Zeitgeist (Julius)

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Lucius Primus (Scenesys ID: 6970)
"Everyone seeks their own survival. We label them by their methods. The True meaning of someone that is dangerous or 'evil' is that their pride has overwhelmed their sense of the greater good. I feel, breathe, know, what the Greater Good is. If you seek only your pride, then I shall oppose you."
Full Name: Lucius Primus Julius
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Political Activist / Charity Director
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: East Harlem, Manhattan, New York City
Education: Princeton University (Doctorate in Sociology)
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: 1996
Date of Birth 11 July 0030 Actor: Kevin McKidd
Height: 185 cm Weight: 80 kg
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song: "Mein Herz Brennt" by Rammsteim%r"Crawling in the Dark"%r"Uprising" by Muse


Neighborhood Activist, Charity Director, University Professor, and Writer. This is what his public identity is a person who fights for the little guy, a learned doctor of sociology from Princeton. He coasts the world between the rich and the poor but you would never see him spend a dime on himself. He's seen on TV, in newspapers, and even on the street trying to raise money for the homeless and recently he started growing a charity in East Harlem ('Spanish Harlem').

His super identity is that of 'Zeitgeist', he's existed since the Burning of Rome during Nero's Reign. He's a telepath whose connected deeply with humanity and has fought for the masses since then. He is willing to take on the rich and powerful if they have become corrupt and redistribute their resources if necessary.



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A man wearing casual business clothing. The colors are muted, khaki pants with a light blue shirt. His overall appearance is very manicured though he seems to mind the costs of his clothing as nothing is beyond what one would buy in a typical department store. His hair is dirty-blonde shaved short without any facial hair visible. His eyes seem to shift colors, they generally are hazel but they do indeed seem to be a bit more green at times, and others more brown. His overall appearance seems to indicate perhaps Italian heritage but more leaning towards a northern appearance, a bit taller and lighter in complexion.


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Born in Rome. He grew up as a blacksmith. He 'died' for the first time during the burning of Rome. He participated in Roman society and watch it's decline. He acted as perhaps one of the first 'superheroes' over the time to protect the people from the Roman boot. He found his voice and even participated in government for a time before moving on when it felt even that couldn't control the empire.

He moved to fight external wars for the survival of the denizens of Rome as a soldier. He ventured throughout the empire, learning other cultures. He would settle for a while, watch his friends die, and then move on. He never really was the guy who stood out in a crowd though, he stayed back in the limelight too.

Eventually, Europe interacted with the Orient and he ventured there. He discovered a love for their traditions and styling. He fought in many wars there as well for 'the people' and not the powers that wanted to control them. He wandered his way across the globe for the rest of the 'Dark Ages' in Europe. He eventually headed back when the Black Death reared it's ugly head. He learned about medicine so he could help.

He fought the church when it overstepped it's authority (though he let them do a lot of things to as well , as the people were quite religious at the time and felt their collective weight). Technology developed and so did his knowledge of it, he became fascinated, he ended up in Italy, drawn to the ideas of that place. He became a decent inventor in his own right (before copyrights he probably was ripping off a few dozen craftsman. Lawyers don't hurt me).

He lived the life that people dreamed of even though he was never quite wealthy, he found ways to survive as an artist or as a fortune teller, or even a lawyer. The birth of the reformation shot even more life into him, Europe was on the birth pains of finally shedding a lot of chains they had forged. Democracy was beginning to flourish in some sense.

The discovery of America brought dreams to the people of Europe and his next stop in his journey. This is a place where the real internal conflict in him took place.

The native people of the land began to suffer under the weight of the Europeans. He was stuck between two worlds acting against either was damaging part of him. For this moment, he decided to find a place to be alone. He became an explorer, staying away from any large group of people. He kept moving on until European spread across the Americas brought his attention.

The senses of the native population was beyond powerful, he had to fight. He fought the Europeans, being a European as well, he had to temper his fight. He supported the native population as well as he could. Even being hung for it. He was with the underdog even in the Mexican conflict with the United States. The Civil War was a simple decision in retrospect, the vast sums of slaves that would taste freedom overwhelmed anything that the North dwelt on in their hearts.

He fought World War I and World War II, he might have even appealed to have the United States join the war his words used by others. After these wars, he sought peacefulness after all that darkness. The heroes appearance during these wars brighten his heart along with others.

He settled back in America. He watched the heroes rise, he helped them, he hoped for them, like the others. He was nervous sometimes if they would turn against the common-folk with their self-righteous but they didn't. He never was a major hero, more like a ghost, or an angel, that would show up when people needed him. He helped rebuild neighborhoods as that contractor who was always the lowest bidder, or as that guy on the street corner who influenced people in choosing the right choice. He nudged humanity in ways he felt they could take at the time. Now, as the heroes and villains have escalated their conflict, he has decided to take a bit more of an active role defending the weak and powerless against all powered and unpowered.


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Lucius is an extrovert, willing to start conversation with anyone. He however unlike most politicians and extroverts really acts as a social butterfly, his opinions are subjects are not generally flexible, if he sees something that hurts someone he will not hesitate to lay down what he sees as wrong. For those that he considers his friends or those he has deemed as people he should protect, he's a father figure at times, willing to help and perhaps even correct someone for their 'bad' thinking. He may seem like he has his act together, but truthfully, he questions his actions and beliefs only daily, as his emotions and thoughts are guided by the people of the city at the present time, they do not look towards the future. He needs to make sure that his actions will lead to better life for all, not just a few, and not just for this moment in time. It could be argued he makes it harder on himself then he should, but he's tired of seeing the same stuff repeated ad nauseum because a previous generation had already learned their lessons.


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All of Lucius's 'powers' are based on this simple premise, Lucius is a very powerful Psionic absorber. He absorbs the leftover telepathic static that escapes the human/metahuman body. His range has increased over the ages and currently his range of absorption is equivalent to a large city (in the case of New York City, perhaps about half of the total city).

Note: He may be able to feel the perceptions of a neighborhood on a topic but he can't glean particular knowledge of individuals. Consider it a bit like whispers in the streets such as streetwise. This 'gleaming' however can be less specific over a larger area and provide him with an 'instant' polling of how the community can be helped or a general 'feeling' of the community. This allows him to sense a call for help from someone, sense a crime wave in progress, or perhaps even who people will vote for, etc.

In channeling this ability his own abilities to block this has suffered (see Weakness: Part of the Collective). He can only separate himself from this communal mind with concentration.

This ability shapes his entire life, he feels that he is the embodiment of the common man, and as society has changed, so has his thoughts on what he needs to do at that moment. He has developed a way for him to message people within the community, sending out warnings and messages as people needed. This ability is nothing more then perhaps a cellphone call, it can't be used offensively and a slight willful not wanting to hear it will block the communication.

Letting the Flows of the City into his body, he can avoid needing rest, sleep, or need to eat. He can maintain this for a long period of time, however for every day he shrugs off these normally mortal limitations he will go into an almost comatose like state for a day at a later time. The longest he did this was during a particular time during World War 2. He played guardian angel to a group of soldier in the middle of a bombardment during for three days straight. He then spent the next three days caring for wounded at the nearby medic center. He then spent the following 6 days in a ditch seemly nearly dead.

Dexterity, Toughness, Strength, Speed are all enhanced to just beyond peak human all due to his continuous exposure to Psionic energy from people and from the fact he can now reach a city wide expanse of reserves, he bring this energy to bare to enhance his physique. This generally is not a pleasant feeling on his part. For comparison purposes, he would be able to rank in all Olympic events if he did indeed enter into them.

He can still be 'killed' per se but with a few hours, he'll be back. From what he's seen within his centuries of existence, he's experienced every form of injury and death and managed to escape without any permanent injury, he has managed to avoid decapitation as he doesn't really want to know if THAT can regenerate. He imagines if people kept injuring him, he wouldn't be able to become conscient. In combat, he's limited in his healing, generally his wounds will stop bleeding but will need to heal when he's out of combat. If put into perspective, he'd heal wound in a day that a normal person would heal in a week.

There is always a psionic echo or imprint of things that occur in an area ('Generally an area is best described as a block'). He can get shadows and vague echoes of what happened within the last 24 hours or so. For a particular object, he can sense the last few thoughts that a person thought when handling the said object.

Shutting the Voices out, he can focus on a single mind or perhaps multiple minds (at a slight difficulty) and be able to read their immediate thoughts real-time. He's able therefore to use this to literally block a strike as it is delivered without actually 'seeing' the blow with his own eyes. He can also read bystander's frontal lobes and allow him alternative angles on combat. This buffers his already centuries honed mastered of weapons but allows him to stage impressive shows of his abilities. Obviously, mental shields block this ability, he's never honestly 'fought' shields so even a minor one would not allow him access. He would need to use his eyes in cases where he is faced with non-sentient opponents, or he's trying to move in darkness without another mind to allow him to see. There is some situations where he might not be able to make good use of this ability in such cases.


Centuries and even Millenia go by and he stays unchanged by them physically. He may have been ravaged on an emotional or mental level, he is still in his prime. This is due to his constant absorption of psionic energies that flow around him and his reserve of these energies.


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Over a millennia of warfare has honed Lucius into a truly terrifying opponent, his travels have taken him to many corners of the globe giving him a broad familiarity with weapons and fighting styles from around the world, which he brings together in a fighting style all his own. He is able to take on truly skilled opponents hand in hand to hand or melee combat one on one or fight groups of lesser opponents with equal utility.

During the millennia of his existence he's gained knowledge in most trades that human kind have developed and know them well enough to teacher most of them to others. He's one of the teachers in his job retraining programs for his charity.


He has existed since the Roman times and has functioned as the low, middle-class, and even upper-class of numerous time periods. He has learned what makes people tick and negotiated what they want in return for favors. He's a doctorate level knowledge of sociology and economic theory. On the organizational side of things, he knows how to run a business, run a block, run a city, or perhaps even a country. In the end, he's able to be an effective politician, businessman, and negotiator.


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He carries two short swords on his person which have had their blades remade as metallurgical advances have occurred. His resources have been always limited but he has 'ways' of finding materials to improve them with. He also has a set of armor, fashioned like a 'techno' ninja of sorts, it has no visible eyes, ears, or mouth. It has built-in filtration and has a mesh armor that will stop most small firearms and knives, it also has built-in grappler and glass cutting instruments.


An organization that Lucius has been developing since the 60s. He's converted a large warehouse into a shelter, a job retraining program, and also the beginnings of a school. He's hoping to provide a way out of the poverty that is brought upon by ruthless capitalism. He works with various labor unions and industries to provide them with skilled labor.


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Lucius has lived nearly two millennia, he's seen stuff and sometimes with the right trigger, he'll remember those past experiences at the wrong time. This goes hand and hand with his inability of sitting by and letting innocents suffer. So, not only do situations cause him to lose focus on the job at hand, he may just switch what he is doing entirely in order to help or stop someone whose suffering.

Every slice he does to his opponent, he feel a slight echo of this pain, every loss they suffer, he will feel it as well. In some sense, only if he's decided it's worth the pain on himself will he steel himself for the feedback. This also generally has his decisions to commit lethal attacks as being instantly deadly, to make the pain less for himself as well.

As much as he'd like to say his thoughts are all his, they are not. His thoughts on stuff have changed over time as he is the embodiment of the 'zeitgeist' at the moment in time and area. He is unable to sometimes individually act against the collective morals of a society that is around.. however if that society is dark and twisted, he might find his morals to be a bit more looser. He is the ultimate 'grey' individual, not really a hero and not really a villain.


He fights against power and pride and the status quo in many cases. He's gained a lot of enemies in the positions of power and indeed it's what keeps him from being a major figure in the media and honestly he's fine with that. He's also willing to break the law in order to help others. He will also overlook also said breaking of laws, if the few that are hurt either 'deserve' it, or have the means to simply write the loss off.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Another Weekend and another day at the Shelter. October 15th, 2023 Lucius and Nick caught up as Nick donated to the Shelter Once again. Perhaps in the Future a Halloween Ball is in the future.
Charitable Creatures September 30th, 2023 A donation to a shelter becomes a business proposal and the first steps to a new charity organization being born!
A Meetup of Minds May 25th, 2020 One less 'problem'
Morning Time Training May 25th, 2020 Duncan and Nick train over at New Hope. Lucius stops by. Punisher is discussed.
Easter at the Shelter (Food and Conversation) April 12th, 2020 Little bit of intel and little bit of showboating.
History of Present Illness December 31st, 2019 Lucius Primus visits Doc Samson in search of helpful therapy.
New Hope Shelter Charity Ball November 30th, 2019 A Holiday Charity With A Sharp Point.
Thanksgiving @ The Shelter November 28th, 2019 Thanksgiving Done. Christmas Next. Politicians Ooh Boy!
A Merry Meeting with the Punisher November 26th, 2019 Happy Thanksgiving Bad Guys - Gifts for you all.
Tricksy Business October 27th, 2019 Mercy holds a garage sale, and confuses mind readders...and then runs away from animal control.
Antiques you find in an Antique Shop October 26th, 2019 To be continued.
The Scarlet Pimpernel October 21st, 2019 The Scarlet Pimpernel is finally out on Broadway. Swordfights and dancing were had by all.
A Long Night October 18th, 2019 Lucius brings some people into Mount Sinai and Morrigan is there to help.
H is for.... April 13th, 2019 There's a lot of weird in Art.
Sentinel: Friends of Humanity - Gotham City February 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
Black Sky: We Walk Through the Fire January 24th, 2019 Daredevil and friends interupt Madame Gao's ritual to dispose of them all. Elektra is forced to make a decision: Black Sky is no more.
Bad Medicine (Act 2) December 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Black Sky: The Guys with the Dragon Tattoos November 13th, 2018 Daredevil, Hawkeye (the cool one), Deadpool, Richard Dragon and Zeitgeist take on the Yakuza and their Hand allies. They get a surprise visitor by the name of Jinx, and find out vans make excellent distractions.
Hellgate Meetup November 4th, 2018 Summary needed
Black Sky: Seeking Allies October 28th, 2018 Daredevil reaches out to Zeitgeist to join the fight against the Hand.
Tournament: There Can Only Be One October 20th, 2018 The Tournament culminates in one of the oddest battles yet. Robin, in a self-sacrificing move... WINS? How does that even work? (Because: Deadpool)
Tournament: a friendly spar October 8th, 2018 Red Ranger and Sabertooth spar, the fight ending with the elder showing youth isn't everything.
Tournament: Conversation and Training October 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Tourney: Welcome to Kairos September 30th, 2018 The combatants and guests of Elektra's Martial Arts Tourney are welcomed to Kairos Island.
Bad Medicine: Your Average Patrolling Heroes September 17th, 2018 Summary needed
Bad Medicine: Beginning September 8th, 2018 Summary needed
night at the shelter September 4th, 2018 Summary needed
Grand Opening - New Hope Shelter September 2nd, 2018 Summary needed
After the Boom August 26th, 2018 Summary needed
Freedom Two Ways August 23rd, 2018 Summary needed


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