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Caitlin Fairchild (Scenesys ID: 1120)
Full Name: Caitlin Fairchild
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Punching You
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 19 Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth 7 September 2006 Actor: Chloe Dykstra (add height and muscle)
Height: 193 cm Weight: 137 kg
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Force of Greatness" by CFO$


One of (at least) 5 teenaged victims of either a rogue intelligence agency or group of bored plutocrats (it ... depends on who you ask, okay?), Caitlin Fairchild arguably got the best deal of the lot - in a heartbeat she went from being Blah to being Bangin', and now sports shocking post-human strength and endurance to go along with shocking good looks. She's basically still the same person, but now she hits robots so hard they break and occasionally gets punched so hard she flies across town. She also gets to keep her teammates from killing each other, and to hide her sister's cigarettes. On the whole, maybe never getting a date wasn't the worst fate. One time she got hit so hard she thought she was Supergirl. Nobody likes to talk about that.



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GENIUS For reasons owing to nothing more than genetic luck of the draw and an upbringing that encouraged intellectual pursuit, Caitlin possesses a level of intelligence placed at the upper echelons of 'genius'. She has an intuitive grasp of concepts most find incomprehensible, is an easy natural at virtually any academic pursuit, and finds the acquisition of new languages to be a simple thing - to give only a few examples.

GLAMAZON MEGABABE Caitlin got more than just super-human strength, agility and invulnerability when her powers activated: she also got a complete makeover. From geek to Glamazon, Caitlin is now an (incredibly annoyingly, to her sister) astonishingly beautiful young woman - she's tall, with perfect hair and perfect skin, a muscular but feminine build and curves it has been proven under the most rigorous scientific conditions Do Not Quit.

INVULNERABILITY The profoundly post-human density of Caitlin's muscle fiber grants her super-human strength - and along with the profoundly post-human density of virtually every OTHER example of organic tissue in her body, grants her a truly astonishing level of resilience to injuries that could cripple even other super-humans. Throw her off the roof of a skyscraper, riddle her with bullets, set her on fire, throw her in a vat of acid and toss her through a corridor of laser-plasma-whatever beams and she'll still be doing just fine. Her clothes, not so much - but she couldn't be Caitlin if every adventure didn't require at LEAST three costumes.

POST-HUMAN AGILITY Despite the density of her form (and the increased mass that goes with it), Caitlin is not the stereotypical bruiser: in fact, she possesses a reaction time that far outstrips that of a normal human being. In addition, she has proven herself capable of striking acts of dexterity and acrobatics that exceed even those of an Olympic athlete those of a normal human - perhaps because of enhancements to her nervous system, perhaps for other reasons, the indisputable fact is that for a girl her size, Caitlin moves *very* quickly. She *cannot*, however, run at 'super-speed'. She simply acts and reacts on a level far beyond the capabilities of a normal human - she has, at least once, managed to catch a bullet before it reached its target.

STAMINA That Caitlin possesses post-human levels of stamina and endurance should come as no great surprise - she'd /have/ to, given the physical alterations induced when her metahuman abilities activated. Operating at peak potential, Caitlin can function for some three days without requiring rest or sleep - longer than that, and her performance would begin the marked degredation expected from sleep deprivation. Despite her level of stamina, Caitlin pushes herself in this capacity only in the rarest of circumstances - otherwise, she operates on a functionally normal, human schedule.

SUPER STRENGTH The moment that Caitlin's genetic potential was unleashed her body underwent a series of dramatic changes - chief among them, a major expansion of muscle fiber and a profound increase in the density thereof. It's responsible for all of Caitlin's powers - and by far, the most remarkable of those is her supremely post-human level of strength. Even *without* the sort of training that most super-humans experience, Caitlin possesses near-Kryptonian levels of strength - she's capable of juggling train engines, of bending unbendable metals, of lifting fully-loaded passenger jets, all while looking /annoyingly/ great.


Between the experiences she endured at the hands of her captors in the program that activated her genetic potential and her experience keeping the dispirate personalities of Gen13 functioning together, Caitlin has developed a remarkable degree of willpower.


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BRAWLING In truth, Caitlin has essentially no training whatsoever when it comes to combat - and if she were just quick, or just /normal/, that would be problem. But the truth is that Caitlin possesses a level of strength so profoundly super-human that even her clumsiest hit carries an unimaginable amount of force and is thrown with a preternatural agility - her powers alone convey her a degree of faux-competence in a fight. While she *has* managed to pick up a fair amount of learned-experience through fights, she would be absolutely useless in a brawl if de-powered.

COMPUTER SCIENCE While her participation in Project Genesis - and the events that followed as a consequence of that choice - prevented her from completing her degree, Caitlin was pursuing a dual major in both computer science and electrical engineering at Princeton, and was at a level vastly above the experience and expertise appropriate for a mere sophmore. The life she leads means that her skill are called upon rather infrequently - she's far too valuable and far too powerful to be left behind at a base - she is in fact a *brilliant* hacker, programmer and engineer.

LEADERSHIP Caitlin stumbled into a role as leader of her motely band of misfits, but it's a role she's proven extremely adept at - she's a thoroughly competent leader, able to convince a group of teenagers and young adults to not only avoid killing one another but to accomplish actual /goals/.

SUPERFAN Caitlin knows an embarrassingly comprehensive amount about superheroes - especially the ones who have an S on their capes.


Having attended (if not to completion) Princeton University on a full scholarship, and having spent the brunt of her life as a nerd, Caitlin possesses an absolutely enormous degree of - let's call it Book Smarts. History, biology, sociology, politics, philosophy, economics, linguistics - you name it, and Caitlin is eager to get in a conversation with you that will prove how much smarter she is without ever actually meaning to. She's also fluent in several different languages.


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GEN13 Caitlin is the defacto leader of Gen13, a group of (mostly) teenagers possessed of remarkable metahuman capabilities. They have no base, no resources, no particular wellspring of good well - but they're friends, and can count on one another. Which is good, because most of them live in the same room in a long-term residency hotel in one of New York City's worst neighborhoods.


Caitlin (and Roxanne's) father, Alex Fairchild, was a respected member of Team 7. Although she hasn't seen him in years, his fellows still remember him and are willing to help out his daughter when they're able. Since they are often still in the covert anti-metahuman operations business, that assistance can be helpful indeed.


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BRICK HOUSE It's hardly polite to ask a girl's weight, but the truth is that Caitlin weighs in excess of three hundred pounds - an unavoidable consequence of how her powers function. It's difficult to move her when she's unconscious (which happens, like, a LOT), and there are an endless list of little annoyances in every day life - the world wasn't really designed with ultra-dense glamazons in mind, after all, so chairs and cars and elevators can at times be problematic.

GLAMAZON'S CURSE Caitlin ... doesn't blend in. She's 6'4" of muscle, beauty and boobs - she sticks out in a crowd, she's very memorable, and only the blindest of the blind would have a difficult time describing her appearance to anyone who should happen to be looking for her. Poor Caitlin. Boo hoo. Isn't it so hard to be her.

MAJOR INVESTMENT Caitlin - and her friends - are the product of countless years and billions of dollars worth of research and *highly* illegal experimentation by elements within the intelligence community. Not the kind of thing that just gets away without ever hearing from them again.

NO ID Every item of identification Caitlin owns - in fact, every piece in existence - shows her as being a short, rail-thin brunette in glasses, the sort of girl it was understandable had never had a date. Given that Caitlin is now well over six feet tall and drop dead gorgeous, the difficulty is obvious: she's forced to essentially live off-grid, dealing primarily in cash and relying on her size and ... uh, dimensions ... to get her into places that normally require ID.

STILL HUMAN Despite the radically altered nature of Caitlin's physiology she is still, essentially, a human being. While her stamina is profoundly greater than that of a normal human's, she remains vulnerable to knock-out gasses and has at times suffered from concussions when struck by someone with exceptionally super-human strength. Additionally, she has no particular defense against mental attacks beyond what inborn willpower supplies.


Plenty of ultra-tough, ultra-strong post-humans enjoy some sort of forcefield or at least have the sort of outfit that can stand up to getting shot, burned or hit with a fire engine. Not Caitlin - she's just invulnerable, and her costumes tend to be made of prosaic materials like latex, spandex or leather. Which means they get torn up a /lot/. Thankfully, they somehow never manage to get so torn apart they'd push footage of her in a fight past PG-13 - a mystery for the ages indeed.


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Title Date Scene Summary
You're not like them January 21st, 2024 Caitlyn holds her own against one of Metropolis's infamous. Victory, and defeat, brings unexpected good fortunes.
The song of the spaces between atoms. December 30th, 2023 Nadia shows off her personal lab to Caitlin Fairchild. They chat about science, evil groups, and how easy it is to abuse cool super science.
Forget telling me about the lab equipment. Does your vending machine stock fruit pies December 9th, 2023 Nadia goes to recruit Caitlin Fairchild for GIRL. She asks the important questions. Like are you evil and what are the snacks like.
The Heroes and their Coffee November 15th, 2023 Summary needed
A juncture of Jills at a Jacuzzi October 23rd, 2023 A rather remarkable assortment of individuals find their way to a seculed Spa to put their feet up and feel the bubbles. It's also notable in the fact that nothing nefarious seems to have occurred or ruined their relaxation. Some tips, facts and opinions are floated.
Is There A Doctor In The House October 3rd, 2023 Doc Ock makes an appearance at ESU and Spider-Man and Caitlin Fairchild happen to be in the right place at the right time to run into him.
Fine Mead, Good Chocolate, Terrible Television February 3rd, 2020 Thanks to her millenia of experience, Sif assuages Cait's worries about romantic entanglements
Fangs for (not) telling January 31st, 2020 Murphy, Cait and Chimp check a suspicious vampire corpse and get jumped by vamps.
Asgard Ahoy: Friendly Clash January 15th, 2020 Sif helps train Caitlin in the art of the blade.
Log 10534 Bobby and Caitlin December 24th, 2019 Caitlin gives Bobby an early Christmas gift.
Alpha Flight: Situation Normal December 14th, 2019 Carol and Caitlin plan for a trip to Disneyland, and more importantly: a trip to space!
No Sniping like Bilgesniping December 11th, 2019 Sif and Caitlin manage to avoid getting into fisticuffs with a Bilgesnipe while riding a circuit about Asgard's wilds.
Gen13: After they burn the club down December 9th, 2019 Following the fire in the club, Caitlin, Bobby, and Roxy retreat to Caitlin's condo to calculate their next move.
The Saint Patricks Cathedral Unboxing Challenge December 8th, 2019 Sara goes to Saint Patrick's to donate for the Christmas drive. Meets Caitlin and Ivory. There's still good in the world.
Mackenzie Station: Asgard comes calling November 27th, 2019 Caitlin invites Sif to Mackenzie Station and gives her the nickle tour.
Gen13 Recruitment Drive: Bobby Lane November 27th, 2019 The Gen13 kids go to track down Bobby Lane at his bar. Things go pear-shaped fast and the young squad of supers is forced to deal with assassins from a surprising source.
Green Ranger on Mackenzie Station November 22nd, 2019 Green Ranger comes to visit Mackenzie Station and get the lay of the land.
Into the Deep End (pt 2) November 17th, 2019 Caitlin and Roxy meet up at Central Park to discuss a possible kidnapping attempt. It turns out that the attempt is going down *now* and it takes both women's talents to manage the threat of kidnappers, a bomb, and a mysterious government program called Project: REUNION.
Intergalactic Book Lovers November 16th, 2019 Sif continues her tour of Asgard by taking Caitlin Fairchild to the archives. Prince Loki makes a surprise appearance.
Into the Deep End (Part 1) November 16th, 2019 Caitlin and Roxy meet and start discussing their 'camp' days, coded euphemisms for their escape from CADMUS. Some details don't seem to quite line up, though... what does this mean for the GenActives who're coming out of hiding and finding the one public member of their little family doesn't share their memories?
Go Go Alpha Flight Ranger! November 12th, 2019 Trini joined Alpha Flight as an 'ambassador' from the Power Rangers and met Caitlin Fairchild. Got the five-cent tour.
Halloween at Club Mjolnir November 10th, 2019 A Halloween party took place at Club Mjolnir, and a good time was had by all.
Magic Meets Tech, filmed at 10:30! November 7th, 2019 Blurr gets his projector messed up< reed has to fix it!
A Tour on Horseback November 6th, 2019 Sif takes Caitlin on a brief horseback circuit outside of the City of Asgard.
A Little Retail Therapy Never Hurt Anyone October 23rd, 2019 The joys and wonders of shopping for useful jeans -- and a blender that blends coconuts whole!
Alpha Meeting at Alpha October 15th, 2019 Dinah meets Caitlin Fairchild.
Take it to the Limit (Of the Solar System)' October 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Who Can Say No to a Lamb Gyro October 3rd, 2019 Loki can say no to a lamb gyro! But only after surprising both Sif and Caitlin out for dinner at their favorite Greek restaurant.
Whole Lotta Mutton Goin On September 24th, 2019 Caitlin informs Sif about a UFO in the solar system on slow approach to Earth; a plan is hatched to intercept it.
We Are Most Amused September 15th, 2019 Caitlin, Diana, and Carol visit Six Flags.
Dinner Party September 7th, 2019 Ladies Night at the Avengers Mansion.
Flying High September 3rd, 2019 Caitlin Fairchild gets some flying lessons from Carol Danvers.
Breaking Down Some Walls August 13th, 2019 Mary Jane gets pulled into a fight between Caitlin Fairchild and a rampaging villain.
Pitstop at Titan's Tower August 13th, 2019 Caitlin Fairchild swings by the Titan Tower and meets Supergirl and Stardust. She brings cookies!
Power Lunch August 6th, 2019 Fresh back from a trip, Caitlin cooks a lunch for Conner and Rose.
Milk and Cookies August 4th, 2019 Felicia and Caitlin show up at a bake sale; Caitlin claims victory.
Caitlin and Caitlin April 6th, 2019 Summary needed
Street Swinging Superheroe Society April 6th, 2019 Caitlin Fairchild and Spider-Man stop in at a fire
Wings of Paper March 28th, 2019 Origami takes Fairchild flying.
The Din March 16th, 2019 Summary needed
High North: A Stolen Box of Marbles and a Plate of Pig March 9th, 2019 Summary needed
Chatting with a friend March 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Mall moos March 1st, 2019 Miyako, Caitlin, Billy Cranston, and Miyako's origami cow carrier meet at the Salem Center mall. Billy is cutely awkward.
New Job new Life! March 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Manhattan Mayhem February 28th, 2019 Summary needed
CupCakes are WIN February 28th, 2019 Summary needed
CupCakes and Ackward meetings February 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Day with the kids! February 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Air mail in Jersey February 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Breakfast Ackward February 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Cupcake thankyou! February 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Good Morning, Sensei! February 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Cupcakes with The mystic one! February 9th, 2019 Summary needed
A Meeting In Angel Grove February 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Red meets a Red Head.. February 8th, 2019 An intruder turns out to be Caitlin Fairchild when Jason investigates.
Enter The Masticator! February 7th, 2019 Caitlin takes down The Masticator!
Roomate Catchup! February 3rd, 2019 Summary needed
Caitlin Gets Magic Stuff! February 2nd, 2019 Summary needed
Trying not to Fan Girl! February 1st, 2019 Summary needed
CupCake Date January 31st, 2019 Summary needed
CupCakes n Stuff! January 26th, 2019 Summary needed
Breakfast Scramble of Info January 19th, 2019 Summary needed
Some People Are Awesome January 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Patrol Aftermath January 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Caitlin's bad Day January 16th, 2019 Summary needed
A Long Walk on the Beach January 12th, 2019 Summary needed
=The Ultra-Dramatic Furniture Move January 12th, 2019 Summary needed
Apartment Showing!! January 11th, 2019 Summary needed
Up in the sky, it's a... Bird. January 11th, 2019 Summary needed
Art and other sundries January 11th, 2019 Summary needed
Caitlin's Worse/Best day January 11th, 2019 Summary needed
Dancing in Moonlight January 10th, 2019 Caitlin, on the run from N.O.W.H.E.R.E., crashes in an alley in Gotham, and is noticed.
Never know what you'll run into near a subway, or a bullet train. January 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Breathtaking Blazing Brilliant Bifrost Bringing Battle Because Beings Believe Balder's Back March 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
Breathtaking Blazing Brilliant Bifrost Bringing Battle for Balder March 19th, 2018 Forces from across space and the Nine Realms come seeking Balder where he arrived on Earth, but having missed him, they contend with each other, an Olympian, a Firey Haired Giantess, winds, a diminutive Mutant, the Earth itself, and the remnants of a four pound fusion cuisine food truck burrito. War and Peace, combat and communication, good triumphing over cultural differences? What a mess.
The Rainbow Inebriation March 18th, 2018 A blond, an Olympian, a redhead, and an Asgardian share a drink in the park. Prince Balder returns to New York to handle matters, meeting Power Girl, Caitlyn Fairchild, and Ares along the way.
A spot of trouble! November 7th, 2017 Summary needed
America & Cait October 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Might I Borrow a Cup of Sugar, Please October 4th, 2017 Karen visits her neighbours and shares Chinese.
Page Pals Pizza Party October 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
She Followed Me Home Can I Keep Her September 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Emma Frost's Impossible Mission August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Second Date July 11th, 2017 Priscilla takes Sarah out on a second date to her gym; they meet up with Sarah's teammates, friends and roommates, Roxy and Caitlin, who want to check out the lady sweeping their friend off her feet.
Three Amazonian Red Heads Walk Into A Park And ... July 8th, 2017 The 'Odd Men' appear in Queensland Park, and cause some concern. And a fight.
Walk in the Park July 7th, 2017 Summary needed


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