio-Mechanical dragon.

John owns a house in upstate New York, on about an acre of land it is a two story house with a basement. The home had once been his grandmother's house then his mother's. Once his mother was killed it all became John's along with everything there in. It is nothing major and sparely furnished. John and Cyber call it home.

Cyber is not a static object. It continues to learn, it learns everything it's host learned. And it continues to learn. As a result Cyber holds a vast repository of knowledge, having been joined with people from every walk of life, from lowly slaves, to kings both noble and tyrannical. Cyber has a wide range of skills. Most of these are of little use in the modern world, but some, such as survival in the regions of Africa, middle east, and Europe, hunting, warfare are of some use. Cyber continues to learn and right now is dedicating himself to understanding human medicine to properly help care for his own host and future hosts.

During the Ancient past of Earth. Aliens did land on Earth. Some peaceful, others not so much. Great kings and powerful wizards. They left relics and artifacts behind. And Cyber does have knowledge that could in time lead him and John to such artifacts. But as Cyber knows wisely, somethings are best left forgotten and buried. This knowledge also extends to ancient secrets such as the languages of ancient cultures, Egypt, Greece, etc., including information that the world might consider lost forever. He even knows the location of what he refers to as the Archives of Alexandria. Cyber doesn't have instant access it takes time for him to recall information. And it is selective to what he has personally experienced, or his hosts have prior to bonding.

John being a cook would often spend free time down at local homeless shelters cooking for the homeless making sure they had good food that was healthy and good for them. As a result he might be able from time to time to get some information that only they might have over heard or learned.

By no means rich. John does have some money to his name. Most of it is for his culinary education. but at most he has the ability to pull on about 1000 in spare cash for emergencies each month.


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There are some forms of energy which are highly exotic. Power Cosmic for example, these highly exotic alien energy fields could prove addictive, or worse react badly with the Cyber-Suit. As it was designed around common energy sources to serve as a power supply, sunlight, electricity, thermal, radioactivity, sound. These energies can prove harder to absorb, much less protect from. And if he can perhaps absorb there is always a serious danger that it could have some very ill effects.

The Cyber-Suit is Alien Technology, pure and simple. There are those who will be able to identify the technology either through study, or simply know. It will at best raise eye-brows, at worse scare people who view you as a danger.

In ancient days, the Cyber-Suit has had a lot of adventures. And many hosts. Some hosts Served various powerful Beings. From the Egyptian pantheon, the Greek gods, etc. As a result given some of these beings may choose to surface and bedevil John and Cyber. Such as claiming they gifted John with Cyber and expect service and repayment. They could choose to try and bedevil John or manipulate him to their goals. Secrets that in the past the Cyber-Suit buried and are best left forgotten and buried could be found and dug up. Also many of the blood lines that Cyber has been joined with might desire to have //their property// returned. While many won't know of it, there is a chance there are a few who might be of high station, and their ancestor having lost the suit ages past, desires to reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

While the Suit can protect John from Bio-electrical attacks (like Wasp's Stings not static shocks or eletrical shots), the host John however is especially vulnerable to them. Due to the Bio-electrical nature of the communication between John and Cyber, these attacks if they hit John's person, (Punching through the suit) or outside of it. The smallest attack produces incredibly painful feedback through out John's entire nervous system, powerful enough to send him into what amounts to a seizure.

There is only so much that Cyber can adapt to. Brute force attacks ranging from a super strength villain punching, kicking, as well as weapon attacks can and will over power Cyber's ability to protect his host.

When you have a piece of fabulous technology, people may feel they are more deserving of it then you are. And if that technology is a weapons system. You will have people who want to take it and replicate it. While it is **Extremely** unlikely that the Cyber-Suit could be replicated. It will not stop those who want the technology for themselves, for what ever reasons.

The Environments Cyber is in also effects him. He could stand next to Lava and not be harmed but the moment he comes into contact with such hot objects he would start to burn and be damaged. He could be on the dark side of the moon and be able to function with his host, but if he put his hand in say Liquid Nitrogen it would freeze said hand solid. So there are limits to what he can resist.

Cyber is not an object or simple construct. His primary duty is to protect his Host from harm and death. John and Cyber have to understand each other, and While Cyber is willing to go along with most of what John desires. Unlike John, Cyber has no reservations against killing. If it came down to allowing either allowing John to be killed, or killing his attacker, then Cyber will choose his host's life over the life of the attacker. More so if John is incapacitated. This does not mean that Cyber is a killing machine and will kill if he has other options to avoid it, even fleeing. Because in order to work with John, he has to respect John's wishes and avoid using lethal force. And if John considers him a danger and wants nothing to do with Cyber, Cyber can't effectively protect him.

However those who hurt John, provoke him, Cyber can be very dangerous, and will tolerate it for only so long before he goes against John's Wishes and deals with the matter his way. Most likely with some level of Violence, maybe not lethal Violence, but Violence none the less. Bottom line is if Cyber chose to physically attack someone, there is nothing John can or could do to stop Cyber from his attempt to inflict harm on someone.

By Contrast, one of the safety measures in the Cyber-Suit is an inability to directly harm his host. Cyber knows he can not willingly or knowingly cause harm to his hosts. He is physically incapable of this. Of course being thrown at John is another matter.

The Cyber-Suit has one iron clad weakness. That is the Host. In the past time and time again the Suit has been neutralized by killing the host. Poison, A dagger in the back, an assassin. In the modern world, neutralizing the suit can be as simple as a sniper with a high powered rifle, and knowing John's routine. Even if the attack doesn't prove fatal to John, the act and severe injury, would promptly Cyber to envelope John and remove him from the location, to pull him from the danger. More than one host of Cyber's has been killed due to circumstances which prevented Cyber from merging with his host to protect him from harm. Also if John could be captured, and held hostage, it would be more than possible to indirectly manipulate and control the Cyber-Suit, by threatening to kill the host. Such as making Cyber submit to examinations.

The Cyber-Suit is dependent on it's host for many of it's abilities, such as the extreme strength, plasma blast, agility. As a result unless he is joined with John Coltan his strength is roughly on par with John's own strength. He can fly/glide, claw, slash. But in order to activate the more powerful abilities Cyber must be joined with John. This is a safeguard with the suit, a fail safe that keeps the suit in check.

In the event of the Host Termination. The material in John's corpse will detect it, and when confirmed that all biological functions are terminated, will begin to extract it's self from John's body and rejoin the main mass of Cyber. Once death is confirmed. Cyber has 10 minutes of activation time remaining before he shuts down and reverts to his inactive state, a giant boulder of gold colored material awaiting reactivation through a blood splatter.

The primary concern for the Cyber-Suit is the survival of it's host. In the event that it's host while joined should be incapacitated, rendered unconscious, or other wise unable to act of it's own free will. The Primary goal for the Suit is to ensure the protection, safety, and survival of it's host. As a result it will leave battle, allow an enemy to escape, or innocent to be killed to protect it's host. It will not make any apologies, for any harm that may have happened. Furthermore should John be rendered unconsious, Cyber looses access to his extreme strength, enhanced dexterity agility, and his plasma generation. The Loss of these abilities reflex that John is not putting any effort into it.

Like it or not. John Coltan is just a human teenager of 16. He is a normal everyday human and without Cyber is fairly easy to squash.

One of the biggest headaches for Cyber is magic. The race that created Cyber had no knowledge of Magic. And there for it is beyond his ability to to truly adapt to. A spell that drops the temperature in the area to below zero Cyber could adapt to. But a Spell that effects him directly that drops his temperature to freeze him solid. He can't adapt to.

NOT 18
John is not 18 yet, and has no actual family left. His mother died of a heart attack shortly after he turned sixteen, and was able to prove to a court that he was able to take care of himself. Which wasn't that easy. Still while he is independent he is not legally 18, and that can cause problems for somethings.

Also John is vulnerable to psychic attacks. Someone with Telekinesis could try to tear the suit off John, or a telepath could attack John's mind and force him to endure incredible fear or rage, which can disrupt the link between John and Cyber.

The easiest way to over power Cyber's defenses are rapidly shifting attacks, attacking with more than one energy type. Fire, Cold, lightning, Ionic, Physical Brute Force.

There has to be some level of synchronization between Host and the Cyber-Suit in order for the pair to function. As a result the suit and host have to cooperate, Emotional Friction, hostility, fear, extreme rage all disrupt the connection between host and the suit. As a result at best, The suit might start to seize up, at worse actually eject the host from the suit. Which could be extremely hazardous to one's health.

The Archive of Alexandria is what Cyber refers as a repository of knowledge that has been protected for thousands of years. Containing Scrolls and tablets that were protected and stored in safety. It also contains dangers, information that could prove not only dangerous, but might ignite World War III. It also is said to contain items of great power and danger, shielded and protected from those who would miss use them. In ancient Days Cyber and his hosts could travel to and from the archive without it being at risk of discovery. In the modern day it is far far more likely to be discovered.

There is some speculation with those who Identified Cyber as alien technology it might be the vessel Cyber arrived on Earth in, or possibly A Secret City, maybe both. As it stands right now the Archive is in no danger of discovery, but with humans expansion and development, it is possible that could change.

Though it does have powerful protections of it's one. It's Greatest is The River. Because of the possible wealth of knowledge and riches inside. In this modern world, simply of it, places Cyber and his host in danger. From Tyrants who want to use the knowledge of it for them selves, to people simply wanting to exploit it's riches. Where at once it was a resource, now it is a liability. And they worst part, the world is not yet ready for the Knowledge there in.



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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Finding Purpose and Direction January 15th, 2018 Cyberdragon asks Natasha to meet with him. He has concerns that The Archive is about to be discovered.
Symbiotes in the Night January 6th, 2018 Summary needed
Sharing the Christmas Bounty December 21st, 2017 Clark, Cyberdragon, and Lar help at a homeless shelter in the Suicide Slums.
STARK Holiday Bash, Part 1 December 21st, 2017 Tony Stark launches a giant holiday party with some announcements, to a variety of (...mostly secret agent) guests.
Play NYC 2025 December 1st, 2017 Drake Winters and Cyberdragon take in the Pay NYC 2025 convention at Four Freedoms Plaza
Downtime in the Diner November 30th, 2017 A random meeting of heroes in a diner
Helping Hands November 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Night guardians November 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Suicide Slum Slam November 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Untitled November 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Wounded Dragon PT.2 November 14th, 2017 Summary needed
The Hunters Part One November 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Wounded Dragon November 14th, 2017 After a combat scene, Cyberdragon is injured. SHIELD responds to help and call for reinforcements in the form of an angel.
Under Escort November 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Stalking Dragons October 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Dragon's Questions or Wrath October 15th, 2017 Cyberdragon, with the assistance of SHIELD, tries to find out information about the person behind a bio-weapon
Donny Had To Work on the Docks October 6th, 2017 The Penguin gets involved in an affair involving the war in Africa, and a case of industrial pollution for the sake of Europe's security against Boko Haram. What's one little medicine woman against the numbers of the banking affairs of the rich and powerful?
Hunting Dragon September 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Talking with Dragons. September 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Cultural Food Fair August 23rd, 2017 A Cultural food fair brings out a wide range of people.
Mystery of the Dragon July 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Log July 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Log July 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 27th, 2017 Cyberdragon contacts Natasha about a situation
Log June 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Log May 31st, 2017 Hydra goes after Cyberdragon. Hawkeye returns to town in the nick of time to help Natasha with the assist.
Log May 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Do Electric Dragons Dream About Electric Sheep May 28th, 2017 Burgers trump politics and spycraft. Particularly on Memorial Day.
Log May 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Log May 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Tygra and the Dragon May 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Look what the dragon dragged in May 21st, 2017 John is brought home by the dragon. Tony and the dragon have a little chat about life...
Problems in Gotham May 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Meeting the Captain May 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Gotham Goings On May 18th, 2017 Summary needed
The Dragon and the Wilykat May 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Steel and Dragon May 15th, 2017 Summary needed
The Dragon Hunts Looters with the Wolf. May 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Two Cats and a Dragon May 11th, 2017 Summary needed
What is a Thundercat May 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Ground Zero at Stark Tower May 5th, 2017 Secrets are hinted at and finally revealed in Stark Tower.
Discussing Deals May 5th, 2017 Natasha meets Cyberdragon
Getting To Know You... April 26th, 2017 Summary needed.
Looking for Dragons April 26th, 2017 Summary needed.
Birth of the Cyberdragon April 25th, 2017 Summary needed.
In the Light of the Moon April 25th, 2017 Summary needed.
Dragon Sightings April 25th, 2017 Summary needed.
Dragons in the Sky April 24th, 2017 Summary needed.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Young Hero and a Dragon's Wisdom November 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Marcetti's Lawyer October 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Fool, Blasted Fool June 16th, 2017 Summary needed
I'm In So Much Trouble May 31st, 2017 Summary needed


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