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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/12/22 |Location=Bushwick - Brooklyn |Synopsis=Rikki runs into trouble, but Lar quickly gets her out of it. |Cast of Characters=1613, 954 |pret...")
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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2017/12/22
|Date of Scene=2017/12/22
|Location=Bushwick - Brooklyn
|Synopsis=Rikki runs into trouble, but Lar quickly gets her out of it.
|Synopsis=Summary needed
|Cast of Characters=1613, 954
|Cast of Characters=1613, 954

Latest revision as of 12:27, 4 January 2018

Wrong Turn at Albuquerque
Date of Scene: 22 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Arc, Mon-El

Arc has posed:
Its a quiet day for Rikki Riley. Most Students were getting ready for Christmas. Some were going home or to visit friends. Rikki just requested to run home and get some things. She doesn't exactly have a family to go home to anyway. So, she took off running.

She still isn't 100% over her fear of lightning so running at high speed still freaks her out. So, she's going at a more leasurely pace. Well, Leasurely for her. Leasurely for the speedster is subsonic bit still fast enough to be little more then a blur to most people.

After a few minutes, she comes to a sliding stop and tries to get her bearings. She's already in the city but where?! Suddenly a voice rings out. "Well well well. What have we here? A little street rat comin onto my turf!" A towering man with horns coming out his head looks at her like she's his next meal. "Anyone who gets on My Turf pays the toll. I'll take... Everything. Get over here." He orders her.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has been spending a bit of time in some of the rougher parts of the region lately, just to get more familiar with all levels of society around here. He had recently managed to get a phone like everyone else, and was browsing around on it when he noticed Livewire online defaming him again. Sigh...oh, that's never going to go away, is it? Well, he at least knows it isn't true.

    The Daxamite shakes his head and turns off the video, putting the device away. That's when he notices a large horned man threatening a young girl. Grife, he really isn't in any shape to be doing any 'heroing'...given the results of some of his recent former tussles that ended in buildings getting knocked down. But it's hard to just stand there when it's right in front of you.

    Still, the man hasn't actually hurt anyone yet, so he doesn't do anything just yet, instead watching the situation from down the street. In case some real danger starts to manifest itself.

Arc has posed:
The raven haired girl just looks at the man with big blue eyes, "Listen I don't want any trouble. I just am trying to go home. If you could give me directions I will just be on my way. I promise. Just... Please?"

The man smirks and starts moving toward her. "I've got a home for you to come to. And then When I'm done with you, I think you would be a good choice for my friends over seas." He quickly makes a grab for her and he gets nothing but air.

"Please! I don't want any trouble!" She's now behind him. The young speedster is really freaking out at this point.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs. Well that's it. Maybe he can just...convince the guy to leave her alone by letting him try to knock him over. That seemed to work with those robbers at that bank the other day. Then again, he's not sure how strong the guy is exactly. But maybe he'll just walk away if someone intervenes.

    There's a WHOOSH and suddenly Lar is standing in front of the man. "Why don't you leave her alone? It's not worth the trouble you'd have to go to."

Arc has posed:
"I'm not going anywhere with you. Wait... You'd do that? To innocent girls? What kind of sick jerk are you!?" Rikki winces. She is in over her head. Her dad once showed her how to throw a punch, thats about it. Still She's in deep.

Then there is a guy standing between her and the Horned guy. She winces, "Careful... I think he could be a lot of trouble."

The man gets a wicked grin, "The most intelligent thing the little bimbo has said since arriving. I am trouble. If you wanna challenge me, I will take you out just like I have every other person who has tried to take my turf. Give me the bimbo and I will let you off with a black eye. Fight me, I will end you." He snaps as he quickly charges at the girl again. Turns out he's pretty fast for a big guy. Not super fast though. Olympic sprinter fast.

Mon-El has posed:
    "What's 'bimbo'?" Lar shrugs, sighing. "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way, then." He steps in front of Rikki, his arms across his chest, blocking the man's path to her and simply allowing him to slam into him. Hopefully he is not as tough as Juggernaut. If he's like most others though, he won't even manage to knock the Daxamite down.

Arc has posed:
Rikki is getting ready to run. The horned man has her sickened. "Worry bout that later. This guy needs to go down!" She takes off. A moment later she's behind the man.

The horned man glares and lets loose a very strong, powerful swing. No he's not as strong as Juggernaut. He is does have super strength though, roughly 10 tonnes of force comes barreling at Mon-El with little in the way of slowing down.

Rikki Darts forward, using her speed to add a touch of something to her punches. She lets loose a flurry of punches at about 300 mph. So yeah there is something major behind them. Enough to let the guy know he's getting pummeled by a girl a third his size.

Mon-El has posed:
    The swing connects with Lar's upper body, causing him to stagger backward a bit but otherwise not really doing much damage or even knocking him down at all. He dusts himself off a bit after the fact, arching a brow at the horned man. "Is that really your best?" he shrugs. "Huh, I guess I thought you'd hit harder than that."

    Then he smirks. "My turn!" Rushing forward, he attempts to grab his opponent by the arm and shoot up into the sky, heading for the upper atmosphere. The air gets colder and colder as it thins out around them though he does stop about the height of a nearby tower. "Question for you sir...can you survive in outer space without equipment? If not, maybe you should leave the girl alone. Because I can go higher, you know! A -lot- higher."

    See, he protects women! He totally does -not- beat them up!

Arc has posed:
Rikki knows she had to have left some damage on the girl. Sadly she doesn't exactly get the chance to find out. As Mon-El grabs the guy by the wrist, the horned guy is quickly lifted up into the Stratosphere.

It takes him a moment or three to realize what is going on. When it clicks he begins panicking. "Put me down PLEASE PUT ME DOWN!!! I Don't wanna Die!!! FINE The little bitch can go. Just don't kill me!"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar grins. "Wow, you actually did the smart thing! I'm glad for it." He obliges the man's request, moving over toward the roof of the tower and depositing him rather unceremoniously onto it, although not roughly enough to really hurt him. "Good day to you sir and I hope you do not run into any further trouble! Or you know, cause it yourself." A mock salute is thrown before he dives back down toward the street to check on Rikki.

Arc has posed:
Rikki is still there of course. Its not every day you get to see someone get flown off and out of sight. She's still not used to being one of the supers in the world. "Umm Thanks. He is still alive right?" She asks curiously not wanting the jerk to die. She did wanna pummel the guy a little more though

Mon-El has posed:
    "You okay?" Lar asks. She looks okay, but he scans her body just to make sure she hasn't suffered any internal injuries or anything. He nods at her question. "Yeah, he's fine. Don't worry. I left him at the top of that tower down the street." He points up toward it. "I'm sure he'll find his way back down eventually, but I doubt he'll be bothering you again any time soon."

Arc has posed:
Rikki frowns... "Honestly I wanted to give him a few more punches! He traffiks girls. That is what he wanted to do to me!" She frowns and just shakes her head. "Anyway I got lost. I was trying to get down to Pennsylvania"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh," Lar chuckles. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to steal your fun. I just didn't want you to get hurt. And I also didn't want to cause any unnecessary collateral damage." Because tends to happen a lot whenever he gets into altercations with -anyone-.

    "He trafficks girls? That's no good, but is slavery illegal here?" It sounds like a stupid question and probably is, but he honestly isn't sure. "If so, perhaps we should contact the appropriate authorities."

Arc has posed:
Rikki frowns, "It is in the USA. Its not in other countries. He apparently finds girls, kidnaps them and ships them off." She snickers, "He couldn't have caught me if he tried. He moved about as fast as a snail. SHe smirks. "Seriously that is how fast he was moving to me. I perceive things differently now." She blushes and shrugs.

"He was a jerk. Ah well hopefully he will learn his lesson at least for a little while right?""

Mon-El has posed:
    "Ha, yeah..." Lar laughs when she describes how slow the other man seemed to her. "I get it, trust me. When you can move that fast, everything else does seem to be crawling. I assume a snail is something that is very slow."

    "I also assume USA is where we are." He knows it's planet Earth, okay? "Well maybe we should notify the authorities about it then--he should face justice for breaking the law. But yes, hopefully that little trip into the air taught him something."

    There's a slight pause before he decides to introduce himself. "I'm Lar Gand, by the way. What's your name?"

Arc has posed:
Rikki nods, "They are really slow." She giggles a little. "You're new here? From another planet or something? Thats kinda cool." She takes a deep breath. "Okay you are on Planet Earth. You are in the United States of America. This is New York City, In New York State... Beyond that I don't know what part we are in. If you have other questions you can ask. I am just starting school elsewhere... well probably after the holidays.

She thinks a moment. "We could try but, I know most don't have the ability to take down powered individuals. At least thats to my knowledge. I'm still new to having powers." She looks down at the ground over that.

Then introductions. She extends a hand to him, "Nice to meet you Lar Gand. My name is Rikki. Rikki Riley."

Mon-El has posed:
    "It's good to meet you, Rikki." Lar shakes her hand, careful not to grip -too- hard. "Yes, I'm from Daxam." he replies when Rikki asks him if he's from another planet. "I know this is Earth, but I am still getting used to the different regions."

    "Huh, that's true, but I can just knock him out if he gives them trouble." he smirks. "He didn't exactly hit very hard. At least not for me."

Arc has posed:
Rikki smiles, "I don't know where that is. I'm still in high school and stuff. Some friends sorta took me to a new school. It was a rough thing. My parents didn't exactly survive when I got powers. I didn't hurt them. It just sucks." She frowns.

"If you want to, go for it. I don't know where I am right now and running blindly can get me in a rough place. Last time I got stuck homeless in New York City."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, I'm terribly sorry about your parents. That must have been hard." Lar says, taking on a more sympathetic tone. "I could tell you what sector Daxam is in, but it probably wouldn't mean anything to you. It seems that's the case with most of the locals, anyway."

    He frowns pensively. "You said you were trying to get to 'Pennsylvania'? Maybe I can help you with that, but I don't know where that is."

Arc has posed:
Rikki hmms, "OKay, Pennsylvania is the state south directly south of New York State. The problem is, also south of NY, is New Jersey and south of that is Delaware." She frowns. "I mean I could just run through everything but buildins tend to get in the way. Not like I can run on walls right?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Hmmm." Lar listens thoughtfully. "Well Rikki let me ask you something...are you afraid of heights?"

Arc has posed:
Rikki blinks, "errr, Umm. No." She smirks a little. "So, planning a flight south? Honestly I wonder how fast I can run if I actually pushed myself."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I could carry you southward as far as you need to go." Lar offers. "I mean---if you trust me enough, that is. I promise I won't sell you into slavery. Even if it was legal back home...I personally didn't agree with the practice." he sighs. "Anyway, that's irrelevant. If you can tell me what exactly you're looking for in Pennsylvania, I should be able to find it."

Arc has posed:
Rikki smiles, "There is a house in south Pennsylvania. Thats where I am going. I need to get some things from there. Then I need to get back to school." She thinks, "Well okay. I'm pretty sure I could run away if I needed to anyway."

Mon-El has posed:
    "A house, right." Lar chuckles. "Well there are a lot of houses I'm sure, you'll have to give me some more specific information than that. But you can tell me on the way, how about that?" He holds out a hand for her to take should she trust him enough to go through with this.

Arc has posed:
Rikki nods, "Okay." She accepts his hand and gets ready to experience flight for the first time. "The house is in a little town on the outskirts of a small city. Its where I grew up. I left because it was difficult without my mom and dad anymore."

Mon-El has posed:
    ZOOM. Up, up and away they go--not so far up that the air is too thin to breathe but enough that most buildings and other obstacles are out of the way. Air rushes past as Lar starts heading south faster than a commercial jet plane. He isn't trying to stress her out...but he is still learning to control his own abilities.

    "What's the name of the town? Better yet, your street address?"

Arc has posed:
Rikki smiles, "The town is called Martin's Pass. My address is 21 Regal Court, Martin's Pass, PA." She seems to be handling this well enough.She isn't even sparking really though then again, she's not actually moving."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Got it." Lar easily memorizes the address and searches the continent as they fly over it for signs with those names on them. Usually, there are signs, right?

    Anyway, it's not long before he does find it. "Oh, there--I think that's it!" He descends quickly upon arriving, setting her down in front of the specified address. "Is this the right place?"

Arc has posed:
Rikki nods and looks at the house. Immediately her heart begins sinking. "Yes this is it. I will be out in a minute. You can come in if you like. Its messy and sorta disrepaired. I lived here alone for like 6 months." She walks to the door and unlocks it. Quietly she walks in. There is no power now. Its just a big empty house.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar enters the empty abode. "Is this where you and your parents lived formerly?" he asks, looking around but finding that there is not really much to look at. "So where are you living now?"

Arc has posed:
Rikki nods slowly, "Yes. This was my home. My whole life I was here." The house is older, Looking like its been around for at least a century. The place looks nice, for the mostp art. There are a number of rooms and stuff. The first and main one seems to be the kitchen with a very nice fireplace inside. "I will be right back down." Lightning crackles as she takes off running.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods and waits downstairs as Rikki runs off for a minute. He hasn't really been in the interior of a typical home on this planet aside from Drake's bedroom before. At least not that he can remember. He's probably -seen- inside them thanks to his X-ray vision but it is still relatively unfamiliar to him. Walking over to the kitchen he examines the fireplace, trying to determine its purpose. Well, it looks like they light fires in it or something. But why? It certainly isn't the only source of heat in here.

Arc has posed:
Rikki quickly returns, with a bag full of items. Its mostly clothing and a picture of herself with her parents. There are a few other personal items inside but she largely keeps them stuck in her backpack. "Okay I think I am ready to go. Next stop is north of New York City. 1407 Graymalkin Lane, North Salem."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "Certainly. Is that where your current residence is?" he asks, pulling away from the fireplace and heading back outside. He peers at the photo. "I take it those were your parents."

Arc has posed:
Rikki nods, "Yes. Thats where I am staying now. Its a nice place. A mansion as it were. A pretty good safe haven to be honest. Lots of powered individuals being taught how to handle day to day life. So cool!

Mon-El has posed:
    "That's good!" Lar smiles and takes her hand and away they go again. A place where powerful people learn to handle every day life. That kind of sounds like something he himself probably needs, doesn't it? Ugh.

    It doesn't take long for the two of them to arrive once more in New York, but this time at the mansion she mentioned. "Well, it was very nice meeting you, Rikki." he says as soon as he sets her down in front of the place. "Hopefully you can stay away from people who sell girls into slavery from now on." he remarks with a slight smirk.