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Sam Wilson (Scenesys ID: 8349)
"Go! I got this!'
Full Name: Sam Wilson
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Avenger, Soldier, Counselor
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York City
Education: Bachelor's Degree
Status: Dropped
Groups: Avengers, SHIELD
Other Information
Apparent Age: 33 Actual Age: 33
Date of Birth 18 Mar 1995 Actor: Anthony Mackie
Height: 152 cm (5'11") Weight: 92.98 kg (205 lb)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "Trouble Man" by Marvin Gaye

"Son of a Preacher Man" by Dusty Springfield


A deeply caring man and a ferocious warrior, Sam Wilson utilizes the EXO-7 Falcon Aerial Maneuverability Asset to fly into battle against the most dangerous threats to the well being of people everywhere. A former airman turned Avenger, The Falcon strives to do what he feels is right at all times.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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At just above average height, this man with dark brown skin stands tall and proud, his muscular physique and ease of movement marking him out as someone in excellent physical condition. His black hair is cut close to the scalp, just long enough to be present without there being any possibility of it getting in the way. Even facial features, dark eyes, a short goatee and extremely smooth skin may make him stand out from the crowd.

Clad in dark gray and black camouflage pants tucked into reinforced black assault boots and a dark gray t-shirt worn underneath an armored harness attached to a heavy backpack, this fellow is clearly ready for battle. Black goggles, the lenses an extremely dark red, cover his eyes and wrap around his head. On each hip is a holstered submachine gun, loaded into some manner of spring powered contraption. Fingerless gloves adorn his hands, with stabilizing devices and bracers mounted on his wrists.


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Born to a middle class family in New York City, Sam Wilson knew from an early age what he wanted to do with his life: serve his country in the military. Growing up he was an athlete in school and participated in the JROTC. When he reached the age of eighteen he enlisted in the Air Force as Security Forces.

During basic training he was offered the opportunity to attempt to qualify to become a Pararescueman, or PJ. Almost two years later he graduated training and officially joined the Special Operations community. From there he was sent on to the 58th Rescue Squadron who he deployed with numerous times.

While in the 58th he met his best friend, Riley, and the two of them were eventually selected to be part of a top secret program to enhance the capabilities of warfighters in the field. The program equipped airmen with an EXO-7 Falcon aerial maneuverability asset, essentially a jet pack with wings to give flight capabilities to individual service members.

Sam and Riley went on a number of missions with their EXO-7s, more than proving the viability of the system, but due to its cost it never entered widespread production.

During one of their missions Riley's EXO-7 was struck by a warhead fired from an RPG-7 and vaporized. Sam was helpless to save his wingman and had to complete the mission without him. Shortly afterwards his service contract ended and Sam opted to leave the Air Force.

Back in the States he found himself using the GI Bill to attend college. With a bachelors in psychology and a masters in social work, Sam went to work for the VA as a counselor, preferring to lead group counseling sessions for veterans with PTSD.

It was while working there that the major attack on New York happened. Shortly afterwards he was approached by SHIELD with the opportunity to get his EXO-7 back and to serve again. Seeing the necessity Sam was quick to sign on.


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Sam Wilson is a man who lives to do good. He strives to improve the lives of his fellow humans, especially other veterans, and does this by being not just a warrior but by also providing counseling to people in need. He feels it is his duty to help those he can whenever and however he is able to.

When it comes to accomplishing his missions, Sam is more than willing to kill his enemies and break their stuff. If someone is willing to hurt non-combatants or threaten peace then there's no reason for Wilson to hold back in combat. He will not engage non-combatants under any circumstances and will do everything he can to protect them.

Sam is intimately familiar with fear, but has learned to overcome it. There's nothing outside of supernatural powers that will even begin to slow him down when he has a mission.


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Exo-7 Falcon:
The EXO-7 Falcon Aerial Maneuverability Asset is one of the most advanced pieces of technology ever fielded by the US Military. It consists of a harness, wings and a turbine system enabling its user to fly with an amazing degree of maneuverability and a great deal of stealth. There are few other systems in the world capable of matching its agility. In terms of speed the EXO-7 can fly at 300 miles per hour on a flat plane and reach even higher speeds during a dive.

With controls built into his gloves, Sam can perform aerial acrobatics that are nearly unrivalled, even by many beings who can fly naturally.

The wings of the EX0-7 are highly resistant to small arms fire, but can be damaged or destroyed with anti-armor weaponry.

Providing him with enhanced magnification, night vision, thermal optics and an augmented reality overlay, Sam's goggles greatly improve his ability to track and deal with threats. They're even wirelessly connected to his weapon systems to help him target and destroy multiple targets at the same time. With them in place there's not much that can escape the Falcon's notice.


A small drone capable of being deployed from the EXO-7 Falcon, Redwing is a technologically advanced surveillance system capable of detecting almost anything a science based system can find and projecting the information into Sam Wilson's goggles' augmented reality view. Redwing has a several mile range. Additionally, the drone can mount guns on each wing and a grappling launcher that's capable of restraining or throwing even some superpowered individuals.


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As a PJ Sam is among the most elite warfighters in the US Military. Combined with his combat experience and SHIELD training there are few outside of dedicated martial artists who can engage him in hand to hand combat. He's even demonstrated his ability to hold his own against Crossbones in unarmed combat.

With small arms, Sam has few equals. His extensive training has made him a world class marksman, especially with his personalized submachine guns.

Sam is incredibly skilled at piloting his EXO-7, his abilities with that piece of equipment exceeding the aerobatic capabilities of many people born with flight powers. Additionally, he can fly a Quinjet with above average proficiency.

All the training the US Military offers for parachuting was a requirement for Sam to become a PJ. He can do static line jumps, free jumps, HALO and HAHO jumps.

Part of PJ training is becoming a Nationally Registered Paramedic. Sam is proficient in emergency lifesaving techniques that extend beyond traditional paramedic training and includes Tactical Combat Casualty Care.

Sam's a diver on par with Navy SEALs. He's had to launch himself out of torpedo tubes and complete numerous dives as part of his training, which was mostly conducted by the Navy. Once, he even helped recover astronauts after a water landing.

Survive Escape Resist Evade. Sam's quite capable of these things thanks to his training. He's also trained to resist interrogation and torture and as a mountaineer.


An NCO in the special operations community is expected to be an expert tactician. When it comes to small unit tactics Sam Wilson is a top tier operator.


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Technically, Sam's a SHIELD agent. This means he can call upon the vast resources of the agency should he need to. He also possesses the power of arrest through multiple jurisdictions.

Weapon Systems:

Sam's EXO-7 is armed to the teeth. It's equipped with a multiple missile launcher system that's integrated into the targeting array on Sam's goggles, enabling it to target and engage numerous enemy combatants at the same time with enough accuracy to strike individual man sized targets that are in motion. The magazines for the missile launcher system carry up to 24 mini missiles when fully loaded.

Each of his wrists has a small weapon mounted on it. His left wrist has a dual barreled submachine gun and his right has a micro rocket launcher.

Additionally, Sam carries a pair of Brugger and Thomet TP9 pistols converted to full auto. These reside in specially designed holsters that are capable of spring feeding the guns into their wielder's hands with a simple gesticulation using the EXO-7's gloves. Sam tends to carry quite a few spare magazines for these weapons on his person when suited up.

When off duty or in plainclothes, Sam carries a Springfield Hellcat pistol.


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Captain America:
If Captain America says something is right, then to Sam Wilson the words are gospel. He'd follow the man into hell without a second thought. If Cap ever goes over to the dark side, however, there's a good chance Sam will blindly follow him.

Only Human:
He might run around with gods and supersoldiers, but Sam Wilson doesn't have any powers of his own. He's not even a supergenius who designs and maintains his own equipment.

All his time spent in combat. Losing his best friend. Having to treat injured non-combatants. It all adds up after a while. Sam suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result.

While he strives to hide it as well as he can, there's an undercurrent of rage running through Sam. All the therapy in the world, and he's never been afraid to get help, can't seem to dislodge the emotion from him.

When it bubbles up to the surface it can be terrifying to see the usually friendly Sam Wilson turn into a wrathful monster who's ready to use violence.

Even though most of the worst he's seen is years behind him, Sam still deals with combat dreams on a regular basis. He rarely sleeps through an entire night without getting up in the middle of the night or waking up extremely early.

Sam is also hypervigilant. He's aware of his surroundings at all times, taking note of potential exits and what parts of the environment can be used as cover or concealment. The people around him are unconsciously sized up to determine their potential threat level.

One of his biggest triggers is being unable to leave a situation quickly. For instance, when he gets stuck in traffic for a long period of time without any lanes open for him to escape into, he becomes agitated quickly and can become irrationally angry.

Another big trigger is perceived threats to those he cares about. He'll lose it in an heartbeat when he thinks a friend or loved one is about to get hurt.

True Believer:

If something is right, at least in Sam's mind, then he will fight and die for it if need be. This may cause him to engage far superior enemies in combat, even if he knows he doesn't stand a chance against them.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Assembling January 21st, 2021 Sam and Athena cross paths in the library. Discussion of philosophy and aerial combat.
The Cure: The Antidote January 18th, 2021 Various heroes team up to stop the Reavers from assassinating Dr Brightman and his family. Meanwhile, Beast steaks through a forest.
A chimp raiding the food court. January 15th, 2021 Chimp and Falcon strike up a friendship.
Eggs ala Warren January 12th, 2021 Breakfast with the students turns into a impromptu call with the Avengers.
Socializing at Salem Center January 11th, 2021 Sam Wilson runs into the recently de-winged Nightingale
Dinner Served At New Hope January 11th, 2021 A day after the attack in Mutant Town, a trio of persons show up at a Mutant friendly shelter to help out.
Frightful Fracas! January 7th, 2021 Frightfulness, Times Four! And also a fifth one. Bad Guys Cheat At Math.
Prelude to Thunder January 2nd, 2021 Sam Wilson and Bruce Banner welcome Thor back to the mansion.
Late Night Lounging December 31st, 2020 Peggy and Sam both hit a night of insomnia, haunted by memories of their past. The share war stories and reminders about their jobs, and end up going back to bed in better moods for it.
New Avengers Assembling December 30th, 2020 An invitation to join the team has been extended to Falcon and Athena
Robots at the Reunion! December 30th, 2020 Spider-man, Detective Chimp and The Falcon bust up an attempted massacre at a family reunion.
Defector in Danger! December 29th, 2020 The Falcon, Captain America and Slipstream protect a defecting Russian FSB Agent. Badguys attack and violence ensues.
Laboratory Mayhem December 28th, 2020 Some bad guys attack a lab. Slipstream, Nightengale and The Falcon intervene.
Sunday at the Mission August 15th, 2020 Silver starts a PR campaign for SSI by donating to Falcon's shelter.
Bird Brained Trackers August 4th, 2020 Bobbi and Peggy take on a Hydra nest and have a new friend to help out with it.


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