15636/Just One of Those Days..

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Just One of Those Days..
Date of Scene: 27 September 2023
Location: Apartment A2 - Summers - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Lorna and Havok.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Havok

Polaris has posed:
It's really been quite some time, 3-4 weeks maybe? Since she's seen Alex. Truthfully it was through no fault of her own, given that her expertise was requested up north to examine some strange rock formations. She had hoped that Alex could join her but it seemed that other important duties kept him preoccupied as well..

Which meant a long, lonely time up in the north, examining rock formations, but hey, being in quiet lonely places usually suited her better than loud, crowded areas.

And right now, she's pretty pissed, having returned to Mutant Town after a really long and exhausting trek, only to be harrassed by a group of teens blasting a ghetto blaster of all things (do teens even use those things anymore? Apparently so), which made it really hard for her to think!

Given the migraine she's suffering right now, and her exhaustion, she finds herself having to shove her way through the group as she hurries down the street, eager to get home, muttering some expletives under her breath, which unfortunately get picked up by one or two of the punks.

"What'd you say, bitch?" snarls one of them, his breath reeking of alcohol. Oh greeeat, drunken loud punks. Just what she needed.
Havok has posed:
Alex comes out of the door of his apartment building to fond this situation. With a hot head like him well it's only to easy to know where this will lead. He growls running forward fists clenched. "Hey punks, you ass holes got something to say to her? Huh come run your mouths to me I'll bet not one of you has the guts!" He smirks looking to Lorna. "Hey Lorna, how're you doing gorgeous?" Alex asks with a chuckle as he waits to see the punks responses!
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane groans and rolls her eyes as she glowers back at the punks who look itching for a fight. "Seriously, do you guys not know who we are?" she sighs and rubs her temples, looking tired, and slightly annoyed, but keeping it together - for now. No doubt, she has the propensity to go from zero to 100 in a heartbeat. The eyes are already glinting green. They'd better watch out.

"I said..." the punk glowers, clenching and unclenching his fists, flexing them again to reveal that his fingers have what look like hot knives on the tips. "What did you say, bitch?!"

Annnnd that's around the time Alex makes his presence known, and he's quite a bit more intimidating than the green haired moody woman..There are only four punks and they look like young, skinny kids who probably rely too much on their powers and not enough on their brains to survive.

"N-nothing!" one of the smarter punks manages to mutter, dragging his friend away. The others follow suit, running down the street with their music blasting, to live and harrass another day..

Lorna looks slightly bemused as she watches them, maybe a little disappointed. "Pity, I was just warming up.." still, the unsettled waters beneath the surface slowly relax at the sight of him. "Hey handsome, I could ask you the same thing.." she smirks, stepping towards him, looking rather tired, a bit cranky and ruffled up as she reaches up to touch his cheek. "Boy aren't you a sight for sore eyes.."
Havok has posed:
Havok puts an arm around her back and pulls her close. "Did you expect them to stay when I arrived?" He asks leading Lorna to the door of his apartment building. "Can I offer you a beer or some wine?" Alex asks with a smile. "Me, eh I can't complain just been prepping to go back to school for my PHD." Alex says with a chuckle. "A sight for sore eyes, well I could say the same about you love."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane stiffens just the slightest, not at the sight of Alex, but from a general tension in her shoulders perhaps, before she relaxes, melting against him with a soft sigh. "Nah, I was hoping we could kick their arses, maybe release some built up tension..But I suppose there are other ways of doing that."

She smirks at him, a slightly wicked glint in her eyes and nods, "Beer sounds good, maybe you can fill me in on your latest adventures while you're at it..I'm just glad to be someplace warm, and..I missed you."
Havok has posed:
Havok smiles and kisses her as he leads Lorna up to his apartment and grabs a couple of bottles of beer from the fridge and opening them handing one to her. "Yea not much, ran into someone from my past, ain't really seen my stick in the mud brother either though."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane chuckles, leaning in against him, her hand sliding down to grasp his in hers, giving in a slight squeeze. She's not big on touchy feely, at least half the time, though at other times she can be quite passionate. Tonight she seems on the cooler side, both physically and emotionally. Being stuck in cold places on one's own can do that to a person perhaps.

"Friend from your past?" she smirks, "Sounds nostalgic. Can't say I've been up to the mansion in a while. I value my freedom too much, although.." Lorna sighs, "Speaking of family, I should probably touch base with mine now that I'm back..." she groans, "Guess you're not the only one with family issues.."
Havok has posed:
Havok shakes his head chuckling taking a sip of his beer. "Not an old friend...an old....well he fostered Scott and I for a while when we were kids." He shrugs. "Guy always was kinda creepy." Lorna's mention of her own family gets him shrugging. "Ah your family isn't that bad." Alex chuckles rolling his eyes playfully.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane arches a brow, remembering to take her beer and cracks it open, settling in a chair with an exhausted sigh, "Mm.." she takes her time to sip her beer, peering at him thoughtfully, "Right, your guardian, after..." Well, he probably doesn't want to be reminded of his troubled childhood, even if it followed a similar path to her own. Eerily similar at that.

Shaking her head, she peers at him thoughtfully, smirking, "So, raised by a creepy foster father, guess he wasn't exactly a good role model for you both, huh? So..What made him creepy? He wasn't a nice guy? Got some ulterior motives?"

As for her own family, she smirks and shrugs, "I dunno, haven't seen my twin siblings in ages, as for my dad..Well, who knows what side he's rooting for these days..Hopefully he's not causing trouble. Need to check up on Genosha sometime soon, or he'll probably think I'm 'shirking my duties' or something." she rolls her eyes.
Havok has posed:
Alex shrugs his shoulders. "Care giver yea I guess you could call him that." He taps his chin. "And as far as what makes him creepy I'd rather not get into that, I buried it long ago for a reason." Alex says simply before taking another swig. "Well the one good thing about your pops, his rules weren't overly strict and riged, not like Scott's could be, you know?"
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles and shrugs, curling up on the sofa, enjoying the familiar warmth of the apartment, "Hmm, maybe one day you can tell me more, I'm curious about your past..And concerned. But right now, we should relax, enjoy the night. It's been too long, and we've got a lot of catching up to do." she smiles, peering at him thoughtfully, "So, going back back to school huh? Guess that'll keep you pretty busy.."

As for her own family, she shrugs, "I guess I was never as close to Wanda and Pietro, but at least we weren't constantly butting heads. It's too bad you two can't get along better. But you're right, Magneto is set in his ways but we don't fight. I guess he's always been especially protective of me.."
Havok has posed:
Havok shrugs as he grabs the remote and puts a movie on. "Scott's just Scott you know? He has his way of doing things and it's always gonna be that way. His way doesn't mesh with my own, perhaps if we were raised together rather than separated things might be different but things are how they are."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane nods and sighs wistfully, staring at her drink. "Yeah, I know how that is, afterall I was raised by people I believed were my parents and as an only child..Only to discover much later that Magneto of all people was my father, and a pair of ex-villains who were all grown up now were my siblings." she laughs dryly. "Guess I sure missed out on childhood memories too..But it doesn't mean we can't make new memories with each other, right?" she smiles watching him thoughtfully. "You know, you didn't turn out so bad afterall of that, even if you are a handful for your brother and probably your dad too." she grins as she reaches out to try and playfully muss up his hair.
Havok has posed:
Havok chuckles and tries to avoid the hair mussing. "Hey now Scott's a handful for me not the other way around." He teases and than he's thinking for a bit. "Our father, meh who knows. But at least you have the chance to build those new memories, Scott and I mix about as well as oil and water."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane smirks, "He's your big brother isn't he supposed to take care of you? Probably a good reason why he's such a stick in the mud. Still.." she shrugs, "Hmm, I don't think it's too late for either of us. We both come from pretty complicated family histories, doesn't mean we cant at least try to see eye to eye on the things that matter, right?" she smiles.
Havok has posed:
Havok looks at Lorna. "He may be my big brother, but I'm an adult and truthfully can take care of myself. So no it's not his job to take care of me." Alex states as he takes a long drink.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane nods and sighs, "He sounds pretty stifling, I I guess one can lean too much that way, still, it's good to keep in touch with family, you never know when you might need 'em, even if they're occasionally a pain in the butt. Wonder what the Xmen have been up to lately?" she frowns, staring at her half finished drink, "Not that I'm all that keen on being a fulltime superhero any time soon but..Was good to see a few familiar faces at the club recently.."
Havok has posed:
Havok chuckles and takes another drink. "Stifling thats an understatement." He says laughing though Alex has no humor in his voice. "The X-Men no idea what they're up to. Wait you're still going to the club? What kind of good comes from that? And who'd you see?"
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane shrugs, "Club Evolution, I mean.." she smirks, arching a brow, "What club did you think I meant..The Hellfire Club?" the mere thought causes her to frown, reaching for another beer after finishing the first. "You know, I think I just want a quiet life, none of that fighting, vigilante stuff. I mean, I'd like to keep my friendships in the team, but I just dont think I'm cut out to be a hero, you know? I think I'd like to try living peacefully in Genosha, maybe spread the word more here in Mutant Town.."
Havok has posed:
Havok shrugs. "Lorna as much as I too desire a peaceful life, and to not do the fighting vigilante thing..." He sighs shaking his head. "You and I both know that can't last, things are gonna happen, new threats will come and we will be dragged into it over and over."
Polaris has posed:
"Maybe..Maybe not.." she counters, "Magneto's dream of a peaceful life away from haters seems more realistic to me, than trying to co-exist with humans and inevitably having to fight them..I dunno, I just wish the fighting would end, but.." She yawns a bit, rubbing her eyes as she finishes the last of her beer. "It's probably too late to be thinking so deeply. we should get some rest. It'll be nice to sleep someplace warm for once."
Havok has posed:
Havok shakes his head. "Magnetos plan for that is both foolish and short sighted. To hide ourselves away won't fix the problem, it makes it worse, makes it look like we have something to hide. It's a temporary solution to a permanent problem." He says draining his own beer. "It's a good place to get away to, but in the long run doesn't really help." Alex stands and offers his hand to Lorna. "You're right though, let us head to bed."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane frowns, "But I really want to believe it could work. Take mutants away from humans, let them live their own separate lives in peace. Is it such a lofty ideal?" She smiles and nods, climbing to her feet, taking his hand, "Yes, I'm tired, I missed your warmth.." She yawns and stretches, "We'll worry about such thoughts tomorrow. Right now we got a lot of catching up to do." she grins and winks playfully.