15912/I'll show who needs massaging!

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I'll show who needs massaging!
Date of Scene: 23 December 2023
Location: Crawford Mansion, Sunnydale (TBD)
Synopsis: Willow summons Dracula and makes a deal.
Cast of Characters: Willow Rosenberg, Dracula

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was crying as she left Harry's home. Swiping her cheeks she muttered, "I'll show him. Who needs massaging! I'm either good enough, or he's right."

*stomp stomp stomp*

A block away from Harry's, she fingered the coin. The last time she had used the wolf.

This time? She used the bat.
Dracula has posed:
It takes a little time, but soon there is a rustle of bat wings and a man forms in the alley near her, but out of sight to others. Just a smart way to not draw attention to himself.

His eyes glow in the dark for a moment, then they fade and he takes a few steps towards her,"You summoned me my dear. The night is young, how can I help you?" Maybe he sensed her distress or maybe just a good judge of body language.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow swiped her cheeks again, and lifted her chin.

"I want to know how good I could be."

There was still the odds that she was going to be tricked. She knows that. She really does. But the small part of her wanted to hear from someone like Dracula that she was better than she thought. That she was better than the average witch.

Even though she thought, in truth, she was a hedge witch with just a few magical spells that she could use.

She didn't listen to that wee small bit of her brain that was telling her she was being ridiculous. And besides, why would the Justice League have had her help them??

"Tell me the truth."
Dracula has posed:
He is thoughtful and quiet for a long time. His face betrays no emotion whatsoever. Instead he movs closer to her so she can see his face when he talks to her. Typical him, he can't just say it in a sentence or two.

"In all my years I have faced slayers. Those empowered and those that were not. Those that could throw magic and those that had a faith that burned me just being near them."

Crossing his arms he tells her,"I have never feared a soul in this world. I have no respect for my adversaries either. Not Buffy, not Faith, and none of the others."

He lets his gaze rest on hers, not trying to over power her mind, merely talking,"What you are capable of doesn't deserve my respect..." he starts out. He almost sounds like he's being arrogant, but then,"...it demands it. I am not so arrogant that I can't see that. I am a warrior centuries old, but your power is..." he shakes his head.

His eyes do glow when he tells her,"Have care what you say, your power is respected, but I won't suffer idignance or impunity. Maybe you defeat the Lord of Vampires and maybe I make you my bride. Try my patience and we will find out."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow's emotion are written on her face as she tries to comprehend the full magnitude.

If he was lying it was a fait accompli. He could be saying things that she wanted. Bringing her up as she thought Thomas was going to do.


Thomas was doing it for different reasons. Whereas, Dracula /still/ could be lying.. to what end though. He certainly wouldn't joke about making her a bride (would he?). If she was taken in by someone like Thomas, then Dracula would not have to be like broad with his flattery. He only needed to be better than Thomas.


But what if Dracula was serious. What if, as he said, it was to be respected? Forgot about the Bride..

Then again.. he was a master of lies masquerading as half truths.

There was the crux of the matter.

"What if I don't want those. What if I don't want to defeat you? Or be your Bride. What if I want something that only you can give me? Teach me how to be confident. To know where the crux of the matter is and strike out at it. Teach me to be a foe that you would be proud of."
Dracula has posed:
His face remains neutral as he watches her think things over. He doesn't intrude on her thoughts and lets her make her decision. Everyone knows that after Lucifer it could be argued he is the Prince of Lies.

For the time being however, he seems inclined to listen and answer. Crossing his arms, he tells her,"I can teach you such things. I can show you your inner strength and darkness. It isn't the most agreeable thing to most humans, but you are a witch and you understand certain things work. You are not weak, your blood is not drained. Drink of me and start to learn what you speak of as well as see how you can grow your power and help another if need be."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Her brow furrows.

"I don't want to be like you. I don't want to be a vampire. You can be the best. I want to be the best me. If I am what you say, that's where my power is. Not drinking blood. Not you, or anyone else. I want to be me. Just me. Without any question about my ability. Me. Just me."

Her features were etched in stone as she says it, "No one will question if it was you. Your powers filtered down." She knows that if she drinks his blood she still would be a lesser vampire. A lesser being. "When they see me, they will know who they are dealing with."
Dracula has posed:
Shaking his head he replies to her,"If I drained you, then fed you my blood I would make you a vampire. Ask your friend Miss Summers what she learned, drinking my blood when you are not drained will open your eyes to your true nature. You would see your inner darkness and know your potential."

He rubs his wrist and tells you,"Ask her. I am sure she wouldn't want to talk about it, but watch her eyes when you ask. I don't seek to make you as me unless you come at me with intention to try and kill me."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Once again Willow's features are an open book. "The best I could do would be to leave here, and talk with Buffy, as you said."
Dracula has posed:
Patience is not something he is known for. Not in the least. He crosses the distance between the two of them and stops inches away,"Or you can make a decision for yourself. Quit letting them tell you what you are. Quit letting anyone define you."

Up close, fangs in sight, and inches from her neck. Yes, he's playing with fire and he knows it well. Maybe he likes to get hurt and maybe he's trying to make a point,"Touch your inner mind, your power, and unleash what you find."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow eyes went wide. And for a moment she freezes.

Was he playing with her? Was all that he had said been lies? Was she really what Thomas saw in her? Was she a toy to be played with? Even though Dracula said..

No! She wasn't that. She wasn't! To be that, he could have already bitten her. She could feel his breath upon her neck. There was any reason to delay biting her if that was the case.

With a readjustment of her psyche, she began to whisper..

"I don't know what your game is, but you are playing with fire.." Her eyes were black. And hair was streaked with black, getting darker as she spoke. "Do you like to play with fire?"

As she spoke her arms began to raise at her sides, and her hands began to glow with fire. More than that, her body began to flicker as though engulfed in flames.

"I'm not afraid of you."
Dracula has posed:
Self satisfied, that's a thing. Fire...yeah also a thing. He takes a healthy back step and gets just out of the immediate reach of her flames. Worse than a cross, that gets him away.

Fire equates fear in vampires, but he recovers relatively fast once he can't feel the heat. He crosses his arms and resumes the usual arrogance. He studies her appearance, studies her eyes and hair.

"Whether you should be afraid or not is a talk for another time." he replies finally,"I am less interested in that than I am in the woman before me. Pure power, unfiltered...magic at its core."

His face returns to normal, the anger is gone, and in its place is the genteel nobleman that he puts out for the world to see,"Do I desire your blood? That is my nature. Do I desire all of it? I do not. Could you learn from mine? You could. Others have. Does that suit your sensibilties? A few moments ago no. Now? That is for you to decide. I will teach you things as you asked if you still desire."

He meets her gaze and finishes,"If I agree to teach you, you agree to put down the hesitation, the uncertainty. You agree to remember where you are right now..." He motions her appearance,"How you feel right now. Right now, you and would have an epic battle and there is not way of knowing for certain which one of us comes out of it on top. Earlier, there was no question despite what I might have said."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow laughs low. "Relax. If I were going to burn you, you wouldn't have gotten a warning."

Her voice is sultry. With a hint of innocence. "But, you have to admit, it caught your attention."

She whisks his explanation away with one one. "So, here we are, at a stalemate." Stull sultry. Still innocent. Whereas a woman who was pretending, Willow still had enough innocence to be truthful. Like now - where did she want to go?

She paces around Dracula, looking him over, while she thinks. Still keeping the single hand in blue flames - so hot the blue was almost white. "So you like this?"

The flames went in and out as though she was playing with a coin over her knuckles.

"Why is that? Innocent Willow is infinitely more surprised. Can't think of the evil that you are. Still, I guess, I could surprise Thomas.." She turns around and faces him. "He really thinks that poor Willow needs his protection. Why is that, do you think? I've tried to be nice for all this time. And what has it brought me?"

"Why? Even you prefer the worldly Willow. Why? It's still me. The only difference is the filter I use. So tell me why?"
Dracula has posed:
Whether he is nervous about that flame or not, his stays steady in stance and voice. He's lived too long and knows things about his existence very few know.

"You had my attention a long time ago Miss Rosenberg. I just saw that you weren't ready when last I saw you those years ago." he replies finally. Staying steady he smirks and nods,"I have to say I do like this side of you honestly. You are free. More honest. The inner power that you hold is free and makes you more...predacious."

He meets her gaze and admits,"Innocent Willow has a blood that is to be savored for all time." he tells her rather straight forward,"This Willow is far more so as the magic and the adrenaline purifies that blood, but this Willow is someone that I could see a partnership with or an adversity worthy of my years that I haven't seen in centirues."

Shaking his head he tells her,"Life doesn't teach you things by being nice. The best lessons are borne out with...oh what do you mortals say now. It's been too long...blood, sweat, and tears I believe is the phrase. Without the filter you border on demigod status."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She startles for just one moment. And you can almost hear Willow, with wide eyes, and a touch of pink across her cheekbone, asking 'Really?'. Except she reels it in, and laughs quite low.

"That's an honest answer, I suppose. A demigod?" She turns away, while she thinks. "I've only learned fire - did you know? Harry taught me. He's still fussy about me learning new things. Though he can be excused."

She pauses. "No. I learned it before he confessed he wanted to go out with me. Funny thing, though, he tried to make me angry so that I would leave his tutelage, and most importantly, away from his sight where he couldn't be tempted by me."

"I would have slept with him. Did you know that? Of course you don't. Where was I? Oh yes. Fire. " By this time the fire was out. "After that, I learned much better shields. When I thought about them? They were so easy.."

"And with you? There is a certain thought that says to make certain your enemy can't beat you, is to teach him yourself."
Dracula has posed:
"Your lover is wiser than most men twice his age, I would suggest that means he's been through a great deal of adversity." he tells her and still watches, totally in check.

He smirks a little and tells her,"There is great wisdom in using fire magic my dear. My kind aren't the only ones in the night that fear it. Every werewolves have to be wary enough fire. It won't kill them, but the proper type with hinder them for many days before they recover."

A laugh and a shake of his head,"I can teach you plenty and not know enough about you to beat you just from that. You have had more teachers and while I can use certain types of mental magics, but nothing I can pick out of your head. Right now, I am just interested in seeing you grow in power. In all my centuries, few things annoy me like wasted potential. Hence I wouldn't kill you if I bit you. I am interested in seeing how you develop."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow laughs. Sort of a cross between innocent giggles and a full throated laugh.

"You remind me of Tala. I knew she wasn't quite as innocent as she proclaimed. At least she skirted the issue." Lowering her voice, she continues, "Harry was the first almost good teacher that I ever had."

Of course there was Giles. But, truthfully, he didn't teach her per se.

"All my teachers have been on the other side of the tracks. To accept teaching I had to pretend that I was oblivious. You would be the first teacher who I entered a mentor-mentee relationship with an open and honest paradigm."
Dracula has posed:
"When I am hunting I may put up a good show. Otherwise I want what I want and I make no exuses for it." he replies. There is a smirk on his face as she giggles,"Every teacher has their way. You just need to find yours."

He steps closer, not in anger, merely closing the gap on them,"If you enter into a training with me, a piece of your sould might be tinged, but not destroyed. If you have white paint, pour just a little black paint into it, and then try to make it white again. No matter how much white paint you add, it's still going to be grey."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You know?" Willow grows more like her own self - except for a finger-width of black hair amongst the red in her witches' forelock. "Xander always joked with me. About force lightning. Said it was the way to the dark side. I used to practice it in secret."

Then louder. More self-assured. "The trouble is, when you are good, like me, there are creatures you will never be able to beat, because you can't understand what makes them tick. The same way you can't love unless you have hated. And between the two sides of the coin is a thin film that you both fit in."

"They have kept me innocent, so that they can feel better about what they are. And now, when I try to break free.. I.. I.. I want to learn. Teach me."
Dracula has posed:
He listens, face staying neutral as he listens to her go through the motions. When she talks about dark side he shakes his head,"Magic is a tool. It is neither good nor evil. It is what you use it for."

"As for being good like you I will give you a different perspective. The last century's greatest warrior was known to be arrogant, but a good man. He fought like he was possessed with a demon, but known as the grandfather of mixed martial arts and was the most feared and respected fighter of his day. It didn't make him a bad man, it made him a man that wanted to protect what he valued by whatever means necessary."

He finally nods and tells her,"I will teach you yes. You will come to me on a regular basis as I will not teach if you aren't serious. Agreed?"
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
That little bit of insistence? Willow had no problems with that. In fact she was surprised at him asking more.

"Let me guess - don't tell anybody? Lest they stop me?"
Dracula has posed:
"Tell no one lest they stop you or someone else comes looking for me to teach them. You are worth my time. I haven't encountered anyone else in this city that is worth my time to teach." he clarifies.

Clearly he is interested in something he sees in her. Maybe he wants to take the time to mold her into an image of fear and chaos. Maybe he just wants her blood. The joys of dealing with the Lord of Vampires.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:

Her mouth widens to a grin. "I can accept that. Do we shake, or anything?" Then Willow purrs, "Or? As for telling people? Why should I tell them? So that they stop me? To stay in my little box and make them happier?"

Willow wanders in a semicircle about him. "We kept her safe, while we took on the evilness that threatened us. Growing a little more grey.. But Willow was protected at all costs. Weren't we good?"

She sneers at that.
Dracula has posed:
A nod and he watches the woman circling him. He smirks a little and someone that is just a little unsettling. He nods and extends his hand, palm up,"You are wise my dear. Trust in battle is one thing, trust in relationship is another. You're taking a huge step into a larger world each time.

He touches his forlock and tells her,"You're already beautiful my dear, this just makes you the dark angel as opposed to something prinstine, sterile, and useless."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Poor Harry." Willow muses. "He might come to hate me. Is it bad that I want to take a chance regardless?"
Dracula has posed:
"You must do what is right by you first and foremost." he replies, his hand still waiting for hers,"Lovers come and go. If you think you want this, your first instinct tends to be the right one." Dirty Dracula super hearing.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Looking at the hand, Willow nods and reaches out her own, closing the distance. "If he doesn't like me, then maybe he never did." After all, she wasn't planning on turning evil. Just a little grey around the edges.
Dracula has posed:
He smiles and she just might see his fangs in the smile. Raising her hand to his mouth, he kisses her hand gently and releases her without biting her. Just to see if she will blink.

"I see no ring on your left hand my dear. If this upsets him maybe you are better riding the grey and shunning the light just a little. The world is rarely black and white."