Prudence Halliwell

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Prue Halliwell (Scenesys ID: 1479)
"Does a positive superstition cancel out a negative one?"
Full Name: Prudence "Prue" Halliwell
Gender: Female
Species: Magician
Theme: Other (FC)
Occupation: Auctioneer
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Blüdhaven, New Jersey
Education: Garden State University
Status: Dropped
Groups: Mystic Arts-OOC, Scooby Gang
Other Information
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Date of Birth 28 October 1995 Actor: Shannen Doherty
Height: 160 cm Weight: 50 kg
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Green
Theme Song:


The eldest Charmed One, Prue has found her powers and has found her life eventful ever since. Splitting her time as an auctioneer, photographer and demon/evil hunting witch, Prue has her hands full with life.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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Prue stands approximately five feet three inches tall, without heels/ Her form is that of somebody who keeps in shape, like her sisters she is lithe and athletic. The keenness of her green eyes belies her intelligence and smarts, and caring nature too. Those eyes are framed by dark brown hair that's down past her ears, nearly to shoulder length.

Prue's dressed for function over style, which, given where she works isn't a shock. Business casual's the order of the day, dark grey top, and smart pants and work boots, with sleeves that come down to her wrists and her hair left untucked. She's dressed mostly for hours at her workplace.


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Prue Halliwell was born on October 28th, 1995 to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennet. Being the eldest of the three Charmed Ones, like her sisters her powers were bound, Prue's being telekinesis and astral projection.

Once her mother died, Prue sacrificed her own childhood to raise Piper and then Phoebe, along with Grams.

Once she was old enough to attend college and graduated with a degree from Garden State University, she proved proficient and capable in jobs and eventually got a job working at the American Museum of Natural History, however when things went sour with that, she left and got a job at Bucklands Auction House.


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Prue looks onn paper personality wise, simple, driven, obsessive. This is partly true. Peel that back, and Prue is slightly more complex.

To her family comes first being the eldest child, sacrificing her own childhood to help raise her younger siblings. Prue is by nature cautious and slow to trust and holds grudges for a long while (ask her father on that one), though she can in due or desperate times, bury the hatchet.

She can be cold and harsh and cruel to those who have earned her wrath and mistrust, as well as hurt her or her siblings, and in addition to this she has a very strong maternal streak.


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Astral Projection:
Prue's second power is to project her conciousness, or astral form, out of her body and to where she chooses. While she can project herself from place to place in her astral form, her physical body is defenseless and completely vulnerable. While in this state, Prue can interact (via hr astral form) with the world around her.

Book of Shadows:
The Book of Shadows is a powerful book kept in the Halliwell Manor. It cannot leave the manor unless by their hand, and anyone attempting to remove it will fail- as the book is bound there by magic. Inside is a compendium of several spells and potion recipes such as demonic vanquishing or summoning spells. It also has a lot of lore and information about demons that has been collected throughout the Halliwell generations making it a key item of knowledge and power among the sisters as a guide and help.

Prue is a Charmed One and a witch and can communicate with and see ghosts.

Power of Three:
Being a charmed One Prue can call on the Power of Three. This enhances Prue, Piper and Phoebe's powers when they work together, allowing them to defeat much stronger foes than they otherwise could.

Using a scrying crystel, or other focus or relevant item and a map, Prue can scry for the location of a person. If said person is powered however, Prue may have difficulty depending on how powerful, and if they'd be resistant to being located.


Prue's main powr is telekinesis, moving objects and beings with her mind. Directed via her eyes and hands, Prue can telekinetically move both solids and liquids with this power, and can, with concentration, pull off feats like reflecting attacks back at whoever attacked her, or send out telekinetic 'waves'

Additionally she can use telekinesis in her astral form as well.

Though this is a powerful ability the concentration required for anything more than snap quick uses of it takes effort and concentration. For example, using it to lay a table is easy, using it to reflect a bullet coming at her in a fight is much, much harder.


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This isn't just sitting at a desk banging a gavel telling people going once....

Prue's extremely skilled at identifying artifacts from as far back as the Ming Dynasty, to the modern day. She can appraise, identify, sell, value, clean, and anything else that's needed for the auction house. If there's a weak link, she's much better at identifying thn cleaning things.

With Prue having access to the Book of Shadows, she's familiar with a great many demonic lores, histories, and so forth. If she doesn't know it, check the book first, then go from there.

Prue is an accomplished photographer in her own right. She's very, very good with a camera. That's, an old timey film camera however, but she is handy with her cellphone too.


Being a natural witch, Prue has all the tools of a witch at her disposal/ From writing and casting spells, to potions and sensing when things aren't quite right.


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Book of Shadows:
This book belongs to her and her sisters and is full of all kinds of information- from demonic weaknesses, lore, vanquishing spells, potions, love spells, truth spells, find lost things, summoning... Just about anything a Charmed One could want.

Prue works at Buckland as an auctioneer, identifying, appraising and even auctioning items that come in the door. It's, in her view, a stuffy Jersey place but it is as much a home to her.

Charmed One:

Prue is a Charmed One. It's as much a resource as a problem, really....but having the Power of Three to fall back on? Pretty useful in dire situations.


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Attachment Issues:
Prue saw her mother die and has, unsurprisingly, issues with forming attachments after that. She doesn't trust easy and is harsh and cruel to those she doesn't trust.

Demon Obsessed:
Prue is quick to point to demonic influence given her destiny as a Charmed One, discounting mundane explainings, or powered explanations and needs to be proven that really, no, it wasn't a demon.

Personal Gain Rule:
Prue cannot, along with her sisters, use magic for what is deemed 'personal gain'. That's a broad spectrum really, but it essentially boils down to don't use your magic for your own ends. It needs to be to do the right thing, save innocents and not, say, to make Prue's hair look better. The consequences of this vary depending on the severity of the infraction.
What is consistent is that a part of her soul is taken as a 'debt' of sorts. While it is returned when the debt is settled, severe infractions open the door to demons and the most blatant violations call forth powerful demons.


Like Piper and Phoebe, Prue's sisters are hee able to be used against her. Prue will put herself in harm's way for an innocent, sure, but...she will go the extra mile to save her siblings.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Answers begat more questions August 9th, 2020 And these two are really good at getting into bad situations. A consultation turned into him letting her know what he is and suddenly there were demons. At least dinner was after.
BC-ing the sights August 4th, 2020 Prue and Willow meet up in Vancouver, share coffee, and Prue runs for her flight home.
Vampires and Werewolves August 4th, 2020 Buffy meets some wolves (or at least one confirmed one), ata dance club.
Consultation... August 2nd, 2020 Duncan and Prue assessed some pieces he had wanted to know about. They had dinner and he left her at her hotel with the option to stay in the city for a few days if she wanted.
Bucklands auction antics July 28th, 2020 Prue, Thomas, Buffy and Chimp dig around in Bucklands and things get sold
Coins and Questions July 27th, 2020 Prue, Harry, and Karrin talk the coin one last time. It's logiced out that, probably, Prue wasn't a target. They still worry about the situation and make a few more plans.
Witches and Wizards and Highlanders, Oh My! July 25th, 2020 Murphy brings some of the scooby gang over to give the low down on Denarian coins. Prue invites another immortal to the party and Murph begins to wonder just how many strange things there are in this world.
Night out with the Girls July 21st, 2020 The Scooby girls and allies decide to have a relaxing night out. Buttons are pressed and sensitive issues are brought up.
Watching Witchy Willow, Willinfly July 18th, 2020 Prue seeks out a Willow and runs into a Buffy....and trades jabs with Spike too
Charmed, I'm sure July 14th, 2020 Prue shows up at Harry's office with utterings of a certain type of coin that came across her desk
Someone unnatural in the Natural Museum July 12th, 2020 A trip to the museum provides Duncan an opportunity to make a contact in some areas he isn't as well versed.
Presto! Change o! July 12th, 2020 Prue comes by seeing a Buffy and a Bird. She gets Nick instead
The (other) Wiccan Wonder July 11th, 2020 Buff meets Prue again at the Magic Box.
Antics, auctions and....something that starts with A July 9th, 2020 Prue meets and greets while taking a shipment in at Bucklands
Blood of the Ancients: The Scouting Party July 9th, 2020 Willow and Nick defuse a magic barrier while Buffy and a new ally engage ghouls in a thunderstorm,


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