16128/What happens when you try and stop the Juggernaut

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What happens when you try and stop the Juggernaut
Date of Scene: 17 March 2024
Location: Medical Centre, Watchtower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Tyran'tar, Supergirl, Firestar, Superman, Mon-El

Tyran'tar has posed:
    The ring put the Tamaranean in a forcefield and brought him to the nearest advanced facility to treat the lantern. Flying through the watchtower, the ring is in total control as his eyes are closed. It deposited the lantern in a bio-bed and links the computer to the intergalactic database to begin treatment.

    The injuries were pretty severe, every bone was cracked fractured or broken in some form and he had open cuts along his face and arms.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers has not been around the watch tower nearly as much as she should, work and all..But when she hears that a fellow team mate was recently injured that kicks her into high gear. What is the latest threat after months of peace and quiet?

She frowns as she makes her way into the med bay to check in on the latest patient, and gasps in concern at the sight of him.

A quick X-ray scan shows the extent of the damage but thankfully the room is equipped with med bots to treat him. All she can do now is watch and wait..
Tyran'tar has posed:
    The gasp woke the tamaranean up, solid green eyes barely opened as one remained shut. He tries to speak, the ring accesses the justice league roster to identify the woman before him. Kara Zor-el. He takes in a breath as he speaks. "I would say you should see the other guy, but I didnt do a thing to him." He says softly.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers seems relieved to see the Tamaranean is awake at least. A quick glance at his files confirms his name and position in the league. That green ring is unmistakeable too of course. "Hi! It's Tyran'tar, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Supergirl. How are you feeling? I was worried when I saw your injuries.."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I been better." He says as gives a chuckle and coughs. He smiles at her. "I managed to get the hostages back safely, but the Juggernaut took the field Generator that the mercenary group stole." He says as he looks about, not moving his head. The Ring had put him in a form of stasis to prevent movement from worsening his injuries. "Last time I underestimate a human." He says more to himself.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers blinks. "Wait, hostages? Field generator? what else don't I know?" she sighs shaking her head. "I'm sorry, I must have missed the emergency beacon somehow..Tell me more about this Juggernaut?"
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "A convoy had been taken hostage by a mercenary group. it was transporting a new type of Field Generator from STAR labs. I showed up to stop them and ran into him." He says as his ring displays a hologram of the juggernaut. "I couldn't stop him. I even tried intensifying and lessening gravity fields, did nothing. Last thing I remember was the intense gravity field I placed on him shattered. Thankfully before that I got the hostages they had out." He explains.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers nods and hmms. "I've heard of the Juggernaut but never encountered him personally. I hear he's pretty much unstoppable, guess we'll have to work on a team effort next time." she smiles encouragingly. "Don't feel so bad, we'll take him down next time. I'm just relieved my team mate is ok. You should focus on recovering.." this new information is worrying however and she bites her lip, pondering things.
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I guessed as much." He says as he looks about without moving his head. "I needed to meet more of my fellow League Teammates. Guess I get to now." He says with a chuckle. "You are Kryptonian, like Superman right?"
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smiles and nods. "Yup, that's right, although not as experienced or as strong as him but I do my best! And I'll definitely have Juggernaut on my radar from now on.." she tilts her head. "How about you? you look a bit like Starfire, but you have a green lantern ring..?"
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "Starfire is the younger sister of our tyran monarch: Blackfire. I was a Tamaranean soldier before being chosen to serve in the green lantern corps. I am now exiled from my home world under threat of death for refusing to kill Starfire. Like I could." He says with a scoff. "I am the green Lantern of Sector 2828, but I am temporarily reassigned here until the native Green Lanterns return."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers blinks in surprise. "Wow seriously? That's harsh..but hey I guess they're not worth your time if they're gonna demand you kill someone ad innocent as Starfire." she smiles. "I guess we got that in common, both refugees from our homeworlds.." she is trying to make light of the situation despite everything. "Well that's good, Starfire is really nice too..How long have you been with the League?"
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I agree. She is the rightful ruler of Tamaran but Green Lantern rules state I am not to interfere with a culture's politics. Usurping her would make me as bad as her." He says as he takes a breath "A few months? As I said I am reassigned here while the human lanterns are on a mission for the corps. I am not officially in the league, merely taking up their spot while they are away. Earth is an interesting place, if alien compared to Tamaran."
Firestar has posed:
Watchtower duty. Angelica is a little early so she is wandering around for time. For whatever reason, she happens by the medical areas. Hearing a familiar voice, she pauses to call from the hall,"Kara. You ok?" It is the medical bay after all. She hasn't been up here for a while. Once a month makes it easy to fall behind. At any rate, she doesn't just walk into the room.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers and sighs. "Yeah, I know how that can be, only been here a few years myself and still acclimatizing. But hey, it can be fun too!" she smiles, "you know what, we should all check out the mall or go for a pool party or barbecue sometime, you know, get to know everyone and get used to this world sometime. Heck, sumner is just around the corner, might be fun!"

When Firestar arrives she nods to her, gesturing towards Tyran. "I'm fine, but he got taken down pretty hard by the Juggernaut." there's a note of concern in her voice though she tries to remain positive. "We'll get him next time, as a team."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar nods and winces. "I agree. I would be interested in such activities. Sometimes one needs rest a relaxation." He says as he watches the two women.
Firestar has posed:
"Marko? Not a fun fight that one. Not ever. I have met him a few times and we haven't come to blows as it were, but I can fly out of his reach and I can't stop him on my own. He is above the usual thugs I was used to dealing with when I was younger."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smiles and nods. "Right, a team building exercise would be ideal..Maybe even an escape room or something!" she chuckles before peering back at Firestar. "So what do you know about him other than he's super strong? I guess he's working with mercenaries now, which means he could be a major problem unless we can find his weakness."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    He looks to Firestar. "I am Tyran'tar, Green lantern of sector 2828, temporarily reassigned here while the human lanterns are off on a mission." He explains.
Firestar has posed:
Angelica nods to Tyran'tar and tells him,"Angelica Jones. Firestar to the world at large." she replies introducing herself as well,"Nice to meet you."

She looks to Kara and replies,"He's strong. Massive power level there. His biggested weakness..." she touches her temple and shrugs,"...he isn't a big thinker. Unfortunately, the jewel that gives him power gives him that helmet. Even Professor Xavier can't get into his head with that helmet in place. So not the easiest thing to exploit."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers hmms. "Soo he's a hothead and doesn't think things through. But we can use that to our advantage, trick him somehow..I guess his helmet is the key, if we can get it off." she smiles. "I'll bet Superman would have no trouble stopping him." but she is no Superman.."And what powers his jewel?"
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I dont know what powers that jewel. The ring couldnt identify it." He explains as he watches them. "The Green Lantern ring can do practically anything, even go back in time, with the Guardian's approval of course."
Firestar has posed:
"I read a file on him while I was living at Xavier's Mansion." she replies,"The gem is a magic source from some divine being or another. It's been a while and I just read the cliff notes honestly. I know most who try to face him head on fall. I can't say Superman would or would not win. They are both ridiculously strong in their way. I couldn't say for sure."

She nods to the Green Lantern and replies,"That is way over my head or anything I read on the files. Magic is outside my wheel house."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers blinks in surprise, "Woah, really? So does that mean the gem is just too ancient to be identified or..Something else?" she frowns at the thought. She arches a brow at Firestar, "Magic. huh, not really my strong point. Butvif there were a way to dampen or nullify its effects somehow, if you know, just toss him into space...Now that's a thought.."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I have tried applying zero gravity and even the gravity of a white dwarf star. Didnt phase him." He says as he wills the ring of his finger and soon a power battery appears from a pocket dimension and the ring floats against it and presses against it.
Firestar has posed:
"He's like nothing else in the world that I have ever seen. I have tried to pique his curiosity with the idea of going up to Canada to hunt down and defeat the Wendigo. It is immortal, as unkillable as he is as far as I can tell, and I was hoping maybe they'd take each other off the board. As I said, not the brightest and the idea of a good fight apparently gets him going. I am hoping someday he will go."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers's frown deepens, "Geez, it seems you've already tried everything..Can he really not be reasoned with? Is he just in it for the money? Wonder if we can make a deal with him." she nods to Firestar, "That would be good but..I wonder if even this Wendigo can take him down. If not, then we'd just be handing Canada our problem.."
Superman has posed:
"The Juggernaut doesn't like to be reasoned with, outside of money maybe. Possibly a challenge," a voice echoes ahead and goes into the room. Kara definitely recognizes it. A few moments later Superman floats back in, "What did he do this time?" Superman is aware of Juggernaut by reputation, and a few times, by a personal meeting. Not too often do their paths cross.
Tyran'tar has posed:
    He turns his eyes to the kryptonian who entered. Clark and Tyran'tar met once, when Tyran'tar was first assigned to earth. He chuckles. "Appearantly Despite wielding the strongest weapon in the universe, I wasnt able to stop him from stealing a field generator designed by Star Labs." He says softly. The machine indicated that the lantern had broken every bone in his body and was in a semi stasis field to keep from making his injuries worse.
Firestar has posed:
"I have tried some things. The X-men have tried more things." Angelica replies,"He is just. Something else. If those two clashed I would like to think one would win or he'd finally leave again. Either way, they would be each other's problem for a while."

She glances to the arriving Kryptonian,"Superman." she offers by way of greeting when she sees him,"It's been a while." Her attention goes to the fallen Lantern and she shakes her head,"The X-men always refer to him as the unstoppable Juggernaut. Aptly named. Marko is a text book bully."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers sighs, "Well that sounds pretty hopeless. Your idea might be the best, if it works, Firestar.." Superman walks in at that moment and she smiles faintly at him, "Heya, cuz, how goes? We were just discussing how to deal with the unstoppable Juggernaut.."
Mon-El has posed:
    "Juggernaut, huh? -That- guy again? What'd he do this time?" Lar asks, sighing as he follows Superman into the medical center. He nods and smiles amicably toward Kara and the rest of those gathered as well. "Last time I saw him he was trying to steal some kind of tech from Star Labs."
Superman has posed:
"What if we somehow remove gravity from his person. It won't stop his power, but slow him down," Superman is reminded of how fighting in the mud can slow people down. The juggernaut couldn't be slowed by mud, but no gravity? That has potential.
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I have never been afraid of anyone or anything in my life, at least afraid enough to severely consider running away. I will not let him make me afraid." He says resolutely as the ring glows and floats above the bio bed, the power battery opening a portal to where-ever it's stored and it goes back in it, the portal closing behind it.

    "I tried to remove his gravity. He simply clapped his hands and created a shockwave flipping armored trucks and semis."
Firestar has posed:
"If I am being honest, I have always wondered what would happen if he couldn't get traction. If he was unable to have solid ground in the sense of thin grease as opposed to mud. Not even that really. Frictionless material if you take my meaning." Angelica muses thoughtfully.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers hmms, "How would we achieve that..?"she shrugs, "Doesn't sound like anything can stop him and if he can't be reasoned with..Just wish we could learn more about this gem that gives him his powers. That seems to be the key to stopping him."
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar scoffs slightly. "Yeah I guess that's why they call him 'the unstoppable Juggernaut' huh?" he shrugs. "But what do you do with people like that? The ones who can't be reasoned with, and can't be stopped or contained? Without... you know..." he brushes his fingers across the front of his neck, to symbolize cutting the lifeline, so to speak. "Do you just give up?"
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I have tried to contain him with constructs. I even created a gravity bubble equivalent to a white dwarf star, it slowed him down for a few moments, thats it." He explains as he watches them. "I will simply request backup when going against him again." He says calmly. He then chuckles. "Believe it or not, not all of us can be born with Kryptonian and Daxamite abilities. I just need to be more creative then him."
Superman has posed:
"That becomes a battle of his will against yours. And the lack of traction. That's why I was thinking about no gravity. Take away his footing, you take away half of what he can do." Superman looks at Lars and Kara, "We could always take the gloves off if we find somewhere safe to go," Superman knows that can cause a lot of collateral damage if they were to do that.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers sighs, "Seems pretty hopeless, unless we got him into space, wonder if he can bear he up there?" she shrugs, "Either way perhaps we should focus on team building exercises for right now? I'd hate to see another team mate get hurt because we didn't have their back.."
Firestar has posed:
"I don't know if he can live up there or not. I should talk to Sam or Betsey and see if he can get me the file on him from Xavier's. I am welcome there, but they aren't too forthcoming with intelligence to those not a member of the team."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar simply sighs. "I am in here for a while. The ring can accelerate healing but I am not sure at what cost." He says as he looks to the glowing ring floating above him. "In the mean time, I will be here, recovering."
Superman has posed:
A look goes to Kara, "We will need to discuss those as well. We'll need them for Juggernaut and the growing threat out of blackgate," he says liking where her head is at. He's just giving the reasons. Firestar should remember blackgate and what Superman is illuding to.

"I could always go with you if you needed some help persuading the X-men, Firestar," Superman offers. It's just his way of trying to help a potential tense situation.

A look goes to Tyran'tar, "Do you have access to your battery?" Superman does have some rudamentary knowledge about how the battery works. "We can still set you up with something up. Let your ring recharge when you need ot. Your body can recover, but you need to let the mind recover, too."
Mon-El has posed:

    Lar considers the idea of whether Juggernaut can actually survive in space without equipment or not.

    "I'm not sure if he can, but what's the angle there? Lure him out there, and then trap him there if it'd be easier to contain him somehow?"

    But he frowns at Superman when blackgate is mentioned, looking concerned. "Blackgate? That doesn't sound good."
Firestar has posed:
The mention of Blackgate gets a face. Angelica sighs,"That was something else." she agrees,"Certainly not dull and I have been a mutant since my early teens."

She considers Superman and admits,"They might help. They might not. At the end of the day, they are pretty prone to circling the wagons. We could try it and see if we can get a good working relation with them maybe."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    A portal forms next to his ring and the power battery floats out as he keeps it on a table nearby. The ring floats to it and lands next to it. "I just wish I can scratch an itch on my nose." He says jokingly to try and lighten the mood.
Superman has posed:
"Blackgate is a high security prison that had a bit of a riot," the understatmenet of the year so far. "When everything got under control a certain number of prisoners were missing. It was extremely chaotic thanks to a coordinated attack," he says just pulling out the info he had. That's part of the reason why he is about tonight. The reporter in him wanted to compare the data.

Superman openly chuckles at Tyran'tar's jjoke. To him, it does lighten up the mood. A soft smile pulls at his lips from it. "Your spirit remains unbroken," which is something he likes to see. It's easier to repair the body, sometimes, than the mind.
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "It and my mind are the only things at the moment." He says to Superman. He then sighs. "I would offer to help, but I think I am in here for a good bit." He says regretfully. "In the meantime, be careful. Don't want a roommate in here." He says jokingly again.
Firestar has posed:
Before she can say more, the alarm on her phone buzzes and she hmms,"OK. As much as I would like to visit more, it is my turn on duty so I had better go relieve whoever is on the monitors. If you want to ask me more, just come find me there."

With that she turns and heads to the hallway and makes her way to her assignment.