15870/TheOpen Door: Under Seige!

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Revision as of 10:05, 30 December 2023 by Liu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/12/04 |Location=The Magic Box, Sunnydale |Synopsis=Members of the Paranet defend the Magic Box against vampire thieves. |Cast of Characters=39, 7044, 174, 976 |Tinyplot=Open Door |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Another late evening in the middle of the week and a lot of people calling in sick due to a winter flu going around had Giles desperate enough to call in Faith to watch the shop.<br>...")
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TheOpen Door: Under Seige!
Date of Scene: 04 December 2023
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Members of the Paranet defend the Magic Box against vampire thieves.
Cast of Characters: Faith Lehane, Thomas Raith, Harry Dresden, Wonder Girl
Tinyplot: Open Door

Faith Lehane has posed:
Another late evening in the middle of the week and a lot of people calling in sick due to a winter flu going around had Giles desperate enough to call in Faith to watch the shop.

Not that she's doing a very good job of it, feet on the table, drinking a bottle of vodka. But at least she knows how to work a til and can scare creeps away.

Too bad she's a bit drunk by now, having emptied at least half the bottle.

Its unusually busy tonight too, a lot of new faces bustling around, peering at wares, buying stuff. Faith doesn't know much about potions but most of these witches seem pretty knowledgeable anyway.
Thomas Raith has posed:
\<span style="color:#BA55D3"\>He's a devil in disguise, an snake with blue eyes. And he only comes out an night. Gives you feelings that you don't wanna fight, you better run for your life.\</span\> Anyone else think Carrie Underwood had a brush with the White Court? The music fades as Thomas parks his car, a White Corvette, and heads into the sho carrying what is unmistakeable a take out container. "So I've always wondered," he says placing the box in front of Faith, "Do you by Eyes of newt individually, or by the pound."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Some of the witches know way more than they let on. Right now, Harry is up looking at one of the books in the stacks above, where the real magic is found. Potentially bad magics, but definately powerful stuff.

The music gets a raise of his brow and Harry looks down towards to door. Seeing Thomas walk in, he shakes his head and closes his eyes. Music taste at least isn't genertic. He goes back to his book and leaves it be for now.
Wonder Girl has posed:
Some of the things Cassie Sandsmark learned over the years. Do not read anything from mystical tomes out loud. Translations included. Book reports are literally the safest option. Never drink glowy liquids unless you watch the contents get mixed and can identify the ingredients. And just try not to be in the room with a volatile artifact.

It's also the holiday season and when you work and in some cases live with some very powerful magical beings you kinda want to get something relatively safe and low powered as a gift.

Which is how there's a short, built blonde in a denim skirt, a pink button up blouse and a tan bomber jacket with a lamskin lining peeking out at the collar. Some suede leather ankle boots clicking their heels against the floor while she idly browses.

A waggle of fingers to familiar faces though she does also try and not get seen levitating to reach things on higher shelves.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane recognizes the blast of music and grins, kicking back to her feet as she focuses on the front door. "Heh, I was wondering when dinner would be here? How's it shakin?'"

She's already reaching hungrily for the box. "Guess we close in 10 minutes..Where did all these people come from?"

Many are congregating around the back, peering at the restricted area although it is fenced off..Not that they can't walk through if they wanted. They don't...For now, but seem quite interested.

As the bell rings again, she peers towards the door and smirks, "Heh, Harry, wassup? The athletic blonde girl is given a smirk and nod as she looks familiar but she can quite place her at the moment.

However she blinks in surprise as she sees some movement out of the corner of her eye. "What the hell?! Get back here!" and she rushes towards the back exit, chasing after a girl in a black hoodie, carrying a familiar looking tome under her arm.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Faith is a Slayer. A Hunter. Her prey is fleeing, and she is giving chase, running it to ground. Thomas is less a hunter and more a predator. He never exerts more energy then he has to... so as Faith runs after the hoodied figure, Thomas picks up the red stapler from the nearby desk and throws it with the force of a major league pitcher at the back of the hoodie owners head.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry moves his gaze to Faith to say something, notes the one running with the tome. From where he is there isn't much he can do without taking half th building with him.

He glances at Cassie,"Think you can but them off if the runner gets away from both of them?"

He points at a wall,"Will come out there if they get to the emergency exit." He moves towards the ladder, not a long fall, buy still smarter to climb down with ladder rather than jump as he doesn't fly.
Wonder Girl has posed:
There's a look as she hears someone making a dash for the exit. "Need help with the shoplifter?" she calls out as she moves to intercept. The voice sounds familiar for a few of the people around like Faith, Harry, and Thomas.

The trick with super speed is not so much just getting where you want to be. It's not making a mess or knocking anything over. Moving air does a lot of whooshing so the whole faster than the eye can see thing has to be throttled back.

At least she can help corner the runner so that stapler can bean them on the nugget. "If they get outside I can track them however far they get." between enhanced senses and all that Amazon training.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane pays no attention to others moving around her, focused solely on her target and the book in her hand. As Thomas hurls a stapler at her head, she moves like lightning, reaching up a hand to snatch it mid air, hurling it back at him.

And then there's Cassie, who can easily keep up with a vampire, but the vampire girl just laughs, pressing a finger to her lips as if to blow a kiss...Only she releases an explosion of purple blinding smoke that cover her tracks as she darts out the door..

And while all eyes are on her, similar black hoodies move towards the restricted section, effortlessly ripping down the fenced off area, attention focused on the Slayer Scythe lockedup in a glass case at the very back.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith snatches the stapler back out of the air and places it neatly back on the desk exactly where it was, then starts at a run following Faith. Not trying to take the lead but rather serving as his lover's back up. And hay, if they wrap this up quickly they night get back before her cabbage rolls get cold... Also if Faith of all people is protecting a book? Probibly an important book.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry notices the smoke and three chasing the escapee. Temptation to blast the ones trying to steal the scythe is resisted because of all the flammable things. Instead he shakes his right wrist and a bracelet of shields drop to his wrist.

"Thomas!" he snaps to get his brother's attention on the other caper. He steps into the main door and then into the shop again proper with measured steps.

"Defendarius!" he growls and around him a dome of blue energy appears, making the front door no longer an option to escaped from. Standing in the middle of the dome makes him not incredibly helpful either, but at least he's blocked the way out, so if they get past Thomas they will have to run towards Faith and Cassie.
Wonder Girl has posed:
Smokescreens, they can be annoying on the eyes and the nose. But that still leaves ears working. "Think we got us a distraction." she points out. The stuff that made the smoke bomb will likely cling to the vampire girl enough she can be tracked.

The sound of others, and their smells making a racket in back that gets her attention. "So just how secure is stuff kept in back. On a scale of take a penny, leave a penny, to death traps that could possibly kill Superman?." she asks.

Looking back to Faith she smirks. "Now you're definitely going to need help and I kinda want to blow off some steam now. We'll get the book back after." at least the spell making a dome will keep anything else in. Including other vampires. Who are now stuck in a store with a Slayer and a deity starting to spin around and change clothes on the spot.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane snorts, "What kinda wimp you take me for? I got the girl covered, protect that scythe!" and she darts out the door but...The vampire girl has seemingly vanished out of thing air!

"Damn! It was a decoy!" and she-darts back inside. The vampires continue to advance upon the M-scythe, effortlessly punching a hole in the glass and removing the scythe.

Much like Excalibur, the M? Scythe hold a lot of power, but unlike Mjolnir it *can* be held by others, although it likely lacks any real power in any but the slayers' hands.

With the front door blocked off they're headed towards the back door and there are at least eight of them, big vampires who look hungry.
Wonder Girl has posed:
It takes a few turns and soon that skirt and blouse are gone along with the jacket. In it's place a black tank top with a ring pull zipper running down the length, tucking into red leather jeans. A golden =W= emblem on her chest gleaming almost as much as the silvered bracers on her wrist. A golden lasso coiled and hanging from one hip.

Rounding on the vampires with the Scythe. The blonde woman takes note of the size, and the number of vampires. "You might want to put that back where you found it. Shoplifting is a pretty serious offence and comes with some very hefty punishments." she points out.

The demigoddesses eyes tracking to find anything that can be sued as a stake. Or something nice and sharp to take heads off.

That is usually how you drop vampires. She never did wonder if the logo on her chest counts as a religious symbol or worked on vampires. Divine strength usually does enough on most things.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith having dated more then one Slayer and knowing exactlly the look on Cassies face calls "Here, catch." Pulling a pair of Kukri knives from behind hi back and giving a gentle toss of one to the young super heroine as he assesses thei opponents with the other. "So under the Unsealie accords I have to give you the option," He says as he looks at the other vamps, "To withdraw from this location, or I will be forced to.." He is cut off by a lunging vampire, whose head is cut off by a smooth swing of Thomas's blade. "Right, enough talking..
Faith Lehane has posed:
The vampires don't hesitate to charge on the four, not really caring if this is 'accorded neutral territory' if it has even been made official.

Three rush at Cassie, attempting a pincher attack while two more rush at Thomas and Faith. Harry is kept busy keeping his shield up, dealing with more vamps near the front.

"No matter what, they can't get the scythe!" Faith states the obvious.
Wonder Girl has posed:
Much like the Slayer left minding the store. Catching a lightly tossed Kukri is not difficult at all. To the point that she drops into a stance that shows off she is VERY well trained.

Once she has three of the group coming in on her she just smirks. These poor dead bastards are just so slow.

Relatively, compared to Wonder Girl. That speed and strength of hers more than enough that she can practically dance, flowing with a step here and pirouette there. Upward swing at one, a downwards slash at another, a floaty jump between them and the third as she spins again.

To Cassandra it feels casual and she's actually taking her time to aim.

To those that don't have the reflexes and reaction times. The see the whoosh of air, a slight wet sound. The blonde coming to a stop to look over at the rest of the fight.

And then three heads falling from their owners' necks. "May your lost souls find peace in Hades." she says a little more solemnly as she looks for the next target. And maybe make sure she didn't damage the blade. Vertebrae can sometimes be a pain to cut if you don't aim right.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Everyone has their own style. It would be easy to mistake Thomas's own for dancing as well, moving and spinning between his oponents with an inhuman sort of style and grace. Of course throwing in a Moonwalk might have been a /little/ excessive. As the boodies hit the floot from his own onslaught...and then ash into nothingness, Thomas nods. "Nice movies." With the obvious approval of someone who knows the talent that is required to pull them off.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane may not move at the speed of light unlike the graceful blonde, but she is still pretty damn fast, as fast as a vampire at eye blurring speed as she takes on a couple of vampires with equally effortless grace, although she goes for traditional wooden stakes to the heart.

And then there is Thomas, equally graceful and fast, moving effortlessly between the vampires who surround him.

Most of the vampires are felled, turned to dust and yet the biggest vamp of all, the one carrying the scythe manages to evade them all, using his allies as shields and distractions as he makes his way to the front door.

Of course with all the fast moving death machines he's up against, he pauses by a table, and utters a perhaps familiar magic word, causing it to burst into flame, flaring up to threaten the many books and the magic shop itself...
Wonder Girl has posed:
While seven out of eight vampires are done in short order. The last one with the scythe is trying to be a little more cagey. Thankfully Cassandra has something to keep him from splatting against the magical dome. They might also need to know where the girl vamp with the book went.

This would be her very one magic lasso. Uncoiled and whirled overhead it's sent to the vampire to pull him back. "This is is not quite the same lariat as my sisters use. Their's is used to compel truth on those bound in them. Mine is empowered by my brother Ares. God of war. It channels my anger into that electrical tingle you're feeling now. Give us some bad answers and well. It won't kill you. Maybe. It is the power of Gods. So the ancient Greek Equivalent of a crucifix." she threatens and warns.

The fire going on will need dealing with as well. Cassie may be fine but this is someone's lively hood. "While this guy gives us an address on where the girl went." there's a hard tug on her lasso. "Where are the extinguishers? I don't have freeze breath."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith rushes behind the Magic Box counter to grab the ABC Extinguisher, and really hopes he is no where near...Earth...When Giles hears that he sprayed a Fire extingisher at the table... but then that is precisely what he does, aiming at the base of the fire and sweeping back and forth like the Fire Marshel taught hium when he opened the Club..
Faith Lehane has posed:
The vampire laughs although he struggles against the lasso, surprised to find his strength cannot burst it, causing him to scowl and curse deeply. "You're too late, the book is ours, in our stronghold now...come and take it if you dare!" she shrugs a shoulder, smirking. "Do your worst, it won't stop the inevitable."

Faith frowns, moving to take the Scythe from his bound hands before anymore harm can come to it. "I already know where their little stronghold is. We'll storm it tomorrow."
Wonder Girl has posed:
"Wanna find out how much electricity a vampire can take before he dusts?" Cassie asks to the others. Then turns an almost evil smirk on the undead captive. The jolt of lightning that courses from Cassandra's hands to the vampire while she coils more of the lasso around his neck.

The answer gets an eyeroll and another zap before Faith confirms where. "We got a location. Likely they'll know we're coming. I'll gear up for it. Anything in particular you want me to bring like a keg. I'm pretty certain I can make holy water, Holy beer." she sounds way more casual than most should for knowing there's a trap.

"Well I was thinking we could have let you go if you surrendered and behaved. But yeah. You got idiot zealot written all over you. So, toodles." the lasso glows and where she has it held either side of the vampires neck where she looped it. She yanks it taut.

One more head falling to the ground.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry lowers the shield that blocked the door and moves to the fire trying to spread. He focuses and this time rather than surrounding himself, he focuses the bracelet again,"Defendarius." he mutters. The bubble of energy forms around the fire, stopping the spread. The oxygen in the bubble is quickly exhausted by the fire within it.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith lowers the extingisher and nods slightly to his brother, "Thanks Harry. You likely just saved me a Massive lecture on the proper treatment of books," the affecting a posh British accent he adds "Honestly Mr. Raith couldn't you have found a method of extingishing the fire without spraying monoammonium phosphate powder over texts that were penned before this country decided to comming High treason?"
Faith Lehane has posed:
As the vampire drops to the ground, he quickly turns to dust..With the last of the vamps vanquished, there is the last threat of the burning table, however between Thomas and Harry, it is quickly extinguished and still standing..But rather burnt. Giles won't be happy but at least the books and the shop were saved.

Faith frowns, staring at the scythe in her hands. "We need to put up wards or something around this shop..Or at least in the restricted section, or this will keep happening." they'll worry about the time later.