Jax Miller

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Jax (Scenesys ID: 9766)
Full Name: .
Gender: .
Species: .
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: .
Citizenship: .
Residence: .
Education: .
Status: Active
Groups: ..
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth {{{DOB}}} Actor:
Height: {{{Height}}} Weight: {{{Weight}}}
Hair Color: {{{Hair}}} Eye Color: {{{Eyes}}}
Theme Song: .





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Title Date Scene Summary
A very Miller family Christmas (pt 2) January 1st, 2023 It's the season for giving, and gifts are exchanged around the breakfast table in the Miller household... eventually.
A very Miller family Christmas (pt1) December 5th, 2022 A mystery trip to Aspen. Jax introduces Kit to his parents and 'extended family'. That's a lot of uncles and aunts!
The Road to Hero: Big pile, small pile November 17th, 2022 A sudden realisation about the nature of teamwork. It's like magic!
That's not buffing out November 15th, 2022 Sam and Jax commiserate over a wrecked Jeep, and sketch out a plan to turn some mischievous feline energy to more productive means.
Trust me: Sky(e)'s the limit! (Part One) November 3rd, 2022 From Latte to Money Laundering. Skye drops a bomb on Jax's carefree future prospects. To Be Continued!
Cat got your tongue October 2nd, 2022 A Terminator comes for Jax. Luckily, Sarah is around to provide advice, guidance, and a few necessary harsh words.
The Road to Independence Day July 5th, 2022 A cat and a witch run into each other. Columbia University will never be the same again!
The Road To Indpendence Day July 5th, 2022 A cat and a witch run into each other. Columbia University will never be the same again!
LCR Part 4: Darkness May 15th, 2022 A chat with the various forms of Kit lead to them being back where they belong, has left Kit with the key to unlocking a new aspect of his magic and has likely taught those involved a little more of exactly what dangers can come from whatever power the Aardwolf possesses.
Happy Birthday! It's dangerous to go alone, take this! April 24th, 2022 Belated birthday presents are given. Beware New York drivers, a Shadowy Phantom approaches...
High Flying Fun April 3rd, 2022 A bit of showing off, a bit of parkouring around, trying not to die and a REALLY blushy yeen. Yeah, these are fun things to experience while hanging out with one of your closest friends.
Trust Me: Overqualified February 26th, 2022 Super Genius Business Mogul Meets Business Moggie. Finance ensues.
Trust Me: Tryout, washout February 6th, 2022 When future plans come crumbling down, friends are there to help pick up the pieces. And who needs spines anyway?
Tandem Hunting Trip January 9th, 2022 14068
LCR Part 3: The Seven Sins December 12th, 2021 Summary needed
LCR Part 2: Dream a Little Dream November 28th, 2021 A journey into the sleeping mind of a student reveals a strange sort of plot to save the aardwolf from his worst enemy: Himself. How will those involved proceed? Tune in next time! ON LCR!
Midnight Omnomnoms November 22nd, 2021 A poor innocent feline is tempted into trying the Devils Schawarma by a god of death while an angel watches in delight, devouring the unclean.
Afternoon in the Rec Room November 16th, 2021 A serious discussion between a cat and a hyena devolves into awkward lounging and scritches.
Picnic Aftermath November 14th, 2021 Rest and recovery with close friends and good food. What more could a yeen ask for?
Evening Snacks November 14th, 2021 A cozy, friendly picnic became the site of an attempted murder, a moment of realization and the site of an explosion, all at once..
Herding cats: Cheer-up Squad, go! November 13th, 2021 Cheerleading Cats Counter Crisis of Confidence. Go my furry friends, go!
Shred it loud, shred it proud! November 8th, 2021 A secret revealed, a stunning declaration. Is it puppy love, or is the cat out of the bag?
Just Trust Me! Pt1: Comprehensive reading, level 9000 November 6th, 2021 Obscure Financials, Flustered Feline, Astute Aardwolf. Life can be complicated.
Backyard Weirdness October 15th, 2021 sports, parkour, pain and a bit of flirting. Just your average training routine, right?
Birthdays on a boat: Divine Detour (Part One) October 5th, 2021 Surprise, Surprise! Peril awaits M/Y Surprise... Serious Magical and Divine aid is summoned! To be continued...
Birthdays on a Boat Interlude: Dubrovnik Blues October 5th, 2021 How do you go from relaxing in a hot tub to talking about Hades (and corporate finance)? That's right. Swimming shorts!
A Good Nights Howl September 5th, 2021 A private talk between Jax and Kit, may very well have become the start of a prank war between Jax, Kit and Shannon. Game On!
Birthdays on a Boat IV: Here we drink... vine. September 3rd, 2021 Considerations on family, wine, and the memory of hills of Abruzzo.
Birthdays on a Boat part III: The Capri Caper August 20th, 2021 Capricious Capri capers collectively confound. A boat race, good food, good friends, an unexpected encounter. But who keeps sending these letters?
Birthdays on a Boat part II: Neapolitan Nonsense! August 18th, 2021 Pondering Pompeii, Past and Present. And home is where you find it.
Spread your wings: Happy 18th! July 26th, 2021 Cake with a fightin' twist was shared, presents given, and a good time was had by all. No Chippendales were harmed during the preparations for this party.
Birthdays on a Boat: Anchors a-weigh July 20th, 2021 Calm Cruising Commences, Crew Catered.
Tech Rat vs. Dark Mage July 12th, 2021 A train trip leads to disaster after two mutants try to hijack it..Luckily heroes save the day.
Lounging in a Tower July 3rd, 2021 A moment taken to lounge became a weird discussion of the edibility of termites and a situation with people possibly being puked on... Ewwww.
Voices at Midnight July 1st, 2021 Jean and her group managed to finally meet and officially persuade Kit to check out Xavier's School.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. June 5th, 2021 Diamonds aren't always a girl's best friend, especially when designer drugs are involved.
Cookin' Out. Eatin' In. June 3rd, 2021 Logan cooks burgers and hot dogs for a small group that includes two...inebriated...people.
Hay there! May 30th, 2021 Good advice from Deadpool for Xavier's resident cat mutant.
The Jax is Back! May 29th, 2021 And the cat was dragged back in
SuPURR Bowl Sunday February 8th, 2021 Jax and Shannon enjoy a Super Bowl watch party in the rec room. Ted joins in. Talk of cars abounds, and are plans being hatched...?
Sunday Night At Play February 1st, 2021 Food, friendship, and games are shared. A good time was had by all.
Home Turf Advantage January 27th, 2021 Jax and Shannon trash-talk each other's home teams, and agree that in a world where the Patriots can beat the Bills, anything is possible.
Two Cats meet. January 19th, 2021 Achak made a new friend
New Tricks for Old Cats! January 17th, 2021 Megan and Jax do some training in the Danger Room
Belated Christmas In The Trenches (Or: Blunt Cacti Sideways) January 12th, 2021 Belated Christmas cheer turns out to be perfectly timed. Discussion between Jax and Shannon regarding the ideal purpose for blunt cacti ensues.
A Year in Passing December 13th, 2020 Alexis brings cookies from Italy and there is talk about signing up for decorations.
Back from home, looking for peace. December 7th, 2020 Shannon finally corners Warpath and manages to get him to sit down for some belated birthday cake. Much hilarity over upcoming birthdays ensues--especially when Jax and Jeremy join in the fun!
Of Mice and Nearly Men. December 6th, 2020 A secretive summons, a patient in need. All is not what it seems.
The X-Games: Flag Football December 3rd, 2020 All Hail The Maple Marauders! Screw That Petunia Chick!
Ye Olde DR Series - Level 1 November 28th, 2020 Megan discovers an old D&D DR session and has some fun.
Thanks...what now November 27th, 2020 Oh no! Will the Thanksgiving Miracle come to pass? Will the turkey be cooked in time, and an edible gravy concocted? Stay tuned for this and more!
Binary is the easiest language to learn November 25th, 2020 Jax visits Jeremy and the two bond over conversation. The goth may have found a bromance.
The best laid plans of Mice and Cats November 25th, 2020 Jax brings a plan to Scott and Jean that might be slightly ill-advised.
The Great Cookie Caper November 21st, 2020 Revelations, friendship and cookies to sate a hungry predator.
Riff Off at Xavier's November 15th, 2020 Andrea visits Xavier's and has a riff off with Shannon and Jax. They talk about careers in music.
You too can save 15 percent on your X-Insurance November 14th, 2020 Sam and the New Mutants fly to Austin to pick up a new student. Gecko!
Newbies Relaxing November 14th, 2020 David and Jade are welcomed to Xavier's by fellow students. Fun, pizza, and song are enjoyed by all. Jade opens up a bit to David, Shannon, and Tabitha.
Ruminating in the Recroom November 10th, 2020 Megan meets a new student and tries to stay awake
Mac Attack! November 7th, 2020 Hero talk, basketball tales, art, and Christmas were discussed. Much mac 'n cheese was consumed by all!
What's up, happy cat November 5th, 2020 A warm Xavier welcome to the new student.
The morning before Homecoming November 5th, 2020 Everyone gets together to talk about the dance and meet Jax.
Halloween Homecoming November 1st, 2020 Dancing, music, food, family, and fun are enjoyed by all at Homecoming! Crazy costumes and fantastic displays of geekdom abound!


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