15956/Aurora Gathering 19:30

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Aurora Gathering 19:30
Date of Scene: 06 January 2024
Location: Roof, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Wonder Girl, Wasp (Pym), Starfire, Superman, Mon-El

Supergirl has posed:
It's a cool, clear winter's night, maybe a little too cool given the clear skies which are excellent for viewing the aurora borealis but not so great for keeping warm.

Which is why there is a large fire pit set up surrounded by lawn chairs for people to watch the stars while keeping warm. Some hot dogs and hot cocoa are being served at the side table and a large sign says 'Welcome!'
Wonder Girl has posed:
For an Open Day like this. Cassie happily decided to show up and fly the Titans flags. Luckily she doesn't have to worry about weather extremes so she can show up in character. Even if her 'uniform' consists mostly of things one would call merch.

Red leather pants with silver stars on her hips, a sleeveless high necked muscle top with a golden =W= logo across the front, black belt with the same logo. Some boots with a few inches of heel.

Having snagged a hotdog, she happily does the rounds being all friendly and welcoming to folks.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Ahhh yes. Astronomy. The stars. The nights sky. The /science/. Just try and keep the Unstoppable Wasp from an edutainment event!

Especially if there are hot dogs and cocoa. Everyone loves freshly cooked wieners. It's something her companions at GIRL have taught her. It's practically American culture 101.

The petite Russian super scientist is here and dressed for fun. In a lab coat and holding a clip board. On the off chance anyone is after awesome aurora facts.

And of course she has her Wasp costume underneath, minus the helmet, just in case they're called upon to fight crime before or after making s'mores.
Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r She's here too .. she's providing some heat and sun for those around as she walks, her hair glowing as she moves around.. she's not really walking, mostly floating. She's also wearing her uniform.. something more modest was suggested.. so she's got her top and booty shorts going as she beams a smile.. a bottle of mustard at her hip so she can enjoy the munchies!

Superman has posed:
A presence goes unseen by most, heard by less. Superman's flying toward Titan's Tower. Everything about the flight slows when he gets near the Tower. Anyone with advanced hearing could hear him coming, the sound of a personal aircraft darting toward the place. Sight would be maybe seeing movement in thee skies as he gets closer.

Then it's a slow decent downward. Something where everyone can see him. Quietly he floats down and gives the group a smile, "is this open for anyone?" he asks not wanting to be rude. However, his cousin -is- hosting. Everyone is flashed a friendly smile.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers for her part is dressed in something that is a cross between formal costume attire and casual. Actually she's just wearing a white long sleeved shirt with the classic red and gold S logo across the front, a gold belt and denim jeans. A cute black headband adorns her golden blonde hair.

Really the cold never bothered her anyway, but the cheerful light from the bonfire and Starfire's own source of heat and light are a welcome addition.

"Welcome everyone! Please make yourselves at home! We've got hot cocoa, hot dogs and viewing seats! I do believe we have a little time to mingle before the Aurora starts.." she glances expectantly at Nadia. "I'm sure Nadia would be happy to explain the science surrounding what exactly an Aurora borealis to begin with." she grins and nods to her.
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar arrives on the roof of the tower shortly after Kal, dressed casually to suit the cold weather even though the low temperature doesn't really bother him, either.

    Still, the bonfire is nice. He smiles amicably toward the group, making eye contact with each person at some point, before making his way over to one of the lawn chairs to have a seat.
Wonder Girl has posed:
The Aurora would be a great sight in the night sky. Even Cassie has some enthusiasm for it. Though she might also be eyeballing how many hot dogs might be left when everyone else has their chance at them

And abuse the hell out of her divine metabolism when she has a chance.

Nadia gets a grin and a nod of encouragement. "Isn't it just the way the night sky, star and moonlight just reflects of near frozen air?" she asks and maybe tries to get nerding going. Whether she guesses right or not, Cassandra is definitely encouraging someone to answer.
Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r She chomps on a hotdog that is covered in mustard and does one of those happy dances. " So sweet," She says brightly and beams a big smile.. " I have watched it with friends before. I enjoyed the lights it reminded me of home " She beams brightly

     She knows why but she dosn't bother to say.. right now she's enjoying the food too much like cassie.. getting away with her alien dna to eat lots! Then again when your as tall as superman it's easy to eat.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"I totally have /all of the information/," Nadia assures. "Historical and scientific."

She looks like she's bouncing on the spot trying to contain the urge to start science talk already. But contents herself with an eager chomp of the wiener. She's gone for all the condiment options and fully loaded it with extra topping options. Did the food selection have extra toppings? Maybe. Maybe not. But with Pym particles she's never far from... just about anything.

So even if Kara hasn't provided chili or bacon. Well poof there they are. She'd offer to share but does anyone want Soviet era MRE chili? Probably not.

She looks at Cassie and gasps in shock. "Oh no it's /nothing so simple/."

Strap yourselves in. Because now it's lecture time like it or not. "So Galileo Galilei coined the term aurora borealis in 1619. They happen when Energized particles slam into the atmosphere at seventy two million kilometres per hours. Although Galileo named them the earliest evidence we have of the phenomena is from cave paintings that're about thirty thousand years old."
Superman has posed:
Everyone's milling about. Superman's comforted by Starfire's costume because he's not in his civilians. It's the easiest way to explain all the flying.

He'll quickly grab some hot dogs. Then start to eat. "Thank you for hosting," Superman will say between bites.

He's sure to nood, wave and otherwise greet everyone there. Even if they have yet to meet or haven't really spoken in a while. He's doing his best to be personable.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers makes sure everyone is keeping warm, has a seat and has some refreshment before greeting some new and familiar faces.

"Cassie! How you been? it's been way too long!" she grins at Kory. "Love the outfit! Thanks for the much needed heat and light, it makes everything so much prettier!"

As Kal and Lar arrive together she smiles and waves them over. "Hey, glad you could make it, come join the party!"

Finally she turns expectantly to Nadia, settling down in a nearby seat to listen.
Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r Beams a big smile. " Thank you, friend Kara.. I'm just trying to help make things as pretty as the host," she says softly, giving a compliment!

     she hip bumps hello to Clark before she nods towards Mon-el. Nadia gets her attention, but she lets that girl geek out and, well, mostly pays attention to see if it's the same as what she knows from royal school.

     Cassie gets a big glomp hug and a kiss on the cheek. " Hello, friend.. " She says brightly.
Wonder Girl has posed:
Kara gets a big bright grin aimed at her. "Still kicking, about halfway through my archeology masters now. So also halfway to that PhD." she answers brightly.

Her own hotdog not quite as mustard laden as Kori's though, it's also got a small line of ketchup running with it. An arm stretched so that when that glomping and kiss is given and returned with a big squeeze, no sauce spills on either woman.

"Game recognize game!" she adds with a point of her finger on her not quite free hand, aiming around the bun she holds.
Superman has posed:
"No place I'd rather be, Kara," Superman says honestly. She's the only blood relative he has. So, Superman does savor time with her.

Superman will return the hip bump. "Starefire,' he gives a soft smile to her. "How are you?"

"Wonder Girl," Superman will give a wave, but he's a hugger. If anyone goes to hug him, he'll return it.Superman is a hugger.

"Lar. How have you been? It's good t see you adjusting to Earth again," Lar is also family. It's hard to return back to Earth.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"You see the actual science behind how the Northern Lights work wasn't proposed until relatively recently," Nadia continues. Probably she'll be trying to talk science for the rest of the gathering... When she's not eating a remarkable amount of food for a petite young woman that is. "Kristian Birkeland came up with a theory that electrons emitted from sunspots produced the atmospheric lights. And that it was a result of Earths magnetic field guiding them. Anyway sadly Birkeland passed away in 1917 long before the scientific proof was established confirming the theory was correct."

Probably the lights look very different to the various aliens who call Earth home. Can Kryptonians see the electrons directly? They do have very super vision...

"Fun fact. Vikings believed that they were caused by light reflecting from the armour of the Valkyrie."

Probably she should fact check this with Thor if she ever gets chance.
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar smiles to Kara as she greets he and Superman, helping himself to a hot dog as well. Can't complain about most Terran cuisine, really. He listens to Nadia's talk about auroras, smiling slightly as he knows the answers to that already but now wasn't the time for spoilers.

    The Vikings bit was interesting, though. "Valkyrie, huh? That's the one with the wings?"
Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r Beams a smile " I'm good been doing lots of that " she frowns " ahh right modeling stuff " She grins " and fighting bad guys " She makes a few air punches.. " but it is good to see friends and watch pretty lights "
Superman has posed:
"Modeling?" Superman asks with curiousity. It's a genuine question. The reporter in him doesn't really leave. So questions come natural. "You'll have to explain the Holiday to Kara and Lar some time, give them the prespective of someon that didn't grow up on Earth," he says thinking this is a good idea. Superman might not know what exactly he's asking.