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Nerina Rosso (Scenesys ID: 305)
Full Name: Nerina Rosso
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Vagabond Thief
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 26 Actual Age: 26
Date of Birth 20 March 1998 Actor:
Height: 155 cm (5'1") Weight: 40 kg (88 lbs.)
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Once bitten, twice shy, and Nerina's been bitten enough to be shy of almost everything. A thief by necessity and a misanthrope with some less-than-healthy habits, she can be acerbic, thankless, and even venomous if her temper is struck. Ostensibly just one more street rat, she keeps her powers and history close to the vest. The only oddity is that she still hasn't starved to death... and the German-speaking ninja who keeps picking safes a short bus-ride away.



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When Nerina uses her Gene Copying mutation, she assumes the age of her donor when the sample was taken. When copying Nixe, a form she maintains constantly, this amounts to lost time as her biological clock rewinds through the seconds, minutes, and hours between sampling and feeding. While not true immortality, this accident has left Nerina with an ever-widening gap between her physical and mental age - something she doesn't fully enjoy.


Because of her mutation, Nerina is even more comfortable underwater than she is on land. The young mutant is literally in her element thanks to having no risk of suffocation and the ability to freely dissolve into and out of the water around her. Lifeguards take note.


By liquefying an injury and refilling it with stored water, Nerina can seal cuts, punctures, and even reattach missing body parts. This renders her almost immune to conventional blades but only when very little material is removed in the process.


Nerina has a mutation: she can copy someone by eating their DNA. With a sample as small as a few strands of hair, her body completely changes to match them on a genetic level - height, sex, hair color, and other traits all for a short time. The transformation is involuntary and also brief, lasting only a few minutes except with a large sample, but it grants her a weakened form of any genetic powers (or diseases) while it lasts. When transformed, Nerina's mass is unchanged, meaning she'll often appear fatter or thinner than her donor and forms too much larger than her own can't be assumed at all. Because of her small size, this ability is mostly crippled.
Due to the limits of her genetic flexibility, alien and non-human DNA is rejected.


Nixe' own mutation is the ability to become water at will. She can liquefy part or all of herself and retains mobility while in water form. When exposed to a severe shock, such as from a long fall, she liquefies involuntarily and may splatter. This reflex helps protect her from some forms of injury (Blade Proof) but it becomes fatal if too little water is available for her to resolidify (Time Limit). Nerina can also absorb water from other sources and use this to replenish herself. With practice, she's even learned how to form small amounts of clothes.
Despite appearances, Nixe does not have hydrokinesis and can only control as much water as makes up her body.


Due to genetic compatibility and repeated exposure to her DNA, Nerina's Gene Copying ability is amplified when assuming her current form, "Nixe". The duration is longer, her abilities come through more fully, and smaller doses are needed to maintain it. This has developed so much that Nerina can maintain her transformation indefinitely by periodically refreshing her DNA from hair or other sources, but it's not without downsides (Time Limit).
All other Abilities come from this copied identity and no longer apply if Nerina is forced to assume her natural form.


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Nerina grew up in a largely self-sufficient home that took very little from modern technology. Housekeeping, farming, how to live off the bounty of nature, and how to avoid becoming nature's dinner during a camping trip were all lessons at one point or another in her youth.


Self-taught but with years of practice, Nerina is a proficient flautist.


Nerina is a native speaker of German and Portuguese (from her parents), fluent in Italian, and at least conversational in English - though she often smatters it with her mother tongues as a matter of preference.


Years of living on the streets by less-than-legal means while evading capture have taught Nerina a bevy of stealth skills by necessity, including how to sneak, pick locks, and avoid leaving a trail.


In the game of Cops and Robbers Nerina is a small-time player, but one with a broad net of contacts to find jobs and offload hot items. While chiefly active along the North American East Coast, she's learned the basics of finding and connecting with friends of ill repute and has reliable access to the less-than-legal tools of her thieving alter-ego.


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More precious to her than anything else in the world, Nerina always, always carries a small stash of DNA samples from herself and keeps a few more scattered throughout places she's been to ensure her transformation never has to run out.


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Nerina loses water more quickly than normal and when dehydrated, she loses her Water Form ability. Because of this she's rarely seen without a water bottle or beyond walking distance of a body of water. Use of her water abilities also hastens this process.


Nerina's skin is highly conductive so a small shock to most people is intense and painful to her. A large one will even flash-boil and splatter her body regardless of which form she's in.


Instead of burning, Nerina evaporates and once reduced to steam, there's little chance that she can reassemble herself. This makes her skittish around campfires and other open flames.


Nerina is sensitive to high and low temperatures and often dresses to extremes to compensate. In warm, sunny weather she loses water rapidly and risks Dehydration without plenty to drink. In cold weather she instead loses heat and, if it's cold enough, she can literally freeze solid.


Because she's living in a borrowed form (Specialization: Nixe), Nerina is constantly one missed refresh away from reverting to her natural body, losing Water Form and all related abilities. More than an inconvenience, this can be fatal if she's been splattered and at best will leave her larger natural body emaciated and weak. This also means Nerina needs to regularly harvest and consume DNA samples from herself - a process that is just as pleasant as it sounds.
Nerina is obsessive about maintaining this transformation and will go to fanatical lengths to keep it from expiring.


Nerina's time as a living petri dish has left more than it share of scars. She fears and distrusts anyone she can't meet on her own terms and has a phobia of most of the sights, scents, and sounds of modern medicine, including cleaners, needles, surgical tools, sterile lighting, and beeping machines. She has difficulty sleeping in confined space, can't sleep around others at all, and is afraid of staying in any one place for too long.


Nerina has no citizenship anywhere that she can prove and legally, no identity at all. This makes even simple tasks like taking a train risky and stressful and is one of the reasons she avoids anyone wearing a badge.


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Title Date Scene Summary
A Midnight Snack May 5th, 2018 Summary needed
A Quiet Mountain Hike April 16th, 2018 Summary needed
A light mittagessen March 18th, 2018 Nerina takes Sarah out for a big German lunch to celebrate the apache's return from her coma.
A Brand New Morning March 4th, 2018 Summary needed
Dream-catcher March 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Sleeping Beauty February 7th, 2018 Summary needed
Shelter From The Storm January 2nd, 2018 Summary needed
Alternate Identities December 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Smoke Break November 15th, 2017 Sarah learns about several of Nerina's bad habits; Nerina learns about Sarah's cooking
Log 3124 November 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Butterfinger Ritual October 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Experiment 12015 October 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Open Day October 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2928 October 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Pizza and Chats August 11th, 2017 Summary needed
The Catch of the Day August 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Just Playing in the Rain o/~ July 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Gems on the Water May 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Strays June 3rd, 2013 Summary needed


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