7312/Heavy Metal Thunder

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Heavy Metal Thunder
Date of Scene: 23 April 2019
Location: Garage - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Scott, Rogue, Lorna and Magneto are present for Kitty delivering old motorycles and a car to the school for student projects
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Rogue, Cyclops, Polaris, Magneto

Shadowcat has posed:
Those who get such alerts get notice of a large commercial truck at the front gate. Kitty's id code is entered at the gate to let the vehicle in. It rumbles up towards the mansion, belching smoke and the engine loud enough that even those without special senses might catch it through an open, or closed, window.

The truck pulls over to the garage area, pulls ahead a bit to get the back facing the garage, and then slowly backs up until it is closer to the garage door. The truck's engine shuts down and the door opens and Kitty Pryde hops down out of the cab. She begins making her way around to the back of the large truck, oblivious to how many people might be peeking out the windows at what is going on.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had gone to the dog park today. Its true.

Today was a 'Play with Aces Day' and though she'd given her dog away to a local family in Salem Center she still would make sure to get down there to walk and play around with him!

So she'd driven her van down to Salem Center and picked up her old pup, along with... three other dogs she got convinced to take with her by people at the house, and then she found a stray along the way that she picked up as well and put into the back of her van to take to the park.

Yeah, that stray eventually ran away at the park, but it had a lot of fun on the drive there at least! Now though? Rogue's in the garage, humming to a tune on the radio as she's cleaning the van out and febreeze'n everything inside of it! She stops though when the big truck pulls up and then cracks a grin when she sees Kitty getting out of it.

Thusly what follows is a loud wolf whistle toward Kitty from the garage and from the southern belle standing beside that big tricked out black van.

Cyclops has posed:
    Standing at the mouth of the garage is a tall man with sunglasses on his face despite the cloud cover and the scent of cut grass near by. Seems like he just finished doing the yard work for the school. Or some of the yard work.

    Scott stands looking at the semi and trailer with his arms crossed and a single foot tapping against the ground impatiently as he waits for the driver to come to the back. "Kitty." Scott begins, his voice and tone telling far more than just saying her name.

    Scott does turn his head to look towards the whistle from Rogue but he turns back to the other young woman who brought home a semi...

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had plans to go out again for a business meeting in the city. She'd been running about for the past several weeks attempting to find new contracts that would work in Genosha or at the very least, support Genoshan trade within America and abroad. She'd been rejected on and off, left waiting in lobbies for hours. Been stood up at business dinners and the alike.. and still Lex Luthor remained the number one company willing to work with Genosha.

It was something she //still// needed to talk to her father about, particularly regarding the Peace Keepers. But that was on hold given how her phone was crushed and destroyed after a particularly creepy thunderstorm and mysterious phone calls.

Today was another business meeting attempt in the meantime, and Lorna was dressed for it in a light weight blouse and dress pants. Her heels clicking on the steps as she entered into the garage and paused at the sight of everyone standing around, but more over at the sight of the semi and trailer. She came up to Scott, frowning briefly. "Uhhh do I have to float my car around that you think?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty has a pair of old-looking work gloves stuck in a back pocket. And she's wearing a pair of jeans and an old sweatshirt that has a few marks on it as if she's been engaged in some type of manual labor that involved some dirt. Hearing the wolf whistle, Kitty looks over and spots everyone. Rogue is given a big grin and a wave. And so is Scott. Because Kitty has learned from Rogue, if doing something Scott won't like it's just best to plow ahead through it like it's a great idea just the same.

"Hey, guess what I got!?" she tells them. "Hey Lorna... oh you're the perfect person to have around, too, if you have a few minutes to help us unload some metal?" Kitty asks.

The slender brunette unfastens a ramp from the back of the truck, pulling it back and setting it in place to make it easy to walk up and down into the back of the half-sized trailer rig. She opens up the back then to reveal...

... old motorcycles. Some in decent shape, others completely rusted out. Dirt bikes. Street bikes. Old choppers. There are bits of engines just sitting there without a frame. Even... is that a lawn mower engine!? Kitty probably couldn't tell the difference. Further in the back it looks like there's an actual car body from a 1950s vintage car.

Kitty motions towards the load in her best Vanna White impersionation. "Summer projects for the students!" she says, giving an excited look towards Scott as if the infectiousness of her optimism will be enough to win him over on the idea.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shuts the door on her van after getting it sufficiently cleaned up from her afternoon in the park with the doggies and she turns to walk outside past Scott and Lorna, giving Lorna a grin, "No more ghost phones." She says softly to her as she passes, which might confuse Scott a bit because she hadn't ever mentioned to him what had happened with the prank calls the other night during the rain storm.

Once outside, Rogue walks up to stand with Kitty and just watches as she reveals whats inside the truck. She whistles again, but this time its a low whistle, one showcasing the amount of impressedness she's experiencing at the sight of whats in there.

"Where on god's good green Earth did ya come across all'a this?" She has to ask the Phasing One. She points up inside the trailer. "That thing is old as heck!" She says with regard to the car stored up inside there. "I want it!"

Cyclops has posed:
    "If you have to leave now, then yeah, that's probably your best bet." Scott says with a look to Lorna with a frown. He's not happy about the truck being here either but he doesn't know what is in it yet so it might be something worth wile. We'll have to wait and see.

    The leader then looks back to Kitty as she opens the back of the trailer and frowns. "What did you d-" Then Scott sees what's inside. "No..." He says, the worries he had about the sudden delivery are quickly put on the back burner of Scott's mind. "How did you?" Scott looks to Rogue and then Lorna, he's suddenly moving a bit less stiff but still awkward as he tries to fight the smile like Ron Swanson. "Is that---" Scott says to no one before he starts to climb up inside the trailer.

Polaris has posed:
A raised eyebrow followed as Rogue came by her making jokes about haunted phones, and she grumbled, crossing her arms with a whisper of silken sleeves. She shook her head, but flashed a small smile in passing none the less. Still, as Scott told her to go ahead and float her car down the drive to get around the truck, she heaved a sigh. "It's not a particular rush. There's a good chance I'll be left standing around in the lobby for a few hours.." She rolled her eyes.

But then there was Kitty, unfolding the inside of the truck. She knew what was inside, she could sense the chunks of aged metal and engines. There was no surprise on her features. Still, she stepped forward. "Yeah, I got it. Where do you want it all set up? I can flatten out the scrap metal if you want. Then the kids will have something to work with..?" Her heels clicked as she made to pass by Scott toward the truck's bed.

Shadowcat has posed:
Everyone's reactions make Kitty beam, but especially as she sees Scott trying not to smile. "Well, I hadn't seen the Carsteads since I headed back to England last year," Kitty says of a family that is one of the closer properties to the school. An old farm, a few of the students and staff have gotten to know them over the years. Doing good deeds for the community, or just dropping by in a friendly way. Building up goodwill should anything happen that the school might need the goodwill of a neighbor.

"So I took a pie over," Kitty says. Before anyone can look in alarm, she holds up her hands. "I didn't bake it myself," she says. Whew, crisis averted.

"And as I was talking to Marjorie and Ben," she says of the old couple, "they were mentioning they had a bunch of old stuff in one of their old barns they were going to get rid of. So I took a look and I figured... hey I bet some of the students would enjoy fixing this stuff up, or just making new things out of it. So, I bought it all for $250, and then rented the truck," Kitty says. "I hoped it would be worth it to the school to have, but if not I am ok eating the money," says the girl who works at Stark Industries now.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is walking up closer to peer into the trailer, but she doesn't want to get up inside it because its kinda packed... and well. "Oh, sweet, Lorna can move it all!" She says with a grin. "Means I don't gotta do it..." She puts her hands onto her hips then and lets her gaze go to Scott.

She then raises her right hand and points at him with an ungloved hand (she was cleaning her van, not wearing gloves for that) "I bet he has all'a this cleaned and fixed up by the end'a the week, probably no students involved at all." She teases the team leader a bit before her gaze shoots right over to Kitty.

"Pie?" She asks. "You... took a pie t'the neighbors? They're the ones with that old sleigh outside their horse barn, aren't they? I seen it once, and may or may not have had a fairly hot makeout session with someone in the back've it one night." How does Rogue have a make out session with anyone? Maybe she's lying!

"Well I say good job, we got plenty'a room on the lawn for all'a this stuff. Make this place look like a right'n proper southern home. Just needs a broken fridge with the door hangin' open and an old toilet with a flower pot in the bowl." Now she's just grinning, amusing herself to no end.

Magneto has posed:
     It had been a while since Xavier's favorite magnetic mutant made an appearance. Today had been a time to do so.

  A portal opened inside the garage, and out stepped Magneto, holding an old memoir. His X-comm, of which he dusts off with a soft cloth.

  He looks around, taking in the occupants. "Subtle enough? I know you try to keep a low key around the students." He was dressed in a simple burgundy button-down, and black slacks, no helmet currently.

Cyclops has posed:
    Hard for Lorna to get past Scott as he's wriggled his way up into the trailer and is puting his hands on every piece of machinery he can. "Old Indians and some Harleys and ..." Scott falls silent with a gasp of breath as he sees the car.

    "That is not enough Kitty. You're going to head back over there and add at least another zero to what you paid them." Scott says as he starts climbing and squeezing his way towards the back of the trailer. "Students can work on all of it except for one bike. I'm keeping that for myself and the car back here... we'll figure out a plan for that first. You're not wrong Anna-Marie. I could but Kitty's right. THis would be good for the students-"

    Scott looks out to the opening in the trailer and frowns as he spots the Magnet-man. "Erik. What's the cause for your visit?" Scott asks. His mood suddenly a bit more sour.

Polaris has posed:
As Scott pushed way, way into the trailer Lorna couldn't help but roll her eyes yet again at the Summers. She huffed a breath, and waved her hand, pulling out bits and pieces that Scott wasn't currently standing in front of. Slowly, most of the truck was carefully magnetized and settled out on the lawn as Rogue suggested. All the better to see for those without magnetic senses all there was to see. It was easy, the old steel strong, solid and highly magnetic.

It was only with half an ear however that Lorna listened to the ongoing on conversation as she felt the magnetic displacement of her father's arrival into the garage proper. She spun around on her heels, and rushed over with a grin on her face. "Father!" She came up short as she found him with something in his grip before she leaned in to give him a hug. She eyed the outfit and nodded once. "You look fine."

"Did you get the update on why my phone is out of commission? I did call the tech guys in Genosha before it got uh... damaged.."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde motions with a finger towards Rogue as she identifies the neighboring farm. "That's the one. Ben's grandfather used to use that haul ice to their ice house back before electricity," she says. Apparently the sweet Jewish girl has made a few visits to the neighbors. Kitty gives a scandalized laugh and shakes her head at Rogue's story. "Anyone we know?" Kitty asks.

Scott's mention of the value of some of the items brings a surprised look from Kitty. "Really? Sure. They were happy I offered to buy it in the first place. They were thinking it was just going to cost them money to get rid of," Kitty shares. "If it's worth something, definitely the right thing to do," the young woman agrees.

The sight of Magneto brings a smile to Kitty's face. Something it hasn't done in the past very often. A soft smile at that. "Hey Erik. Nice to see you. My mother wanted me to pass along her thanks one more time for Purim," Kitty says, her eyes going to Lorna to include her in that statement.

She's more than happy to have Scott figure out what to do with everything. While she's more than good enough to fix an engine or do such repair work herself, vehicles that are restricted to Earth's atmosphere do not hold as much allure for her as they once might have.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is moving on over toward Lorna as she does her magnetic thing and she grins back to Kitty all mischievously. "Maybe." She says in short about whomever she'd had a time with in that old sleigh. "I'll go with ya t'pay these people some more money though, cause yeah, you totally ripped'em off. Musta been one hellava pie." She says, naturally while still grinning.

With the stuff all spread out on the lawn, Rogue is eyeballing it all and just shaking her head at it. Its impressive. Scott's acknowledgement of Erik makes her turn around to look at the older man, then she glances to Lorna as she speaks to him, and soon to follow up Lorna's rundown of the man's looks...

"He certainly is." She says, yet still grinning.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto continues to dust off the old piece of tech, that most assuredly had been cut off from transmitting and listening. "Scott, you are a ray of sunshine in an ever so darkening world." He comments, placing the com on his breast.

  His daughter is embraced much like a father would a daughter, once that moment passes, he adds in. "Yes, yes, the boffins practically shoved its replacement in my hand before I departed." The master of magnetism takes out a new phone courtesy of Genosha. It resembled a mere pane of tempered glass, and illuminated to reveal itself as a phone. "Diplomatic line to Genosha of course."

  He smiles towards Kitty and nods. "Yes, please give her my thanks as well." Rogue however, garners a sly smile. "Rogue, bestill my heart." He offers up, and keeps smiling.

Cyclops has posed:
    "Do it as soon as your able." Scott says towards Kitty before he turns around and most of the stuff behind him is out of the trailer and headed towards the lawn. He's about to ask Lorna to put it all somewhere else but he decides the lawn is fine for now, it wont be there for long, Scott realizes.

    "Keep it in your pants Rogue." Scott says with a sigh as he jumps out of the trailer and steps towards Magneto, letting Lorna get the last of the stuff out of the rented semi and so the leader can keep an eye on one of his oldest adversaries.

    "You keep it in your pants too Erik. She's way too young for you." Scott says before he frowns deeper. "Something tells me you didn't come all this way to drop off a phone for your princess." Scott says, his eyes squinting secretly.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna made a happy sound at the back of her throat as her father mentioned how the new replacement phone was handed to her father to be given to her so quickly. The green haired Princess took the offered device with glee and quickly tapped away to sign into her remote account, well familiar with the Genoshan technology and how it worked. "Thanks, I gotta run to a business meeting I had scheduled. Oh, and Lex had his demonstration that we talked about. I'll tell you about it later." She slipped the phone into her pocket and made to float her car around the semi and head out with a parting look shot at Scott and Rogue.

"Ew. Scott. Rogue. Ew. I don't need to hear anything about that." She made a face as her heels clicked on the pavement as she headed out.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde moves over to look at a few of the pieces. "Is it the car that makes it valuable?" she asks. "I didn't even realize it was back there at first, there was so much other stuff piled up. I helped them get the things I didn't figure were worth bringing back, set out for the regular trash hauler," Kitty says.

Rogue's offer to join her gets a smile from Kitty. "You bet. I might take a student or two as well. Always good to give them a chance to meet some regular, salt-of-the-earth sort of people," she says.

Kitty picks up a bit of motor, unscrewing part to peer inside for how much rust there is. "I figure we'll need to get some helmets too. And tires, there weren't many in there, mostly just the metal bits. But, it would be good for the students to get an appreciation for some older stuff. What with their focus on newer machines and technology." Says the girl who got her computer engineering degree at 18.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is just all grins at Erik's response to her. "Careful now, we wouldn't want that heart t'stop beatin' so soon, sugah." She says to the older man before she looks over to Scott and just shakes her head at him. "Don't be jealous, Slim. You got a whole field'a beautiues here to drool over." She motions with her right hand toward the bikes and car on the lawn.

She then looks over to Kitty and just strides over to stand beside her. "Salt'a'the'Earth types. I like that. I'll grab my stuff from the garage and we can head out whenever ya want."

As she turns then to walk back to the garage she notes the communication thing that Erik has, she motions to it. "Whatcha got there?" She asks as she passes him by, offering a wave to Lorna as she makes her exit, grinning toward her too.

Magneto has posed:
     "You're right, Scott. I had pledged myself to our mutual cause, and I wanted to check in. What news on the Sentinel front?" Magneto says, his tone naturally sounding commanding.

  "I can assure you, if I only stayed with women my age, it would be illegal in nearly every country on the planet." He quips, before Rogue mentions his X-comm. The X-badge had been issued to him many a year ago, the last time he had been allied with the school. "Oh, just memories. When we used these things to communicate." The red and black device didn't light up anymore, it's power cell long since died out. He takes it from his chest and holds it out for inspection.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott sighs to Rogue and Erik. "No, there hasn't been any word of change on the Sentinel front." The leader says with a frown and a look away. It's been quiet in that regard. Scott isn't too happy about that, something has to be going on, but he's here, protecting the students, fixing motorcycles. "I'm going to get to work cataloguing all this. Don't mind me." Scott says, not letting Erik get his joy down, not this time.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Rogue a thumbs up gesture as she goes over to get her things. The young woman makes her way over nearer to Erik then. "Well, there was a bit of effort that went into figuring out this guy who turned out to be some sort of newer model, human-sized Sentinel from the future. But also... he's kind of human-seeming. Has an ingrained dislike of mutants but isn't just a machine either. Maybe some organic parts to him," Kitty says.

She crosses her arms. "The last I heard, Trask was wanting him too. I think they want to use him for whatever advances they could get out of him. There may be ways we could use him against the Sentinels as he isn't a fan of Trask. The thought also scares the utter crap out of me, should something go wrong," Kitty says with a frown.

"I'm not sure that is the way to deal with matters in the end. I think we need to focus on making it so the governments know they can't trust these things to obey them. So they'll stop buying them," Kitty says, glancing over at Scott for his thoughts.

Rogue has posed:
"Yeah, Scott." Rogue follows up Magneto's words. "Even older men gotta have their fun." Which then has her looking over to Mags and what he's carrying. "Sentimental too?" She sighs wistfully. "Such a fine fine man..." Its hard to tell if she is joking, or being entirely serious. Its often BOTH with her, which makes her such a measure of mental gymnastics that some may have trouble keeping up with her ways.

She vanishes inside of the garage while Kitty lays the skinny out on the Sentinels and where things stand with that... its not something Rogue tries to get herself involved in until someone points at one and tells her to Smash.

So a second or two later she re-emerges, putting her leather jacket on over her tanktop wearing upper body, then starts to slide some long green gloves on up over her previously bare hands.

She strides back out to rejoin Kitty at her side, smiling quite happily too. "I'm ready. I'll text Hambone and Lewis, they've been on the video games all damn day."

Magneto has posed:
     Erik, while being a man of pride, did certainly have his moments. Afterall, he was a man. "Of course, takes an equally fine woman to compliment." He comments as she walks inside.

  "Human-sized? That's concerning. We need a detection method for these new models."

  "Indeed, a true woman of substance." Erik comments on Rogue's completed attire.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty clarifies, "He's from the future, we're pretty sure. Though we don't know how far. So he's one of a kind, and why Trask wants to get their hands on him." Kitty glances over, following Rogue with her eyes as her friend goes to text the students.

Kitty's gaze swings back to Magneto. "But we still face the same problem we did before, if he didn't exist. Others are focusing on the one from the future, I'd like to see us focus back on the main issue. If they come up with a safe way to use him? Ok. But we should continue planning as if that isn't the case."

Kitty goes into the garage then, taking off the gloves and putting them aside. She glances down at herself, but the stained sweatshirt will have to do. They saw her in it when she was loading the parts up, anyway.

Kitty returns to Rogue and says, "So there any parts in there that you're looking forward to getting your hands on?" she asks.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just returns Erik's words with a big grin before she glances over to Kitty and then down to her phone to send those texts off. It only takes a second before she looks back up. "Told'em we're gonna take a Semi Truck t'go get ice cream. They said they're on their way." She lied to the kids, well, partially lied, to get them to listen to her.

When Kitty comes back out she's smiling at Erik again before she hears Kitty's question, which makes her do a quick double take. "Wait, what?" She asks, apparently misunderstanding the girl-or assuming she did.

She quickly clears her throat then and turns to go walk toward the truck, separating herself from this for now. "Pssh, I mean, yeah, a'course there is! There always is!" She does say with a light laugh. Its possible that Rogue just managed to get slightly bashful and is now trying to hide it.

Magneto has posed:
     Erik sends a text again, and a portal opens back to Genosha. "I have some of my people working on something, Kitty, you may be quite interested. I'll have to catch you later for that."

  Magneto types out a text message, and a portal opens back to Genosha. "Another time though, it's not quite done yet I'm afraid." He informs, before starting to step through. "I'll be in touch."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde does her best to hide her grin as Rogue thinks Kitty's question about Rogue's interest in motorcycle parts was misunderstood. She gets a straight face though to say goodbye to Erik. "I would be interested to hear about it, yes. Just let me know," Kitty tells Magneto. "Shalom aleichem," she says, wishing him goodbye and for peace to be upon him.

When the portal is fully closed, Kitty drifts over to Rogue. She slides her hands around Rogue's clothed arm to increase that feeling of closeness with her friend as she says, "So you know... he knew my great-aunt?" Kitty says, flashing an amused look over to Anna-Marie. "Not that I'm one to point fingers at a few years of age difference." Cough, Piotr, cough. "But, you know..." she tells Rogue, shrugging and patting her back before letting her go.

"Ok, ready for ice cream?" Kitty says with a laugh as she looks for the students.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue only watches Erik leave, she doesn't really say goodbye or wave to him even. She just watches him go, then turns to look at Kitty when she feels the hand around her arm. At that point she just flashes a big smile, showing off her perfect white teeth and shaking her head at her friend. "Oh stop. I mean, age doesn't mean nothin' t'me any way. I just like good men who aren't a-holes, ya know?"

Rogue moves to get up into the truck then and she opens the door to easily hop into the cab. "We only got a small amount of time on this world. We're all just wantin' t'be as happy as possible, yeah?"

She pops out her phone again to look down at it. A few seconds later and Hambone and Lewis come charging out of the garage. "Ice cream!" Hmabone shouts.