News Files - Other Sources

From United Heroes MUSH
Revision as of 04:51, 4 September 2019 by Liu (talk | contribs)
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Whether from Marvel, DC, or any other source, every character must adapt to the world of United Heroes MUSH, not the other way around. How much adaptation is required will vary incredibly.

In general, we have agreed to allow the majority of characters from the following comic companies: AC, Dark Horse, DC, IDW, Image, Marvel, Sentinel, and Valiant. Most of these characters require little to no adaptation.

Over time, we have agreed to adapt the following sources. As they required more work than the standard comare fare, we have composed short write-ups on how they were adapted to our world.

The sources that are on the approved list have been adapted to fit. Those that are on the unapproved list were deemed unable to be properly adapted by the staff to fit the narrative of the MUSH. These lists are subject to change.

If you would like to play a character from a source that does not appear here, or feel a whittled source can be adapted, we are open to entertaining new or reconsidering previous decisions. However, when an approved concept has been allowed to fallow, with no active players, staff reserves the right to shift it to the whittled sources list.