11151/Bastion's Brain, By Any Other Name

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Bastion's Brain, By Any Other Name
Date of Scene: 04 March 2020
Location: Medical, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Kitty works on Bastion's brain while Clint steal's Tony's drinks.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Hawkeye (Barton)

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde showed up at the Avenger's Mansion, wearing slacks, a blouse and a jacket, dressed for work at Stark Industries. Though today instead of going go the tower, she came here. Since Tony reassigned her from Stark satellites, to working on Bastion's recovered brain, she's had to go back and forth, because the components left from the cyborg's destruction are not all kept together as an additional security measure.

The lab she's in is hot. Not in the temperature sense, but if it becomes necessarily every inch of the lab's surface can be electrified. The entire lab is encased in a Tesla cage to avoid any signals in or out, and all sorts of jamming and dampening technologies are ready to fire up at the first sign of trouble.

"And I wonder why my hands are sweaty," Kitty says as she looks down at the circuit board that came out of the cyborg. She runs her fingers through her hair, then double checks she has lead that will ground her and avoid static charges. "So what other security can we do here," she says, looking through a magnifier to examine the circuits. Looking for places they be severed to help avoid Bastion managing to activate anything they don't allow."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Much of Clint's focus lately has been on SHIELD but he had promised Jan to be around the mansion more, so here he was... of course Jan was out but then that's the way things went with Clint's luck and timing. Shaking his head he asks JARVIS, "Who's home right now?"

To which the AI replied. "Everyone is either off duty or on assignment, Clint, but Miss Pryde from Stark Industries is in the lower labs."

Clint nods despite the AI not seeing him do it,, "Thanks JARVIS."

He hads down to the labs and comes inside flinching back from the heat. "Hey, you must be Miss Pryde right?" he asks. "What the heck is going on in here? Heat broke or something?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty glances up from what she's doing. "Heat helps slow down his circuits," she tells Clint. "At least the ones I'm looking at. Disabled his heat sinks so even if he gets going he won't last long," she says.

Kitty leans forward over the magnifier. "Which is safety measure... like...48 I think," she says. "We're taking any chances with this stuff. But, he has a manufacturing plant out there somewhere that was making his human-sized Sentinels we still have to find and deal with. I just hope it's not autonomous enough to be going. But I fully expect it is," she says.

Kitty pauses, reaching over to a big glass of ice water. She pulls off her jacket, already perspiring lightly and the jacket not helping. "Not sure I'm even going to fire anything up on him today. Just... studying and thinking. Kind of like Tyrion without the 'drink' part," she says.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Taking his jacket off and leaving it on a work stool, Clint strides into the lab nodding at what Kitty's saying, "Makes sense, slow him down so if things kick in then you've got a larger window before he starts actually doing things we don't want, right?" he asks coming to have a look.

The news about the plant comes as a surprises, "Still? And yeah if it's out there I bet it's still functioning, we're not that lucky usually," a wry smile at that as he moves to lean against the wall. "I'm Clint by the way," he says as he peers at the work station and what Kitty was up to. There's a smile for the Tyrion reference, "Wish I thought of a drink before coming down here, didn't expect the heat. Anyhow, any of that," he nods to the Bastion bits. "Going to help us find the lost factory?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty says, "Tony's surely got stuff in the fridge over there if you want to dig into his stash. He's my boss, so I'll pass and stick to water though," she says with a small grin. "Kitty Pryde. We've met once before. While most around here know me as someone who works for Tony, the rest of your team know I'm one of the X-Men too. Which... is how Tony noticed me and offered me the job, actually," she says.

Kitty leans forward looking in the magnifier. "I'd identified the wavelengths Bastion used to jam Tony's scans of him, back when he was in that bunker that later got attacked," she explains. "But yeah, we think the factory is in Canada, have some leads, but nothing hard. I don't actually think we'll get a location from doing this," she says, motioning so 'this' means what she's doing now. "But, might work out better weapons against them, or defenses or... you know. Tech geek saves the world kind of stuff?" Kitty says, looking to Clint and giving him a small grin.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Right!" Clint says and ducks down to raid the fridge, opening the door and peering inside. "And you're sure?" he says about the drinks before he helps him self to one of Tony's beers. He cracks the top off and frowns. "We did? Wait, Jan's party?" he asks her, seeming to make some sort of connection there. "Sorry, I'm horrible with faces sometimes. And an X-Man, wow, I can see why Tony snapped you up."

Clint nods, frowning when there's no likely way to use what's here to find that last factory. He hates loose ends and it shows pretty clearly as he crosses his arms and takes a sip of his beer. Though his mood lightens a touch at the tech geek stuff, "Working around here, I'm familiar with the concept," he says. "And great if we can do more to knock whatever's being built out quicker," he says of the current project. "Any big ideas on that side of things, and can they be made small enough to fit on say, an arrow?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty nods and points towards Clint. "Well, yes, there too. But there was a day in the den here in the mansion. I had Rogue with me and you were with the beautiful Asian lady who I have no idea how old she is and so I want to know what her secret is," Kitty says. No doubt talking about Melinda May.

She hrms, and gets a tool, setting it down on the table but using the computer to control it, so precise is the change she's about to make to the circuit. "This stuff is wild. I mean, future tech. It's like showing the inside of a computer to someone from World War II or something. Ah, I guess that would be Steve. But, in this case, we're the Steve's."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Really? Twice?" Clint ask frowning at himself. "I must be getting old, I usually don't forget people like this," he says before smiling a little. "Guessing you mean Agent May? The other woman it could be is my girlfriend Skye and she's a bit too young for people to be wondering what her secret is," he jokes before having another sip of his beer.

As to the tech, he steps back to give Kitty space to work as he grins at the description, "God, that bad huh?" he asks Kitty. "So, I was mostly dealing with something else for SHIELD during the Sentinels crisis, where did all this tech come from I mean if it's that far advanced from what we're using?" he asks looking around the labs. It was hardly like the mansion was in the dark ages, so if the sentinel tech was ahead of that, then it was /ahead/.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty leans forward, peering in the magnifier. You'd think she was doing this delicate operation by hand instead of just configuring the computer to guide it. "I think King T'Challa dated it... I forget the exact number. Several decades in the future," Kitty says.

"I've got a friend from the future. In her time, I was sort of her adopted mother," Kitty says, pausing a moment and glancing at Clint. Shrugging. "Hasn't happened yet. Won't for a while. And, I don't think her timeline is our timeline anyway." She leans back forward and then sets the computer to make the small incision severing one part of the circuit board from the rest.

"Ok. I don't know about you, but I need to get out of the heat," she says, rising and picking up her ice water. "Thanks for keeping me company, Mr. Barton."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Weird," Clint says of the future tech. Though by now he was used to a certain level of weird. "Wonder how it all got here, or if it was one of those time loop things, by sending this stuff back here, whoever sent it was ensuring it would be created." He may be watching too many time travel movies.

Clint blinks, "That's something, got to be strange for her seeing you at what I'm guessing is her age?" he says before Kitty finishes up and decides to head out. Clint finishes his beer and bullseyes it into the recycling without looking. "Sounds like a plan," he says following Kitty out of the lab.