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| class="LogCell" | Behind The 8 Ball || class="LogCell" | March 27th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | A pool game turns into a pillow fight with sticks, with talk of studying, cooking, and sharing one's joys and passions with others had by all. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Saturday Teatime || class="LogCell" | March 27th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Tea and cookies turns into talk of ghosts, faith, and team-building. Plans for a ghost-hunt to St. Margaret's in Bushwick are suggested. Facility-approved trouble, maybe? |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Danger Room Session || class="LogCell" | March 27th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Scott gives the team and students a Danger Room session of hide and seek with Logan and a mystery bad guy from the hairy Canadian's past. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Old fashioned workout. || class="LogCell" | March 28th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Jimmy and Shannon getting a catch up. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Boxed on a rooftop! || class="LogCell" | March 29th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Hawkeye has a lil' problem, Shannon finds that she can do more than heal, like saving the day. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Chasing Pavements || class="LogCell" | March 29th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | The New Mutants track Gray down to make him an offer. The ball is in his court. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | In The Gloaming.... || class="LogCell" | March 30th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | A cookout by the lake to give Old Man Winter the one-fingered salute is held. Recent events discussed, fitness challenges issued, and common ground is found at long last. A good time is had by all. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Busted Hawkster || class="LogCell" | March 31st, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Captain America, Shannon and Skye drop by to see Hawkeye in medbay, but all he cares about is cookies. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | First Stop || class="LogCell" | April 1st, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Some random people meet at a church. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Danger Room Session: Aftermath (Or, The Cheese Stands Alone) || class="LogCell" | April 2nd, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Mac 'n cheese brings company out of the woodwork. A wild Wade appears! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Making friends in the world today! || class="LogCell" | April 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | A lesson in chaos. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Fighting evil by Moonlight. She is the one name Sailer-Pool! || class="LogCell" | April 7th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | A clue appears! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Healing of a Different Variety || class="LogCell" | April 8th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Xiang Zhao is injured, Vitali is lacking in energy and unable to heal him. Shannon happens by and provides assistance. Conversation is shared amongst the trio. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Back In Business (Or: How Not To Die On A Rooftop--The Aftermath) || class="LogCell" | April 10th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Hawkeye pays a visit to Xavier's, to properly thank Shannon for her help a couple weeks prior. A new archer is born, and challenges issued. Potentially a job for Alice as well! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Foyer Forays || class="LogCell" | April 11th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Jeremy and Rosie talk about life for a bit, then meets up with Shannon a bit later. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Evening Swim || class="LogCell" | April 13th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Probably better to not try to match big brother physicality wise. Shannon gets the blue lips trying to swim in early April, upstate New York. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Catching up at Club Evo || class="LogCell" | April 16th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Andrea practices a new single at the Club and meets up with several friends and a photographer. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A divine drink || class="LogCell" | April 18th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Poseidon, as a thankyou gift for all the cocoa Shannon always brings him, gifts her with a bit of ambrosia and the usual talk. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Out Back X-House || class="LogCell" | April 19th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Colossus has a cookout and people show up. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Thanks Where Thanks Is Due || class="LogCell" | April 20th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Thanks is given where it is due, but is only accepted with some difficulty--and threats of Danger Room retaliation if reponsibility for hard work isn't accepted in kind! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Basic Training || class="LogCell" | April 21st, 2021 || class="LogCell" | James and Shannon spent time throwing sharp things. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The talking to || class="LogCell" | April 22nd, 2021 || class="LogCell" | And that, as they say, is that. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Drowning in the lake || class="LogCell" | April 23rd, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Jeremy falls into the lake and sinks like a rock. Rogue gives him CPR and takes a look into the mind of his trauma. Shannon and Alexis swoop in to help out. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Did You Hear || class="LogCell" | April 24th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Jean hears of the incident involving Jeremy and comes to the school after hours. Shannon catches her first to fill her in on what happened. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Alternate Instructor Flight School || class="LogCell" | April 25th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Some of those drops sparkle |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Into the Batlands: Martyrs (2) || class="LogCell" | April 27th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | It's a Riot!! Critical members of the X-Men cause and stop a riot in it's tracks. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Broken Wings... || class="LogCell" | April 28th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Warren wakes up and has some visitors. Ends up a bit embarrassed. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Chamomile and Cookies || class="LogCell" | April 30th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | The Trouble Twins (R), Megan and Shannon, catch up about recent events and life in general, over chamomile tea and orange almond pillow cookies. Good times! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Tea Break || class="LogCell" | April 30th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | An afternoon of ithe coffee, tea and realizing potentials |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A meeting in Hank's 'office' || class="LogCell" | May 1st, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Speaking with Shannon and Jeremy, Beast proposes a reinvention of Blue Team |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Recruitment and Interns || class="LogCell" | May 1st, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Interns Recruited |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The Cake is a Lie || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Idle banter about fake food and uniforms. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Acoustics and Riff Offs || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Shannon stops by to talk to Jay and Andrea about music. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | PANIC! At the Garage || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Rosie McGowan adopts a dirtbike. Shannon attempts to be friendly with the prickly Rosie. There is progress on both fronts. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Xavier School Prom || class="LogCell" | May 25th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | The prom for Xavier's School. Big wins, little wins, new friends, and old ones; a night to celebrate those that matter and the memories made. And dancing. Lots of that. Hank still remembers the Macarena. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Sometimes Up, Sometimes Down || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | A band for Prom night is found. The mystery of the snow leopard deepens. A search-and-rescue mission for Vitali is planned. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Unusual Sightings: Sounds of the Motherland || class="LogCell" | May 7th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Shannon seeks out Colossus' assistance in finding and helping Vitali. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Confrontation in the Woods || class="LogCell" | May 8th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Fate brings Vitali and Zhao back together. Unexpected arrivals came upon the scene, bloodshed occurred, and then the sweet bliss of unconsciousness. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Reunion's Aftermath || class="LogCell" | May 9th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | After a long sleep, Vitali wakes up and checks on Zhao. Zhao awakens very briefly. A bit of conversation is had with Shannon before sleep summons him back to it. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Somebunny's in Trouble || class="LogCell" | May 9th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Bunnies came. Bunnies found Basosa. Bunnies left. Bunnies! It must be bunnies! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Dinner for... || class="LogCell" | May 9th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Dinner and a few friends. Just a casual thing. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The Little Pigs || class="LogCell" | May 14th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Ororo takes the students to the Salem Center for trinkets; and they all leave either angry or traumatized. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Quiet Friday Night || class="LogCell" | May 15th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Hank comes to check up on Zhao and Vitali. Shannon shows up with food, and conversation is had. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Someplace in Chinatown... || class="LogCell" | May 16th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | A healing training gets positive effects, plus forehead fan thwaps |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Late Spring Splash || class="LogCell" | May 17th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | A relaxing afternoon by the pool results in Lucas meeting Shannon and Ted. Jeremy is tasked with the care of a new furry little buddy. Welcome, Geronimo! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Singer/Songwriter/Little sister || class="LogCell" | May 19th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Xavier Prom: Prepping || class="LogCell" | May 25th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Jeremy and Shannon talk a bit before Prom during preparations. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Danger Room: Spyder Byte final assessment || class="LogCell" | May 26th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Jeremy has his final Danger Room evaluation of his senior year. Warren upped the game and he got stabbed with a sword. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Practice, practice, practice || class="LogCell" | May 26th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Shannon helps treat one of Hank's injuries and shows her wound dressing talents. Amazingly, manages to promote healing instead of taking it on. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Putting the New in the New York Public Library || class="LogCell" | May 27th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | The grand opening of the Tony Stark Historical Hall of Heroes in the New York Public Library goes off without a hitch. Monkey jokes ensue. Nothing goes boom. |- class="LogRow"