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Angela Davis (Scenesys ID: 1185)
"Everyone will face the consequences of their actions."
Full Name: Ahadiel
Gender: Female
Species: Angel (Malakim)
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Artist/ex-Angel of Vengeance
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: None
Other Information
Apparent Age: 27 Actual Age: 12,017
Date of Birth 10,000 BCE (approximate) Actor: Rose Leslie
Height: 175 cm Weight: 68 kg
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkYjmQOBUwI


Angela Davis is a fairly obscure, but talented, artist. She's a bit eccentric, her main hobby actually being the forging of weapons and armor, making her rather popular with the SCA and similar types of historical reenactors.

Ahadiel, on the other hand, has been an Angel for several millenia, having come into being shortly after the Fall. Originally an Angel of Vengeance, she has served under the aspect of Creation since humanity first started gathering in cities. Now she resides in Hell's Kitchen, her current alias that of an artist, which suits her purpose.



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< Angelic >----------------------------------

Ahadiel is an angel, and as such, has a variety of abilities that stem from that:

       * Immortality - barring being soul-killed, Ahadiel is effectively unaging and immortal. Even if her physical body is killed on this plane, she isn't permanently dead (though the time needed to obtain a new body might be out of the scope of the game).
       * Mortal Seeming - Ahadiel can take the form of a mortal body. This mortal body is much like any other, save that it doesn't require the typical upkeep of a human (eating, sleeping, etc.). Though she can partake of those things if she wished.
       * Wings - When out of her mortal seeming, Ahadiel can fly at speeds approaching Mach 1.
       * Universal Language - As an angel, Ahadiel instinctively knows all human languages, and can speak them fluently.

< Divine Perception >-----------------------------

Ahadiel can sense the presence of the supernatural nearby, and identify the general 'flavor' of it (infernal, faerie, Dark Dimenson, etc.), though she can't narrow it down to a specific target except in certain (and typically powerful) cases, such as the Morningstar or Dormammu.

< Improvised Weaponry >----------------------------

Ahadiel has developed, over the millennia, a knack for using about anything as a weapon. After all, what good does it do to have everyone from a mile around see you coming with a flaming sword. The object can be any ordinary object, and develops abiltiies equal to the closest weapon equivalent (a parking meter might be a warhammer, a pen could be a dagger, etc.). This ability is not a permanent change, and only lasts until Ahadiel sets down the weapon (thrown weapons until they hit or miss the target).

< Physical >---------------------------------

Ahadiel's mortal seeming is crafted to be the peak of normal human abilities in regards to strength and speed. In her angelic form, Ahadiel can lift up to 2 tons and has extraordinary reflexes. She doesn't get tired except through supernatural means in either form.

< Toughness >---------------------------------

Ahadiel is physically capable of withstanding most normal scale firearms (assault rifles, pistols) and the equivalent without being hurt. Heavier machine guns and sniper rifles can cause serious damage, as can people with superhuman strength or power. Ahadiel also regenerates more quickly than humans, able to heal serious injuries in a short span of time.



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< Artist >----------------------------------

Ahadiel has been primarily an artist by trade since the time of the ancient Greeks. As such, she has picked up skills in most forms of artistic expression since that time and is an expert in many of them, particularly ones relating to blacksmithing and musical performance.

< Martial Training >-----------------------------

Ahadiel has been fighting off-and-on for millennia, and is an expert at just about any weapon that humanity has used, including several varieties of maritial arts... and possibly some that they haven't.



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< Allies >----------------------------------

Ahadiel is still an active agent for Heaven, and as such can call upon their aid if absolutely necessary. Though depending on the situation, she might be chastized later for the presumption, or the aid might not be available at all due to other concerns.

< Savings >----------------------------------

Thanks to shifting names and wise investments, Angela Davis has a very secret and large portfolio. Though this doesn't mean she's incredibly wealthy, she uses it to get through her mortal life without having to worry about affording things.



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< Angelic >----------------------------------

As an angel, certain weapons or items that do unholy or infernal damage act normally against Ahadiel, ignoring her toughness and other powers. In addition, supernatural wards against angels specifically or other supernatural beings can keep her imprisoned or at bay. Lastly, if her True Name is invoked by a sorcerer of strong enough power and will, she can be summoned. (Ahadiel, for the record, is not her 'True' name, but it's possible that it could be discovered. King Solomon kept a LOT of notes after all...)

< Enemies >----------------------------------

The problem with being an immortal Angel of Vengeance, even if you serve Creation? You have a LOT of enemies. Most of these are demons with a score to settle, but considering her change of focus, not that many see her anymore on the front lines. Still, demons are crafty and cunning, and if one of her old foes spots her, they'd delight in causing her as much torment as they could, particularly if they figured out her other weaknesses (her vows in particular).

< Not Human >---------------------------------

Despite her mortal seeming, Ahadiel is not human. Pretty far from it, in fact, and clever mortals can figure out something is not right with her just from minor details like never sleeping, not using the bathroom, forgetting to eat often and still never being hungry, etc.

< Vows >-----------------------------------

Ahadiel has sworn to uphold several vows. These are:

       * Do not suffer an evil to live.
       * Protect artists and their works.
       * Serve the Name (i.e. God).

If she is forced to violate these vows, she suffers dissonance, which typically means that she would be locked into her mortal seeming and without her powers (effectively losing all abilities save the fact that she was immortal and peak human) until amends were made. Note that suffering an evil to live does not have a timeframe, nor does it imply that she has be suicidal or homicidal. She can develop a plan and execute it, or recruit allies, or perhaps even persuade the perpetrator of the wrongness of their actions (or have them captured and put in prison).



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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Log 2694 October 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Dancing on a Pin September 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Continuation of Log 2390 September 9th, 2017 Summary needed
One Night in Lux September 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Lonely Girl September 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Acts of Creation September 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
A Perfectly Normal Date August 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Little Lost Girl August 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Medium Trouble in Little Tokyo August 26th, 2017 Gangland violence in Little Tokyo is revealed to be much more, becoming an ambush targetting one of Gotham's defenders. The wake of swordplay, high-tech violence, magic, and explosions leaves many questions. Was Robin their target all along? Who is the mysterious, armored ninja who lead the assailants? And most importantly, where have they taken the young hero now?!
Where Loyalties Lie August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Cats, Angels, and Spies Oh My August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2022 August 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Deconstruction Zone August 14th, 2017 Ares brings the blade for Angela to unmake.
The Fast and the Flabbergasted: Tedkyo Drift August 12th, 2017 Superpowered street racing, what could go wrong?
Shadows of the Past August 9th, 2017 Maybe Cap wasn't the only meat popsicle from WW2?
(In)tolerance for all August 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Log 1801 August 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
A Matter of Faith August 2nd, 2017 Ahadiel meets a young huntress while coming home with groceries... and decides God has a wry sense of humor.
The Angel of Hell's Kitchen July 29th, 2017 Angela runs into an old enemy while walking around... and Juggernaut too!
Angel Scout Cookies July 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Pork Bellies and the Future July 23rd, 2017 Alice and Angela have a quiet dinner at Angela's place
The Gate of the Ox and the Horse July 21st, 2017 Hydra seeks to trick Kenan into giving them power, but is thwarted by Dr. Strange and Angela.
Ready,AIM,Fire July 19th, 2017 AIM decides to save money and just abduct test subjects!
Log July 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Chicken Wings and Stranger Things July 18th, 2017 Alice and Angela meet to discuss a few things.
A Curious Commission July 18th, 2017 Ares comes to Ahadiel with a bit of a problem
Body of an angel.. July 17th, 2017 Harry meets an Angel, but he doesn't know that.
Skated By An Angel July 16th, 2017 Random fun at the Skate Park!


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Title Date Scene Summary
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