Wonder Man

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Wonder Man (Scenesys ID: 1567)
"You made one mistake, Eric. I'm sure you thought it poetic to use us as your puppets -- but we're AVENGERS. And Avengers will oppose you -- to the bitter end -- and BEYOND."
Full Name: Simon Williams
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Avenger, Actor, Stuntman
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York City
Education: Advanced degree in Electrical Engineering
Status: Dropped
Groups: Avengers
Other Information
Apparent Age: 35 Actual Age: 35
Date of Birth 27 November 1990 Actor: Channing Tatum
Height: 190 cm Weight: 172 cm
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Red
Theme Song: "The Fall Guy" Themesong


Once upon a time, Simon Williams was a struggling businessman. Now, he is an actor of middling success, with tremendous powers, staring down the long road of eternity. He values his friends, and works to protect them. Simon Williams is just a man looking to make the world a better place. He has his charity work, and his attempts to protect the normal people of the world. Simon is a hero, and he is honored to risk his existence to that end. Recent events, along with a professional opportunity have brought him back to New York, to resume Avenging and derive some meaning from his apparently endless existence.



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Most of the time, the raven black hair that tops Simon's head can be found somewhat unkempt, finger combed into a rakish look but there are times it can be found neatly combed and held in place with styling gel. Contrasting his dark hair his flesh is smooth and pale, free from blemishes or imperfections. Standing three inches over the six foot mark he carries a lean muscled, hard-toned, athletic build. The athletic build is filled with lean muscle that has been hard-packed onto a relatively thin frame, made for speed, power, and precision. He has what most would call classically handsome features that are a mix of boyish features encrypted with strong, defining masculinity. His bearing and movements are smooth and agile while still holding a hint of subtle readiness and a quiet confidence.

At times, a sarcastic smile pulls at the edge of his lips, revealing the straight ivory white teeth hidden beneath. His eyes are a glowing crimson, burning with the ionic power held within his body. More often than not he dresses himself in comfortable, modern styles. When not wearing a simple black business suit and tie tailored to fit he can be found in more casual attire. When he is Avenging he wears his classic Wonder Man costume which consists of a black body suit with finger-less gloves. It has red flank panels, belt, and sleeve and leg stripes leading to red boots and red fastening straps on his wrist and collar. The belt buckle has an infinity symbol and there is a "WM" symbol in red upon his chest.


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The second son of military industrialist Sanford Williams and his wife, Martha, Simon had a pretty amazing childhood. His older brother, Eric, was a maybe a bit of an odd duck. Other than a healthy sibling rivalry, He grew up big, strong, smart, and successful.

He was forced towards the family business, despite his passion and talent for acting. He was allowed to participate in school plays, but that was the extent of it.

Simon was quite smart and he attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. By the time he was done with school, getting a BS in Physics, it was just Simon and Eric. Eric declined to take over the family company. Simon lingered in college to pick up his Master's in Electrical Engineering, despite a desire to go into acting.

Eric was just wrong. He'd gotten into some messed up things, and was well on the way to being a villain. He talked Simon into some questionable business arrangements that the young, naive little brother readily signed off on in an effort to help his older brother out. Soon though, it became clear that Simon had crossed some lines. His father's legacy, Williams electronics was going under. All because Simon was a poor businessman, and believed his brother. Simon's name was on everything. Everything was his fault. He was going to suffer for it.

Simon was talked into an experiment to escape the legal ramifications of his efforts, again by his brother, Eric. Simon somehow survived the efforts of the villains. His form was suffused and transformed into an ionic powerhouse. In the process, his youth was restored to him, making him appear to be a red-eyed man in his early twenties. Initially, sent to infiltrate the Avengers, Simon ended up joining them, despite his belief that he would die without continued treatments.

Ultimately, Simon was 'killed'. He was actually dropped into a regenerative coma. A few months later, Simon woke up disoriented and confused. He also woke up as an energy being, no longer mortal or human with blazing red eyes. The Avengers helped him beat the criminal charges brought against him for the failure of Williams Electronics, though a part of him remains ashamed of his role in the destruction of his family business.

Though he is confused still, Simon takes this in stride. He's paid fines, invested what was left of his inheritance and took up his passion of acting to pass away eternity while Avenging. After a short tenure as an Avenger, Simon went West to take a chance on a serious acting career. he ended up a stunt man, and at best B-Movie actor. He wasn't bad, he just wasn't taken seriously.

Early in 2026, he took up an opportunity in New York to run a kid's show about science. He took the chance, and returned to the East coast to give it all a try.


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Intelligent: Simon is not dumb, though he is hardly a genius. Simon is a capable technician and scientist, but he will not be inventing a brave, better new world any time soon. He is a capable assistant to the likes of Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Reed Richards, or Hank Pym, but will never be more than that. He is clever enough to come up with smart tactics in a fight, or follow causality or pick up and present clues with relative ease.

Charismatic: Simon Williams has charisma. People like him. Simon is charming and has good manners. He has far more charisma than most stuntmen should, and one of the issues holding him back as an actor is that people like him too much. They find it hard to not like him. Simon has no idea why this is. Hes fun, a little flirty, and sort of funny. It just works for him.

Impulsive: See problem, solve problem. Simon can act on impulse. He is very hard to hurt. His powers originated due to him wanting to get even with tony stark over a business deal gone awry. Despite the low odds of success, let alone survival, he went ahead with it as Simon wanted vengeance.

Protective: Simon does what he does now to protect people. Simon's combat effectiveness is quite impressive, but he is almost always one of the first to break off a fight to secure a scenes hazards to ensure that civilians and first responders do not suffer from hazards or undo danger. Simon saves people. Simon also talks himself up to opponents, to draw their ire and attacks after all, he can take it.

Decent: Despite some personal flaws and a tendency to not leap before he looks, Simon Williams, at his fundamental core is a decent human being with a strong moral compass and an abiding, honest love of his fellow man, well, former fellow man. Regardless, when the chips truly down, Simon will make the right decision. He can be misled. He can fall victim to pride or anger. He is just as flawed a being as any other, but like most folks, when the rubber hits the road, Simon makes the right call.

Fun-Loving: Simon is the sort of guy who is always down for a party. He can be irresponsible, flirtatious, and a bit of an enabler. He is not a bore, nor is he always obnoxious, but he is always up for enjoying himself. Unfortunately the recreational substances that facilitate a good time (Social lubricants, if one will) no longer work on him. Parties are a little less fun when you are always sober. Simon still enjoys being around other people who are enjoying themselves.


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Once Simon Williams was a man. Now he is a being of Ionic Energy. His body is some unique, quasi-flesh form that has organ analogues, and even ionic-energy drenched blood. It is not truly biological though, but rather some unique composition. While he appears to be, and feels human to the touch, Simon is no longer even an animal. He is an immortal, nigh unkillable energy being of considerable strength and durability with a very human mindset. This energy appears to be nigh inexhaustible and self-replenishing.

  • Superhuman Strength: Simon Williams possesses vast superhuman strength, the limits of which aren't known though he is in the upper echelons of physical power, lifting and throwing oceanic naval vessels, immense chunks of land masses and engaging in mind-boggling feats of strength on par with the heaviest of hitters.
  • Superhuman Stamina: He does not tire, though his mental concentration can be taxed over time which can cause a fatigue analogue over the course of days.
  • Ionic Flight: Simon initially had to direct Ionic energy to fly via technology, first via backpack jets, then hip pods. Simon has moved past technological assistance and can fly under his own power. Simon can hit mach 2, and sustain it for days. He can fly into space under his own power, but at this point lacks any ability to increase his speed. He can hover, and has a zero turn radius with his flight.
  • Invulnerability: Simon, as a being of living energy is immensely durable, as durable as he is strong. Simon can sustain vast bombardments of physical force, before faltering, and is capable of taking immense punishment, standing at ground zero of nuclear weapons and other, more powerful forces and managing to survive. Simon is essentially unharmed by cold, heat, acids, bases, and radiation. He is capable of surviving the rigors of space. Psychic attacks function on Simon, thought psychic effects resulting from physical or biological stimuli do not. For example, as there is no brain to be played with, he cannot be hypnotized, or be mind controlled by pheromones or biological means
  • Immortality: Simon is immortal, unaging, and unkillable as his form is literally energy in a solid form. He cannot sire children, unless magic were somehow involved. Sufficient energy can cause some disruptions in Simon's solid form, but energy levels like that are few and far between. It would take world-ending degrees of energy to truly disrupt Simon Williams form. To whit, Simon Williams can stand at Ground Zero of a planet destroying super weapon and survive.
    • Self-Sustenance: As a non biological life form, Simon does not need to eat, drink, excrete, sleep, or breath. Disease cannot harm him, and he cannot be harmed by toxins either.
    • Ionic Regenerative Healing: If his form should get damaged, he is able to heal from damage as small as superficial cuts and bruises, limbs and even his entire form if it were destroyed.
    • Blood Analogue: This blood is ionically charged and is a potent source of regenerative power. With proper chemical and/or magical adulteration, this blood can restore another to the prime of their life, reverse the aging process, regenerate organs, and cure crippling diseases.
  • Untapped Potential: Simon Williams has great untapped potential in his Ionic form. He has far more abilities that he could develop, but his human viewpoint is stalling his potential growth in those areas.


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Simon is not a bad actor. He is just typecast as a B-Movie actor, so he gets B-Movie parts, or stuntman jobs. No one wants to see a guy with red eyes do Hamlet, or King Lear. That being said, he does not get bad reviews, just bad parts. He is capable of acting quite well, and has great comedic timing. He wants to be a leading man, but he is far better suited to a witty, or goofy comedic role. Simon has adapted his acting ability to carousing, speech giving, and socializing. He has coupled his charisma to his persona and he can act and cajole people into all sorts of things. In addition to learning to act, Simon has had professional diction, singing, and dancing lessons. He can passably sing and more than passably dance. He is quick and light on his feet. He has rhythm, and he can carry a tune. Where he truly fails is in script selection.

Simon has been taught to fight. Simon is a real handful in a fight. He has been taught to take advantage of his size and strength by the other Avengers big guys, and yet the fundamentals and how to take advantage of his speed by a certain Captain. He can more than hold his own with wrestling, punching, kicking, or body blocks. He is a top notch brawler. He is not a particularly adept martial artist. Simon fights to protect his teammates, and his fighting style does tend to lead to him taking hits so that his other, less durable teammates can be safe. He takes the hit to save them, because he's tough enough to take it.

Simon's flight expertise has been hard won. Initially flying via a jet pack and then hip pods that tapped into his immense stores of energy to propel him, Simon has learned to direct himself via force of will. By learning to fly in such a methodical fashion, Simon has became an adept and adroit flier. He can dodge many attacks merely do to his dramatic airborne agility he can do all the standard flying tricks and stunts with a practiced ease. Flight is one of the things that makes being a man-shaped bundle of ions worthwhile.

The Avengers let the mostly invulnerable, immortal energy being guy who knows he is almost impossible to kill fly a Quinjet. Simon Williams enjoys it, and is quite capable and competent. Other Avengers might not enjoy it as much as he does, as Simon flies a Quinjet like he stole it. He can fly well, and push the envelope, but there are certainly better pilots to pick for comfort.

Simon Williams is an engineer by training. He graduated with honors from MIT. He is a capable, competent scientist. He is able to be an able and efficient assistant to the likes of Tony Stark or Hank Pym, but Simon will not be saving the world with a test tube. His expertise lies with power amplification and direction. He is not at all stupid, though he has affable stage presence that makes some people forget about his scientific training.


Oh, he might jump an open drawbridge, or he might total a brand new car. Simon can do all sorts of incredibly stupid things with incredible ease and make it look easy. He can drive on two wheels, jump cars off ramps, fall, be caught on fire. He basically knows all sorts of strange, awesome-looking, stupid stunts that very few can safely complete. He largely succeeds. Essentially all the movie stuff that stuntmen do, Simon actually can do. It also gives Simon a pain tolerance that is beyond even his constitution. He can take hits he has no business taking as he can roll with punches and blows that would level even him and come up alive and sometimes grinning.


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Simon can count on the Avengers. He has access to the Avengers equipment and personnel. That is a tremendous asset and should never be underplayed.

Simon has a decent amount of money. He has a steady stuntman income, and numerous investments from his inheritance. He also has a new acting job, which he uses to invest for the future. When coupled with Simon's relative lack of expenses, he can live quite well on very little. He has more than a little, and lives on less than he makes. His Stuntman money is more than enough for him to life well on, and his finances are being reinvested continually as forever is a very long time. Compared to what he once made, however, this is a paltry income. He does have limited needs now, and that is the difference; he can live quite well on very little.

Despite a rocky start, Simon Williams is pretty darn popular. For some reason, people seem to love watching him get beat up and get back up for more. He gets booked for both late night TV, and stunt jobs often, even when he has nothing to sell, usually to do some variety of incredibly dangerous, funny stunt that invariably goes comically wrong in a slapstick bit that makes people laugh. Simon's public persona is not taken seriously. His best personality aspects are generally what the public actually see; his affable nature and the fact he cannot take himself too seriously. While it is not fake, it weird that in public, Simon is most genuine.

Neal Saroyan. Worst. Agent. Ever. He is an agent though.

Simon returned to New York to begin work on a new television show for children (and adults). It is called I Wonder. The premise is simple; Mythbusters without the dummy. Simon is the dummy. Real science is used to answer questions that are sent in by viewers. Simon parleys his superhero connections to get real heroes, and real, heroic scientists (Science heroes!) to answer questions, explain the scientific method, and give an inclusive, nonjudgmental, pro-science, pro-responsibility message to the viewer. Each episode contains Simon doing something that is not particularly bright. It is carefully explained that he is a superhero and built for this stuff, but he is often dressed in superfluous safety equipment, for the sake of the kids.

Nature, animals, and physics figure heavily into the series. Simon never lets a gun onto the show, and the show is written to hopefully entertain parents in addition to providing a genuine science lesson. A Smart & Safe experiment is included in each episode for parents and children to do together.


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It is not a huge deal, but Simon Williams is no longer human in appearance, per se. His eyes are crimson and without an obvious pupil. They can tend to glow or emit energy contrails when his emotions are high. It is not a major issue, and it is often hidden behind a pair of expensive sunglasses. The more power he uses to fly, or soak damage or his incredible strength the more his ionic energy becomes visible. Regardless, he is obviously not entirely human.

As an indestructible actor of questionable worth, but experienced in death-defying stunts while being potentially unkillable, Simon Williams is known to Mojo. He is a potential ratings extravaganza in the Mojoverse.

The fact of the matter is, Simon knows how hard it is for him to die. He has built his careers since gaining his powers on his ultimate indestructibility. His stuntman career is based entirely on him being able to survive almost anything, with the resulting increased believability and freedom of movement from not wearing large amounts of safety equipment being key to success. His success as an Avenger is also do to him being able to survive a beating. Simon is relatively without fear due to this invulnerability, which can be used to lure him into a trap that can delay him or his friends. This overconfidence can come across as egotism.

The problem with Simon's existence is that there is no respite. There is no moment of sleep and relief. It is full bore, always on consciousness. He has to remember to sleep, and even then it is not for long, as he really has no need for it. The issues are when the doubts creep in. Is he even alive? Is he Simon Williams? Is he just deluding himself into even thinking he is a person? At best, he is a man-shaped mass of Ions, which is how he refers to himself at times.


Simon's brother (Eric Williams) is the Grim Reaper. This is not a good thing. There is some sibling rivalry, love, and affection, some extreme dislike. It is all very complicated. Simon can be manipulated by his brother, and can be manipulated on behalf of his brother.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Working Out to Work Out October 10th, 2023 It was a great workout session and fun was had by all.
Soup Is Good Food September 20th, 2023 Simon brings soup with the motive of recruiting Jessica to fight his brother and Nekra.
Shopping After Work May 23rd, 2023 After responding to a false alarm, Simon Williams and Clint Barton are left with a Quinjet and a free afternoon. Home Depot awaits!
A Touch of Hollywood May 5th, 2023 A mysterious collector sets his sights on a certain crimson ruby, but is unfortunantely on a tight budget so hires the galaxies most inept mercenary trio to retrieve it with appropriate results.
The Cure: Megavolt October 21st, 2020 Four meta human criminals are broken out of a prison transport truck. One is defeated after a gruelling battle.
Poker Night October 5th, 2020 Jane Foster meets the Avengers. Thor and Shulkie eat chicken wings until at least one of them is ill. Just another night at Avengers Mansion.
Trending upwards October 5th, 2020 She-Hulk & Wonder Man discuss the show and Simon asks her out. She actually says yes.
We Are Helping September 19th, 2020 (Scene Moved Log failed)
We are still helping September 19th, 2020 The Avengers speak with Blurr about recent events.
Needing advice from the Jade Lady September 15th, 2020 Thor asks Jennifer for help with a lady. Ends up talking to Simon about the upcoming 'Emily' awards and conversation regarding stealing Nat's shampoo.
There's a reason you don't sit at the counter September 1st, 2020 Three celebs run into each other
Lights! Camera! She-Hulk August 14th, 2020 She-Hulk knocks her acting debut out of the park and things are looking up for i Wonder.
Jenn Walters, Lawyers to the sort-of stars August 3rd, 2020 Jennifer Walters, the Sensation She-Hulk, agrees to be the face and voice of the disclaimer for Simon William's new show; I Wonder.
Welcome Back, Simon January 23rd, 2018 Simon returns to the Avengers, welcomed by Tony.


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