16160/So what IS it

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So what IS it
Date of Scene: 02 April 2024
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: The mirror purchased brought a friend. Apparently it's a fairy.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Phantasm (Drago), Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
Sisyphus was a King in ancient greece, known for being a right royal bastard, abusing the rules of hospitality and in general being an ass to his guests and other people. When he died, condemned to repeat the same action over and over, with the same result, day after day. Rinse, repeat, ad nauseum.

So why did a 'Vu-ja de' moment happen yestereve?

The 'guest' that was brought in, was small enough to fit in a sack and troublesome enough that it resisted telekinesis, when moving it.

There IS a guest room, but the sack got moved to the lab and secured, in a sedated kind of manner. It resembles a goblin-like creature, about the size of a toddler, with long limbs and dark brown skin that resembles bark. Its ears are long and floppy and it has whiskers where eyebrows should be. And other than its size and these peculiar facts, it actually looks quite innocent seeming. Innocuous even.

But whilst it's been an unconscious, dreaming guest in the penthouse lab space, there have been moments of 'rinse and repeat' that all who were around or visited, have partaken of. It's really bizarre, making and drinking the same cup of tea, twice. Or putting the music player on to repeat the same song. Or walking out of the elevator twice in rapid succession.

Sinister, on the other side of the iron door, so that a measure of distance can be maintained... is staring at vital sign readings. "It seems to be comatose. I don't know how that happened, I didn't do anything to cause that, other than put it in a sack."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
After the multiple attempts to get up to the penthouse, here was enough curiousity within Nick to want to find out the contents of Sinister's sack. Well more than what he saw when it was unloaded. He's not entirely what it was other than it seemed to be a sickly looking thing.

Or perhaps it's the coma that led to that. Either way, the musician has found himself back in the penthouse. Showered, and better dressed. The bookbag is left behind in the hotel room.

He looks curiously to the door and then to Sinister. "...Environmental changes maybe? Where did you find it?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is sitting on the island counter, cross legged and staring at the door that goes to the lab. He has four cups in front of him because he made the same tea twice, four times. And the cups accumulated from each repeated session as if he had forgotten to rinse and re-use the cup. Two of the four cups may vanish at some point when the space-fold of time and occupancy corrects itself within Lux. For now...

It is what it is.

"How did you manage to get it into the sack? Did it take you multiple attempts? Or did the Groundhog Day occurrence begin only after you brought it back to Lux?" The Devil asks while sipping on what is now his fifth cup of thrice repeated tea trips. He's likely accumulating cups now mostly because it's amusing to him. "Still has nothing on poor Sisyphus..."
Sinister has posed:
"You remember when I had the mirror delivered? Well, I went to check on it when it arrived and make sure everything was hunky dory and nothing untoward had happened... I don't trust some of those individuals at the night market." Sin stares at the teacups briefly, then to the two men and last to the sleeping 'guest'.

"Well, I arrived to a sitation. My valets and assistants were in absolute disarray and the facility was in lockdown. When I finally managed to get into the room with the mirror, this thing was trying in vain to get -into- the mirror and everything was... well, the repetitions are calm. By comparison. I had to put it to sleep with a very strong command, it's extraordinarily resistent to psychic energies."

Hence having to carry rather than telekinetically lift, no doubt.

He takes one of the teas.

"It doesn't look like much, does it? Do you suppose it's a dream, a fairy, or maybe something from the mirror dimension?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick frowns to the explanation. "Well, if he was banging his head trying to get a mirror I wouldn't be surprised at a concussion" So says the guy with ZERO medical training.

Nick looks over to the monitors Sinister was looking at earlier. Well, if that's the case, there's worse places the creature could have been brought to. "...Think it saw a reflection from their past and thought it was a portal back there?"
Lucifer has posed:
"Except that creature isn't from here. Unless it is, like some sort of hidden world, but I doubt it. I more think it came from the mirror world and was trying to get back where it came from but somehow got a bit confuddled with all the commotion it caused." Lucifer offers, just going off the sound of things as Nathaniel explains them.

He sips more tea.

"I was hoping the mirror would get -here- before anything funky started going on with it. Hoping that I could test a theory with it and Nick..." He pauses, side-eyes Nick a moment and then takes a breath. "You see... when Nick was walking towards it in the tent... I glanced at it briefly. And I recognized the spot. The spot that Nick was seeing, cause I had seen it before..."

He sips more tea.

"Course, it would likely wind up involving someone that Nathaniel cannot seem to get along with to save his life, but I had seen it in a picture on Leo's wall when I visited his home. Not a painting. Not random art. A photograph. So I almost wondered if the mirror was showing Nick a path to explore his past. Or some such..."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister lifts the tea to his lips, only to find the cup has vanished as soon as it hits his mouth. It's back where Lucifer set it down when he remade it again. "Oh, now that's just not fair," is murmured with a frown, then looking consternated at the crockery. He snorts, looks back at the monitors, but he -is- listening.

"Well, it's nothing like anything I've encountered before, but if it's from the memory of a past time, who knows what it is. Your guess is probably accurate."

The comatose critter breaths fast, its chest rising and falling rapid. A light layer of fur, like that on a butterfly, covers the lean chest, the same colour as the 'barkskin'.

"It could be a place in Ireland, potentially where the legend of the Phantasm began. If it could be painted, or replicated some how, I could easily run a search and cross-reference where the locale is."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Maybe he was at the market and just.." He pauses, flipping his hand to the side, "Fell into the box. I have no idea how things were packaged but-" He pauses, shaking his head as he dismisses the thought before anyone else can.

The mention of the cave causes for Nick to look over to Lucifer. A brow lifts as Lucifer mentions seeing it before, "You have?"

When Lucifer continues to explain, mentioning the potential conflict with Nathaniel, Nick ends up looking to the doctor briefly to gague the reaction a little. When Leo's name is mentioned, Nick lets out a sigh, glancing back over to Lucifer

Nick cants his head to the side in thought. "...There's very little written about Phantasms." He offers up, "I've tried looking through a few libraries... including the school's and it's ...not very well collected together. But, I could draw out what I saw and see what we get with that. Orrrrr- We could just go ask him."
Lucifer has posed:
"We? I think I've subjected myself and Nathaniel to that man quite enough - and one time without intending to since he decided to just... pop on in." Lucifer begins, lifting a hand and wiggling fingers in what seems to be a non-sensical fashion until three books come flying...


........FLYING!......to the counter. Not fast or anything, just took him a few tries to get the books and the deja vu bullshit to work together.

He picks up the top book which is aptly titled 'Beyond the Trees' and begins flipping through the pages. It's illustrated.
Sinister has posed:
"Luci's been having a look through his collection. Some of them are utter nonsense, but still first editions. Some..." -- the flying book repetition gets tracked like a cat watching a laser pointer. Silence reigns as he reaches for one of the teas, perhaps to try and fool it into remaining where it is. THIS time, it doesn't vanish on being brought to his lips. The sigh of satisfaction is palpable.

"I have absolutely no qualms about anyone /other/ than me going to knock heads with the stubborn irishman. But I am voting myself out of that." A glance to Lucifer. "And apparently so is he."

Frowning at the book, then Nick, there is a shrug. "Doesn't seem terribly likely, does it? Well, unless they intended to steal it back, but I do know -some- folklore. I'm sure if they did that, they'd get in trouble with some kind of court."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick pauses as he ends up getting corrected. "Sorry." Guess he'll have to do it alone. The musician drifts to silence as he looks to the books drifting about.

To the mention of stealing the mirror back, he looks back over to Sinister. "...Some items are a one use only thing. Use it and it goes back. That's why I asked bout limited uses. Because if the mirror activated on me that could technically have been a use."
Lucifer has posed:
After flipping through a few pages, Lucifer stops and tilts his head at one. "Deep in the Balleyboey Forest, but off the beaten path, lines an edge between fantasy and reality. No human is able to see this, they cross the line without any ill done. However, there are many creatures from across the line that like to come and visit the forest every once in a while." He pauses, reading forward silently before he finally seems to spot what he was -actually- looking for.

"Along with these other, innocent, creatures is the Gobletreekin. This mischevious creature looks to be..." And he goes on to describe the comatose creature in the lab pretty directly. "They are known for pulling tricks, messing with people they may come into contact with. Some people claim that they experience 'walking in circles' in the forest only to finally find their way without trouble. Others repeat actions over and over again until the Gobletreekin has had their fill of fun and back into their own land they go..." He stops reading, looks between the other two and then towards the monitor.

"I can keep reading but if this is like most other fae-type lines between our world and theirs, this one is likely comatose because he...or she...has been away from their home for too long. They go comatose to reserve their fae-type powers..." He pauses. "You said this one came -out- of the mirror?"
Sinister has posed:
"So it's a kind of spriggan, or boggart type..." Sin frowns on the listening to the lore, a shift of the gaze from Lucifer to Nick and back, then to the creature in the lab.

There's silence for a goodly measure. "Well, it's not going to answer any questions whilst it's unconscious is it? Whether the use of the mirror is limited or nay, the elf said it was not, but I don't know how entirely truthful he was." The doctor's eyes are narrowing on the wood-like sprite on the slab. "It should probably go back. But... I assume it came out of the mirror, as it was attempting to get /in/ to it. Recommendations?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I'm more inclined to believe he was visiting the market, got kind of swept up in the moment and ran to the mirror in desperation." Nick comments, but if the mirror did act like a portal to him then maybe it does work the other way. But maybe it doesn't work when others are observing."

There's a pause as Nick considers the implications of that. "...If that's the case do you really want the doggy door of the otherworld in the penthouse?"
Lucifer has posed:
"What if it came out of the mirror while you were looking at it... and then somehow clung to the mirror when it was being transported because it tried to use the mirror to get back..." Lucifer offers. "I think it's a two-way but only works for whatever the person looking at it conjures up." He sighs. "Cause this creature belongs to a fae-land in the forest. Which we could try to use the mirror, or...I could see about getting him to the forest without the mirror and maybe he'll come out of the coma once there and filled with forestal happy magic feelings..."

There's a chuckle from the Devil then. "Like taking a leprachaun to the end of a rainbow...or some such like that. I also am still curious about how that forest image is the same as the one I saw in Leo's home. And since Leo hates me less than Nathaniel, I suppose I can ease my own curiosity and go ask him myself. At some point."
Sinister has posed:
"Mmmmm. Dammit, I want to know if it ... is... an interdimensional catflap." Sinister grunts, gritting teeth a moment in a back-of-the-molars grind, then sighs. "Damn the mystery. Why?" He shakes his head, folds arms and glances to both men. One. Then the other. Then the first again. It's an expectant kind of look, mostly because he's not sure of this moment, more than likely.

"Frankly, there are more dangerous things than the mirror in this penthouse. Or, we could let it die. I'm suspecting that's probably -not- an option. Mind, it is fascinating... the chicanery is quite something."

And only a /slight/ grimace at the mention of Leo.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick frowns, to the mention of it coming through when he was looking at it. "But didn't you bring up a forest? I didn't see any trees from that cave entrance."

He frowns as the Sinister assumes aloud that letting it die is not an option. "Well, if you think it belongs in the forest. Then maybe we should take it to the forest?" He pauses, having a general idea of where it's probably going to be. "Which country is it in?"
Lucifer has posed:
"I'm only handing out theories. Maybe someone handling the mirror saw a forest and it escaped. Or something. I have no idea. There's two things here. We have a mythical creature that needs to go home. We can get it there. We also have a mirror that shows us things from our minds. Somehow. And I'm curious about why Nick saw a cave that looked exactly like a picture on Leo's wall. So I can talk to Leo. That's a side quest." Lucifer says this much and then shifts to stand and hops off the island counter.

"For now. We need to get mister mythical creature back to the forest. In Ireland. Because most fae-lands are in the UK. Don't ask me why." He says this much and then looks to Nathaniel. "I can take him back the easy way if you want, cause I've seen a picture of the forest and I know about where it is. If you want to come along, you'll have to hang on like usual." A glance to Nick then. "You're welcome to come too. If you're curious."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister looks thoughtful at this opportunity, tapping his forearm with fingertips in the cross he has his limbs in. Tappetty-tap, tappety-tap. "I think I shall have to fine tune the display case for the mirror, just in case things -are- coming out of it -- Silver, cold iron, electrum, rowanwood stand. A little podium of salt for it to stand on, possibly himalayan pink salt. Maybe even some magnetite."

That quietly mused, he glances to Nick.

"You travelled to the fae realm before? It's neither here nor there, but it does venture forth into whether I'll take Luci up on the offer or not."

He glances at the lab one more time, at the readings being shown. "I suspect you have until the thing gets bradicardic, before it's too late."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods to the offer. "I would be interested in going." He admits. Also if it's in Ireland he could probably tag along for the Leo thing... if it happens around the same time.

Nick looks over to Sinister as he lists off the things to add to the display case. "Air holes." He adds in. Two words. All that's needed.
Lucifer has posed:
"Air holes? For the mirror? If nothing is looking in the mirror, I doubt that anything will come through it, but you all take whatever precautions you think you need to take." Lucifer says this before moving towards the lab. He'll need to go into the lab, grab the creature, then come back and have Sin and Nick hang on to him while they transport to the forest.

"Forest for the creature, let Nathaniel talk to it a bit, maybe get some answers. Then we go to Leo's? Pub for a drink and then stay the night at one of the castles?" See? It all works out in the end.