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Darkstar (Scenesys ID: 1325)
Full Name: Laynia Petrovna
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Adventurer/Diplomat
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Residence: Moscow, Russia
Education: Professor Phobos' Academy
Status: Approved
Groups: Mutant-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 22 Actual Age: 22
Date of Birth 29 August 2005 Actor: Valentina Zelyaeva
Height: 168 cm (5'6") Weight: 12 5kg (275 lbs)
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song:


Born to a nuclear physicist and his wife who were accidentally irradiated during a government experiment, Laynia and her twin brother, Nicolai, were spirited away by Russian Intelligence at birth and were being trained to become loyal agents of the state. The twins were chosen due to the possibility that they may develop mutant powers; powers which the government could hone and use as weapons. They were put under the tutelage of Professor Piotr Phobos who was raising and training Russian youths to become super soldiers. After her mutant abilities manifested, Laynia was given the code name Darkstar due to her use of the Darkforce energy. She is now a part of the Russian super hero team, The Winter Guard and is currently on a diplomatic tour of the world.

Current Player Approved: August 31, 2019



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Ever poised with an elegant grace, this young woman carries herself about in a regal manner. While she may only be 5'6, her posture is erect and tall with her chin lifted just so. Hers is a classical beauty, blessed with symmetrical features and smooth, pale skin. A mane of silken blonde hair trails down behind her. She gives off a guarded, if somewhat cold, vibe, especially when around strangers.

She dons the Darkstar uniform which basically consists of a special cold resistant black bodysuit that covers her slender and athletic figure. Yellow accents in the form of a trim along her sides and the diamond on her chest add a bright contrast to the darkness. A cowl fits over her head to protect her neck, while the rest of her face is left unobstructed. The top section is also left open, allowing for her long locks to flow freely, unbound. Sturdy yellow boots and matching protective gloves cover her feet and hands. A circular gold medallion rests right at the center of her forehead against the dark fabric of the cowl there.


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Sergei Krylov was a Russian nuclear physicist who was married to a woman from Belarus named Marya. During one of the government's experiments, Krylov, several other scientists working with him and his visiting wife were all accidentally irradiated with this new energy source they were testing. The radiation didn't seem to have any outward effects on the couple or any of the other scientists, but the Russian government and especially the Russian Executive Security Committee, which is their current intelligence agency in place of the KBG, began keeping tabs on families that may have a higher chance of bearing mutant children due to such exposure.

For years, the Russian government had been euthanizing any child who showed signs of mutation. However, news of mutants being born in the United States prompted them to re-evaulate this practice as they realized that while these abominations should be destroyed, they could also be used as tools, to be trained as soldiers. So when it was time for Marya Krylov to give birth, the Committee were waiting in the wings.

The story told to Sergei Krylov was that his wife had died giving birth to their children, a son and a daughter. Sadly, the twins did not survive the night either and all three were given a quick burial. This was simply the cover up that the Committee used to hide their theft of the infants who were then put under the care of a Professor Piotr Phobos, who had established a state sanctioned Super-Soldier school. The baby boy was then given the name Nicolai Krylenko and the baby girl was named Laynia Petrovna. The two were unaware that they were siblings and were merely told that their parents had abandoned them. They were raised and trained alongside another young child named Mikhail Ursus among others, but the trio would become close and loyal friends.

Due to the experimentation that the government were doing on these children, their mutant abilities manifested earlier than they would naturally, most likely due to the stress placed upon them. Laynia's powers fascinated her handlers for she could tap into the strange extra dimensional energy known as the Darkforce which she could then manipulate. She was given the codename Darkstar. Darkstar and the other children she lived and trained with were being groomed to become agents of the state. They were taught to gain full control of their powers, as the government itself was still learning the extent of these abilities. They learned to fight and become soldiers directly through the Russian Executive Security Committee.

It was unbeknownst to the children and to the Russian government that while Professor Phobos was teaching his students, he was also secretly siphoning their powers to enhance his own mental capabilities. This was found out shortly after Laynia and Nicolai graduated from the Academy. One of Darkstar's first missions alongside her teammates was to capture or take out Phobos. On realizing that the emblem which they all wore was the cause of their powers being dampened, they were quickly all removed and disposed of, allowing Darkstar and the others the ability to reach their full potential. It was difficult to go against the man who practically raised you, but it was at the point of Phobos' capture that Laynia learned that Nicolai was her true blooded brother and twin and that they had been taken away from their father. The Professor had either hoped to clear his conscious or toss out information that may cause some discord within these 'loyal' agents to the state.

The Russian Executive Security Committee had sanctioned their own team of super heroes called the Winter Guard. Both Laynia and Nikolai were chosen as members to stand alongside their childhood friend Mikhail Ursus. Here, Darkstar was appointed as a Diplomat for both the team and, in part, the Russian government. That aside, she is currently on a secret mission for the Committee to keep track of other Russian heroes who have either defected or live outside of the Motherland.


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Laynia has always been mature for her age and has shown to be far more level-headed than many of the other youths whom she grew up and trained alongside -- mostly Russian males. Saying that, to strangers, she may come off as cold and distant. Perhaps, she may even be seen as having a superiority complex in the way she carries herself about. Ever fashionable, for her culture, and fastidious, she tries to present herself as professional in all things. Even in her diplomatic dealings, she often maintains a sense of aloofness, but has a mind to cooperate or find ways to diffuse heated situations -- if that is her goal. However, once you gain her trust and considers you a friend, she does tend to both warm and open up far more. She adores her brother and life-long friend, Mikhail Ursus, having known both for all her life. If anything should ever happen to either of them, Nicolai especially, that cool demeanor will quickly begin to shatter and it may be difficult to hold back her rage.

That being said, Laynia has no real love for battle, the way that those closest to her feel. Having been trained to fight her entire life, she much prefers to spend her off-time enjoying little luxuries like visiting a museum or gardens or by reading a good book.


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Darkforce Energy Source:
During the government's testing to see exactly what her mutant abilities can accomplish, they tried to see if her Darkforce could be used as some sort of alternate energy and to their surprise, Laynia was capable of doing just that. Darkstar was able to repower, or recharge, the remains of the Russian military's dismissed robotics projects and brought them back to life.

Darkforce Flight:
Darkstar has the power of levitation and can fly at subsonic speeds by generating a virtually invisible portal to the Darkforce dimension that follow the contours of her body. In order to increase its counterbalance with gravity and wind resistance, she had to angle the portal more steeply as she accelerates so that the attractive force did not leave her center of gravity (and her moment of inertia) behind as it draws her along.

Darkforce Life Drain:
One of the aspects of the Darkforce power which Darkstar has been reluctant to use, is that one can drain the life force of all living things with it. Just as it devours light, it also feeds off of life energy. During her training, she was urged to do just this in practice and stopped before she was able to finish the job, for what sort of Hero would she be?

Darkforce Light Consumption:
Like many Darkforce users, Darkstar can use her powers to absorb all surrounding light and radiation. This has many uses, including pitching the area into darkness, but this also means that she can drain any light energy directed at her, as long as she is prepared to absorb it.

Darkforce Manipulation:
Darkstar has the power to tap into and manipulate an extradimensional energy called the Darkforce. While the Darkforce can be used in various different ways, like covering an area in a dark cloud, Darkstar's primary focus of power is solidifying this energy into solid constructs. These constructs, possessing the density of steel and have a resistance to concussive forces of up to 320 pounds per square inch (500 pounds of TNT at 20 feet). She uses this energy both offensively and defensively as she can mold them into any shape or object she desires. She can use the Darkforce to create a barrier around herself or her teammates if under attack or she can encase her enemies in the energy mass to trap them. Darkstar can also cast out the dark energy into a concussive force at her opponents, capable of impacting an object with sufficient power to rupture 3-inch solid hard carbon steel or tip over an average, loaded railroad boxcar (15 tons).

There was also an instance where she was able to control another Darkforce user's own abilities by closing down his Darkforce portal as he attempted to escape.

Darkforce Teleportation:

The Darkforce energy is actually a pocket dimension in which Darkstar can travel through to teleport from one place to another. She can transport up to three other passengers with her. This passage is used as a route of escape more than anything else, but there were times when she teleported herself and some teammates behind enemy lines. The teleportation itself will often leave her and her passengers disoriented for a time, their eyes sensitive to light, which makes this less than ideal in dangerous situations. She can, if she wished, allow someone to be swallowed up by the Darkforce, as a way to trap them in the other dimension, but so far, she has yet to use her powers in this manner.


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Due to her strenuous training under the tutelage of the Russian Executive Security Committee, Laynia has the strength and endurance of an Olympic level athlete.

Combat Training:
To mold her into an agent of the state, the Russian Executive Security Committee trained her in various martial arts and hand-to-hand combat techniques as well as acrobatics to improve her agility. As this came secondary to her learning to hone her mutant powers, she is fairly decent using this as defensive measures, but she knows that there is always room for improvement.

Despite her sometimes off-putting cold demeanor, Laynia was always one of the most level-headed of her teammates, and where necessary, she knows when to step in before things escalate too quickly. While, she can often be honest and direct with her opinions, she understands the necessity of playing nice, and will consider all options to obtain the best outcome for both parties.

Multilingual = As a diplomat for the Winter Guard and an agent of the Russian Intelligence, Laynia was taught to be well-versed in a variety of languages as it would be helpful on her diplomatic tour around the world. Of course, Russian is her native tongue, with English and French tieing as her second strongest languages. She has basic conversational skills in German, Mandarin, Japanese and Arabic and Korean.


As part of her training with the Committee, Laynia received pilot training. Perhaps due to the fact that The Winter Guard has their own personal jet, The Soverign.


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Russian Intelligence:
The Russian Executive Security Committee. This intelligence and security agency is simply the successor of the former KGB after the dissolution of Soviet Union. It was the chief government agency acting as internal security, intelligence and secret police. It was this Intelligence agency that took Laynia and her brother away from their father and who also put them into training under Professor Phobos. Laynia also trained under the tutelage of one of their agents as they groomed her to become an agent of the state herself. Laynia and the Winter Guard receive orders from the Committee and it the Committee that pays for their expenses.

Winter Guard:

The Winter Guard is the super hero team officially sanctioned by the Russian Executive Security Committee. Many of its members were students of Professor Phobos while others were a part of one Russian military or intelligence agency or other. Their base of operation is currently located in Moscow and this is where the Winter Guard members reside and train.


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Though she did not realize that Nicolai Krylenko was her brother as they were growing up as children, she was always close to him, as a friend. However, once it was revealed, the bond between siblings have grown ever tighter. Nicolai would do anything to protect Laynia as she would for him. If anything would happen to Nicolai, Laynia's rage may hold no limits.

Darkstar is a Russian citizen who is often sent out for Diplomatic purposes for both the Winter Guard and the state. Her presence may make people wary of her true intentions and due to her attachment to the Russian Executive Security Committee, they may treat her with distrust.

With certain prejudices against mutants and with the knowledge that even her own homeland had executed mutants in large numbers in the past, Laynia knows that there are people who are still wary of mutants or anyone with super powers. Also, as a mutant, she can be tracked by anyone who has the ability or technology to do so, along with having her powers shut off by anyone with that ability.

Power Limitations:
Like with many mutant powers, Darkstar's ability to create darkforce constructs rely heavily on focus and concentration. If she loses that focus, the stability of her constructs may start to weaken and when she loses consciousness, her constructs disappear altogether. This could prove deadly if she loses focus mid-flight.

Russian Government:

From the day she was born, Laynia and her brother were stolen from their family by the Committee because the state wished to use them as tools if they showed signs of having any mutant abilities. Through out her childhood, the state had lied to her, as they raised her to become a loyal agent for their cause. And now, even as heroes to the Russian people, The Winter Guard have been sent out on missions where the government had told them one thing, only for them to realize that there were other underlying reasons as well which they were kept in the dark about. Not only that, but now Darkstar has been tasked to observe and note the locations and actions of any Russian super who have either defected or currently reside outside of the Motherland. While, she is curious to know the reasoning to these departures, the answers may not be to her liking.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Diplomatic Visit September 22nd, 2019 Darkstar visits X-Corp. Diplomacy!
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend. September 3rd, 2019 Meeting of darkforce users.
Wrong time, wrong place September 2nd, 2019 Svetlana and Darkstar meet up in Hell's Kitchen, and they have a girl's talk about....various things
Intros in Central Park September 1st, 2019 Triage, Darkstar, and Pixie meet, but only one name is revealed, and that without hint of its true nature.
Light and Dark in the afternoon September 1st, 2019 Pizza, meeting and selfies with mooks!
Apokolips Now: Kalibak The Conqueror September 23rd, 2017 Kalibak and parademons appear to wrest Metropolis from the heroes control.
Meanwhile in the Medbay September 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Goodness Gracious ... Granny! September 19th, 2017 The Furies attack the Hall of Justice, and many heroes come to it's defense.
Enchantment Under the Sea September 5th, 2017 Summary needed


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