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Latest revision as of 05:57, 4 March 2020

A little R&R
Date of Scene: 03 September 2019
Location: Summers House, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Buffy grills Spike for answers after he seemingly kills her friend..Who was recently turned into a vampire.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Spike
Tinyplot: Blood of the Ancients

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had led Spike to her home in Sunnydale, albeit reluctantly, knowing how awkward things are between them. She had had to re-invite him back into her family home and was rather fortunate that no one else was home to make things extra-awkward. Right now, her arm is still bleeding and so she hurries to the first aid kit in the kitchen, wrapping up her arm properly before glancing over at Spike. "Um..Make yourself at home, I guess. I dont have any blood anywhere but I guess I can give you some more of mine. Gee, it must be pretty inconvenient to not be able to just bite people." She smirks but quickly regrets making that very awkward comment.

Spike has posed:
Spike gives Buffy a sideways look. !That's like you not being able to stake anyone" he smarts and does indeed make himself at home lazing on a couch in the living room. "Nice place" Spike says with a smile as he's huddled up on the couch watching the Slayer. "See, you're kind enough to give me your blood. I appreciate that"

Spike's well aware how awkward things are. he's wishing there's something he could do to help, bu the's got no idea what to do in that regard. "You know the worst thing? My sodding novelty mug's gone, too" Spike mock gripes. "And I'm not chained anywhere. Which is a good thing" Spike adds with a nod to Buffy. So much for easing the tension.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs a bit nervously, "Hah, don't get too comfy. I still have lots of questions for you, Spike. You were the last person to see my friend alive. I want answers." she did manage to have one last mug of ice left in the fridge, probably left over from...Who knows? Maybe Angel had visited or something. And it's in a tacky novelty mug but probably not Spike's old one. This one says 'Bite Me' with a picture of fangs on the front. "Here." she shoves it at him before flopping tiredly on the sofa next to him. "Don't worry, I wont..Chain you up this time." she flinches at the possible innuendos of that statement. "But I want to know exactly what happened in the graveyard before I arrived."

Spike has posed:
Spike just...stares at the mug. "Is that the Cookie Crisp vampire?" Spike asks dryly. "I could grow attached to that mug, ya know" he says sipping it, then he looks serious. "I was out patrolling and I went into the graveyard. Vampire was there with his fangs in a woman, your friend Cheryl" Spike says sipping blood as he speaks. "She seemed like...I don't know, he had some power over her or...they were a thing" Spike says sounding lost. "I went to save the woman and Jakob, that was his name, tore her torat open. I staked him, and she bled out, and that's all she wrote" Spike says keeping his eyes on Buffy as he speaks, though he looks less like he's about to pass out with the more blood he drinks. he's not quite sure /what/ drinking the Slayer's blood will do, but right now. Desperate times, desperate measures and all that.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns as she listens to his story, growing quiet, hand shaking only slightly as she tries to piece together what happened. "Cheryl.." she sighs, wiping away a tear. "She was a good friend..But a little troubled. Always talked about a mysterious boyfriend of hers, but never invited him over. What the heck did she get herself into?" she glances at Spike thoughtfully, ignoring the quip about the novelty mug. Because seriously, why did Angel have to buy her such a tacky mug? "You said she mentionned something before she died? What was that again?"

Spike has posed:
Spike closes his eyes, "She wanted me to help her. Carpe something, Carpe Noctem I think it was" Spike says looking over again, "She was....it was....like she was enjoying that vampire feeding from her though" Spike says, sounding totally and utterly puzzled. Spike shakes his head. "I don't get it though, why she was so pleased and happy to get fed from. It's like..ya know....he was doing stuff to her while feeding" Spike says. He shakes his head and settles back more into the couch though.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns. "Carpe Noctem? Sounds like some kinda creepy cult.." she sighs, leaning her head against the backrest. "I'll have to look it up. I know she was kinda gothy, secretive. It would be just like her to join some vampire cult. Probably hoped this..Jakob guy would turn her into one.." she frowns, "What is wrong with people? why would anyone willingly become a vampire? Don't they realize it's not fun being a souless demon the feeds on blood? Sheesh!" yeah, she's mad, and kinda annoyed. And frustrated, and still in shock. "Well..There are vamp organizations that go around feeding off of people to give them a high, but they don't quite take enough to kill them." she shrugs, "It's kinda creepy but I guess it's true. I've gotten a serious high of having vampires feed off of me.."

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head and sets down the novelty mug, reaching a hand out to Buffy, "It sounds like something cryptic. So..um...there a computer here? I could look it up for you if you want?" he offers. Sure, he's a suspect but he'll make himself useful, too. Besides,it's just him and Buffy here, and feeling so bad for the Slayer. Spike listens with a sigh. "So you think it's a vamp? He called me...what was it...the rogue vampire, like I'm not like that guy?" Spike asks shaking his head again sounding a little puzzled and worried. Rogue vampire? What was all that about?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and shakes her head. "I have a laptop..I'll look it up later. I'm just really tired and overwhelmed right now. Besides.." she narrows her eyes on Spike, "I'm still wary of you. I'm not entirely trusting of you, yet." but he could have drunk that woman's blood and he didn't. And the chip still seemed to be working so she shouldn't be too hard on him. "Well, you've turned your back on your fellow vampires. You're probably quite infamous for betraying your own kind by now, even if it wasn't by choice." she laughs and shakes her head. "Guess you really don't fit in anywhere anymore, do you? You're not human, and you're not really a vampire. Must be tough." it's hard to tell if she's taunting him or sympathizing with him.

Spike has posed:
Spike holds up his hands. "I fit in with you. Kind of. We patrol, we're..." he says and trails off looking past Buffy then back to her. "I mean, you're about the sole group I fit in with. Scoobies" Spike says looking over with a sighh. He feels so bad for Buffy having to deal with this, but he knows she's right. "I'll write you a note not to forget it, huh?" Spike asks. He's sounding genuine, too...as Spike sighs. He'd rather...no, no, that's a really, really bad idea.