2715/2 Heroes 2 Bridges

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2 Heroes 2 Bridges
Date of Scene: 05 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Psylocke

Spider-Man has posed:
Thwip went the line of webbing, which struck the side of the building, just below the balcony, and out swung the amazing Spider-Man. He wasn't pulling back, he didn't have to. His partner could just teleport through the shadows, and at night, there was nothing but shadows, to keep up with him. They were on patrol, going along his usual route. This part of it took him through Two Bridges, one of the many Chinatowns in New York... it had a lot of ethnic enclaves. Just about every area seemed to be dominated by one group or another. "You shouldn't have broken that man's arm," Peter chided, still not liking the violence his partner displayed. He always pulled his punches. But he had the spider sense to help him to know just how much force to use.

Psylocke has posed:
A shadow displaces itself from the others on a fire escape for a moment, nothing but a female shaped shadow amongst shadows. Only the mark of the Crimson Dawn over her eye stood out from the nothingness. "He shouldn't have tried to shoot you in the back," comes the calm reply. The shadow disappears only to reappear at another point in his passage, continuing as though they were walking along a street together. "It will serve as a lesson to him in the future. He will recover so I don't know why you have a problem with it." She knew precisely what she was doing and had chosen the break as opposed to something more permenent. She'd been half tempted when she saw him raising that gun while Spider-Man was busy with another opponent.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man was lucky. He was never in any real danger with people like that. He could sense the gun before it was fired. He could leap out of the way of the bullet. He could disarm the guy. He had a lot of choices. Tie him to a chair and point a gun at his head, point blank, and he'd have a hard time, but give him a little breathing room and his full range of motion and that situation was as calm for him as sitting in a classroom. That was also why he could afford to be such a jokester. When he was worried, he went quiet, but as long as he was comfortable, he could be his own laugh track. "Well, it's the safest place, isn't it?" He repeated, remembering a line from a TV show he liked. "Some people say right between the eyes is the best place, or dead centre on the chest, but if I were so inclined, which of course I'm not, I'd say that shooting someone in the back would be the best way to go about it. Ideally with a silencer, and leather gloves, and okay, I've been binging too many police dramas. I wish I could afford the Disney streaming service."

Psylocke has posed:
The shadow detaches itself on a balcony then melts and reappears on the rooftop, near the edge. She solidifies long enough he can see her facial expression as her lips twist up in a smirk. "Yeah, you would think the back would be the safe place. Until someone breaks your arm," she adds in her crisp British accent. Then she seems to turn into a shadow again before melting into the pool of darkness she is standing atop. On the next roof, she returns from the shadow dimension and pauses, looking down at the street below. Nothing really going on a the moment but something has her feeling like she should stop here. Just for a few moments.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man's eyes narrow at the woman. It's an incredible piece of technology that his mask is as emotive as it is. The white lenses of his eyes grow, contract, and move, based on the movement of his facial features underneath it. "Yeah, there is that..." he has to agree. When she pauses, he does a quick double back, pulling the strings just so to send him back, somersaulting over the building, and landing in a crouching position. He's on the ledge, sitting on his toes, knees wide apart, and hands between his legs, but head up. It looked uncomfortable, but he seemed to enjoy these bizarre poses. He was quite flexible. "Psy, did you see something, hear something, sense something? Let me guess, a radioactive six armed warthog is about to come crashing through the streets? Please let it be a radioactive six armed warthog. I'm trying to complete my set of animalistic rogues."

Psylocke has posed:
A very unladylike snort comes from Psylocke at the quip. Sadly, she's not sure if he's serious or not. He does have so many rogues and entirely too many of them drew their inspiration from the fauna of the world. One would think they'd go with things that preyed on spiders specifically but that isn't the case. "I'm not sure. I just felt like we needed to stop here but I'm not seeing anything." She reaches out mentally, trying to find something that might be wrong in the area. All the thoughts she is finding are perfectly normal. "I can't find anything telepathically either."

Spider-Man has posed:
Even Spider-Man's not too sure if he's being serious or not. He does have so many rogues and entirely too many of them draw their inspiration from the fauna of the world. Getting up from his spot, he walked towards her, closing the distance, "you know, it's not a bad thing when nobody is in danger. It does happen. I've read about it. It happened in 1973 once, and again in 1984... oh, and there was this one time in 1628, but that's so far back as to have no relevance at all." And yet he brought it up. Was he making them up, or was he making clever references to historical events? It was always so hard to tell with Spider-Man, he just seemed to jump around so fast.

Psylocke has posed:
That gets a little smirk from her. Psylocke turns away from the edge of the building to focus on the man by her side instead. "1628 huh?" Knowing his mind, they are actual historical things he is drawing on for a reference. While she isn't able to think of such things, he always has the strangest bits of information stored in that brilliant mind of his. For he is brilliant. That's a portion of his appeal. "We can continue patrol, if you like. I'm sorry that I interrupted for no reason."

Spider-Man has posed:
"We probably should. The bad guys would be upset if we didn't. I heard that it's no fun committing crimes unless somebody's trying to stop you. You might be able to face those sad little faces, but I can't." And he did a back flip off the building, firing off a webline, and heading towards Greenwich Village, figuring that there might be more baddies to deal with down there, since Two Bridges seemed to be so quiet. "Funny," he said aloud as he swung through the air, "quiet nights like this never happen in the movies."

Psylocke has posed:
"No, they don't," Psylocke agrees as she melts away into the darkness once more. They continue on their patrol, moving on in the pattern that Spidey had chosen. It's his turf and his patrols, she just tags along since she gets bored easily. There is only so much tv to be watched before she needs that adrenaline rush again.

Back on the rooftop they vacated, a figure steps forward out of nothing, simply appearing. She watches the passage of the pair then an instant later, she's gone.