5268/All Things Great and Small

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All Things Great and Small
Date of Scene: 30 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batwoman, Peregrine

Batwoman has posed:
It's a late evening when the call is finally routed through Star Labs, advising that a stranger in Gotham wants to meet with Peregrine at the Sacred Martyr Church. For those who don't know Gotham, it sounds quite lovely, but once there, the dilapidated church offers a significantly more disappointing vista - Broken, burnscarred, and forgotten about. It's kind of beautiful in it's own despair though, and that's what leads Batwoman here, despite a clear night filled with all kinds of crime to fight.

Sitting cross legged upon the dais, framed by the stained glass window and with her long, flowing locks just lightly grazing the concrete floor, the woman sits in meditation. Eyes closed, cowl dimmed, chest rising and falling with exceptional slowness as she allows herself to be absorbed in the relative silence, the relative serenity. But no doubt... Waiting for something to disturb it.

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine got the call. She would assume that, considering her limited outings, that only one would call her to Gotham. Scarecly five minutes after the message came in, a streak of yellow lightning tears through the deepening gloom of Gotham and stops inside the church. She then blinkblinks as she looks around. "Such a beautiful name for such a battered place, Batwoman. I assume that you wouldn't go through the hassle of calling me if it wasn't important." She raises an eyebrow, her blue costume having glowing yellow strips woven through it, that dimly light the building and seem to pulse like a heartbeat.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate's eyes open as soon as she can hear the approach, but her head is still barely up by the time Peregrine has come to a stop inside the church. "It has a beauty of it's own, Peregrine. Perhaps it's not the cathedral it once was, but the history that's written in these walls is a kind of beauty." The Batwoman rises in a smooth motion, gesturing at the speedster lightly while her red lips crease into a smile. "Actually, you told me last time that you spent precious little time out, so I thought you could use some time out of the Lab to clear your head. Oracle has unfortunately been quite busy with her other projects, so she hasn't managed to quite get around to you yet, but I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten." Rich, luxuriant tones coming from her as she steps down and into what was once an aisle.

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine nods as she slowly follows. "Did you tell Oracle about me at least?" she asks as she follows you. She hmmmms softly. "I'm still trying to find my place. And I've felt something in the Speed Force while running lately... a darkness. I'm not sure what it means. It's confusing. So I have a lot on my mind."

Batwoman has posed:
"I did. And I have been made aware of something similar, recently, although I'm incapable of feeling it myself." Kate smiles, "I am unsure if your current company are much use when it comes to protecting you from the more unique hostile forces in the world. Although I have my hands full with some riddling ruffian at present." The Batwoman begins to slowly walk towards the exit, looking over her shoulder back at Peregrine. "Well, then, would you like some time off? We can talk about this strange darkness, my ridiculous riddler."

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine smiles. "I don't have much to say. Just... there's a...." She trails off. "Something in the Speed Force. I don't know how to explain it. A... bad feeling. That's all. A whisper of something terrible. I wish I could get hold of the Flash. He might know what it is. But he's slippery. So fast, even by my standards." She then hmmmmms. "What did you have in mind for 'a night off'?"

Batwoman has posed:
"It's wise not to ignore those feelings in my experience." Kate notes, "Either because something malevolent wants you to feel them, or something malevolent does not." A soft chuckle though, "You meta-humans... Well, it intrigues me to see what powers do to people. Would be that I could be Wonder Woman, but I think if I did not have to work so hard, I would probably be a lesser person for it. Well, in the realms of night off, I could order some food, coffee? Think of it like a girls night more than a date. No offense intended."

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine nods. "I'm not sure you can afford to buy me dinner," she muses, smirking softly. "Part of me wishes this never happened - that I was still flying prototype jets with the Air Force." She sighs. "But this is my life now. Still htinking of running an auto repair as my day job. Fastest repairs in the state." She ponders. "So...." She states, "I've never had much of a social life before..."

Batwoman has posed:
"You're not alone in that respect." The Batwoman slides a hand into her belt, withdrawing a slim cellphone. It's turned on, and her armored fingers begin to tap at it as she adds. "We don't really get to choose when destiny is forced upon us, but for better or worse, it is. Sooner, or later. The things that make us who we are - Villain or Vigilante - Are all things we wish we could take back. Tragedies. Responsibilities."

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine nods slowly. "Wise words, that." She smiles. "I'll be right back." She zooms away. And comes back in one minute with a pizza, paper plates, a jug of cola, and some plastic cups. "You do like pizza, right?" she asks. "Should've asked first I guess." She hmmmmms as she finally shucks the helmet, showing her face for the first time. Curly red hair, but very very short, cut military-style. "Can't eat wearing a flight helmet. Well, it's miserable to." She smiles faintly.

Batwoman has posed:
"You'd be suprised where your mind will wander to if you've forgotten to remove your mask before you get drunk." Kate suggests, with equal parts amusement and bitterness. And then, Peregrine disappears and then reappears with a pizza that has somehow survived an event that should have generated multiple lateral G's - And it only seems to spark amusement. "I can eat it. Cola on the otherhand may make me burp. I've always loved how your kind can do that. Violate physics at a whim - I just wish we could replicate it easier." Kate taps her cowl, "Is it bad form to leave mine on? I don't know if we know eachother well enough for face-time."

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine blinks. "And the soda isn't even shaken up," she muses, winking. 'Think about it. If I was affected by my own velocity, I'd be a smoldering skeleton the first time I ran." She hmmmms softly. "So - can you tell me about this Oracle? I take it she is some kind of..." She frowns. "All that comes to mind is Charlie from Charlie's Angels. A voice from a radio..."

Batwoman has posed:
"I know, right. If we could incorporate that into the military, well, might be people like us would become unnecessary a lot sooner rather than later." Kate considers things for a long moment, and then reaches up to her cowl. The right touch causes it to seperate, just a fraction, enough for her to ease it up and over her head. Her makeup done to an almost professional edge, and her hair tied back in an extremely tight braid, the woman looks like she's in her mid-twenties, the long locks that one might mistake for hers are a part of the cowl. The redhead offers a smile, and a slow inhale of the night air, before she takes a seat and holds out a cup for soda. "Oracle is a friend. She used to be my support for radio and intel, and now she's realised she wants to make a difference herself. To help people who have lost their way, before their lose themselves, and who want to help."

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine nods. "I'm afraid of what my powres would do in the hands of the military. If it was humanity, all together, working for common purpose I wouldn't be as nervous at the idea." She sighs softly. "I loved my time with the Air Force, but with the freedom I have now - I don't want to go back. And would be afraid of what they'd ask of me if they found out and tried to recall me to duty."

Batwoman has posed:
"You know what they'd ask you." Kate's blue eyes, unobstructed by her mask, peer at Peregrine. "You know exactly where that leads. And then you have a crisis of faith, you have a darkness chasing you, and you end up a corpse, or you end up becoming everything you wanted to fight against." She flips open the pizza box with an armored hand, and takes a slice from it. "Honestly... It's a shit sandwich. I guess that's why a lot of people try and hide, but that seems exhausting.... And why a lot of them just give in.

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine sighs softly. "Hence the helmet. It's functional and hides my identity." She sighs. "So what does this Oracle ask of you?"

Batwoman has posed:
"Me? Nothing." Kate answers simply. "And others... I'm not so certain. I think she wants to make sure they're safe, and that they come to terms with what they can do, what they /want/ to do." The heiress takes another piece of pizza, and chews upon it slowly. "I mean... Bigger picture? She wants to save the world." A chuckle.

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine has eaten two slices of pizza already. "What's your name if I may?" she asks softly. "I'm Deanna." She then trails off. "Or... if you'd rather not say... I'll understand I guess..." She smiles sheepishly. "Even if I wanted to be a vigilante - threre has to be more to it. A normal criminal could be cuffed and in a police station before he could blink if I went for it..."

Batwoman has posed:
Having already revealed her face and dropped most of her seductive tone, Kate has managed to draw a line in the sand. "Would be that I could, Deanna, but my name can cause a lot of harm to people other than myself. So... Why don't you call me Red, instead? It's got a nice ring to it." And she slowly shakes her head. "Normal criminals are part of the problem, and we help where we can, but it's the real villains that cause trouble. Nygma, with his riddles. Joker, with his bombs and gas. Ivy, although she has been behaving lately. I must go see her. The fact is that the world is beset by all manner of 'evil' these days, Deanna. People who gained powers like you, but who never wanted to help anyone but themselves.

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine nods. "Right. That makes sense. Leave the petty crooks for the police, and deal with the threats in our pay grade." She smiles. "Fair enough, Red. You must be well-known if you'd rather keep anonymous." She then trails off. "Riddles? Some guy making riddles is a 'super threat'?" she asks blankly. "I've heard of Joker of course- who hasn't?"

Batwoman has posed:
"I wouldn't go too far down the hole or I'd have to find a way of erasing your memory." Kate suggests, "But there's nothing wrong with helping Gotham's finest keeping the peace as well. And yes, Mister Nygma. Has a penchant for bombs and deathtraps, likes to use innocents as a persuasive bent to his 'games' or 'discoveries'. He's beyond intelligent, but ultimately, mortal. Goes by the Riddler because he loves to leave Riddles for those who pursue him." A smirk. "I haven't wanted to shoot someone's kneecaps off so much in a long time."

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine smiles faintly. "Do you have a sample of these riddles?" she asks as she has already eaten half the pizza. "Oh sorry - I should leave some for you. Side-effect of a speedster's metabolism is needing a LOT of calories." She grins. "About ten thousand." She giggles. "So - what do you do for fun when not 'on duty'?"

Batwoman has posed:
"Mn. Most recently? What has six feet, and remains standing when it loses two?" Kate muses, "He had wired a city planning official to a chair that would have ripped his ankles off while berating him about Arkham's poor canteen construction." The woman tilts her head a little at the pizza, and smiles. "I wouldn't worry. I calorie count, so I was only going to have a piece or two. And my life is... Weird. Work, crimefighting, and if I can make time for a party I will. The downside of this job is that it will kill any chance of a romantic life, and probably your social life." A chuckle follows, "Sex, well.. That becomes a 'when I can' thing. Which means less flirting, and more broadsiding." That she seems to find funny.

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine nods slowly. "I don't even know what a romantic life would be like. The closest I got was kissing someone in high school. I was always too focused on trying to be the best student I could." She ponders. "Oh well. I know people always talk about it - but I guess never having something means I won't miss its absence."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate finds that even more amusing, the laugh she gives is delighted. "Well that is just unfortunate. I've always been something of a sexual creature. It feels divine, and it's both so wonderfully tense and soothing. The occasional heroine has even succumbed to the idea of shedding the mask for an evening with me." A memory that's enjoyed, to say the least. "But it isn't for everyone, and if you are comfortable with living life on your own terms, you should. Besides, I've my fair share of regrettable - Or unsatisfying - Encounters as well."

Peregrine has posed:
Peregrine sighs. "I'm a virgin..." she murmurs, blushing. "I've had no encounteres. And that makes sense. No emotional bonds to tie one down - the cathartic release makes sense..." She sighs softly. "So you think this Oracle would wnat to recruit me for... something? I know my powers are rare and special. I want to do something good - but don't know how best to use my gifts. I hope to hear from her soon."

Batwoman has posed:
"I hope she calls you soon. Perhaps for now, let's just enjoy a night away from the fear of the future, and just enough a moment. Surely you still get those, right?" Kate teases.