5026/BlackSky: Sharks and Jets

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BlackSky: Sharks and Jets
Date of Scene: 27 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Skye carries intel to Matt about Elektra and the Hand, under the guise of a visit for pizza and beer. Surprisingly.. they actually do visit after business is done.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Daredevil
Tinyplot: BlackSky

Quake has posed:
After the little confab had been wrapped up on how to deal with the problem of Genus, Skye had pulled out the paper that was in the pastry box and reread it. And then read it again. She knew Clint was curious, but this one she wasn't ready to share with him yet.

"I need to check something first," she'd told him, with the implication that he'd get the story when it was safe to disclose it. That's the deal they'd made, and she wanted to talk to Matt first.

She'd not sent word ahead. Just stopped for pizza and beer along the way - this was nothng more than a casual visit, right? After all, that was what old friends did, right? Showed up unnounced with offerings. Shared pizza and beer.

Skye knew where Matt's apartment was, and timing her arrival for after office hours, she made her way up to the third floor, and knocked on his door.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt hadn't been to the office. In fact he'd been 'off sick' all week. Foggy was mad and Karen was worried but Matt wasn't able to focus on the law with everything on his plate right now.

Instead he used his time training, preparing for the fight ahead, no the war ahead.

He was bitterly aware of the irony that this was the life that Stick had wanted for him but even with that sour taste on his tongue he carried on preparing.

He was so into his practice, hammering the heavy bag that he didn't sense Skye coming until she knocked on his door. He stopped, resting his gloved hands against the bag, before he quieted himself enough to listen and smell.

Recognizing her, he strips his gloves off, tossing them on the couch and goes to open the door.

"Hey," he greets, her, knowing the hallway is clear. "Come in."

He steps out of the way.

Quake has posed:
"Hey yourself," Skye grins, though the gesture is somewhat forced, and she comes in as bid. He can't miss the smell of pizza: double pepperoni, double cheese. Gino's (of course). And a six pack of beer.. two guesses if it's frou-frou or not, and the first guess doesn't count.

"Just thought I'd pop in and say hello," Skye mutters casually, drinking in the place, and frowning. "Geez, place smells like a locker room, Murdock. What the hell?"

But of course she could guess what the hell. Or some of it. Skye might not know about this war of Stick's - or even who Stick was - but the word Genus had got out to her was proof enough that things were not looking good for Matt's... girlfriend (and it hurt for Skye to even think that, all things considered). Which was why she was here in the first place.

She finds a flat spot to put the pizza box down, and the beer, and then fishes around in her pocket, twisting at the flint fob on a silver lighter that she considers in her palm before setting it down beside the pizza box.

"Should I ask? And sit your ass down and grab a slice while we talk. Appearances mean a lot, and if you're being watched, we're having pizza and shitty beer."

Daredevil has posed:
A frown forms at the greeting. Something was off, he could sense it.

He steps aside and plays the part, but picks up his glasses on the way in and slides them on creating a layer of distance even as he plays the part.

"Ha. Working out," he says of the smell. "Figured you'd be used to that with work."

He grabs a slice and a beer and flopps down into one of his chairs.

He's quiet a moment, breathing deep and then frowns, "They're good if they're watching. No sign of them."

That doesn't mean they're not there. He puts his feet up on the coffee table and plays the part.

"What's going on?"

Quake has posed:
Skye nabs a slice and quirks a brow at the man. "I work out in the gym, and then use this little known device called a shower. Oh, and a laundry bin. YOu know, where you put the sweaty shit while you grab clean clothes?" She nods at him with her chin. "I could ask the same of you, what's going on?"

She takes a bite of her pizza and chews thoughtfully, patting herself down, as if looking for a napkin, and coming up with a folded square of paper that she slides along towards the man. "You have shit on your chin. And your girlfriend might want to see that. Though you still need your ass kicked for that. Who the hell dates... jesus, Matt, is she that good in bed? Because what the fuck?"

That line of thought deserves a beer, and the woman pulls two from the retaining ring, tossing Matt one. "You know how much of my neck is out on a line for you on this one?"

Daredevil has posed:
"Too many questions at the gym," Matt says tapping the sunglasses as reminder he's blind. "And I can go grab a shower, but it sounds like this important."

Doesn't help that none of Matt's windows open.

"Getting ready to take care of a few things," he says of what's going on.

Matt frowns as the piece of paper is slid over, he picks it up. He'd been working on reading text off of paper, hand written was easy, printed was so-so, laser printed was hell and laminated was a no go. Picutres... he didn't know where to begin there.

"What is it?" he asks, feeling over the paper after setting it in his lap.

Matt catches the beer with his free hand without 'looking'.

"I know you do, and I appreciate it. But what is this about?"

Quake has posed:
Skye's beer is opened and she takes a long swig from it before answering.

"My friend sent me a message. Things aren't looking good for your girlfriend. That there sums up a few of the orders that are under the table."

Skye goes on to brief Matt about the other information she'd managed to gather on the basis of that note, and the note itself. That the turf war going on in the areas that Elektra had released from Hand control weren't free of Hand presences. And that there were orders going out countermanding her own. The end result was chaos and unrest, and all spelled the fact that Elektra was losing what little control she might have had over the organization. At least on the street levels. And the street levels were where the physical machinations took place.

In short, on paper, and the business levels, Elektra might be the Fist that Rules the Hand, but on the street, she was just another mouth spouting off words that there was growing doubt she could back up.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt listens quietly, his face like stone at first but slowly growing more concerned as Skye explains more and more.

When she's done, he runs a hand through his hair, "We knew there were rebels but the way this makes things sound, it's all rebels, all the way down."

His attention moves from the paper in his hand to Skye. "Is this information reliable?" he asks, it was a faint hope that it might not be, but it was what he had left.

Quake has posed:
"I don't know," Skye has to admit. "I can't push too hard, not if we're getting him out. And it looks like he tried to get us the best he could. Not sure he meant to help your girlfriend, but looks like it might."

She frowns, and leans forward, elbows on her knees. "Can we talk straight a little here? This chick, why? I mean, seriously, why. Like, you're thinking you can help her. But she's a criminal, Matt. She runs an international criminal organization" - like Skye hadn't been in one herself, or helped another member get out and into the position of informant - "so why are you helping her? That's not you. I don't get it. I mean, I feel like my ass is on the line here, too, so what the fuck am I helping you out for?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt sits back nodding quietly. "Probably didn't mean it to help, given the circumstances, but it will," he says.

Elektra if she didn't know about it already, would be furious but it would give her places to strike back.

Skye's other words, earn a frown and he cracks open his beer.

There's a moment's consideration before he speaks. "Ever been alone so long you get to thinking no one will ever really know you, that you'll just be alone forever without anyone knowing or really caring about you?" he knew it was a safe bet that she did, most people who came up like they did had that kind of loneliness in their souls. "That was me until I met Elektra and then suddenly I could be me, I could let her in and she let me in and suddnely I was living in a differnet world, one where I wasn't alone."

He takes a sip from the beer, gathering his thoughts.

"I knew she had problems back then, and they even broke us up, but it didn't change how I felt. I tried to pretend it did, so when she came back into my life, I pushed her away, and I wasn't there to help her when she needed me. I mean, it probably wouldn't have made a difference, but, I wasn't there, so, I feel responsible for what happened," he lifts the paper. "That she's in the middle of this. So, I have to do something, even if it kills me."

He lets out a breath, setting down the beer.

"As for why you shoud do it?" he frowns and spreads his hands. "I don't have an answer for that. I've already put a lot of people in danger with this, and I don't want to add you either but at the same token, if there's a chance..."

He trails off.

"Anyhow, I love her, and I am going to do everything I can to save her, to give her a chance to be othert than this, I don't know if it's enough reason for you to help or not, but it's what I've got."

Quake has posed:
Skye just gives a pained look to Matt. "Oh, low blow, asshole. Seroiusly, playing the system kid card?"

She knew, though, what he spoke of. Hell, it was the very thing that had kept her and Clint circling one another like raptors over a dying body, just waiting for it to become a corpse so that they could land. She still didn't know how they'd managed to stop that circling and meet in the middle. But she remembered how it had felt. That feeling of connection. How the world seemed to spread out between the two of them, and beyond, and was nothing but promise.

"Dammit, that's really hardly fair. But fine, I get that part of it. Just she's not a nice person. I've read enough reports to know what they do. Not sure love redeems that, Matt. Not sure you should be sticking your neck out for her, even if you do love her."

Skye rolls her eyes and chews on more pizza. "But if you're going to be stupid like that, you can't do it alone. You might be good, but I don't think you can stink up this place enough to match the army of ninja at her disposal. Or after her neck, whichever the case may be."

"Not sure there's a lot I can do to help you. Not sure if there's a legitimate reason for me to help you. Bad enough I'm contemplating not dropping this into a report long enough to give you an edge. Fuck. Seriously, I have to stop talking to people."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt lifts a shoulder in a shrug. "Can't help it if it's true."

There's a flinch at the idea Elektra wasn't a nice person. "The reports don't tell the whole story," he says. He knew her struggles and what'd she done to try to make up for what she's done. "And I know she's done some bad things, but, I believe she deserves a chance to be better. That we all deserve the chance to be better."

That was another irony of the situation he found himself in. The logic that Elektra had railed against, the one he used to explain sparring criminals, was the same as the logic he applied to saving her. She could be better, she deserved the chance to be better.

The weight of her crimes, the cost in blood, that would be on her soul... and his own.

He could bear that weight if it saved Elektra.

"I don't have a choice, Skye. I really don't. I can't let her fall like this, not if there was anything I could do to save her."

He doesn't argue not being able to do it alone. "I understand your work puts limits on what you can do, and if all you can do is save your friend and keep things out of official reports for awhile, I appreciate it. If there's more, well, at this point I don't even know what I need yet. It's all still up in the air."

Quake has posed:
Skye sighs deeply and rubs at her temples.

"You're an idiot. Seriously. She didn't get to be head of the Hand by making great arguments. She killed people, Matt. Lots of them I'm willing to bet."

Which he already knew. She wasn't making any arguments he hadn't heard and ignored already.

"I.. don't know if I can get you any SHIELD resources. But there's a small chance that if what you say has any merit, if there's any redemption in this, I might know some people willing to help. I just can't speak for them. And they'll want to talk to you. Or at least know more. Maybe talk to her. I can't say or make promises, but let me see what I can do."

He earns a scowl. "I have no clue why I'm helping you. Must have been something in the water back at St. Agnes."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods slowly.

"I know she did," he says with regret.

"I'm caught, Skye. I know what she's done, and if it were anyone else I would have said, leave them to their fate, but, not her, I can't."

He nods. "I'll take what I can get," Matt says. His nose wrinkles. "Will these people be talking to me, or to Daredevil?" he asks, concern writ on his face.

There is an upwards curl of his lips at the latter, "Maybe the sisters got some Catholic charity into you after all," he jokes without summoning too much mirth.

Quake has posed:
"Ew," Skye remarks of Catholic charity, refusing to believe anny of her altrusitic motives might have stemmed from that past. "And I don't know. Depends who you think they'll listen to. I think Matt."

Skye shrugs.

"You won't get to know who they are, and odds are if they see Daredevil they won't know it's you, but not sure they'd care as much about him as you. Your call, though. I'll just be the messenger."

Daredevil has posed:
Okay, the ew, earns a bit more of a lively smile. "I am sure it's a coincidence," he says wryly.

The other gets consideration. The sides warring on his features. Does he tell them, does he not? In the end if they were going to be putting their lives on the line...

"Tell them it's me. They deserve that much."

He didn't need to ask if they could keep a secret given how close Skye was keeping their identities.

Quake has posed:
Even Skye has to laugh some at her reaction. It was a bit.. emphatic.

"I'll talk to them," she promises. "Goes without saying that they have their own secrets. So, we'll see how it goes. What I think they need to know, and when, and we'll see about building some trust and getting you some help. Just.. you know you still may be doing this on your own and it's a pretty stupidly suicidal idea, right?"

She frowns at Matt, sounding actually concerned. Like it matters to her, not just it matters because he's another human being.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt continues to smile.

It fades at the mention of going it alone. "I know," he says grimly. "There are some other people I can speak to, but I'm not looking forward to it, but they might be able to help."

Matt nods to the last point. "And if not, then yeah, I know." He looks at his beer, but doesn't drink. "I know this all seems crazy to you, but, I just don't see myself being able to walk away."

Quake has posed:
Skye shrugs, lips twisting over a wry grin. "Maybe not the same, but I sat there hating everything and just wanting out, and I got it. I had a way out. No strings attached, just needed to walk out the door. Didn't even have to say goodbye. Someone else was going to do that for me. Make it all go away."

Skye sighs softly, and finishes her beer.

"Couldn't do it. Don't know why I couldn't, only, much as I figured I didn't fit in, or anyone there cared about me, I cared. I cared enough to stay and to.. be this person that maybe others might believe in. Not sure when I became that person. How I became that person. Hell, not sure I am that person, but I get it."

And she does in some small way.

"If you want her to be this other person, to have a chance, you have to be the person who believes in her. All the bits fit together. And if you're who you say you are, then you can't walk away from her. Not even really to do with her that way. It's you. If anything you say is real or true, then you can't walk away from this. You gotta be your beliefs, even if nobody else understands them."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt cocks his head. "Hmm, are you sure you're really Skye?" he asks her. "That doesn't sound like her," the tease is delivered lightly as he takes a sip of his beer.

Listening, Matt settles back, draining his beer when Skye drains hers. He sets it down again, slowly, thinking over her words.

"When did you get so wise as opposed to wiseassed?" he asks shaking his head. The words had sunk in though, it showed in the thoughtful look behind the laughter.

"And you're right, though I have to be be what I believe if any of this is going to mean a thing."

Quake has posed:
"Oh shut up yourself. I am too totally myself."

She rolls her eyes and tries to cover the slight fluster his words well up within her, realizing that she's grown an immense lot since joining SHIELD - not a thing she thinks about very often.

Still, Skye nods. "Guess we all grow up sometimes, huh? Money where our mouths are. Weird how it goes."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt grins with genuine amusement. Pointedly not remarking on her fluster.

Then more seriously, he nods, "I suppose so, like you say, weird. Having to have the courage of our convictions."

He looks down at the pizza and then over to Skye. "Do you want to stay and finish this? Sell the act?" and not at all because he needed the company.

Quake has posed:
A hint of a smirk settles on the young woman's lips - a smirk that says she knows where his question comes from, and she's okay with it.

"Didn't buy a large just because I was trying to provide you lunch for tomorrow. Though can't stay too long. Promised Clint I'd be a little more forthcoming about the whys and wherefores of this visit when I got home."

"Just wanted to make sure we'd touched base first."

Daredevil has posed:
"Appreciated," Matt says of her checking in with him first. He folds the piece of paper away then, putting it in his pocket.

"And I hope he undestands," he says of Clint as Matt reaches over to claim a slice of pizza for himself.

"How is he doing anyhow?" he asks as they settle into the easier part of the night's conversation.