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Misfit (Scenesys ID: 8868)
"Dark Vengeance! HSssssS!"
Full Name: Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe
Gender: Female
Species: Magician
Theme: DC (TPC)
Occupation: Homeless Vigilante
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Gotham City
Education: Some High School
Status: Approved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 16 Actual Age: 16
Date of Birth 26 June 2011 Actor:
Height: 160 cm (5'3") Weight: 50 kg (110 lb)
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen (Muppet Music Video Version)


Charlie is determined to be a superhero even if she dies trying. The dark take would be what else does she have in her life at this point to lose having lost her family and her home. Not that she is viewing it fatalistically because that just isn't her. She is putting on a mask, hitting the streets of Gotham, and showing the world that she can be just as good at this crime fighting and saving people thing as her idol Batgirl with optimism and a deep well of youthful hope.



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This teenage young lady looks to be a natural redhead, which she keeps long enough to reach her mid-back. Blue eyes, pale skin, and freckles complete her look, perhaps she has Irish heritage. She stomps in at a petite five foot three inches, not the biggest but also not the smallest and probably clocks in at 110lbs. Athletic shape if a little scrawny, no excess weight at all on the girl.
Right now she is dressed for crime fighting. She is wearing a low budget classic batgirl outfit. Dark blue batgirl cowl and attached cape, which looks home-made. Yellow gloves with the traditional fringe. Blue jeans, yellow (not a utility) belt, and black and white converse sneakers.


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Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, is not really Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe. Charlie's true name is lost to her as she was born on Gemworld. She was a Princess of the Ruby House but when the wars happened and her house was razed with most of her immediate family killed. To save her she was sent to earth, her memory paved over and replaced. She retained her main power to teleport and the muscle memory and ingrained fighting skills.

(Source: https://thehappysorceress.tumblr.com/post/20681674304/a-few-words-from-misfits-mom-gail-simone)

On earth she was inserted into the lives of a small family that lived in an apartment in Metropolis's worst slum. Her mother and her newborn little sister were all the family she had as she never met her father and had no memories of him thanks to the spellwork. Her mom did her best to make ends meet, working a job as a waitress at national diner next to a twelve screen cineplex.

Charlie knew she had a superpower, a small slew of powers really if you stopped to take an inventory of all of them, though some people might just collapse them into her teleporting. She rarely used it though because they made her mother really uncomfortable. Charlie figured it was just fear for her safety since she felt her mom sincerely loved her and treated her well. She had no way of knowing it was part of the magic protecting her that placed her with her 'family'.

Despite the lack of size in their crappy apartment she did have her own small room, which she got to decorate the best she could. Anyone who could have seen the room would have known she was a big fan of Batgirl. The original kick-ass Batgirl.

Things went downhill though rather abruptly about six months ago. The landlord of the apartment building had bribed the safety inspectors that did the already infrequent inspections of the local buildings. The fire escape had collapsed and was never replaced and the buildings smoke detectors were either without power or outright broken so there was no warning.

When a really bad fire broke out, Charlie and her family were trapped in the apartment. Charlie and her mom knew from some of Charlie's experiments with her powers that living things didn't survive 'bouncing' with Charlie when she teleported. So Charlie couldn't save her family. Not wanting to leave them she held out until her mother made her, screaming at her to teleport out. All in all, seventeen people died in that fire. Despite the fact the Landlord was a horrible Slumlord and clearly criminally responsible his sentence was a mere six months, time served.

The injustice of her family's deaths. The lack of criminal court system working. All of that was just not fair. Not right. She could have ended up going into a life of crime so easily with her capabilities. Still the part of her that idolized Batgirl was the part of her that won out in the end.

Six months after the fire that took her family, Charlie, homeless, has surfaced as a crime-fighter in Gotham City, wearing a homemade Batgirl costume. It wasn't very good. It involved some bat-a-rangs (probably fake ones) she bought in a Gotham pawn shop. Frankly it is embarrassing.

(Source: Birds of Prey 96 / 98 / 108)


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ADHD: She seems to have boundless energy and trouble focusing her attention for great lengths of time. She may mean well and be a ray of sunshine, but some people can find her a bit annoying. It is likely due to a mix of brain chemistry and the chaos magic but she can?t help it.

Immature: She hasn't had the best childhood and that coupled with her deeply personal trauma has caused a lot of problems for her. She can easily end up acting younger than a sixteen year old highschool dropout should act. Then again she is a sixteen year old high school dropout, how mature are they anyways.

Sweet Optimism: She really is a good person and a good girl. She has a really big heart and genuinely wants to help people and for people to like and accept her. She wants friends, she wants love, and she wants acceptance. She is also terribly optimistic despite her trauma that things are going to work out for the best. The strong need for acceptance friends and love may all be due to her trauma though.


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Accelerated Healing:
Charlotte also has good degree of accelerated healing directly connected with her 'bouncing' ability. When healing via bouncing, she feels temporarily drained and cannot bounce again as quickly. The amount of delay is relative to the amount of healing done by the bounce.

For example, If she were to be shot in the belly with a bullet, the wound would be non-serious on first bouncing to another location, and healed completely on a second bounce.

Grievous wounds from things such as fire or acid, multiple gunshot wounds, or those from energy weapons will become non-critical after one bounce and healed after several. This kind of healing leaves her drained and very sluggish with the drain mentioned above.

Loss of limbs or entire organs are currently beyond her ability to heal with a 'bounce'.

If she is rendered unconscious she will not be able to heal until she is conscious and able to 'bounce'.

Charlotte has the ability to teleport (or, as she calls it, "bouncing") vast distances without error. She wills herself where she wants to go and then she does so by appearing and disappearing in a burst of pink-purple smoke.

The teleport's arrival itself is flawless, but this has nothing to do with where she can teleport to.

Misfit can jump to a familiar person (met a few times or had an in depth conversation or encounter with). Consent based if a PC. Otherwise Misfit has to know the approximate location she is aiming for. I.e. what building, what floor, and roughly where in the building. She could not jump to "the control panel with the self-destruct for the missile" but could jump to "the control room on the 4th floor, southeast corner of LexCorp's Gotham office".

An even bigger restriction is that she is only able to teleport herself because no other living objects survives bouncing with her.

Peak Human:
She has peak human physical characteristics including strength, agility, stamina, and reflexes. This may be due to her homo-magi genetics and heritage. Nothing ridiculous or even remotely superman-esque but she can take out street level villains and go toe to toe with more seasoned ones or serious threats safely.

Security Bypass:
Bouncing will place her in a place safe from immediate detection by normal technological security at the moment of entry. I.e. she won't be in front of a moving camera, but she might only have seconds to get out of the way. Her appearance won't set off a motion detector, but moving afterwards might set it off.

This does not necessarily prevent detection by living beings present.

To avoid magic or otherworldly sensors it would be a TP / staff approval power.

In particular, the chaos magic emanating from her Bounces is not 'muffled' and is prone to being noticed by those with magic senses.


Charlotte is a Homo Magi of an unusual heritage and she is currently totally untrained in her studies of the occult. Sure she may have lots of potential but currently all of it is expressed through instinctual use of powers like her 'Bounce' at this point. She is so green and untrained she doesn't even realize she has magic vs. a meta-gene.

This is solely untrained potential. Any powers gained from it require +request for additions to the +sheet.


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Charlotte is really remarkably good at video games (at least according to herself).

Hand To Hand:

Really Impressive fighting skills for someone who as far as she knows hasn't taken any classes. While she hasn't had the training as far as she remembers to really apply them fully there is a lot of muscle memory there waiting for the conscious mind to harness.

There are some limitations though. Due to the way her memories were suppressed when she fully flexes her chops it causes some cognitive dissonance so she downplays her abilities. She also craves the attention and training of her superhero idols which she wouldn't get as much of if she excelled out of the gate so she holds back.


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Currently she has been living in her condemned mostly burned apartment building in Metropolis and is 'commuting' (aka bouncing) to Gotham to fight crime. She has very little resources other than some money she has recently taken from muggers she stopped.


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It may be that she is covering up for deep seated feelings of loss. Loss of her family. Loss of control of her life. No matter what the cause is though she acts very cocky and overconfident.

On some level she really blames herself for her mother and sisters death, if only she had been able to do something about it. She probably needs therapy but then what vigilante doesn't, who in their right mind puts on a costume and beats up muggers. Oh right this also comes with a side order of nightmares she doesn't talk about.

Hero Worship:
She craves the attention and training from her superhero idols. On the surface she wants their acceptance and attention which is not unusual for a teenager. Deeper down what she really wants is a family to care about her, support her, and love her. Thinking she let them down would be crushing, and she is likely to express it as trying twice as hard to earn their praise and love.

The people she was hidden from would surely like to find out where she is and who she is. They would like to snuff out her family lineage forever. Thankfully they currently don't know where she is or who she is as they have deep resources both mundane and magical.

Her teleportation power is dangerous to other living creatures. She can not use it to directly save anyone. She could not save her mother and sibling, an event that has left some deep mental scars. Whatever the cause, be it chaos magic or something else, her power is personal and can not save people by taking passengers. This limitation and the consequences of trying really disturbs her. She is not the kind of person who would kill and she is not going to use her power to do that. The thought makes her sick and she tries to avoid thinking about it and just will not do it.

The other side of her optimism is her naivety. Despite her tragic backstory which drives her to try to help other people she genuinely thinks things will work out for the best most of the time. This is a world of heroes right?


She lost her mom and sister in the fire and doesn't have any other family members to fall back on.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Please Turn Off Your Cellphones February 8th, 2020 Harley causes mayhem in a cinema. Scene will not be completed due to Batman drop.
Soup Dumplings January 27th, 2020 Soup Dumplings are eaten. It is totally Kestral's fault.
Na Na Na Na Bat Dumplings January 20th, 2020 The Bat crew spend an evening chatting and enjoying dinner. It's Carrie's birthday. Nothing explodes.
Clocktower Catch Up January 12th, 2020 The finest from Los Pollos Hermanos sates the hunger of a hungry Batclan at the Clocktower
At The Gotham Rec Center December 23rd, 2019 Stephanie, Charlie and Carrie drop of some presents at Andre Jackson's rec center.
Are Vampires Also Bats December 22nd, 2019 Misfit learns there are vampires in Gotham and has a message to deliver from Selene to Batman
It's beginning to look a lot like ... December 20th, 2019 Babs wraps gifts, Charlie eats chicken, and they talk about the benefits of being viglantes in Gotham. Fin
Knightfall: Our Sins December 7th, 2019 As the League of Assassins lay siege to Gotham, the Bat Family receive a crippling blow ...
It's not delivery... it's left overs November 28th, 2019 Babs drops a bombshell on Charlie over dinner. Disney+ is still only $7.99 for unlimited access ...
Helping The Needy - Just Don't Think About How November 27th, 2019 On the eve of Thanksgiving, Catwoman tries to do something nice for others. Misfit finds out how it came to be, raising questions to consider.
Coventry Murders: Bloody Exorcism November 24th, 2019 The Bat-Squad (plus Lucifer) engage the demon Gaulichu, finally!
Knightfall: The Master Passes On November 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Knightfall: Mis-fitting In November 3rd, 2019 Bruce explains his reasoning to Charlie, Jason cracks the 'Coventry Murders' case.
Knightfall: Long shadows October 15th, 2019 Kitty shows up at the cave to find out what happened to Bruce, Babs is Batman, Misfit got a new groovey costume. Fin.
Knightfall: Inheritance October 14th, 2019 Misfit investigates what Batman has left for her following the Battle of Superman.
Break to wake a Misfit October 10th, 2019 Babs comes home to find Charlie sedated.. the two converse about the future of the Cowl. Fin.
A Night In The Batcave October 5th, 2019 Batman, Nightwing, Damian, Batgirl and Misfit hear of Superman killing people, and Misfit learns Batman's identity
Knightfall: Thanksgiving October 5th, 2019 The Bat Family gather for Thanksgiving Dinner, charitable visitors, and strange tidings.
Lessons Are Important September 26th, 2019 Barbara proves to be an insideously good motivator of teenagers.
Bat-Training Montage September 2nd, 2019 Carrie stops by the Clocktower and meets Charlie. They talk about important stuff like not killing and also how weird the wealth is to kids who never had any.
Rock Around The Clock(tower) August 31st, 2019 Charlie thinks she is home alone. She isn't. Kara and Damian show up for very different reasons. Babs makes a brief appearance. Angst ends the day.
Wayne Foundation Charity Auction August 29th, 2019 The luminaries turn out for the Wayne Foundation Charity Auction!
Welcome to the Clocktower August 23rd, 2019 Misfit comes to the Clocktower to meet Oracle. A deal is struck.
Drawn Like A Moth To A Quilt August 22nd, 2019 Batman, Batgirl, and Misfit take town Crazy Quilt with Oracle Assist. Batman makes Misfit an offer she can't refuse in the end.
China Basin Wall August 21st, 2019 Misfit returns to Gotham. Oracle sends Silk to make 'the offer'... and things go pearl shaped. Tears.
Big Trouble in Little China Basin August 16th, 2019 Batwoman kicks Charlie's ass and Oracle dubs her Misfit remotely. Not Charlie's best showing but there were compliments!
Batgirl Sighting August 15th, 2019 Oracle stalks a new Knockoff Batgirl in Gotham and has stuff to talk to Batman about.


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