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Rosie McGowan (Scenesys ID: 9868)
Full Name: .
Gender: .
Species: .
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: .
Citizenship: .
Residence: .
Education: .
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth {{{DOB}}} Actor:
Height: {{{Height}}} Weight: {{{Weight}}}
Hair Color: {{{Hair}}} Eye Color: {{{Eyes}}}
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}





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Title Date Scene Summary
Xavier School Prom May 25th, 2021 The prom for Xavier's School. Big wins, little wins, new friends, and old ones; a night to celebrate those that matter and the memories made. And dancing. Lots of that. Hank still remembers the Macarena.
Establishing the Baseline May 23rd, 2021 Jeremy journeys to Rosie's room to find out what went on during her missing hours. Rosie admits, slightly, that she's having a bit of a personal crisis with existence. Prom is on Tuesday, and they still don't have a dress.
A morning check-in May 18th, 2021 Rogue catches up with Rosie to talk some things out further and give the student some reassurance
Missing: One Rosie May 17th, 2021 Rosie is found and returned to the Xavier Institute.
Bazzar Aftermath May 15th, 2021 Gray follows Rosie. Rosie is beginning to go into Crisis mode, insists Gray is not evil.
A Sinister Gravity May 15th, 2021 Having run from Xavier's after the Little Pigs incident, Rosie McGowan's trail of destruction leads to More Sinister instruction for the young mutant.
The Little Pigs May 14th, 2021 Ororo takes the students to the Salem Center for trinkets; and they all leave either angry or traumatized.
Generation NeXt May 11th, 2021 Jeremy and Rosie vists Lucas to welcome the new kid.
PANIC! At the Garage May 5th, 2021 Rosie McGowan adopts a dirtbike. Shannon attempts to be friendly with the prickly Rosie. There is progress on both fronts.
The Universal Language May 3rd, 2021 Rosie and Indi talk a bit of Faith. Jeremy comes in as a discussion gets heated with Sam Guthrie's help, and things calm down after a fair bit.

Ted has the worst timing.

The Gravitas of the situation May 2nd, 2021 It started out with attempting to assess Rosie's talents and ended up with a Shower cubicle o' dewm and discussions on mutations. That is until Deadpool. Car surgery concludes.
A Garden of Rosie May 2nd, 2021 Rosie and Jeremy have some deep discussion about their blossoming relationship and Rosie's faith and identity as a mutant.
Dress to Impress... April 28th, 2021 Rosie and Jeremy discuss Prom.
Almost drowned, but mostly dry April 24th, 2021 Rosie checks on Jeremy to find out if he's okay. She finds out he's not only okay, but he's put a lot of thought into his friendship with her and Gray. Why be conventional?
Gravity and Chaos April 22nd, 2021 After a mess is made in a science classroom, the noise attracts a variety of the grown ups. Science is had, because everything was written down. Deadpool was there. It got squirrelly with trying to hug Logan.
Pillow Forts and Space Wizards April 16th, 2021 Grey and Indira find they have a historical connection, then plans are made to educate Rosie in the finest pop culture revolution mankind has invented. They will all be late to classes in the morning.
Foyer Forays April 11th, 2021 Jeremy and Rosie talk about life for a bit, then meets up with Shannon a bit later.
Always bet on black.. unless it is red. April 5th, 2021 Cleaned up the crime scene!
For Whom the Belles Toll April 3rd, 2021 Southerners in the Dining Room. Three different southern accents. That iced sweet tea never stood a chance.
Dootin' down the Club March 27th, 2021 Jeremy brings Rosie on her first outing since coming to the school -- Club Evolution. They talk, they listen to music, they make a connection and then Jeremy dances while Rosie questions existence after being Baptized in the club.
Danger Room Session March 27th, 2021 Scott gives the team and students a Danger Room session of hide and seek with Logan and a mystery bad guy from the hairy Canadian's past.
Gargoylin' the Foyer March 24th, 2021 Rosie is settling in, got a flying lesson, and will someday, maybe stop addressing Shannon as Miss Shannon. No one bangs a u-ie in this case.
Rec the Rep Already March 21st, 2021 When Rosie McGowan hides from feeling crisises regarding the second time she's launched a Xavier's instructor into a natural feature in a week, she poorly chooses the RecRoom. Shannon and Jeremy try to help, and Sam has to come in to clean up a broken glass and a broken Rosie.
Sunday Tunes March 21st, 2021 It starts off with some pretty Sunday music, Remy's wallet is stolen, there's musing on the nature of good and evil and DNA, and then Remy's wallet is stolen again. Jack is a cuddly pooch.
New Student: Rosie McGowan March 16th, 2021 Rosie's second day at Xavier's.
Gravity Blues March 15th, 2021 Sam is dispatched to find a mutant in the Deep South who may be in a world of danger. And then gets knocked into a tree being the good guy.
The Gravity of the Situation March 15th, 2021 Ororo Munroe (Storm) and Sam Guthrie (Cannonball) show up to get a young mutant out of a bad situation; there's flears, hogs and dogs. It's not good.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Rosie in a Room May 18th, 2021 Summary needed


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