6355/A Foiled Caper

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A Foiled Caper
Date of Scene: 02 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: There's a new name in town- Duskbringer. Who is he, and what does he want? Find out in this episode of...
Cast of Characters: 87, Beast Boy, Duskbringer

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Saturday morning in lower Manhattan. A day just like any other day in this city. Even though winter still holds court, the sun is shining and the skies are blue for a change, even if the chill is still in the air and everybody knows that the clouds and the snow will come back soon enough. There is still snow on the ground, after all.

It's a nice day to go out on a date. Vorpal is out and about, without bothering to disguise his appearance- you don't really have to when your date is mint-green and a movie star. It's a given that you're going to draw the eye anyway.

"-so basically I had some sort of fairy e-mail in my head that is about some sort of prophecy about some sort of doomsday thing, and four objects are involved. Angry Robin and Stardust determined that Cap's shield has something to do with one of them..." the cheshire cat shrugs, sipping his hot cocoa. He doesn't bother with a lot of extra layers in winter, due to the fact that he's already covered in fur, but he feels the season does require a certain perfunctory nod, so he is wearing a leather jacket over his usual tights. It even has a copy of his emblem emblazoned across the back.

"My head is a lot clearer now and I don't hear strange music coming from odd corners of the room." He looks over to Gar, using his napkin to wipe his mouth, "So I'm sorry I was a bit of a space case. And... well. I kind of feel guilty..."

Down in the distance, there is the faint ringing of an alarm. Vorpal hasn't picked up on it yet, because he is intent on the conversation. But soon enough, that speeding white van will be coming into view, along with a glance of the passengers. Armed passengers, with ski masks on.

Beast Boy has posed:
     Gar had been wearing a red and white leather jacket that mimicked his normal uniform, though this one had a big green tiger paw print on the back. "Was? Umm...hate to break it to you, you still are a space case." He comments with a hearty laugh.

  The van starts to screech down the road, and Gar can't help but be distracted. "Umm, I don't think those dudes were on the up and up." He comments, starting to change form into a hawk to pursue the van.

Duskbringer has posed:
He thought he was going to have a simple morning, one where he could wake up and enjoy some sweetened coffee, a simple donut, maybe even sleep in an extra wink.

But what fun is 'simple'?

No, Damar's morning started with a loud boom several buildings down from his apartment complex, followed by tire screeching and only what he could assume was warning shots. Peeking out glances from his open window, the young male rolled his eyes at ski-masked assailants he could see going in.

"Morning cardio. Needed a pick-me-up anyway."

Slipping on his suit - a black spandex suit that left his hands and feet bare - and strapping up his gear and equipment into the utility belt around his waist, the outfitted Duskbringer navigated out to the fire escape beside his window just as the truck emerged from the crashed wall. Tires screeching down the street as Damar navigated his way to the rooftop, black fog billowed off his form as he shifted into a shadowy construct of an eagle, a foot short of his normal height and dove after the truck, leaving a trail of dissipating shadow behind as he soared around the corner and down the street as the tires echoed.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal sighs as his date gives him the bird. Literally. He then casts a forlorn look at his foaming hot chocolate and, giving it one final whiff, sets it down on a bench. "Alas, it was not to be. Two ships passing at sea, one is the good ship lollipop..."

He trails off as Gar's green avian form is joined by another one. One made of trailing darkness. "Raven?" Vorpal asks, eyes wide for a second. He imagined that Raven, with her new gig as Sorceress Supreme, would have better things to do... wait.

He narrows his eyes. That form did not, actually, look like the ebony smoke Raven created. Someone else was at play.

"Hey, short green and handsome," Vorpal speaks into his comm as he starts running, "You've got company."

A Rabbit Hole opens before the Cheshire cat and he leaps into it. The hole drops him off thirty feet in the air, above the scene, but he is not about to become a cat pizza- another hole opens up, and another, and another. Very soon, Vorpal is sailing in the air by the virtue of his own momentum and a concatenating series of Rabbit Holes, almost managing to keep up with the escaping vehicle and its two pursuers.

"I'm playing ceiling cat just in case it's not a friendly," he adds into his comm, to keep Gar up to date.

Beast Boy has posed:
     The words from the Cat ring in Gar's own ear, and the green-tailed hawk glides for a moment to look behind. "It's not a real eagle." He says, able to quickly identify if it had truly been.

  The hawk keeps flapping in persuit of the van, inching closer and closer until he can turn into something a bit more dramatic and heavy.

Duskbringer has posed:
The shadowed eagle flying after the speeding truck caught an odd color in his peripheral vision, one he wasn't used to in the currently cold city of Manhattan. One that was also following the same truck. He hadn't spotted the cat above him, however, never expecting anyone to sneak up on someone like him.

Folding the wings of his shadowed bird form, he dove at an angle, quickly gaining speed on both the hawk and the truck itself. With a thrust towards the left side, he went into a spinning nosedive, barreling into the top of the truck in a poof of black smoke. Claws dug into the roof as his form shifted back to normal, he grunted as he held himself on top of the vehicle, holding on as it veered a sharp turn before swerving back and forth in the road.Dusk could hear sirens emerge from nearby streets, but still a few ways away.

"Now, they're gonna wake up the WHOLE neighborhood," he grunted as tried to keep himself attached to the car. "Just what I need..."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"It's not a real bird? What is it then?" Vorpal calls while flying through the air. He tries to maintain his momentum, but due to how physic work, he has to take a few detours to add more speed.

As Dusk hits the van, and the van swerves, the cat tries to correct his course. "Gar, see if it's a friend or foe. They look eager to get on. I can run interference on the van but we need to know if we are working with them or against."

Beast Boy has posed:
"I just know, stare at enough aviaries and you kinda become an expert." A little understatement on his knowledge, but no worries.

  Beast Boy makes use of Duskbringer's attack by diving as well, keeping close to Dusk. "Hey dude, I don't wanna step on your toes or nuthin'. But are you a good guy?" He asks, flapping as fast as he can to keep up. "Cause we can work together!"

Duskbringer has posed:
"Holy-...which one is the right answer?" He shouted out before trying to pull himself further along on the roof of the van. He dug his claws in deep, grunting as the young male tried to hold on to the ever-moving van.

Finally reaching up to the windshield, he growled as he made eye contact with the two front seat passengers, each with their own ski mask. Dusk's eyes bulged as he pulled back, catching sight of the raising firearm and following gunshot before it struck him. He rolled his eyes.

"They never learn to just give it up..."

With a breath, Dusk's form begins to cover into a thick coating over his exposed body, a form of armor made completely with shadow, thick and dense. One would notice, again, the slight smoky trails flowing off the construct over Damar's body.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I'm coming down!" Vorpal says, upon hearing the exchange over his comm. He calculates his trajectory and quickly begins to make adjustments to modify his momentim. One, two, three Rabbit Holes and he's close enough again, and matching the speed of the van- this is important.

A fourth rabbit hole brings him down, and onto the roof of the van, the cheshire cat landing in a crouch, just in time to watch the newcomer deflecting that shot. "Looks like we've got one of those fancy bulletproof ones, Gar."

He digs his claws into the roof, and realizes that soon someone might get the bright idea to shoot AT the roof from within, in the hopes that he gets one of them.

"BeeBee, we need to get this car stopped ASAP before it runs over someone. Got anything large and heavy that could bring this bad boy to a stop?"

Duskbringer has posed:
Dusk closed his eyes as he took a breath, before thrusting himself over the widshield on to the hood of the car, bullets bouncing off his armor. He recoiled a bit before steeling himself and returning his focus on to the passengers.

From the shadows within the interior of the vehicle - underneath the passenger, specifically - two thin tendrils of darkness and twirl together past the feet of the driver and to the brake pump. With the sudden halt, tires leave rather dark skid marks on the road as Damar is flung from the hood of the car as he carried his momentum with him.

Landing on the ground in front of the truck, he eyes the passengers for their next move.

Beast Boy has posed:
     As the van is stopped suddenly, the hawk turns to a tiger, pacing around the back of the van and roaring intermittently, if these guys are smart, they won't poke the green tiger by exiting. He didn't say anything for right now, only keeping his gaze on the van and the criminals next move.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
taking advantage of the situation, the Cheshire Cat realizes that the best way to tackle the predicament was to create a distraction. Now, pay close attention True Believers!

the first illusion is an easy one, by which he renders himself invisible. The second one, is a little trickier because he needs to get all of the details right. Just a moment of concentration is required, and suddenly Wonder Woman flies down from the sky to stand by the right passenger door, bracelets of Victory gleaming and crossed before her. The Amazonian princess lifts her chin in an imperious challenge, and her voice is firm when she says, "There is no need to make this any harder than it has to be."

Vorpal, invisible, is sliding off the van and lens close to the driver side door, in a crouch. He waits to see what the occupants of the vehicle will do now that they have an unknown quantity facing the front, and Wonder Woman herself on the right. By all appearances, the left side is the only one uncovered, since there is a freaking tiger at the back.

Duskbringer has posed:
The occupants in the van all seemed very caught off guard to have their vehicle stop suddenly, not to mention surrounded. The one on the passenger side in particular, from what Damar could catch 20 feet away, was that this guy was on the verge of wetting himself as he stared into the face of...WHOA, WONDER WOMAN?! HOW DID SHE GET HERE SO QUICKLY?!

//FOCUS, Damar...// he thought to himself. Right. Get back on track. Fanboy later.

He kept a close eye on the transport, the shadowy armor dissipating off his back. On the inside of the vehicle, he could sense panic rising inside as the back of the truck shook, probably from men trying to gather whatever they could to escape out the back...only to be greeted by a growling green tiger. Damar approached the front seat, unaware of the invisible anthropomorphic feline as he used the shadow of the truck to create a solid tendril, opening the door.

"Hiya. I'm sorry to say that you could not complete the driver's course. We've gotta wait for some assistance to help. I'll just take those..." Damar doesn't wait for an answer, and instead reaches over for the keys. Dusk's arm is intercepted as the driver pulls his head into the steering wheel, dazing the young lad before shoving past him to bolt away from the car.

"Ok...that one got me..."

Beast Boy has posed:
     The green tiger snarls and growls at the occupants attempting to leave, then as the driver attempts to leave, he makes a dash to run at the escaping criminal. He figures a good pounce and the guy won't be able to get out from under him, unless the guy can lift five hundred pounds.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Since Gar is taking care of the fleeing felon, Vorpal decides to take care of the van itself. "Good job on getting them stopped," Vorpal says, becoming visible as he gently pulls Damar away from the vehicle. "Let's make sure no others escape before the police arrives."

The Wonder Woman illusion goes away, not needed for this next step. He touches a hand to the vehicle and discharges his Chaos Wave on it, breathing magical life into the van.

"Who's a good boy?" Vorpal asks, and the van produces a cacophony of excited honks, its chassis swaying from side to side like a dog wagging its tail.
"Yes you are! And you're not going to let anyone out until the cops arrive, won't you?"
Immediately, there is the sound of locking and bolting, as all doors become fully secured. And then, as if going the extra step, the vehicle rears up on its back wheels, a loud *thump* sounding at the back , like people tumbling against the back doors.
"Aw, it can do tricks. And me without any treats!" He smiles at Damar. "That sounded like an ouch. Should we open the back doors and deal with whomever is still conscious?"

Duskbringer has posed:
Damar looks on in stunned silence as this once perfectly normal mundane armored truck...starts wagging its tailpipe. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Damar would've thought he'd stepped into some kind of storybook or cartoon, or some kind of combination of both. He nods, walking around the truck to its...rear...and tapped on the armored door. Sure enough, the doors swing open, letting out the still-conscious criminals, 4 in number.

Damar has some tricks too, though not anywhere near as flashy. As the men fell to the ground, Damar focused on the collection of dark beneath them, long tubes of black beneath them as their shadows betray them, wrapping around each individual to hold them in place. With a sly smirk, he turned to the green feline going after the straggler, fascinated as well by the other's abilities.

Beast Boy has posed:
     The green tiger only gives a slight roll of his eyes. "Magic schmagic, I can turn into a paramecium, or a megalodon." He comments, still holding himself on the driver, no letting out the bad guy!

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Huh. I saw an anime like that once..." Vorpal muses, looking at the tendrils. Then, he shudders. "I guess introductions would be in order. I am the Cheshire Cat in the flesh, though I mostly go by Vorpal nowadays. I'm the Titan no-one remembers." Vorpal smirks and points his thumb at Gar. "That over there is the Titan who needs no introduction- movie star and vigilante menagerie himself, and the second cutest guy around, Beast Boy."

Vorpal crosses his arms and fires off a text to the Titans' local police handler, to inform them of the updated location of the runaway van. They should be here presently.

"And what, pray tell, may we call you?"

Duskbringer has posed:
"Duskbringer. A pleasure." The young male gave a small head nod at the introduction, his glances switching between the two. He did, in fact, recognize Beast Boy from the movies, always admired his work. The Cheshire Cat, however, eluded his memory of anything about the Teen Titans.

"Never met Titans before. Thanks for your help today. You've got some neat tricks." Dusk gave a slight smile, one that couldn't hide the slight bit of social uneasiness he felt. "You're both not far from here, right? Could always use some extra help every now and again."

Dusk now had a moment to look the both of them over to observe their features and details to recall them if they ever happened to be in the area again.

Beast Boy has posed:
     "Duskbringer?" The tiger manages a low purr. "Bring on the dusk!" He comments, looking around to the two. "I'm...freelance now." He comments, looking a little shifty between the two. "So I'm all around."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Duskbringer. Nice moniker, a good branding is everything, wouldn't you say, Gar?" Vorpal smiles. "You just started doing this, or have you been doing it on the sly for a while?"

In the distance, sirens can be heard.

Duskbringer has posed:
"Relatively new at all this, I admit...New in town and thought I could help out and do some good around here."

He could hear the wail of the sirens in the distance, quickly catching his attention. Oddly, he gets a little tense, almost anxious. He looked off in the direction of the sirens as he spoke. "You guys typically stick around until the authorities get here?"

Beast Boy has posed:
     Changing into a gorilla, the driver is thrown into the back of the van-puppy. "Good Boy! Keep them in there until the po-po shows!" He comments, then changes back to the human Gar, adjusting his jacket to fit correctly again. "Nope, too many questions." He answers the Duskbringer.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"*He* doesn't, but the Titans do have a working relationship with the city. You two can take off and I can take care of the paperwork." He crosses his arms and smirks, "We can meet later to mingle and whatnot. You've got some interesting moves. Shows promise." He reaches into a Rabbit Hole (because his uniform has no pockets- how could it?) and takes out a card. "Here, why don't you reach me at the tower, we'll do lunch or something. No need to reveal your secret identity or anything. Sounds good?"

And then, he turns to Gar. "You still owe me the rest of that date, Mister Logan."

Duskbringer has posed:
"Thank you. I've had some time to get used to them. Wasn't always in this much control." He chuckles, but it softly fades back into a stoic state. The young man nods as the car is handed to him, looking it over. "Didn't know there was a landline to reach the Titans Tower." He chuckles a bit to himself as he slips the card into one of the tactical pouches lining his thighs. "Sounds like a fun time. I'll give you a ring."

He gives a small smile before the glint of flashing lights catches his eye. With a salute and a graceful bow, he turns on his heels and takes off in a dash towards an alley, using his agility to leap from steep wall to steep wall. He made his way onto the roof, looking down at the scene he just left before remembering he'd have to stay nearby to keep the shadows contained. But he didn't mind. At least he was out of public eye. The less people that associated his face to the Duskbringer, the better.

"I really should invest in a mask..."

Beast Boy has posed:
     "Yeah there's that too." Gar says with a smile, starting to head away. "Hey, Kitty, we have reservations." He comments, holding out his arm to take.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal rolls his eyes. "Fine, fine... just give me a minute, you brat." Pulling a notepad from the Rabbit Hole, he scribbles something and then leaves the note on the windshield. "Just so they know whom to reach in case they've got questions. And now, to see about those reservations."

Vorpal takes Gar's arm, and opens a rabbit hole, because showing up late to a reservation is a terrible faw pax.