Achak Lifewalker

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Achak (Scenesys ID: 7981)
"As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptable."
Full Name: Achak Lifewalker
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Native American Activist
Citizenship: United States
Residence: Mobile
Education: Native Teachings
Status: Approved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 27 Actual Age: 27
Date of Birth 05 February 2000 Actor:
Height: 183 cm (6'0") Weight: 89 kg (196 lb)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:


A Native American from a special tribe. The Tribe has always had a connection to an otherworldly source which allows them to empathize and the chosen of the tribe allows them to change into any living animal on the planet. Achak is the current chosen of the tribe to bear the mantle. This burden allows him to represent his tribe, for good or ill.

Current Player Approved: October 27, 2019



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The man is clearly Native American, he has red skin, though he has dark blue eyes which indicates his mixed blood heritage. He is athletically fit, while not overly muscular, but not weak in any way. He has very little marks, save a few tattoos on his arm to represent his being the next chosen.

He wears a denim vest with feathers along the chest, revealing his chest to everyone. He wears denim jeans with moccasins on his feet so he may traverse through civilization without causing any real problems.


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For the longest time, the Satoka tribe has existed. Ancient tribal stories spoke of the Satoka tribe possessing a connection to the animal world. That the great spirit chose the tribe to defend the animal world, choosing a specific Satokan to be her champion. This champion, chosen for their ability to become any animal on the planet, is passed down from generation to generation. When it became clear other tribes became jealous of the Satoka's abilities, they begin to be called skinwalkers or tainted with a curse. The tribe was outcast. As time passed on the tribe became reclusive, not caring about being relocated by the white man, more causing problems due to the white man's treatment of animals. Our story begins with Achak, a young man born to a Satokan father and an English mother. Growing up he was taught the ways of the Satokan people when he was home, but he also went to a private school in England. It wasn't until Achak hit puberty that his ability to change into animals manifest and he was declared the next chosen of the Satokan people. Given the tattoos which declared him chosen, he fought tooth and nail to try and get more rights for Native American people.


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A man with a primal sense of feelings, if something doesn't feel right, he won't do it. He follows his gut and will give the opposition a chance to say their piece, but overall he believes he is fighting for the planet's animal kingdom. As chosen, he believes it is his duty to try and get Native American people back to their natural ways.


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Animal Form:
Achak has the ability to turn into any living animal on the planet. this ranges from insects, to mammals, to reptiles and even fish. There are some limitations, for starters, once an animal is extinct and has no living animals left, the connection to said animal is lost. While in animal form he has all the animal strengths and weaknesses IE the ability to fly as a bird and hollow bones of a bird. Then there is the primal mind weakness which is explained in his primal mind weakness.

Animalistic Empathy:

All Satokans have a form of animal empathy. This allows them to understand and even convince animals to let them do what they want, as long as it doesn't go against the animal's instinct. What this translates to is animals are less likely to attack them, even those who are specifically trained to attack people. While it isn't mind control, animals are more likely to do what the Satokan wants.


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Growing up on a reservation, Achak spent his time fighting to better his people. Despite being outcast by most Native American tribes, he still fights for their rights and has broken the law to make things better for his people.

Achak grew up learning how to defend himself with his fists and traditional weapons like bow and arrows, spears and axes. He is also experienced in fighting with his natural weapons in animal forms, like fangs and antlers and claws.

Native Training:
Growing up on a reservation, Achak was taught many Native American beliefs and training, such as tracking, combat, history, survival, and rituals which he follows. Becoming outed as a Satokan has taught him about how to coexist with one's environment without disrupting the food chain as well as animal training and then there is the skills he gained from being a chosen one such as becoming any animal on the planet. in short, Achak is full of Native American teachings and training.

Satokan Lore:

Normally the Satokan tribe was looked down on by other tribes. when Achak was discovered to be Satokan he was outcast from the Navajo which raised him. Regaining himself through other Satokans, he has delved into his people's lore and is quite knowledgeable of Satokan history and lore.


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Council of Ancestors:
A mental state which all champions of the Satoka can tap, essentially it allows the user to meditate and converse with champions of the past. There are a couple of conditions which need to happen to allow this to happen: First the user must enter a meditative dream state. This means they can either meditate to enter this state or go to sleep for the night. Second any interruption of this state makes it harder to achieve the next time the user tries to achieve it. The benefits of this state allows them to converse with past champions and figure out how to best solve various situations.

The Satoka:

The Satoka have mixed with multiple tribes throughout the years. They even have bred with non Native Americans. Animal empathy is the only indication of Satokan heritage and even a Satokan with a drop of Satokan can be chosen as the Great Spirit's champion. Achak has the tribe to fall back on and he tries to lead them fairly and wisely, viewing them as his own family.


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Another downside of being the chosen is injuries. Injuries carry over in his true form. If he looses an eye, his eye is lost in human form. he has broken bones, he carries injuries in his human form.

Achak grew up watching people look down on his tribe, even the tribe which raised him. He has a short temper and no patience when it comes to prejudice against people. Because of this, he will react strongly when seeing such prejudice.

Primal Mind:
Now, normally Achak is in control of himself when he morphs into an animal. but there is always a chance that strong instincts, like a deer's instinct to flee from predators, can overpower his mind. So when he assumes an animal form, he has to combat the instincts of the animal. It is because of this is why he tries to maintain control of himself.


Even at a young age, Achak was in trouble for trying to care for the animals which seemed to understand him. While the Navajo liked it, the white man however weren't so fond. He has served time in jail for assault. Becoming the new chosen has only made him even more troublesome to trophy hunters and animal abusers.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Two Cats meet. January 19th, 2021 Achak made a new friend
Discovering New York City January 16th, 2020 Summary needed
Smile. You're on Candid Camera. January 6th, 2020 Jessica had a mark just where she wanted, until a stranger ruined her case.
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Not my car. December 14th, 2019 Summary needed
Why you should never mug an animal December 14th, 2019 Summary needed


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