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| class="LogCell" | War Story || class="LogCell" | August 30th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Wolverine and Domino? Meet Nightingale! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Light and Dark in the afternoon || class="LogCell" | September 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Pizza, meeting and selfies with mooks! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Mystery Movies || class="LogCell" | September 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Remy and Shannon enjoy the hilarity of MST3K, and share wisdom gained the hard way. Laughter, good clean fun, snacks, a good time had by all! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Sentinels/Genosha Rising: Attack of the Sentinels || class="LogCell" | September 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | A protest against Sentinels turns bloody, The X-Men and Magneto will not be moved. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | When angels weep.... || class="LogCell" | September 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Sam finds Shannon by the lake, and they work through the aftermath of the Sentinel attack in Mutant Town. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Shannon's First Kiss || class="LogCell" | September 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Mason takes Shannon out on a date! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Genosha Rises: Songs in the key of M || class="LogCell" | September 4th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | An impromptu duet leads to a great discussion on many subjects |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Sentinels-Genosha Rises: Remembering Daniel || class="LogCell" | September 4th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | The vigil gathers and surprisingly the event ends peacefully! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Questions of Faith || class="LogCell" | September 6th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon seeks refuge in music in Apple Park, and a question finds an answer in the god of the oceans. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The parents' curse || class="LogCell" | September 6th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | 9098 Sam and Shannon talk about her first date, abilities, and he challenges her with another 'research assignment'. Things are about to get real. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Oreos Cure All || class="LogCell" | September 7th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Professor Green and Shannon share Oreos and deep discussion. Sam, Shannon, and Kaydin later talk about gods and men. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Cleaning Up || class="LogCell" | September 7th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon gets dressed down by Bobby, and the New Mutants gain another member. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Coming Out Swinging || class="LogCell" | September 7th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | 9110 Logan and Shannon meet for their first training session, and lessons from the school of hard knocks are taught in a kinder way. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Late Night Run || class="LogCell" | September 9th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon vents about her encounter with Bobby to Sam, and reveals her worry about the safety of her kin. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Solemn Musings || class="LogCell" | September 9th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon and Steve talk about the burdens of standing up against bullies. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | SENTINELS: Blinded By Science || class="LogCell" | September 10th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | A field trip to Horizon Bio-Labs goes horribly awry following an attack by the Friends of Humanity and their Sentinels. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Zorro's Crusade Begins || class="LogCell" | September 11th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Zorro begins his crusade against the Freinds of Humanity with the aid of allies. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Healing Shannon || class="LogCell" | September 11th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Hisako got healed. Shannon got healed and re-injured. Hank uplled a Leonard Nimoy and didn't do anything. Sam dreaded responsibility. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Reflections || class="LogCell" | September 11th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Kurt and Shannon chat about heartaches, friendship, and maybe--just maybe--the chance of a theatrics class, all over a good campfire meal! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Honoring The Bet || class="LogCell" | September 12th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon and Sam talk about life. Doug joins them, and all three talk about life, movies, literature, and the burdens of leadership. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | So, We Meet Again || class="LogCell" | September 13th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon spots the mysterious masked man from the warehouse encounter, and requests backup from Sam. It turns into a learning experience as she has to let Zorro get away this time. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Late Night/Early Morning Musings || class="LogCell" | September 13th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon and Mr. Green (J'onn) talk about gaining wisdom, heroes, and what it takes and means to be one. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Out to Lunch || class="LogCell" | September 13th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Joe and Shannon chat and learn a bit about one another. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Showing Hydra Sam around the mansion. || class="LogCell" | September 14th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | New Sam is slowly starting to feel more at home with folks. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | What The Heck Was That, Anyways || class="LogCell" | September 14th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Sam and Shannon make plans to venture into Mutant Town and track down the mysterious teenager from the warehouse arms deal incident. They also make plans to help the new Samuel further acclimate to his new life. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | She Heard It Through The Grapevine.... || class="LogCell" | September 14th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon and Mr. Green discuss worries, fears, and ways to deal constructively with both. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | More than meets the eye... || class="LogCell" | September 14th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Sam and Shannon follow up on the warehouse encounter, meeting with 'Will'. A new friend is made, possibly a new ally. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The Blade of Zorro || class="LogCell" | September 15th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Zorro and other heroes get into a situation In Bushwick |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Quiet Afternoon || class="LogCell" | September 16th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon runs into Percy again, and winds up with an unexpected boon! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Time to learn something about the sentinels... maybe. || class="LogCell" | September 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | The Xers learn about a possible threat and get some advice going |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Balance || class="LogCell" | September 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Warpath and Pixie have it. Cypher does not. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | When do you call for help || class="LogCell" | September 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Sam and Shannon work out a lot of answers, swap some stories, and find a way for her to move forward. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Introducing Samuel to the Danger room and a little practice for them. || class="LogCell" | September 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Training and mud was had by some. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Morning Run || class="LogCell" | September 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Techno-Sam and Shannon go for an early morning run, building trust, friendship, and teamwork in the process! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Loaded Questions || class="LogCell" | September 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | 9247 Sam and Shannon talk about how to help Samuel, growing, and how best to sort out matters with Blurr. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Week of Freedom || class="LogCell" | September 19th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Samuel and Shannon celebrate his first week at the school with some lasagna. Many friends join in, and Samuel is shown he is not alone. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | DR Session Flying through the air with the greatest of ease. || class="LogCell" | September 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Down, But Not Out || class="LogCell" | September 22nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | A very long day in the medbay is lightened by good company all around. Rachel reveals that Kitty is still 'home', even if in a coma. Shannon and Samuel have a long talk about home, heroes, and their histories. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Healer To The Rescue || class="LogCell" | September 23rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon and Triage heal Kitty out of her coma, to the relief of Peter Parker and Lockheed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Out Of The Woods... || class="LogCell" | September 23rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Kurt receives the good news about Kitty; Samuel and Shannon deal with one more day stuck in the medbay, with good food and good company making it much more bearable. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Let My Healers Go! || class="LogCell" | September 24th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Blood and Ichor || class="LogCell" | September 25th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Students attempt to treat the injured Jeremy. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Blood and Ichor... Two || class="LogCell" | September 25th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon makes a bold attempt to heal Jeremy's magical wounds. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Checking on Shannon, while catching up with Andrea. || class="LogCell" | September 25th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon lands herself in the medbay from a healing gone pear-shaped. She finally gets to meet Andrea; Megan, Andrea, and Shannon make some music, Sam and Kaydin pay a visit as well. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Get me outta here! || class="LogCell" | September 26th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Triage is able to heal the remainder of Shannon's wounds; Sam comes to check on things. Talk of life, and everything, and good humor all around! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | We'd like our Villain back, please || class="LogCell" | September 26th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Avengers and X-folks discuss Loki's recent visit. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Silence, Solitude and Stables. || class="LogCell" | September 26th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Dealing with the aftermath of Loki's duplicity, the new New Mutants disturb the sound of silence. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Of Gods, Heroes, and Deception || class="LogCell" | September 27th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Mr. Green and Shannon begin the process of working through the aftermath of Loki's deception, and the effects on her heart and mind. Some guidance in mental shielding is also offered. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Where Have You Been || class="LogCell" | September 27th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Mason returns from a necessary absence and catches up with Shannon. They each share a little bit about their mutant gifts. Sweetness abounds! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Cake, Cookery, Calamity! || class="LogCell" | September 27th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Cake to Cookies to Contain Cooking Calamities! |- class="LogRow"