122/There's A Row In Spanish Harlem

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There's A Row In Spanish Harlem
Date of Scene: 24 April 2017
Location: Spanish Harlem, New York City
Synopsis: An old man, two cats, and a mouthy mouthless Brit walk into a ba--er, an alleyway. All hell breaks loose. It's just Sunday in Harlem.
Cast of Characters: 87, Crusader, 34, Zachary Lightwing

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Early evening in Spanish Harlem in late April. There are some hints that herald the arrival of Summer... but the suffocating heat is still a ways away. The chill has gone, replaced by a balmy fifty-four degrees with a gentle breeze.

Despite the agreeable weather, walking through the neighborhood when sunlight begins to dim is a tense afffair. Crime is at an all-time high and people are paranoid. Lone walkers are immediately prone to suspect any stationary group of people, often making a wide curve or even crossng the street...

But the real danger hides unseen. Like the group of individuals casing out passersby in an alleyway by B&B Hardware, standing against the multicolored street art mural. Their features are hidden by hoodies or caps, and hands are thrust into pockets. They lie waiting, almost immobile and thus not immediately noticed by most passersby.

There is a young hispanic man walking down the sidewalk, a ways from that alleyway but heading in that direction. The teenager walks with a leisurely pace, seemingly completely unaware of his surroundings. Ayone 'born to strange sights and things unseen' might notice that there is something unusual about the young man...

Crusader has posed:
The change of weather frm frigid cold to warming air is always welcomed. But saddly it brought with it an increase in crime, since lets face it it way easier to commit a crime when your not freezing your rear off!

But regardless of that face, Crusader has been looking to expand his reign of influence when it came to fighting crime. So to this end he has come to Spanish Harlem, not to far from his usual patrol route, to see how bad it was here. News report have claimed it has some of the hgihest crime rates

But, while he is looking for trouble, he is not attempting to cause it. He has taken the form of a rather skinny but tall gentleman. Buisness suit, cane, receding hair. The works. He shuffles his way through town not exactly looking threatning or vilgiant to the casual onlooker. He was heading down toward the B  Hardware store anyways. After all, why not pick up supplies while on patrol?

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Well, if we're talking about weird people? Jono definitely qualifies on that score. He's dressed in a light jacket, t-shirt, jeans, and those ankle boots that zip up the inside. And all of it's black. Currently he's got most of his weird wrapped up. Though that in itself might be weird. Because under the t-shirt he's wrapped up like a mummy, from just under his nose to his waist. But anything under his neck is going to be hard to see because of the shirt.

He is definitely walking when it's sunset. Though he might not look much more confidence-inspiring than those guys just hanging out. He's got his hands shoved into his pockets too, and his back is in a slouch, shoulders pushed up as though he's hunkered down. As if his whole countenance is saying 'Don't see me'.

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
As luck would have it, Zachary was walking through Harlem with a grocery bag in one of his hands, traveling almost directly into the path of these people in the alleyway. His hunched posture and his gaze being fixated on his phone. He heads through the alley from the other side, having taken a detour to get closer to a bus stop on his way back from getting a few things from a used electronics store.

He slows in his tracks and raises his head somewhere near where the group is standing idle, waiting for their prey. His green eyes lift and focus on the teen that gives off the keen aura of a magical creature. Very magical. He measures how likely it would be for trouble to happen around the teen. Without any obvious magical features, the apparent office worker with his haunting green eyes has a hard time processing what he's supposed to be looking at. He eventually decides it isn't worth bothering with in public, magical people cross his path constantly as it is.

He adjusts the bag in his hand and prepares to keep walking, but spares a look at those standing nearby, realizing he might've taken a bad detour while he was distracted.

The relatively harmless, exhausted-looking man smiles and says, "Sorry," and tries to keep walking. It probably won't be that easy.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
From different alleyways- smaller than the B&B alleyway - pairs of individuals emerge here and there. The street is slowly growing less populated, almost by some unspoken agreement as the hoodied figures emerge and begin to tail a select group of people. The wrapped-up man... clearly a burn victim, someone who wouldn't want to make TOO much of a fuss. The oblivious kid. The scrawny man. They are being tailed... perhaps even herded towards the alleyway.

In the alleyway itself, one of the men detaches himself from the wall against which he was leaning and his shadowed features grin as Zachary says he is sorry.

"You -will- be," says the man in a gravelly voice.

And several shadowy individuals appear at the entrance of the alleyway from which Zachary had entered. Ambush.

Crusader has posed:
Tap tap tap tappity tap tap. That sounds of the apprently decreptid old man cane goes as he hobbles along. He knew he was being tailed... and it seemed to have to do with that alleyway. By now he has taken notice, a kid he met earlier, though in a much different form

Well crap. Hopefully this was not good. But this old man was not about to simply be carralded like some cow. He stops and face the hooded figures. Both hands on the top of his cane he says sharply and with surprising arthority given his old age "Is there something I can help you with gentleman?"

He was trying to keep track of everything going on since the hooded figures started to appear. Jono and another kid are being trailed. And then.... he was fairly certain something was going on in that alley.

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
    Zach comes to a stop. He looks at the man that has gotten off the wall there, and gives a pained expression. He starts to back away, and the back of old electronic components gets dropped there on the alley pavement. He backpedals into a trash can opposite of that wall and raises both of his hands defensively, palms shown to the him.

The way he moves is very calculated, his eyes scanning for an opening so that he can bolt the moment he gets the opportunity. Unfortunately, he might get winged by a firearm if he does that, and he's enclosed by people like this.

He doesn't say anything, or plead, he just scans for the number of people present, grimacing some at how dangerous this was going to get very shortly. And he's still in his meat puppet. He won't be able to do a whole lot unless he can get the opportunity to shed his human guise without someone noticing.

He seemed nervous, sure, but not in the way victims usually are.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Is Jono aware he's being tailed? Hard to tell, since his overall slouched appearance doesn't change. He doesn't recognize Bjorn's new look here, so he doesn't call out. But he pauses when he hears the 'old man' speak up.

And that's when he becomes aware that there's something going on. He becomes aware of his own tagalongs. Jono looks at then, looks away, and then looks back. A double-take! But starts to sign at them. He's asking the same thing as Bjorn, 'Can I help you?'. But it's likely these guys don't speak sign language. Apart from middle fingers, of course.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Helping us to your wallet will do," one of the figures that Bjorn is interrogatinng replies. It is the voice of a woman. One hand emerges from the hoodie pockets and the hand that comes out isn't holding a firearm exactly. It is clad in a metallic glove with some blinking lights here and there. It looks... worn, and certainly not currrent tech, but the blazing spark that suddenly comes to life at the tip of the extended index is quick to dispel any notions of uselessness. "One way or another we're having it."

Jono sees little acknowledgement for his gesturing. He does get the finger treatment by his 'tails', though, but it is three index fingers pointing at him, glowing, and gesturing towards the alley.

The street has become deserted by some miraculous mean. There were people around here, you could swear, but now the street is a veriable ghost town. Drapes and shades are drawn in the rows along the street.

And the hispanic teen walks into the alleyway where Zachary has been cornered, a group of his own 'tails' coming up behind him. He stops on his heels and takes the scene in, and then turns around. He is manhandled very quickly as his arm is grabbed and he is thrown forcefully down the alley. The kid loses his footing and ends up on his knees on the floor, near Zachary.

Fingers are raised towards both of them.

"Everything in your pockets on the floor. Quickly."

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
Zach winces when he notices the kid thrown down onto the pavement next to him. Yeah, he can feel the magic just pouring off of this stranger, and he's not sure if he should mention it. There is an expectation of maintaining a masquerade when it comes to magic, for a lot of magical creatures. Zach's eyes lift to focus on the one commanding him, and he frowns when he realizes they aren't gonna like what they see.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket, and crouches to set it on the floor... and then he digs his travel fare out of his pocket and sets that down, too, as well as the key to his apartment. And that's it. Apparently he doesn't carry a lot. He even outturns his pockets to demonstrate that he doesn't have anything else.

The look in his eyes might be unsettling. He's not afraid. He's giving a wide-eyed scowl. These people are risking his mundane persona. "Can we get on with this?" he blurts out impatiently, "I have to get home before my favorite show starts." As if this was an annoying distraction. The normalcy is already peeling away to show the crazy underneath.

Crusader has posed:
"Young Lady, I suggest you reconsider this path. It will not end well for you and your friends" Old man Bjorn replies back smoothly as he tilts his fedora forward and down, with class.

It was a last chance for these hoodlums to back down, before he opens a can of whooparse on them! She has a glove? Well Bjorn has a cane. He gives it a spin like a barton and lightning cascade all around it before he holds it like a staff ready to fight, lightning still dancing

"Last warning. Leave me and those other youngins alone"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono blinks a little at being given 'the finger' by the people following him. He's not stupid enough not to know what it is, though. Fingers don't glow unless there's something up with them. He raises his hands and moves to head towards the alley, though he's not turning his back on these guys. So he's either walking sideways or backing into the alley. Though when he sees others, he frowns.

And then suddenly there's weirdness starting. Lightning around a cane and a dude that looks like he's about to explode into cackling. So Jono just adds to it. Suddenly someone speaks. It's not something one hears, it's something one... thinks. Sort of. Thinks one hears? Hears one thinks?! Hard to explain. But it acts like sound, even if it's not verbal. And it emanates from the guy who's all wrapped up... the 'burn victim'.

{{...Whassamatter, ET? Did all 'a yer forget 'ow ter phone 'ome?}}

He's British, if that mental voice is any indication. He does have that kind of a nose. Also a cheeky bastard, apparently. He also hasn't made any move to empty his pockets, and doesn't appear to be about to. But neither has he made a move to attack. Yet.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
At the sparkig display from Bjorn, the two assailants split, each one trying to flank him. Probably reasoning that if he attacks one, then the other can tackle him from the side or behind. They put more than an arm's length between him, though, to stay away from the immediate reach of the cane. "And who are you, pops? Captain Thunder from the silent movie brigade?"

As the wierdness quotient skyrockets in the alley, tensions rise. Zachary's poor fare leaves the muggers clearly unamused. "We can get something for his clothes. Probably," the one in charge says, and the crowd closes in towards Zachary and the teenager.

Jono's telepathic display causes an immediate awakening of alert among the group, though.
"I heard that in my head!"
"F@#$ mindjerker-"
"Take him out- he's going to mess with us!"

Three of the individuals charge at the Brit, taser gloves at the ready in order to neutralize the bigger threat.

"... I am sorry, I'd empty out my pockets for ya..." that's the hispanic teen, slowly getting to his feet. As he does so, his appearance changes, beginning to fade away. "But as you can see, I just don't have any pockets."

What's left behind is the Cheshire cat in the black and white bodysuit, grinning. "Can I write you an IOU, though?" he says, taking a few steps to interpose himself between Zachary and the advancing group.

Crusader has posed:
"Close enough" is all Bjorn answers.

As the tailer split in an attempt to flank him, he stays still, pacing himself. He dosn't turn his head to watch, as his entire body was capable of sight (though most for obviouse reasons, do not realize this). He waits... times and

Bam! When one of the thugs do try to take him from behind, Bjorn will jab his electrified cane backwards into the assiliants guts and give them a shock to their system. If he manges to to hit them in this fashion anyways

"Do not say I did not warn you".

Zachary Lightwing has posed:

Zachary's skepticism just drips from that word, baffled by the desperation in their decision to even rob him of his clothing. His anger is still present and building up, not wanting to get hospitalized... because that would be an even bigger risk. They'd find out something is wrong with him for sure, and he can't accept that.

He can hear violence already happening over there, and even the source of a psychic voice humming in his mind. He doesn't respond too openly to it, and instead he slowly lowers his hands when the teen that dropped nearby him turns out to be some manner of magical superhero--


It appears the fur colorations are immediately familiar to him, and he said it quietly enough that Vorpal would be the only one that hears it. "Thanks," he decides to say, his voice relaxing when the risk of him getting caught in a situation where he might risk his prized mundanity has passed. Deciding that the kindness shouldn't be overlooked, he makes sure that any of the taser gloves that try to zap Vorpal in a second just don't work, subtly squelching the electrical fields of any of the ones within range of him with his control of that force.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
One might almost feel sorry for the assailants. Thinking this was going to be so very easy, but then things just get weirder and weirder. And well, unfortunately Jono's about to make it a little weirder. As the three charge him, trying to... well, CHARGE him with those gloves, he reaches up to where he's wrapped up. They're in an alley and this isn't likely to be seen. So unlike Zachary, Jono doesn't think it matters.

Jono instead proves that he is in fact not just a Brit, but a Brit On Fire. He pulls the face-wrappings down to his neck... and there is fire. So much fire. And it's coming for them. Well, not really. Jono instead shoots the ground between himself and the assailants with that fire, a twisting 'beam' of the stuff emitting from where he SHOULD have a mouth but apparently doesn't.

It's notable that the fire from Jono's mouth doesn't actually burn the ground. What it does is create a loud CRACK! And it leaves behind a large cracked area in the asphalt, as if a giant fist had struck it. {{Didn'cher mum ever teach yer not ter get handsy on the first date?}}

Though he IS taken off-guard by Grandpa Lightning and The Cheshire, once he realizes what's going on where he wasn't looking until a moment ago. Blink. Yeah, he's pretty sure these guys are weird enough that his own weird shouldn't matter too much.

Though he is still concerned with the only one who doesn't appear to be weird, at least not openly. He looks in Zachary's direction briefly -- there are still thugs, and he doesn't want to get taken off-guard -- and makes certain he's doing all right.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Hey, don't mention it," the Cheshire replies in a similar whisper. He gets a kick out of it- somebody actually recognized him. Jono's fiery display distracts him, though, as apparently a kid with NO MOUTH is shooting fire at people. That's even showier than he is, and he feels a little underdressed for the occasion. Maybe he should have left his jaw back home. But speaking of not having a jaw-

"Wow. That looks like it might hurt." It's not clear exactly what Vorpal means- being on fire or not having a jaw. In his distraction, though, one of the thugs has managed to get close enough to him to taze him with an extended finger-

Fortunately for him Zach is supressin', and the cat looks down at the arm jabbing him in the bicep. "... Tag, you're it?" he asks, and then grins. "Why... don't mind if I do!" and he lashes out with a kick that is surprising by its speed, sending the would-be tazer sprawling on his back.

"SO, who's next?" He grins at the small group that has stopped just a few feet away from him. The one Cheshire cat has now become five, all of them adopting a fighting stance.

The thief that Bjorn tazed falls to the ground twitching and screaming. The woman makes a quick lunge to grab the cane if she can. She hasn't quite thought through what could happen if electrified glove were to meet electrified cane, all she knows is that she needs to get that tip from hitting her. Then she can focus on kicking the old man in the shin, or something like that.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The muggers scatter like guinea pigs when faced with a startling sound. They run every which way, trying to stay away from that unholy beam of fire. One or two manage to jump up to a fire escape, and you'd think they would simply go and get themselves to a safe spot.

But no. A few seconds later there are things such as flowerpots and other things flying towards Jono from above, as they take whatever furnishing or whatever is resting outside the apartment windows and throwing it towarsd the Brit in an attempt to get him to quit it with the We Didn't Start The Fire effect...

Crusader has posed:
Old Man Bjorn glances to the alley seeing the firery display and... the appearance of 5...six? Identicle cat like beings. Well this was getting intresting. Seems these thugs really did choose the wrong group of people to mess with!

As the woman grabs his cane, nothing actually seems to happy. There is no back lash between the two objects. Oh no, he had better ideas

The lightning of his cane seems to just fizzle out "I beleive your friends want to see you!" he states and he grabs her by her hoodie and tosses her into the alley with the others, hoping to knock down one of her friends as well as provide addiotional distraction "Incomming!" his voice booms out

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono sends a look at Vorpal. Though it's not clear what he means by the look. It wasn't a particularly mean look. But he does note, {{Nah, 'm fine. S'posed ter be like that.}} When the thugs start seeming to clear out, Jono pulls the wrappings back up, hiding his burning face of fire. And he's just about to ask if everyone's all right, when...


That would be the sound of a flowerpot smashing against Jono's head. And the subsequent thug would be the sound of Jono himself hitting the ground. He's not unconscious, but he's definitely dazed. So he probaby figures the several identical cat-dudes are just him being dizzy!

When something else hits the ground next to him, Jono wakes up and scrambles under the fire escape. The thugs can throw things at him still, but they'll probably break harmlessly on the fire escape itself before they can do much more than be an annoyance. He's got the fire wrapped up again, anyway.

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
Zach adjusts his glasses and then calmly slides his hands into his pockets, looking down at the man that just got struck by a kick. He walks away from the dumpster a bit and crouches to pick up all of the stuff that he dropped onto the alleyway floor. All the while he is projecting that aura of electrical suppression, trying to make sure his savior has as little trouble as possible dealing with the muggers and their toys.

"That's new," he comments, looking off toward Jono's biokinetic fire, the sight of it quite alarming for the green-eyed 'normal guy.' His eyes are wide and everything. That's definitely just curiosity.

Zach stuffs his phone back in his pocket, and-- oop, there go his keys, kicked into a corner of the alley by the movement of all the thugs and Cheshire. He lets out a sigh of frustration and focuses on the meager cash he had on him, stuffing that into his pocket instead.

He falls back onto his bottom in a startle when he notices a thug being tossed through the air, and he gets up to a stand again, keeping an eye on the thugs, staying jussst close enough to Vorpal... all of the Vorpals to smother the taser gloves, helping the only way he can without drawing attention to himself. "Did you get those second-hand?" he jokes to the thugs. Because they're taser hands. Awful.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The old man must eat his spinach. The thug that collides with the other thug is very much out of action, as is her crash buddy. When Jono gets conked on the head by a flowerpot, One of the Vorpals dashes to try and help him- only to be intercepted by a boombox that looks like the great-grandfather of boomboxes. *THUD*

The cat goes down, and he goes out like a light. Immediately, the other Vorpals vanish into thin air, leaving Zachary... well. Alone. With the people whose fancy (second-hand) gloves he has just mocked. Jono, for the moment, is safe from the Rain Of Objects, and the thugs that ran away from his fire have clearly decided to have a 'feets don't fail me now' moment and are nowhere to be seen. By how fast thy were sprinting, they're probably in Canarsie by now.

Vorpal doesn't stir, and the group facing Zachary advances on him, with two of them heading towards the unconscious Cheshire.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn wasn't done yet. The old man was no longer a hobbling feeble thing, he was running like a man in his prime, right to the alley. He skids to a stop just inside the alley. His eyes narrow

Two people heading to Chesire, a group heading for Zachary, and Jono under the fire-escape. Bjorn takes control of the grat-grandfather of all boomboxes and it blares out in a 1980s' radio like voice "God evening this is Back Alley Radio. Tonight, we not skinning cats but thugs. Stay tuned for this special."

Time to Blitz, not wanting to risk eletricuting the others, he goes and tackles one of the thugs heading for Vorpal as he was A) closest and B) incapable of running at the moment unlike Zachery. And Jono didn't seem in immediate dangaer from where he was

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
And now Zachary can't suppress the local electricity, because the guy swinging around the electro-cane is in here. And he knows he can't just sprint away from the thugs. He seriously weighs his options as he stares down at Vorpal.

He lifts his hands and says, "Okay, okay, don't get ..." He hesitates. "Hey, uh... you might want to take those off. They look like they're--"

The taser hands abruptly surge and crackle as they get in range of his control, as if their shielding had failed. Where they were previously not working at all, now all their charge goes into providing a non-lethal jolt to their wearers and any nearby thugs, depleting their batteries and rending the weapons useless. They might need to get those things surgically removed from their hands, though. The electricity arcs between any of the thugs still standing close to each other, as if guided to do so in a great big and showy flash. BZZZZZZZT!!!

Now that's just straining his luck.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono silently curses as he notes that Vorpal got hit. He didn't notice until he got under the fire escape. And he can't help but joke to the 1980s radio voice, {{Can yer play 'Help'? 'Cos somebody's gonna need it.}} Notably he doesn't say WHO is going to need the help.

But once it seems the idiots throwing things above have gone elsewhere, Jono comes out from under the fire escape again. He's about to interpose himself between the thugs and Zachary, when suddenly the electricity starts going everywhere. So instead he decides to try and get Vorpal out of the way of the thugs. And all that electricity.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal gets dragged away by Jono, once the thugs assailing him are either tackled by a VERY unusually hale old man, or zapped.

And boy, do they get zapped. It is amazingly convenient that their gear seems to have malfunctioned just then, and just among them.

Curioser and curioser.

The way they fall to the ground, leaning on each other and then just flopping unconscious could be seen somewhat humorous. The very gentle smoking rising from some of their hands, though, does indicate they may need some surgical help.

"... that's... gonna leave a mark..." the last standing thug says, before she too collapses.

Meanwhile, Vorpal is slowly coming to. There's a trickle of blood from broken skin that trails minimally across the front of his face, but a cursory examination would give little suspicion of a concussion. Then again, with a Cheshire cat, how can you really tell if they're in their right mind?

"... eeeesh that hurts!" he mutters, frowning. Whent he world finally comes into focus for him, he finds himself in an alleyway and the memory details are still hazy. There is a guy, however, dragging him by his foot down the alley. He blinks for a few seconds and winces at the pain in his head.

His mind seems to take the broken pieces and jam them together as best he can. Headache. Alleyway. A guy dragging him away.

"... I don't even remember getting drunk," he says groggily but with a tinge of whine to his voice. He should at least remember the fun, if he has to pay for it the next day.

A flowerpot, however, lands on the floor not too far away. As it shatters, it all clicks together. "Oh... right." It looks like at least one thug has come back from the rooftop retreat to Make It Rain on people.

The cat reaches out quickly and touches the shattered pot. There is a burst of chaos magic, and Vorpal says:

"You miss daddy. Go give 'im a hug."

The flower-pot, amazingly enough, puts itself together. Not only that, but a little face molds itself out of the clay of the pot, and lets out a delighted squeal.


And it flies upwards, in a reverse arc that perfectly describes its previous downward trajectory. Ready to meet with the stupefied face of the astonished thug who can't seem to react fast enough. The next time he is seen, he is on his back on the fire escape, dirt, clay and plant all around him, apparently in peaceful slumber.

"I think... I think that's all of them. You can let go of my foot now," he says to Jono, squinting his eyes to minimize the headache.

Crusader has posed:
Old Man Bjorn looks around, all the crooks down, sizzling and smoking. Though he does take a double take when the flower pot talks. He raises a brow "...alright, well that is not something one sees everyday" he notes.

He calls out towards Jono and Vorpal "You lads alright?" his voice booms out echoing in the alley

And than more quietly as he approches Zachery "And are you alright sir?" An Old Man, two cats and a Mouthless yet Mouthy Brit has just whooped arse. Heros 1, Crooks Zero.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
The weird continues to happen! But thankfully the weird happened to the thugs and not to them. The flowerpot squealing and flying back to hit the thug gets a raised eyebrow. He pauses, watching the pot, and blinking. Vorpal's statement gets his attention, though, and he nods quickly letting go of him. {{Sorry. Didn' want'cher t'get shocked.}}

He nods to the 'old man's question. {{Yeah. Jus' a li'l bump on the 'ead. I've 'ad worse.}} He does, however, look towards Zachary, because he's not sure about him.

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
Zach's head lifts to follow the path of the chaos-touched flower pot. His mouth hangs open as this happens, brows lifted all the way up. "Wow." Not much else to say about THAT.

Zachary turns to go get his keys after watching the thugs collapse in a smoking pile, his eyes unlidding from the bright flash of electricity. He turns his gaze to look toward Bjorn, and his eyes shimmer a faint, familiar glowing green in the dim light of the alley. "Yeah. I guess I lucked out, they didn't even touch me," he says, smiling toward him.

And then, after he finds his keys and wipes them clean of alleyway muck on the hip of his shirt, he picks up all of the electronics that dumped out of the bag he had with him when all of this started. He looks over at the smoldering pile of goons, and grimaces. He pulls out his phone and says, "I should call an ambulance, that smells awful." He dials and-- "Fuckin'..." Apparently his touch screen isn't working. It got fried from all the ambient charge around them. He hammers his finger against the screen a couple of times in clear unhappiness. "Great, it's broken." He stuffs his phone back in his pocket, though, despite that.


Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Thanks," Vorpal says to Jono and Bjorn as he slowly gets up. He winces and rubs his forehead. Ow. "Yeah. Ambulance and police might be a good idea. There's a grocer 'bout.... half a block that way," he points. "Can't miss it. Just ask them to call. You two can accompany him," he says to Jono and Bjorn, "By this point, word has gotten around that you're a menace to be avoided." He grins. And winces.

"I... yeah. I'm peacing out. I need an aspirin. And maybe lounging by a pool somewhere with a cabana boy feeding me grapes. Ow."

He moves his hand and basically takes a white chalk out of thin air. He hastily moves it across the surface of the mural, drawing a door with quick strokes.

"We'll probably meet again sometime soon." He says this to the people in general, but he gives Zachary a sly side-glance. There's a mystery there that he's curious about. But headache first.

The door becomes real in a second, and when Vorpal opens it there seems to be a whole different place on the other side. It's definitely a much more up-class neighborhood to be sure. He liked to combine his powers of illusion with the opening of rabbit holes. It made it look... a lot more magical than simply opening a portal. "Be well, kids, I'm going to have a lie-down... Vorpal out!"

And with that, he steps through and the door vanishes behind him, leaving nothing but brick and spray paint behind.

Crusader has posed:
Old Man Bjorn blinks several times as the portal opens. From the flower pot, to this. This vorpal has quite a bag of tricks!. But he nods "Hope your headace is allivated"

And with that he turns to Zachery "Let me see your phone young man. I can have it fixed up in a jiffy" he tells the man "Will be faster than walking to this grocer" he states

And finally he turns to Jono... he recognized the man, but for now he couldn't say at such "Got good sense of humor on you" he says with a mischiouse grin

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
    Zachary nods dumbly as he's instructed there's a grocer nearby, but looks back to Bjorn when an offer is made to fix his phone, making him pause in mid-step. He glances aside to Jono once more, the sheer oddity of that particular person still distracting him. And then he notices the portal power, and his eyes fixate on that spell in particular. It's a good one, and it makes his nerves practically hum for something that reality-bending to happen near him.


He hands his phone off to Bjorn and smiles brightly at him. "I could fix it, but I need to go home first," he explains, "If you can fix it right now that's way faster."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono reaches in his pocket and pulls out a phone. {{Use mine,}} he offers. It's a pretty normal phone actually, nothing weird about it. It's not an X-phone or anything super-sophisticated.

Vorpal's exits gets another of those wide-eyed looks from Jono, and he just shakes his head. But he does have the presence of mind to note, {{Hope yer feel better.}} Which also reminds him. He needs to get his head looked at too. More than for just that he's a nutter, too.

Old Man Bjorn's offer to fix Zachary's phone, though, get raised brows. {{Might be worth it,}} he notes. Because it's still going to be shorted out when he leaves here, right? As for his sense of humor? A shrug. {{...Thanks.}}

Crusader has posed:
Old Man Bjorn takes the phone...and eats it.

Before any objections he raises a finger and uses his other hand to rub his stomech. Theres a rumble and the man suddenly vibrates

And he burps the cell phone back up and hands it over. The phone isn't wet, slobbery or anything, perfectly dry... and the phone itself in perfect working condition "That should do it"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono's eye twitches. The old guy ate a phone. He ATE a PHONE. In ONE GULP, no less. And then barfs it back up, perfectly fine.

Taking a step back, he notes, {{...Right. Yer won that one, old man,}} he decides. Not that this was a weird-off. But if it was, this old man would definitely have won!