15890/That Wonderful Time Of Year

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That Wonderful Time Of Year
Date of Scene: 14 December 2023
Location: Themysciran Embassy - Manhattan
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Troia, Wonder Girl

Wonder Woman has posed:
It doesn't matter what holiday(s) a person chooses to celebrate. In Manhattan and the surrounding burroughs options are abundant. The melting pot that is New York City has formed with it a mingling of all the representative cultures. Christmas, Hanukka, Kwanza and even the more pagan celebrations are to be found within the sprawl of the city.

At the Themysciran Embassy, Diana has finished her daily Ambassadorial duties and has retired to her residence. Dressed in a warm sweater and leggings, she curls up in the corner of the sofa with a fresh cup of hot tea. Slipping her fingers around the mug, she savors the warmth with a small sip and a sigh. She expected her sisters would be by soon and then it will be time to make plans. The Amazons have their own winter traditions influenced by Ancient Greek culture and the gods of Olympus.
Troia has posed:
Donna was tempted to embody the melting pot of cultures and traditions when she dropped in to visit her sister... until she realized how delicate that proposition was. And so she's gone for something a touch more monotheistic, as she descends from on high in a stereotypical santa hat and a comfortably garish sweater that is festooned with felt reindeer, only one of which has a red nose.

Of course, that's atop her version of her sister's iconic outfit, with silver bracers and greaves... and her tiara peeking out from under that jaunty festive hat. She's fighting not to smile /too/ brightly as she strides in from the balcony with a cheery little hum, eyebrows lifting as she chimes out, "My my. So very cozy already." She tilts her head in mock thoughtfulness, "I think perhaps /all/ meetings for planning should be done with comfortable sweaters and warm beverages."
Wonder Girl has posed:
Being an Olympian, it really felt weird acknowledging that many of the festivals and feasts celebrated in ancient Greece, and by extent and still carried Themyscira are in honor of Cassandra Sandmarks actual paternal family. Being winter it meant a lot of time was often dedicated to either her Aunt Demeter or her brother Dionysus.

The actual dates were subject to change. So she'd waited for the call for that planning to happen.

Sure she turned up and trained and hung out plenty, maybe not as much time spent with both her sisters at the same time but she'll take a good excuse like planning to bring them together. Coming in in Yoga pants in black, some big gold hollow starts printed on each hip and thigh while a tee in red at the shoulders and blue at the bottom half separated by the usual gold =W= emblem on her chest.

More than a few times the other Amazons teased her about dressing like Captain Marvel. To Cassie's amusement. "So didn't we just do like Thesmophoria already? Or did I miss that one and Persephone this year? I might have been studying too much." she jokes at her own expense.
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince has had longer (we won't discuss how much) than Cassie to adjust to the idea that most festivals honor and tribute the gods. That she, too, is a daughter of Zeus it's just the way it is. Considering the blessings that the Olympic Pantheon gave to many cultures and the region of the Mediterranean, it did seem only right that mortals chose to give something back. That was the exchange rate. Blessings and bounty for honor and belief. The currency exchange of any sound religon.

Smiling as she could sense Donna approaching the Embassyand then stepping inside, Diana looked up at her mirror image. Her hair is down, the sweater she has chosen to wear has a certain animated buck-toothed snowman declaring "I like warm hugs!". Because it's cute. And hugs are nice.

"I would be willing to enact such a policy were it put to a vote" she teases Donna back.

Diana is looking to the doorway then as Cassie enters and she is offered the same warm smile.

"There is a fresh pot of water for tea if either of you would like some. Parnia sent a fresh shippment of tea from the Island. The peppermint is.. fragrant." Fair warning!

Then to the questions. "Mmm. Yes, Cassie. But you know traditions. There are always celebrations to be had.." her eyes smile. "I thought for the Embassy it would be nice to decide what we should do. I have told the staff they may decorate and celebrate as their beliefs may be and as they feel comfortable. So, too, for ourselves."
Troia has posed:
Donna's eyes glint as she strides across the room, only to lift up and float the last few feet to Diana's cozy lounging, all the better to lift into the air and rotate gracefully to hug down upon her. In honor of her sweater of course. She hums out softly, "Oh, well I think a vote might be more narrow than we would expect. I don't think everyone enjoys tacky sweaters! Alas."

Donna hisses out a soft breath then and floats back down to properly walk towards the awaiting hot water and tea, only to flash a bright smile to Cassie and lift her hand in a little finger-wiggling wave. "Cassie, if there is one thing I have learned is common across cultures, times, and space... it is that everyone likes having as many holidays as possible! I imagine, once long ago, people complained about how Babylonian festival decorations were going up earlier and earlier, and it cheapened the holidays."

She nods her head to Diana with a crooked smile, "That's very kind of you. I imagine it will make the Embassy most interesting for people to tour." Her eyes narrow ever so slightly and she chimes out, "Oh! And your friend Ms. Quinn says hello! I haven't seen you since I ran into her to pass the message along! ...Well, she ran into me. It was..." Her head tilts thoughtfully, "An experience."
Wonder Girl has posed:
Hugs come first! Cassandra obviously picked up some of the conversation of her darker haired sisters as she was rounding down hallways. And the little sister hugs both Diana and Donna pretty good with a few squeezes for it.

The tea soon comes after and she makes herself a cup. She might be fine with cold weather like the other two demigoddesses in the room, but that doesn't mean she can't enjoy a cuppa. The strength of the peppermint does get her making an ooooh sound. "It's almost like breathing ice." she states and grins.

"Most cultures love having days where we don't have to actually work. But getting cross cultural, around the Haloa. I should bake some special cookies for it. That will fit perfectly between holidays." this gets a very, very playful grin on her features.
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince hugs Donna as her sister performs an aerobatic manuever worthy of the circus. Smiling warmly, she hugs back tightly.

"Oh yes. We have all learned too well that if mortals are not complaining about one thing or another they aren't happy." It just seems to backwards.

SAs she reaches to hug Cassie into the group hug with Donna, the mention of Harley causes Diana to tilt her head, "Harleen? I haven't seen her in some time. I hope that she is well." Pausing she adds, "I'm certain that if she were not, Batman would see to the matter. In his own delicate ways." Because his delicate and tactful handling of matters is exactly what Batman is known for.
Troia has posed:
Donna grins crookedly and bobs her head, "Oh! She seems quite well. I was able to convince her not to go searching for secret passages and treasures. She seemed /most/ certain you have a secret treasury in the Embassy."

Donna cups her mug of steeping tea, inhaling the scent of mint downright greedily before she slinks down onto the couch to settle next to Diana and join her sisters in leisure.

She bobs her head to Cassie with a little grin, "Ah! If there is one thing mortals enjoy more than holidays it /is/ thematic cookies. ...Or complicated seasonal coffee drinks. But that seems... far more involved than cookies."

She sips her tea slowly, serenely, clearly not judging anyone who is a fan of seasonal flavoured coffee drinks. She most certainly does not have a stack of paper cups to toss out in her trash in her quarters or anything. "Perhaps we could also host some small get together. Invite our friends and family as it were." She tilts her head and hums out, "Perhaps a trip back to the Island in the new year, to give everyone a short break /from/ the seasonal weather."
Wonder Girl has posed:
"I'm sure she's behaving well enough. Harley can be difficult to read I hear!" the blonde states. she hadn't met that blonde. But the doctor is pretty famous among the Gotham crowd she and Donna hang with amonng the Titans.

"You mean we don't have somewhere we store our more valuable artifacts, weapons, armor, and petty cash?" she asks back to Donna with a grin.

Cassie might have gone exploring a few times herself as a kid. This was back when she was still stealing as well. So she might have been caught a few times.