5137/The Librarian: Spilling the (Coffee) Beans

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The Librarian: Spilling the (Coffee) Beans
Date of Scene: 09 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Willow Rosenberg, Buffy Summers
Tinyplot: The Librarian

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
As it happened, Willow did the math, and if she took a bus, then the subway, then another bus home, and avoided the arcane shop, she could buy croissants and lattes for both herself and Buffy /and/ stop at the little chinese eatery and get 'Special Dinner for Two' with some pocket change left over to put into the smudge pot fund.

Okay, there wasn't really a smudge pot fund, but Willow wasn't having a lot of luck keeping her hands on sage for some reason since moving into the Hugo Building. It had been a tough decision - dinner for herself and her Beste as a treat, or a smudge stick.. Buffy had won out. Barely, but she'd won out.

So it was that Willow was standing outside the door to their apartment, kicking at it with her foot, both arms full, calling out, "Hey, Buffy, you home? Help? Got my hands full. Hope you didn't eat!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
    Buffy is busy with...well, okay. She is busy with the most stereotypically blonde thing you could come up with, pretty much: doing her nails. But she hears Willow, and, well...the Slayer takes the heroic sacrifice. Namely, getting up to go get whatever it is that Willow has, as she moves to help get the bags, smudged nails be damned! "Hey, what's the surprise??"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is just about to kick the door again when it opens, leaving the girl to heave a sigh of relief. "I was beginning to think you weren't home. Then I'd have to drink both the lattes myself. And I don't know what I'd have done about dinner. I mean, it's okay reheated, but it's even better fresh."

Unceremoniously, she offers Buffy the choice of either the bag of Chinese food to carry, or the tray with the lattes, and a bag that smells suspicoiusly like it has fresh chocolate croissants in it (it does!).

"John said to take a cab, but I figured if I didn't take a cab, I could get us a treat. Well, he said to buy some sage and smudge the place.. well, he said to buy some sage. But this is nicer, don't you think?"

Once Buffy has taken something, and helped, Willow lets herself in and closed and locks the apartment door behind her, taking what seems to be her first breath since Buffy answered her knocking for help.

"Oh, Gosh. We have a case. Do we say that?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
"No, I'm here. And lattes! Lattes are always good! To what do I owe this latte?" And then she frowns. "Wait. Chinese. Chocolate. Lattes. This is smelling distinctly like a bribe. A delicious bribe. But a bribe." Beat. "Did you magic someone? And if you did, is it someone I'm going to like less than chocolate?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow looks slightly hurt. "I did not magic anyone. John contacted me and invited me over. OH! I have.."

Willow pauses, and considers her parcels.

"I *had* flowers. I guess I forgot them somewhere. But I didn't magic anyone."

And it's not a bribe. Not really. Only sort of. After all, John asked Willow to help, but given what John had said the others would want to be involved. Willow hadn't accidentally turn anyone into a lizard, or dyed their skin pink, or anything like that. This time.

She starts unpacking the Chinese food onto their coffee table. "Turns out there's a book that some angel is looking for. At least John says he's an angel. Some guy called 'The Librarian' is looking for it. It came from the Library in Alexandria. Did you ever stop and think about how did they keep track of the books then? Okay, so they were mostly scrolls at the time, but still. No Dewey Decimal system. Just imagine if it were your job to memorize where all those things were."

Willow shudders.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Angel as in...wings, flappy, halo?" Buffy's seen a lot of things, but the only angel in her life so far has been a broody vampire. "Ummm, no?" Because no, she never considered Library Sciences especially as it relates to the Library of Alexandria. "What do we have on this book? I mean, what does the book do? Why do they want it?" She peeks at the Chinese. "That said, I am willing to forgive a lot for good Chinese."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"It's good. From that little place around the corner where the Asian people go." Buffy might remember it as being next to the little arcane shop - it truly was an act of will that Willow had come home with food and not sage.

"I don't know what it does. John just said the angel wanted it. I guess he's halo and flappy wings?" Willow shrugs and makes a face. "He didn't sound all angelic, though. John said they were out drinking when he told him about it. And John was still drunk."

Willow makes another face. This one of slight disgust. Like John had somehow committed a mortal sin by having her over in a state of questionable sobriety.

"John sounded worried. Worried enough he wants me to scry for it, and he wants to bring the rest of the gang in on it, too. Said the book was supposed to have burned with the library, only it didn't, and now this Librarian guy was looking for it - OH! He also said it was a sham? That it wasn't what it looked like. Has this title you wouldn't think anything of it - A History of Angels. Only it's not about that at all."

Buffy Summers has posed:
The Slayer considers. "I really think we ought to know what it does before we get involved in this one. I mean, don't get me wrong, "angel" sounds automatically like good guy...but I'd still want to know. That's big time. So, what is it about, if it's not about that?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods slowly. "I kinda already told John I'd look and see if I could find it?"

Okay, so maybe the croissants have a purpose after all. Even if only in retrospect.

Then a terrible, terrible thought hits Willow. "You don't think John would ask me to look for a thing.. for himself, would you?" And even as she asks, her cheeks pinken, because she knows full well he already did that very thing. Even if that very thing had been for a restaurant that was off the grid, and not a book that could quite possibly - in John's words - start an Apocalypse.

Which reminded Willow. John had said that.

"He wouldn't, would he? I mean, he said it could be bad. Like Apocalypse bad if the wrong people got ahold of it? John's not... that bad, is he?"

Cue worried look from Willow.

Buffy Summers has posed:
    Buffy groans. "It is a bribe." Because now it needs to be one. But thankfully, besties get a lot of slack...even without chocolate. The Slayer sighs after that, takes a bite of a croissant, then adds "I don't know. I mean, it's not like we haven't seen the Watcher's Council make some horrible choices before. What do you need me to do?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
There's a small, apologetic wince from Willow. "I didn't know it was a bribe? Honestly, he was telling me about it, and I was all caught up in how we do this..."

The girl sighs.

"I didn't stop and think then that he mmight be manipulating us. I don't really think he is, but I wish I'd stopped and asked a few more questions then." Her features brighten suddenly. "But, see? That's why you need to come with me next time. We can get all the nitty and the gritty about it. I mean, if he's right and the book is that terrible, we don't want anyone, even him, getting ahold of it."

Now that she's settled that, Willow happily digs into her food. "Mmmff, I have to see if I can track either the book or the Librarian. John said he was going to talk to his friend and see if he could get any more information for us. I think he wants us to find the book and retrieve it."