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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/11/05 |Location=Sanctum Santorum - Base Floor |Synopsis=Lucifer attempts to bring the demon Noralzeen to talk to Felicia, and it doesn't work...")
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|Synopsis=Lucifer attempts to bring the demon Noralzeen to talk to Felicia, and it doesn't work well.
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|Cast of Characters=735,40
|Tinyplot=Coventry Murders

Latest revision as of 19:00, 27 November 2019

Apologies and Demons
Date of Scene: 05 November 2019
Location: Sanctum Santorum - Base Floor
Synopsis: Lucifer attempts to bring the demon Noralzeen to talk to Felicia, and it doesn't work well.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Black Cat
Tinyplot: Coventry Murders

Lucifer has posed:
The text from Lucifer is simple and to the point, sent in the morning. It reads:

<< I'd like to stop by today, I have something I think you'll like. Stephen's front stoop, 3pm? >>

Black Cat has posed:
<<Sure! I'll be around, no errands to run today.>>

No, no errands, just a lazy day around the Sanctum in preparation for running the rooftops once the sun has set for the Black Cat. As such, Felicia is curled up in one of the highbacked chairs in the formal tea door off from the main entrance to the Sanctum with a book around 3pm. She's got dark jeans on along with a pair of violently-violet fuzzy socks and a sweater that //must// belong to Stephen given its more masculine fitting and color-scheme of steel-grey. Her hair is bound up in a messy bun with wisps loose here and there. Spread across her lazily-crossed legs, one of the primer books she bought those weeks back from the magical bookstore.

Hearing the door, however, she closes it and places it aside on the table as she rises to her feet. She's wearing a smile when she opens the front door. "Hey, Lucifer!"

Lucifer has posed:
"Good afternoon!" Lucifer greets, voice buoyant. Lucifer's there at the door, relaxed and cavalier in a striped dark navy suit over a rich mid-purple shirt, modern collar and buttons. His hair is stylish with a slight glint of hair product. He tops it off with a debonair smile.

Lucifer isn't alone, though. To his left, just down two steps, stands the figure of a lean woman, her hazel eyes catlike in slant, her raised bright yellow pleather hood casting a shadow over her rich, dark toned face. Her features are pointed, though her more rounded mouth, visible for the first time as she lacks a mask, is lined in black lipstick. Her expression isn't haughty, it's muted. Her mood is hard to read, though her arms are crossed over her yellow and black paneled jacket, fully covered otherwise. She isn't in sex-leather this time, but does have clinging gloves and a long-sleeved black turtleneck. Her black hair is ponytailed over a shoulder. Noralzeen shifts her weight to her other booted heel as she takes in Felicia's mussed attire doubtfully.

Black Cat has posed:
It registers that there's another person about a second after Lucifer's effusive greeting. Felicia glances over and her smile falls from her face like a brick from a height. Her eyes go wide.


That's about all she can manage in light of such an uncomfortably short distance between herself and the woman she last saw attempting to hack through her with a glowing purple sword of doom and despair.

Lucifer has posed:
Noralzeen waits, looking now at Lucifer, her head tilted. Patience is on her features, little else when looking at him, but Felicia gets deep disinterest.

"I'll call in a bit. Do what you want," Lucifer suggests to her, with a quick half smile, and approaches Felicia. Noralzeen lifts one eyebrow but saunters off down the pavement, drawing her scarf more about her face as she leaves.

Lucifer then gives Felicia a mixture of apologetic look and playful tease, stepping towards the door, and Felicia. "I've brought you an apology," Lucifer says, pleasant. "If you'd like it from her, I'll call her right back," her offers, upbeat, smile warm.

Black Cat has posed:
By Felicia's continued wide-eyed, silent stare, she's attempting the premise of: if you don't move, they can't see you -- because maybe Noralzeen is more tyrannosaurus rex than she appears in her frightening presence.

The thief's jade-green eyes mark the commanded retreat down the sidewalk and she waits until she's absolutely certain that the huntress is leaving before she replies.

"No!" It's a high-pitched whisper and Felicia continues squeaking in that particular pitch even as she turns on her heel to walk into the Sanctum's foyer. "No, thanks - NO -- yours is fine!" Bending at the waist in profile with palms on her thighs briefly by the door to the tea room, she exhales //hard// once in what could have been a muted scream before she stands up.

Despite the color high on her cheeks and the claminess of her palms, Felicia appears to school herself rather quickly as a whole. She gestures to Lucifer. "Might as well come in at this point and please, close that door. I don't want her getting in."

Lucifer has posed:
There's only surprise and confusion on Lucifer's features as he turns and shuts the door immediately, and then moves to follow her. "She doesn't know who you are," Lucifer assures her, "Or why I brought her. I'm sorry, I didn't realize she'd cause this, or that you'd react this way."

Lucifer comes inside, his tone kind, just puzzled. "She knows to leave Black Cat alone, but I thought you might want it from her directly." Lucifer's fearlessness is being projected, clearly. "Evidently a bad idea on my part," he says, moving to try to soothe his friend by trying to touch her shoulder.

Black Cat has posed:
"I'm fine." Felicia combs her fingernails up along the side of her hair while she rests the other palm on her hip. Blowing a hard sigh, she lets the warmth of his palm rest rather than attempting to shrug it off.

"I'm fine, really," she insists, trying for a smile and mostly getting there as she glances over at the club owner. "You just...christ chex, that scared the hell out of me for a second. She's really going to listen to you?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer tries to move around in front of her, moving his other hand to attempt to gently touch her other shoulder. He bends down: he's a tall individual, so he's bending to come more down to her eye level. There's no pressure from his gaze, no otherworldly ability, he's leaving her alone entirely. The only ambiance is just his naturally interesting appearance: his sort of cloyingly good looks, that lean into a 'too perfect' side that plastic surgery usually resides in.

"If she bothers you so much, I'll get rid of her, and use a different hunter," Lucifer offers to her firmly. "Or if you have another way I can prove she won't harm you, I'm all ears. Bringing demons here always comes with risks, I admit, but I wasn't sure that the Bat-people were going to find the ones in Coventry."

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia looks between his eyes now with surprise again clear on her face. It lacks the edge of panic; this has been replaced with the curiosity she wears about herself as often as a subtle perfume. His other hand is also not shrugged away, proof of the trust at least present in this moment.

"I mean...if the Bat-people found the demons, does she need to hang around? Or is it that they haven't exactly found them all...? Or at all, so she's still around?"

Lucifer has posed:
"I met with one of them, and his magical sidekick, yesterday," Lucifer says, moving to stand up more straight away, but leaves his hands on her shoulders if she allows him. His manner returns to more of a general soothing one that he wears around with him like a comfortable silky blanket.

"They're working on finding the leader, the one that caused all of this, using technology, and presumably scrying now, with their mage. Noralzeen I have tasked to looking for them manually, by scent and her special senses. I don't trust that I'll get a call if the Bats do find her. I ...." Lucifer draws out a breath, and his smile falters. Lucifer with a serious expression is a very different animal: a depth and otherworldly quality comes in. His gaze gains weight. "Have a punishment in mind for what she's done."

Black Cat has posed:
"Figures they'd have a magical sidekick..." By the amused mutter, she makes fun of the Bat-crew, only knowing what she does through few interactions and far more rumor. Her smirk is fleeting, however, and melts away into a quiet line as she watches the shift in Lucifer's poise. It arrives like a shadow crossing the sun.

"...I'm guessing that punishment's going to be pretty bad," the thief hazards with a very uncomfortable chuckle to quickly peter off into nothing. Her latest conversation with the Winter Soldier, and especially his own reaction, flickers through recent memory.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer comes back to the present situation from wherever he went, and perks back up instantly. He seems to find her there a little unexpectedly, and immediately turns on a bright smile.

"It's my concern, it doesn't need to be yours," Lucifer says, and releases her shoulders, his hands dropping back to his sides, sweeping the edges of his coat back to allow his hands to rest in his pockets, his usual debonair stance restored. There was, though, that image of something else, that other side of Lucifer that exists.

"But it may involve Noralzeen," he teases.

Black Cat has posed:
More uncomfortable chuckling, though less awkward than before as Felicia unconsciously rubs the outside of her upper arm. The sweater's original owner means the sleeves bunch up and then fall to cover near to the middling knuckles of her fingers.

"I'm sure she'll be happy to help out." It has the air of a polite conversational offering to be sure. The Cat does change subjects abruptly with a gesture towards the kitchen.

"Stephen would tell me to offer you a drink, but we don't have any fancy liquors or anything, so...there's...hot chocolate -- lots of tea -- I can make you some coffee? Oh, and I might be bringing a friend to the club. I think you might like him...?" There is a questioning lilt quickly covered by a bright smile.

Lucifer has posed:
"While I do clearly exude a need for 'fancy', I also partake of liquors that aren't fancy," Lucifer clarifies for her, and nods in acceptance of her offer, starting to follow her to the kitchen. "Although I am also fully capable of adding my own to many drinks," he adds, referring to the flask he always has with him.

"A friend? Do tell me more. What will I like about him?" Lucifer asks, almost jubilant over the idea of a new mystery person.

Black Cat has posed:
"Oh yeah, that's right." Felicia's eyes briefly fall to his hip or to his coat -- at least the area where she's seen the flask appear and disappear again. "I mean, hey, you can spike the hot chocolate, how about that?" Her offer floats oer her shoulder as she leads the way into the kitchen proper. Even with the oversized sweater, the thief doesn't lack her usual unconscious grace of movement.

"But yeah, his name is James. I think you might like him...well," and the young woman laughs even as she fishes out two mugs. "I mean, if you can get him to talk. He's kind of quiet sometimes, but he has his reasons." Seen by profile as she reaches to turn on the hot kettle, her lips thin and her brows meet, but only in passing. "He's charming if you can get past the cold shoulder -- old-fashioned, in a way. I think I got him to decide to wear a tuxedo for tagging along, so we'll be appropriately fancy for the visit. Since, y'know, you exude that need for 'fancy'." Twiddly fingers are aimed at him in tease. So fancy.

Lucifer has posed:
"I can put some hot chocolate in my spike, yes," Lucifer agrees, fully moving into the kitchen and claiming a seat there, draping himself at ease into it while resting a forearm on a counter. Lucifer is back one hundred percent into his most usual self.

"James. I see. This does sound like you are attempting a setup, describing him to me as charming," Lucifer says, arching one brow at her quizzically, though he doesn't seem offended. Just amused. "It's been a very long time since I've had someone attempt to set me up in that way, at least without a threesome in mind ultimately," Lucifer shares.

Black Cat has posed:
That sets off a brief whoop of laughter. Felicia is quick to cover her mouth and fights down the loudest of the spate of giggling. Shaking her head, she looks over at the club owner and can't help one last titter.

"No way, Bowie, I don't think he leans like that -- look, I can tell these things, believe me. Either you can't pull your eyes away from me, you're //thinking// about staring at me, or you're asking me where I got my clothing because 'mmm gurl you on fleek'. 'You' being proverbial," the thief clarifies as she empties packets of instant-cocoa into the mugs. "James, he's..." Her smile grows more sober, but doesn't vanish entirely. "He's different. I've seen him flirt with me, but it's...it's here and there."

Lucifer has posed:
"Well, if you want him corrupted, you're sending him to the right place," grins Lucifer, with a smile full of straight white teeth. There's no little 'gleam!' to them, but there really could have been, with that expression and flare of eyes into a wide, intense little look. Lucifer likes to play, most definitely.

"Even better that you're dressing him the part. We'll find him a nice demoness, it'll be fine," Lucifer jokes, withdrawing that flask, and twisting the cap on and off with the fingers of his other hand idly.

Black Cat has posed:
Steam redolent of the cocoa powder rises as Felicia pours into each mug and then fetches a spoon from a nearby drawer. "I don't think he actually //wants// to be set up with somebody, honestly." Clinkity-clinkity-clinkity, she stirs the mixture until smooth and dissolved. Taking a sip from her own mug, the blonde hums pleasure to herself before turning to walk over to the table. Lucifer's mug is delivered to him, free to spike or not as he pleases.

She sets up across from him in her habitual chair, fingers wrapped around the warm ceramic mug. "I asked him to accompany me as a friend -- and well...because he's kind of scary when he wants to be. Like..." Her lips roll for a second, red disappearing and then reappearing. "He scary." It seems the best way to describe what she knows of the Winter Soldier, even if he has been, to all her observations, somehow defanged.

Lucifer has posed:
Yes, it gets spiked, rather heavily, and he offers her a similar hit of from the flask towards her cup as he stirs his own with his other hand. All of it is very human feeling: these small times where Lucifer drops out of being an otherworldly, disturbing presence and is just a nice man with a flask of whiskey and a warm smile.

"Because you fear coming into my club alone?" Lucifer clicks his tongue once in dismay of that idea, though his smile stays. "Some things I cannot promise, but your safety from demons inside Lux is one I'm very confident about. But if it makes you comfortable or happy, by all means, bring James. Corruption can come in lots of other forms, not just sexual, naturally."

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia accepts a very small hit of the flask to her cup. A circular shift of the mug swirls in the liquor as best cane be managed sans spoon; after all, she'd relegated the earlier utensil to the sink already. She snorts in good humor at his last thought in particular.

"I was a little afraid until earlier, yes. You brought her apology though and I believe you. If I'd known how serious you were, I might not have invited him -- but hey, it'll be a fun time. I like clubbing." Sipping at her hot cocoa, her nose wrinkles a little. The liquor seems strong to her, but she won't let it stop her from enjoying the beverage. It reminds her of university, after all. "Though if you could maybe NOT corrupt him, that would be best," the thief adds in a tone as if she were asking Lucifer to not smoke in the house, please, it'll ruin the drapes.

Lucifer has posed:
"Over time I'll coax trust from you yet," Lucifer teases her, slowly re-screwing the cap onto the flask, though he leaves it out on the counter for the moment, gleaming silver and glossy there next to the cup. He picks up the cup barehanded, and has a deep drink of it in a manner that suggests the heat of it may as well be room temprature.

"Besides, I hope you'll come to the club even when we don't have body-snatching demons to dispense with," Lucifer encourages. "That is, in fact, the objective of the place. To have a wonderful time, with the time that we have here, mmm?" Lucifer lifts both brows, having another pleasant draught of the coco mixed with liquor, as if it were quite tasty to him.

Black Cat has posed:
The Cat's mug is lifted. "Cheers to that: to having a wonderful time with the time that we have here. I like that. Simple and yet poignant," she opines before taking a big mouthful of her cocoa. The liquor is growing on her, slowly but surely.

"I don't see why I wouldn't come back to the club if it turns out to be a good time. I mean, last time I was there, we were talking business and I wasn't at the bar enjoying a daiquiri or anything -- or dancing. I think I remember a dance floor, but there was also a piano, so...like, do you do dance-dancing? Or is it all 'fancy' stuff like two-step in evening dress and stuff?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer gives her a charmed look, as if he thought her question cute. "It's an nightclub," Lucifer reminds her, a rueful laugh in his voice. "Look up our social media things, you'll get a better idea there. I keep the videos of my own performances off of there, though: those you need to see in person," Lucifer tempts, with a flutter of energy in his eyes. Instead of winking, he widens his eyes, the spark or energy passing through them, lingering, and then gone as he tilts his eyes into the mug she'd given to him.

"No, I like to stay modern," Lucifer smiles at her. "Ahead of the times, when I can, even." Lucifer pauses, as a vibration comes from his phone. He checks it, finishes ALL of the rest of his drink in one go, and picks up his flask. "Mmmmm, some news from the cops. I'm going to drop by, see what they've found." Lucifer does wink, this time. "I'm a police consultant." He moves to go past her towards the door. "I'll take Noralzeen with me, she won't be a doorstop here," he promises her lightly in parting.