2305/My House Is A Very Very Fine House

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My House Is A Very Very Fine House
Date of Scene: 03 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 1034, Triplicate Girl

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    It's not that unusual for Atlee to give you a call...she tends to enjoy chatting with Luornu whenever she can, especially when they can't meet up in person. It's a bit more unusual for her to ask Lu to come to an address, however. This one has GPS coordinates included, helpfully, and turns out to be a bit north of New York, starting to get into the more rural areas of upper New York. Not far to fly to the city and back, if you're lucky enough to avoid the traffic.

    From the outside, the little house isn't very impressive. Built up against the side of a hill, it's a one story structure with a shotgun design, the back of the house looking like it was partially buried by a landslide. It's a faded powder blue in color, with midnight blue trim, the paint peeling, and with decorative shutters (one of which is missing) on the right and left side of the door. The oddity is the smooth polished walkway of stones that currently leads from the road up to the front door.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luornu, singular, arrives down in front of the quaint, if not rundown little house. She peers at it, quizzically, and wonders at first if she's got the right house. But, the curiously smooth and elegant stonework -- and the fact there is an odd kind of landslide in the back of the house are pointers in the right direction. So, the girl walks up to the door, and knocks thrice. "Atlee?" She asks, curiously. "You there?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    You hear a faint *crashtinkletinkle* from inside. Oddly, sounding a bit...deep? And echoing. Followed by Atlee's voice. "I'm okay! Just a moment!" A few moments later you hear the thump of feetsteps running up to the door, then a little *umph* as the door....well, sticks. It's kinda swollen. There's a grunt of greater effort, followed a sudden pop as the door comes loose finally, nearly spilling Atlee back on her her butt as she was apparently bracing a foot against the doorframe. She hops back, balancing as she flails her arms, then brings both feet down on the floor. "Whew. I really need to fix that..." she says, hands on her hips. She's dressed down...well, actually, in the only outfit you've seen her outside of her work clothes, a pair of cutoffs and a bikini style top, and is a bit covered in dust, a smear of some sort of liquid across one cheek, and her hair more mussed than normal.

    Despite this, she immediately attempts to hug Luornu happily. "Hi! You found it!"

    Beyond her...well, the house doesn't greatly improve. It generally looks pretty run down, if not verging on ramshackle. It's clean enough, just in need of serious repair.

    That is, save for the circular little wooden door that's replaced what was the back door...really part of the black wall, with a little nob on it. It looks a bit like...a hobbit hole, actually. Beyond it are what look like stone stairs heading down.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luornu watches, a measure of dumbfoundedness, amusement, and slight concern all play over her features, before she hugs Atlee back, "Yes, I found it. You described it very well. And you did a rather fantastic job with the path leading up to it." Knowing already that Atlee probably did a little of her geokinetic mojo to get everything perfect. "How long did that take you?"
    She smooths her expression over. A house, certainly, is better than a closet. And, well, the place -can- be fixed up. A lot. A whole lot. For now, she remains just outside, until invited in.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee steps back. "Oh! Well..." She looks thoughtful. "It took a few days to move all the materials, since some of the rock I thought was pretty wasn't native here, so I had to fly it back, or excavate it, then I had to build the internal spaces so I had a place to put all of it and reinforce it all with bedrock, and then reroute the spring I found but it turned out to be -perfect- for a proper bathing basin and enzyme pool, then I had to go back home and gets some equipment an' stuff, and that meant I had to go beat on Empathosaur because he was being a JERK, but then the Tolans gave me some really beautiful quartz pieces, which was really nice of them..." She blinks. "Oh! Wait, the stones? Um..about ten minutes?" she says thoughfully. "I wanted something nice outside too!"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    It is with paitience, interest, and confusion all that Luornu listens to how Atlee accomplished all of this, "Well," she says quietly, "It sounds like you got all the easy stuff out of the way, then." There's a pause, and she inquires to her friend, curiously, "Is the Empathosaur ever NOT a jerk?" Because, apparently he is a jerk everytime Atlee brings him up.
    She glances in, more. "Now you just need to work on the house. But, maybe we can help with that, some. How did you get it? Did you buy it with all your pizza money?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    "Oh, yes, he's pretty much -always- a jerk." Atlee says, scowling a bit. "I really don't like him much. But I dropped him in a magma flow so it'll take him a while to get back up near the surface again." Apparently this also doesn't hurt him in the process, somehow.

    She beams. "Oh, yes! I saved up enough, and Mr. Drachund...he's the landlord, he gave me a really good deal! And said if I improved the property he'll give me a discount on my rent!" She looks around the house. "Um, but I'm not very good at fixing houses...so...here, c'mon!" She takes Lu's hand, then starts pulling her after her, like an overexhuberant puppy tugging its owner along via the leash.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    And so Lu is tugged inside, and goes willingly, much like an overly amused owner wondering what new scent or thing the puppy at the other end of the leash has found or wants to investigate. Lu is mostly along for the ride, at this point. "Well," she suggests, "I think you've already done that quite a bit with the pool, and the crystals, and the rock path outside and ... whatever else you've done."
    Of course, now that she's inside? Well. She takes a look around at the furniture, walls, and everything else that goes with it. "At least," she tells Atlee, rather cheerfully, "Things are never dull with you around."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Annnnnnnd then she goes RIGHT through the house. Not stopping at all, until she takes the young Legionnaire through the round door at the back, and down the stairs...and then into a huge space. Easily the size of a football field, with rough pillars of rock holding it up. At the top, there's a series of crystalline skylights that let in the light outside in shafts of natural light. There are outcroppings of crystal similar to the cave Atlee shows the Lus weeks before, here and there, suggesting that when that light from outside fades, there will still be lightning that takes over. It's roughly divided into rooms via archways that look simple, but elegant. The center is taken up by a tremendous pile of various types of rocks separated into smooh tiles in stacks, a pile of what looks like quartz, and a much smaller pile of...very advanced, if alien, looking equipment. On the east wall, a waterfall burbles out of a hole, splashing into a large pool, almost a small swimming pool, with little holes along the sides allowing for smaller waterfalls to spill over into smaller basins, until the water comes together again in a stream that flows across the cave in a channel, disappearing through a metallic grate in the west wall. There's a pretty little bridge made of what looks like marble shot through with lapiz lazuli that curves over the water to allow travel from one side to the other. Near the back, there appears to be an area set side as a bedroom, with a circular, odd looking bed that has a sort of light blue material that makes up where the mattress should go, and a likely hopeful closet area extending back to the side...since it only really has four outfits in it currently...Atlee's costume, and three identical sets of work clothing.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    After Luornu is done looking at everything, and saying things like, "Wow, that's -gorgesous-," or, "You're -really- an artist, Atlee," and things like that at the various, wonderous things, she eventually squeezes Atlee's hand, "I love it. It's really amazing," she says, earnestly. "-You- are really amazing, Atlee." Luornu leans over to kiss Atlee's cheek, then. "I love it."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee beams, flushing at the compliment. "I think when I'm done Mr. Drachund will be happy with the changes! Maybe he'll give me a really good discount. Or maybe I can buy it off him someday! I was thinking it would be nice to have a home up here where my friends could come and have fun and do house party things!" She pauses. "Or is this a house party? Does it count as a house party if it's just two people? Well maybe four people..." she says thoughfully. She shrugs. "Well, I have an entertainment area set up, but I haven't put the chairs over there anymore, and the divan, and the couch, but...we coudl sit there if I did that quick?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "You can do that later. I think you've done enough." Lu, still holding Atlee's hand, begins to drag the Terran over towards what she can only guess is the bed, "So, is the bed made of rock too? Or is it some kind of fluffy crystals, or mushroom growth?" She's curious. "There are several species that find rocks comfortable, from our galaxy."
    There is a pause, and a smile, before Lu continues, "Well. I -could- make it a house party. But, I want to enjoy this with just me and you. But yes, I think having a small house party will be a good idea. Maybe you could even bring up some of those musical crystals, too? You know. The ones down by the pools you showed me?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee doesn't resist too much...up close, she actually looks a bit tired. One might wonder just how long she's been pushing herself to work on this place...or why she suddenly decided she needed to do a bit distracting project to keep her attention on it. "It's...got a mimetic polymer mattress...it conforms to the person lying on it. Um, a bit like...what's the word....a waterbed?" she says questioningly. "But much more firm. Also, it retains heat so it gets warmer over time to a set temperature, so you don't need heavy blankets usually..." She mmms. "Well...I suppose maybe a few crystals like that would be nice, yes. I'd have to be careful not to damage the main array, but a smaller one..." She looks thoughful, letting herself be led along obediently to where Lu takes her.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Oh! Sure." Luornu does not seem to be confused by the idea, nodding, "We've got something similiar. Your people are more advanced than I first thought, even," she says pleased, finally moving to sit on the bed, and patting the spot beside herself for the similarily sized girl to herself. "But, you really look like you could use a rest. So, you're resting. For all the rest of today, because," and she daps Atlee's nose with her finger, "I said so."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee sits obediently next to the other woman, then blinks at the tap on her nose, like a kitten being bapped. "But...but I still have a lot to do..." she says, looking over at all the piles of material left to put together. "I..I still have to get the guest room and the living creche, and...and...." The matress shifts slightly under you, smartly molding up until it supports comfortably, seeming to be able to identify that you're sitting, rather than lying down at the moment. If her chairs are like this, they're going to be very comfortable.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Tch." Another bap, light, finger-tap on Atlee's nose. "I said, you're done. For today. No arguing. Got it?" She baps Atlee's nose a third time with that finger, before her hand lowers and plants itself back on the bed. "Remarkably comfortable. Mmmm. I can see why you'd prefer this to a bed made on Earth. But you really should work on the outside of the house, too, before you talk to your landlord. I think we can help you with that." And, by we, she of course, means the three Lu's.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    She repeats that little blink each time she's tapped, though bh the third she's smiling a little bit, if tiredly. "Oh! I couldn't ask you to do that, Lu..." she says seriously. "You must have much more important things to do with the Legion....and, um, I really don't know much about fixing houses...."

    She sighs then flops back "I was sort of hoping that if I could save up to buy the land, I could just kinda knock it down and recycle it.." she admits.

    She quiets, then says more softly. "Did she tell you? Sadie?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Did she tell me?" Luornu, apparently, has not been told. Or, for that matter, found out yet. Could be that her team bonding, work, and slow-pace in pressing things with Sadie might've made Sadie not tell her something. "What?"
    Her eyes squint, assessing, and she remains seated, looking back at her friend. "Is something wrong with her?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee's violet eyes stare up at the skylight, far above the two women, then slides her hands to rest on her stomach, her legs dangling off the edge of the bed. "...she left." she says quietly. "She said....she had to move, because the people looking for her had found her. She and some of her friends." She closes her eyes. "...she said she couldn't be a good person and try to...to continue with me, when she didn't know where she would be. That she didn't want me to worry. It's -stupid-..." she says, frustration in her voice, and a bit of pain as well. "I'd worry about her anyway...whether she's a friend or..." She trails off, then sniffs slightly.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luornu frowns, then nods. She reaches for Atlee's hand again, and squeezes it, "I didn't get a chance to know her better. She certainly seemed like a woman who wanted to be good. To - become better. And I know you cared very much for her," Luornu says, reasonably. She pulls Atlee's hand up to herself, kisses the back of it. "For awhile yet, I am here. But, you know that I will most likley need to return to my own time, too. But I will not leave you, until then, Atlee. You are my best friend I have made here."
    This is said first. She can well understand Atlee's fear that Sadie's gone. "Sadie didn't want you, or anyone else to get hurt. And, it is likely she believes it is something she needs to do by herself. Like you felt coming here was something you had to do. By yourself. You left people behind you cared about, in Stratta. To be here. You came here to fight. To show. To teach. Sadie, too, is off on her own trial. To learn to be a better person. And you helped put her on that path."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The other girl doesn't break into tears, though another sniffle comes from her. But Luornu can guess just why she decided to make this big change in her life -now-...and why she looks a bit exhausted, like she's been working for a long time without a break. "...I know. I know you can't stay." she says quietly. "I knew that when you first explained why you were here, and I wouldn't want to keep you from your own time, your friends and family..."

    She shakes her head slightly. "And I know...and I want her to be better. And be happier. And maybe she'll find that. It just...it hurts." she says softly. "I miss her." Her voice sounds as tired as the rest of her, her fingers curling against Lu's as she kisses the back of it, then smiles faintly up at her. "You're my best friend too. And I want you to be happy too." she says simply. "And maybe...I should just be happy with friends then."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "You -should- be happy. You're an amazing girl. And, you've -changed lives-, Atlee. Think of all the lives you've saved. The people who will now be able to play in a safe beach. The awareness, small though it is now, to the beauty to be found in the world, beneath our feet. You are making a difference," she assures the girl, warmly.
    "I will try to see if I can find out what happened to Sadie. Track her. And, keep an eye on her if I can. To make sure she's safe. But, she's smart, Atlee. And you know that she wouldn't of left if she didn't have to." At least, that's what Luornu believes. She knows how fond of Atlee Sadie was -- and if it was being scared of the relationship, Sadie would've ducked much sooner than now.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    A soft sigh escapes Atlee's lips, as she squeezes her friend's hand again. "If you can, I'd appreciate that. So I know she's okay." she says, then smiles quietly. "And...I know. That's I've helped people. Not as much as I've wanted, to, but...but that's...what I am. When I'm Terra.

    "Sadie was part of when I'm just Atlee." she explains. "And it feels...it felt different when it was someone that close to me that I could make happy and help her and...let her find her path to be better than she thinks she is. To believe in the girl I could see in there." She shakes her head a bit. "I hope you're right. I hope she's safe, and happy, and she finds what she's looking for. Even if it won't be me."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "You started her on that path," Luornu assures the girl beside her. She asks, gently then, "And who are you with me, then?" Her voice is soft, inquisitive, and it doesn't prompt anything. She's not seeking to plant any ideas in Atlee's head. Genuinely curious. And, surreptiously, move Atlee's mind away from the matter, to focus on herself. To remind Atlee what she has, still.
    Her thumb grazes Atlee's hand, which she still holds.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee tilts her head, looking up at the other woman from where she's sprawled, wiggling her toes a bit. "About you?" the girl says softly. "Well..." She smiles quietly. "Well...you're my best friend. Definitely." she starts off, actually putting some thought into this. Which does actually pull her out of the well-worn groove of thinking about those now gone. Those violet eyes find Luornu's. "...and you're part of Atlee me too." she says with a faint smile. "I love you. I want you to be happy too, and to find your way home, to where you want to be. And if I can do anything to help you, or make your stay here happy, then I want to do that..."

    She hesistates, just gazing up at the other girl softly. "I value you...you make me happy to be with you. You make me feel..." She pauses, thinking. "Like...like I belong here, a bit. That I have someone like you in my life."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "And you," agrees Luornu, warmly, "Make it at least somewhat bearable to be away from home. From my time. It's - good - to know that there are people here, in this time, like us, so many years beyond." She leans down to hug Atlee, tightly. "And, we will make each other happy. And if, or when things change? We'll at least be glad we knew each other. And be better, for having known the other," she promises.